Sephiroth posted on 10-3-2014 11:16 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
pasal dia tak bagi kau ilmu saintifik dan teknology utk dikongsi dgn manusia lain? Dalam erti kata lain - apasal tuhan kau tak ada berikan benda2 yg berguna kpd manusia?
Nampak gaya nya saintifik dan teknology gagal lagi ...
One week wasted in searching wrong area (malaysiakini)
jadi, vision dan six sense saya lebih hebat dari saintifik dan teknologi...pasti bukan di laut tapi di hutan tebal...
kita tunggu ...adakah saintifik dan teknology dpt melawan six sense dan vision saya kerana ia nya dari Tuhan.....yg pasti bukan pada kelapa dan objet utk melihat..
Last edited by Truth.8 on 16-3-2014 01:19 PM
Who are the Uyghurs? Islamic militants in China who could be linked to missing Malaysia Airlines flight
The largely Muslim ethnic minority group the Uyghurs could be linked with the missing Malaysia Airlines flight.
Just last week the group was blamed for a violent attack at a Chinese train station.
On Saturday flight MH370 disappeared around 100 miles north of the Malaysian coast carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew.
The plane is presumed to have crashed off the Vietnamese coast after losing contact with air traffic controllers.
The plane was last detected on radar at 5.30pm UK time on Friday.
An airline tracking website suggested it plunged 650ft and changed direction before it vanished.
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/wor ... -flight-who-3222758
p/s : maybe the malaysia goverment can bring those Uighurs, an ethnic Muslim here to give them opportunity ...since this peoples can work and well verse in business compare the country men here who need tongkat...
Last edited by Truth.8 on 17-3-2014 10:00 AM
Three million join satellite search for missing MH370 - read here
hahaahha so called technology and science
When come big problem ...than every one think of GOD and pray seeking for help...when times are good....all forget GOD .
What kind humans is this???
The missing plane MH370 a lesson for humans to remember the Supreme to seek help. ...
Or do we need to remember HIM only in time of trouble?
Just like our parents....when kids grown up...they do not bother their parents....when problem arised...they run back to their parents home for guidance and help....how hurts the parents feels when their kids does that?
So does our Creator as we are HIS childrens....
p/s: dont seek help only in time of trouble rather build a close relationship with Creator all the time...whether in time of good or bad...
Last edited by Truth.8 on 18-3-2014 11:01 PM
berpuluh -puluh kapal laut dan kapal terbang canggih ...tak mampu cari di dasar laut...the so called technology and science .....
last2 di hutan tebal di pulau atau di negeri... |
I really don't want to be bothered about the disappearance of MH370. But I do have a tip for searchers :
Find the time when the blimp appeared in the radar (of various countries).
Compare it and create a time frame.
This will show the movement of the airplane, including the one in Maldavis. And it will give a rough estimation of which direction MH370 was moving, narrowing down the search pattern.
If the plane had 7+ hours of fuel (for argument sake, let's say 10 hrs), it wasted about 4 hours circling Malaysia, an hour moving down to Strait of Melaka and persumed to fly Westarn where fishermen in Maldavis said to see a low flying plane around 6.00 in the morning.
If it took off at 12.20 and reached Maldivas at 6.00 in the morning (the next day) with a fuel tank which lasts 10 hours. Which means it still has fuel for about 3 and half hours of flight. The searchers should check with Seychelles (in the West), Diego Garcia and Mauritius.
Note :- IF the plane do not want to be found, it will head North-West along the Arabia Sea in direction of Oman. |
Sephiroth posted on 19-3-2014 11:10 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I really don't want to be bothered about the disappearance of MH370. But I do have a tip for searche ...
the fact remaind...is NOT in sea....but in deep jungles ...
Truth.8 posted on 19-3-2014 11:18 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
the fact remaind...is NOT in sea....but in deep jungles ...
I really don't give crap about your facts. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Sephiroth posted on 19-3-2014 12:55 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I really don't give crap about your facts.
it was you mentioned in sea and rest of the world....with your stupid statments on teknologi and sains...
let see who is right
Truth.8 posted on 9-3-2014 09:57 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kesian ...masih cari2.....
ini clue kedua:
Penduduk Pulau Maldives dakwa nampak jet terbang rendah
803 0 0
Ketika pencarian multinasional kehilangan pesawat penerbangan Malaysia Airlines (MAS) diperhebatkan, sebuah portal berita dari Maldives melaporkan bahawa penduduk mendakwa melihat sebuah jet terbang rendah pada 8 Mac, iaitu hari pesawat Boeing 777-ER, lenyap.
Penduduk di kawasan pedalaman pulau Maldives, Kuda Huvadhoo di Dhaal Atoll mendakwa melihat sebuah pesawat terbang rendah pada hari pesawat MAS penerbangan MH370 dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing hilang daripada radar, menurut laman web Haveeru.
Ia menyebut penduduk Kuda Huvadhoo memberitahu laman web berkenaan pada Selasa bahawa mereka melihat pesawat itu pada 6.15 pagi pada 8 Mac.
Mereka berkata bahawa ia adalah pesawat putih dengan jalur merah merentasinya - iaitu sebagaimana menyerupai pesawat MAS, lapor laman web itu.
Para saksi dari Kuda Huvadhoo bersetuju bahawa kapal terbang itu dalam perjalanan utara ke tenggara, menuju ke penghujung selatan Maldives -Addu, menurut laporan itu.
Mereka juga menyatakan bahawa bunyi yang amat kuat didengari daripada pesawat berkenaan ketika terbang melintasi pulau berkenaan, tambahnya.
"Saya tidak pernah melihat jet terbang begitu rendah di atas pulau kami sebelum ini. Kami melihat pesawat laut, tetapi saya pasti ia bukan sebuah daripadanya. Saya juga boleh melihat pintu pesawat itu dengan jelas," menurut saksi sebagaimana dilaporkan.
"Bukan saya sahaja, malah beberapa penduduk yang lain melaporkan melihat benda sama dengan jelas. Sesetengah orang keluar juga dari rumah mereka untuk melihat apa yang menyebabkan bunyi yang amat kuat itu," kata saksi kepada Haveeru.
Ahli Majlis pulau Kuda Huvadhoo Mohamed Zaheem berkata penduduk pulau telah bercakap mengenai insiden berkenaan.
Seorang pakar penerbangan tempatan memberitahu Haveeru bahawa ia 'mungkin' bagi MH370 untuk terbang melepasi Maldives. Kemungkinan mana-mana pesawat terbang di atas pulau itu pada masa yang dilaporkan adalah amat rendah, menurut pakar.
Truth.8: ya lah di tengah2 hutan tebal lah..cari lah...dari awal lagi saya dah bagitau...l...nak cari juga dilaut juga...konon nya teknologi canggih...heheheh
Last edited by Truth.8 on 19-3-2014 02:48 PM
Truth.8 posted on 19-3-2014 02:27 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
it was you mentioned in sea and rest of the world....with your stupid statments on teknologi and s ...
Do whatever that pleases you. I really don't care. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Esok atau minggu ini boleh jumpa...naluri saya berkata...![](static/image/smiley/default/innocent0001.gif) |
Source : http://my.news.yahoo.com/aussie- ... ysia-073000849.html
The alacrity, transparency and neutrality of the response stood in contrast to Malaysia's actions, which have invited criticism by some and condemnation by others.
In the early days, Malaysia held on to critical information that could have shed valuable information on the plane's whereabouts. And when it finally shared that information, it turned out to be nearly a week old.
Malaysia insisted that the information needed to be corroborated by, as it repeatedly said, global agencies such as the US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA), National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the UK's Air Accidents Investigation Board (AAIB).
It was also not until two days ago that it finally clarified the timeline of the crucial moments before the plane's disappearance.
Malaysia also chose to put a variety of personalities in front of the media, not all of whom were familiar with the matters they were answering to but still spoke with apparent authority.
The answers that came at times sounded confused. At others, they were delivered with an anxiety that suggested an evasiveness where none probably existed.
This allowed misinformation and misinterpretation to cloud available facts, at a time when a word said in error could spread from one end of the world to the other in an instant.
Malaysia also chose not to address those errors quickly, often waiting until the next daily press conference to seemingly contradict the information shared the day before, much to the chagrin of the reporters covering the events.
At times, Malaysia has acted with a lack of delicacy. Yesterday, authorities forcibly removed Chinese relatives of those aboard MH370 from speaking with media following the daily press conference at the Sama-Sama Hotel in Sepang.
Decisions to only brief lawmakers from the ruling administration rather than share the information it had in Parliament also suggested an unwillingness to set aside enmities long enough for a matter of national concern.
It is clear that Malaysian Government do not have the capability to handle this problem clearly. It is my suggestion that Chinese Government request a coalation of various governments to handle this case. They could set up a team of experts and allow them to operate within the borders of the countries in Indian Ocean for faster and effective results.
Also, this measures can be made permanent to handle any cases of such cases in near future, instead of relying on one useless government (like Malaysia).
It is clear that Malaysian Government do not have the capability to handle this problem clearly. It is my suggestion that Chinese Government request a coalation of various governments to handle this case. They could set up a team of experts and allow them to operate within the borders of the countries in Indian Ocean for faster and effective results.
Also, this measures can be made permanent to handle any cases of such cases in near future, instead of relying on one useless government (like Malaysia).
It seems country men not able to handle anything to manage this country well. now report today.
Polis tertindak sindiket ancam pegawai kastam
So the missing plane got 'hikmah disebaliknya kejadian ini" ...the whole world now seeing how weak is our country managed by country men...not first time...happening for so many years from administration, law enforcement , education and etc...
thanks GOD I already seen all this nonsense thru out my years and now going retire from business...sad to see our younger generations...how they going handle this situation...
Even yesterday i watched in tv...students (malays) so happy got A+ , what ponder me , can they handle if given a job in near future???![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Look at chinese , some not even educated like me...are more sucessful ...
paper education is not how you study to actived but how you managed your life , public and the country...
Last edited by Truth.8 on 21-3-2014 12:11 PM
hmmm some how I feels so positive feelings today , doing all the house cleaning myself which normally hired maid to do do ..... maybe it a sign where the plane might be discover... |
anwarnuwa posted on 21-3-2014 02:25 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
uncle. xde kaitan cina atau melayu atau india. dapat A tak semestinya berjaya. dapat C,D tak semes ... uncle. xde kaitan cina atau melayu atau india. dapat A tak semestinya berjaya. dapat C,D tak semestinya gagal dalam hidup. itu general statement
btw..uncle business ape? nak belajar dengan uncle boleh? sy tengah belajar2 business sambilan ni
adik....umur b'apa?
jgn panggil uncle lah..tak lah tua sangat pun....jiwa muda dan awet muda ...sentiasa nampak muda aja...kalau panggil uncle jiwa jadi negative pula..
ok, abg tunggu jawapan adik dgn penuh hormat![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Truth.8 posted on 21-3-2014 06:42 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
adik....umur b'apa?
jgn panggil uncle lah..tak lah tua sangat pun....jiwa muda dan awet muda .. ...
jangan panggil adik..rasa budak2 pulak. aku baru 20an haha
anwarnuwa posted on 21-3-2014 03:15 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
jangan panggil adik..rasa budak2 pulak. aku baru 20an haha jangan panggil adik..rasa budak2 pulak. aku baru 20an haha
nampak gaya ...anda masih dlm 20'an....masih belum kena dunia lagi...macam uncle ...opss abg...dulu umur 18 tahun masih belum kena dunia...mudah kena tipu dan lain...
kerja sebagai budak pejabat , pelayan di night club, bar , hotel, penghibur , kerja di kerjaan pejabat polis, PA pada tan sri, pentadbir hingga lah kini menjalankan perniagaan ...
macam2 saya mengalami pengalaman...bagus juga Pencipta memberi dugaan macam ini...boleh merasai susah senang...jadi apa saya lihat adalah pengalaman...bila saya tulis melayu ini jenis lambat , dan memerlukan tongkat dan buka perniagaan macam biskut ..sekejap ada sekejap tak ada lah fakta atas pengalaman saya...
saya mengambil pekerja melayu... hampa....bila mengambil pekerja cina...berjaya....
jadi kalau nak berjaya...kena ambil pekerja cina tak perlu kongsi tapi pekerja cina ok...
dlm urusan kerjaaan malaysia...kamu tengok lah..macam mana melayu tugas...waktu kerja ...makan sarapan...pukul 10 pagi...cuba adik ke singapore, jepun atau china...ada mereka buat macam ini?
adik kena mengalami pengalaman dulu baru boleh rasa...
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