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Author: Esmiria

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 05:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
General discussion
Best friend: “I’m so sorry about this.”
Me: “Hey, stop it, there is nothing we cannot
talk about!”
Best friend: “It’s my brother… he’s sick. I will
need a lot of money.”
Me: “Man, snap out of it. Come on!”
Best friend: “…Thank you, but I don’t think it’s
Me: “I can lend you anything you want, you
don’t even have to ask.”
Best friend: “You are great. And errr, well…”
Me: “Please, take the rest of my dinner if you
want it.”
Best friend: “Yeah, thanks.”
Me: “Why would you say stuff like that? We’re
best pals right?”
Best friend: “I’m thinking of killing myself…
But now you are here. Now I don’t have to.”
Me: “Hey, it’s alright, don’t worry too much
about it.”
Best friend: “I’m, sorry to bug you this late at

Jawapan-dia cakap dengah roh kawan baik dia. Dia bunuh kawan baik dia.

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Post time 19-11-2014 05:36 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 19-11-2014 05:17 PM
Can you solve these riddles?
1. My name is Joshua, I have a girlfriend who

No 2. Twin tu poison mak die...

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 05:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Life after prison

So I always wondered how life is after prison.
Did my family miss me?
I got out of of the prison yesterday. I’ve
missed my family.
I was still a minor when I committed the
crime. They were kind enough to let me go
after three years. It was all over the news at
that time. I do feel sorry for my family. Next
time I won’t be so stupid. I’ve decided to get
a job as soon as possible to support my
Life is hard. Especially after getting out of the

Why do I have to help my family anyway? I’m
barely over 18. After I got caught, my parents
just continued their live as usual, and my
sister studied hard and by now, she should
have finished college. For three years they’ve
been living off of savings. The money I worked
hard for. I always wondered if they are doing
fine without me.

I figured they must all hate me a lot. But when
I got home, they were all acting like nothing’s
happened. My mom just watching TV, and my
sister drying her hair while reading her
messages on some website.

My dad was the only one paying some
attention to me.
“Hey, I know life after prison is hard. But get a
job soon, will ya?”
Man, I have to find work soon…

Answer life after prison
Well, that is some nice greeting from family
members after being gone for three years…
They probably didn’t love him so much. If they
did, they wouldn’t let him kill people for
money. The family is living off the money the
son earned by murdering people. The father is
suggesting him to find a job soon (killing
people) to earn money for them. I feel sorry
for the kid. He has no idea what is going on.
Life after prison is hard. But with family like
that, the prison doesn’t make any difference.

Semua soklan yang serta jawapan begini, .. credit to-scaryriddlesandstories

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 05:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sham-xv1986 posted on 19-11-2014 09:36 AM
No 2. Twin tu poison mak die...

Errrrrr..errrrr. haku nk bca blik.hih

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Post time 19-11-2014 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 19-11-2014 05:37 PM
Errrrrr..errrrr. haku nk bca blik.hih

sebab twin tu masak utk satu family, tapi untuk mak bagi makanan lain... hehehe


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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 05:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalo aku buat scarry stories n post kat sini mcm yg versi inggeris sini, korang sudi baca?

bukan cerpen..mcm short giler punya cerita?

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 05:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
My classmate

When I was a kid, I had a classmate who
always sits alone in the class. I felt bad for
him so I tried to talk with him. I approached
him and we had a short conversation about
video games. It actually a really nice guy. I
have no idea why he’s so anti-social. We
started hanging out during breaks, and after a
while, I would walk home with him every day.

One time, on our way home, I wanted to ask
him to study together for the finals.

“Hey, we’ve got finals really soon? Do you
want to study with me with me? How about

“Sorry, tomorrow is the release date of Diablo
1, I waited so long for this game. I’m going to
skip school to buy it.”

“Dude… you should stop playing so much
video games and concentrate more on
school… But on the other hand, you do
nothing but play games almost every day and
night, and you still manage to get the highest
grade in our class. How do you do that?”
“Oh, I didn’t tell you yet, I can actually see the
future. I know what will appear on the tests,
so I can prepare the answers.”
“Holy cow! You should buy a lottery ticket and
become a millionaire! And you will share some
money with me, right? Since we are pals and

“Calm down, haha. It was a stupid joke.”
And so my classmate skipped the class to buy
his video game. The week after, he got an A
for his finals. So not fair.

Answer my classmate
Diablo 1, never got the chance to play it. I did
play Diablo 3 however. I played together with
my classmate and best friend. In my opinion,
a great game, but people kept saying the
previous ones are better. When Diablo 1
released, people would just call it Diablo,
right? Because they don’t know if the next
game will be released, so it would be weird to
call it Diablo 1.

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 05:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sham-xv1986 posted on 19-11-2014 09:38 AM
sebab twin tu masak utk satu family, tapi untuk mak bagi makanan lain... hehehe

Eaaa..betullah. asal aku tak perasan. memang beri mknan len.jahat punya twinss

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Post time 19-11-2014 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 19-11-2014 05:27 PM
Ada kemungkinan tapi yang abbas888 mungkin btul kot?

hehe kalo gitu:
1. jin granted the wish - parents disapear
2. parents disapear - budak tu tak exist
3. budak tak exist - tak jumpe genie lamp, jin tak muncul
4. jin tak muncul - tak buat wish so parents tak disapear.
5. parents tak disapear - budak tu exist
6. budak tu wish parents disapear
7. ulang (1)

in the end: paradox.

pendapatan aku: ni bukan time travel. budak tu simply wish parents die disapear, so patutnye parent die vanish gitu je. lagipun at the end, parents still exist, budak tu still exist, n jin tu dah granted the wish - so no paradox.

answer paling mudah: tu bukan parents sebenar.
Last edited by sham-xv1986 on 19-11-2014 05:51 PM


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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 05:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sham-xv1986 posted on 19-11-2014 09:49 AM
hehe kalo gitu:
1. jin granted the wish - parents disapear
2. parents disapear - budak tu tak ex ...

Yer..betul gak tu.. eh sham, ko baca soklan aku kat post#86.

pandai tukang buat teka teki ni belit ea.

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Post time 19-11-2014 05:57 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 19-11-2014 05:53 PM
Yer..betul gak tu.. eh sham, ko baca soklan aku kat post#86.

pandai tukang buat teka teki ni be ...

aku rase....
budak tu actually CAN see the future...
sebab die panggil game tu Diablo 1 - untuk first release mane ade orang panggil gitu.
so budak tu tau akan kuar Diablo 2, and Diablo 3.
Betulla die cakap die tau soklan exam yang nak kuar - so die bleh prepare jawapan.

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 05:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sham-xv1986 posted on 19-11-2014 09:57 AM
aku rase....
budak tu actually CAN see the future...
sebab die panggil game tu Diablo 1 - untuk  ...

Answernya sudah ader sham. Ntah2 dia antu. Lol.

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Post time 19-11-2014 06:01 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 19-11-2014 05:59 PM
Answernya sudah ader sham. Ntah2 dia antu. Lol.

eh aku silap bace daaaa.... malu2. sori.

silekan la post kan short stories tu. boleh je bace... hehehehe
kadang2 nak gak bace bende pendek2 je...

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 06:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sham-xv1986 posted on 19-11-2014 10:01 AM
eh aku silap bace daaaa.... malu2. sori.

silekan la post kan short stories tu. boleh je bace... ...

takper Sham. Aku dah berapa kali malu dlm thread ni. Kena tebal muka.

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 06:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kisah Pendek 1-Kekasih

Kehilangan orang tersayang sangat mengundang kesedihan  ke ruang hatiku. Siapa tak hiba kan atas kematian kekasih sendiri?

Kekasih aku bernama Hisham. Kami sudah lama berpacaran. Hari ini sudah masuk 6 tahun kami dilamun cinta.

Banyak kenangan manis dicipta oleh kami berdua. Dan tidak sesekali aku lupakan kenangan itu. Bagiku, walhal dia dah tiada nafas, dia masih hidup.

Aku bakal meraikan ulang tahun percintaan kami pada malam ini. Hanya untuk kami berdua.

Kehkrh..konteks stori aku ni mcm " its horror when you know the meaning. ". So korang kena pklah maksud cerita ini. Harap skeri..hihi


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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 06:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kisah Pendek 2- Kucing

Mempunyai kucing di dalam rumah sangat menyeronokkan. Cuma apabila kucing aku melepas di sesetengah sudut di rumah, ia sangat menjengkelkan. Bengkek juga hati aku ini kadang-kadang.

Tapi, ia okay. Aku tak kisah. Sebab aku sayang dia.

"Hello." ucap Fin, rakanku di hujung talian.
"Ya, ada apa?" tanyaku perlahan.
"Wei, terima kasih sebab bagi aku pinjam kucing kau. Tapi dia hilang." balas Fin.
"Ermm..takpelah. Nanti kita cari sama-sama k?"
"Okay! Aku masak lauk daging lebih ni. Kau nak makan?" kata Fin dalam nada teruja.
"Yer. Jap aku mai." tuturku seraya memutuskan talian.

"Meowwwwww." kucing aku membuat bunyi. Aku tersenyum. Aku pergi ke tong sampah untuk buang sampah bila aku teringat sesuatu...

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Post time 19-11-2014 06:49 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 19-11-2014 06:44 PM
Kisah Pendek 2- Kucing

Mempunyai kucing di dalam rumah sangat menyeronokkan. Cuma apabila kucing  ...

Fin dah masak kucing die?
So kucing yang mengiau adelah??

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 07:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sham-xv1986 posted on 19-11-2014 10:49 AM
Fin dah masak kucing die?
So kucing yang mengiau adelah??

Ko ni..cepat sgt tangkap. cer tangkap hat yang no.1.

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 08:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kisah Pendek 3-Ibu

Ibuku seorang pembersih. Setiap hari , dia akan meluangkan 5 jam untuk memastikan keseluruhan rumah bersih. Aku sebagai anak, mampu diam.

Suatu malam, aku sedang makan malam bersama ibu. Masakan ibu memang sedap. Bila aku hendak mencuci pinggan, aku nampak bayanganku di dinding dapur. Kemudian aku mengajak ibuku tidur di bilik.

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 08:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kisah pendek 4-Jelita

Si gadis jelita. Itulah gelaran mereka bagiku. Hairan sebenarnya. Kebelakangan ini, aku sering berjumpa mereka tetapi mereka akan nampak pucat. Tetapi selepas aku menggantikan Ariana untuk menghadirkan diri ke sekolah, semua orang panggil aku gelaran itu.

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