[tvN/Netflix] Alchemy of Souls - Lee Jae Wook, Jung So Min, Go Youn Jung
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mbhcsf replied at 28-8-2022 01:44 PM
u know, i rasa yg tempoh tiada tayangan tu kononnya alsan untuk baiki kualiti ep finale and juga kes ...
I read it somewhere kata utk improved the cgi. I think la not only cgi...the choppy frame cut, frame sequence, narration semua pun ada yg tukar. Nampak macam keje last minute kan? Maybe viewer rating n feedback derang try to consider but ofcos the end result tak sebagus benda yg well planned. Benda kena go thorough check point kot..ni bukan beta reader / viewer je..sampai level gamma tetra rrader patutnya kot nak bg nampak flaws yg cicir. |
mbhcsf replied at 28-8-2022 02:36 PM
yeszaaa....okay got you , the queen yg tak dapat energy hokiess...
i tengok badminton world cham ...
Final dah ke? |
Edited by sitisbp at 28-8-2022 02:59 PM
Jalan2 tmt lain. Everyone pun screaming ya for CP.. he is the best. No one can see this coming. His character build up makes everyone rooting for him..support him..love him. Tibahhh tukar jd jahat n all our aos fandom losing their shit . We all share a single braincell for cp hahaha |
sitisbp replied at 28-8-2022 12:03 PM
Ok now lets go back to the cacing scene.
Soli stop talking so what can the cacing do to save seo y ...
And jinmu can cast spell through the worm kan? The worm can eat the host from inside out. So does this mean seo yul in danger as well. If jinmu get a wind of this apalah yg dia akan buat. |
Edited by sitisbp at 28-8-2022 07:06 PM
Dugun dugun dugun dugunnnn ...mmg Open ending la ni.
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Post time 28-8-2022 03:56 PM
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Rupa2nya bukan iols sorang yg x puas hati with jang gang’s return…skodeng komen2 kat twitter, ramai rupa2nya yg x puas hati jugak…nasib baiklah i x invest byk masa sgt kat citer ni…so xdelah frust sgt…hong sisters kot…memang x boleh menaruh harapan terlalu tinggi kat diorg ni… |
xyla73 replied at 28-8-2022 03:56 PM
Rupa2nya bukan iols sorang yg x puas hati with jang gang’s return…skodeng komen2 kat twitter, rama ...
Mmg bukan u sorang tak puas hati dgn comeback janggang , dlm ni pun kami2 yg lain tak puas hati tp maybe u tak sempat baca la kan sbb byk.
Edited by sitisbp at 28-8-2022 05:30 PM
Its hard to accept the sudden change. He has always been level headed. He even admit that he might be tempted if jinmu offered the ice stone power to him. So for him to easily fall for jinmu manipulation its hard to swallow. Dia dah letgo dah mudeok tu..he even understood that those born under the king star will not necessarily inherit the throne..why the change of heart cp gowon oiii. Acik is sad.
The changes is rushed so its weaken the so far a truly great stories. |
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ye i x sempat nak baca sebab baru abis binge watch citer lain kat netflix
hari ni je ada 80+ comments kat board ni which i guess mostly contributed by this thread...
Edited by sitisbp at 28-8-2022 05:15 PM
Let see if tonite we can have more insight.
What happen to her?
What will happen to seo yul? He still moaned at nite..so is it cause by the worm?
We do not know what kind of spell jinmu used to control the worm from eating soli from the inside..so we do not know how it will affect seo yul. |
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Anyone nak teka sapa yg dimaksudkan?
Aci ke kalau jinmu kacau soul naksu masuk dlm prophecy master lee ni?
Buyeon tu pun hasil sorcery so i still rasa dia patut mati sbb asal pun dah mati. I kureng warm up dgn idea yg dia masih perlu hidup. Let her die so CP will learned the lesson the hard way. What was not meant to be will never be. |
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rolypoly replied at 28-8-2022 11:35 AM
overall ep 19 ni adalah episode yg menjawab persoalan but in the same time memberi lebih banyak pers ...
Byk lobang kan..i wish it was presented better. Pasal janguk hilang kuasa tu, my assumption is sbb nak tunjuk janguk is the improved version of master seo.
Master seo had the chance to do the same tp dia tewas sbb nak guna utk selamatkan seolran.
Yes maybe its a way writer nak hilangkan kuasa janguk.
Janguk pulak willing to lose all his energy and live a normal life with mudeoknaksu and bebaskan semua dr barrier icestone especially yul yg dlm keadaan kritikal. Dia tak selfish.
Dialog betwen naksu n buyeon apparition tu
"Does this mean i have no control over this power"
" there is one thing you can do of your own free will which is to not use it".
Mcm nak ckp there is no short cut la nak apa pun. But i believes janguk can rebuilt his energy.
Apak choyeon hmm
Ya..part laki jin hogyeong mmg tak masuk la. Dah la awal2 contradiction dgn statement jinmu tak clear lg..tambah pulak watak dia tiba lembut hati sbb choyeon?? The same father yg masukkan worm tu? Make it make sense?
King tu entahla..sissy betholl. Tp dia consistently sissy la n mmg not a worthy king gitu.
Ya CP mmg nampak sgt setting utk season 2. Cuma timing placing n pertukaran watak yg tak cantik tu agak menjengkelkan.
Edited by mbhcsf at 28-8-2022 09:51 PM
i dah tengok yg tak ade subtitled punye.
Memang elok ade part II - sebab?
sebab i rasa finale AOS ni macam ?
yes level akhir macam GRID
i mean...messy loose part I ending - sebab ye ke nak focus on Yul and Naksu in part 2?
hmm ade part babak lain yg dalam part i masih tergantung tu...i mean it felt like GRID ep 10. seriously so
ni Hong sisters ye write ups okay.
Part 2 better wrap up.
poor jung uk but , then wow jung uk - tak tau ape makne.
Edited by mbhcsf at 28-8-2022 09:56 PM
messy ending. kalau part 2 pun bettr depa wrap up bebetul . stupid drama kalau nak sampai ep 30 buatlah sampai 30 ...fans akan sabar. but kalau buat macam ni - hmm i rasa kalau karya lain Hong sisters ni i akann lebih berhati hati...
ending dia level GRID yes.
kalau GRID tu level 10 dia tangga ke 9
link : eat love kill level 6
what a stupid ending, inconclusive ad yet messy open ending - yg nampak active ialah Park Do Gun , Cho Yon . So - Yi ? hahahahah part 2 nak ade dia ke tak i melantak aje sebab , my god gitu je ending so yi , hantu betul sub plot so yi...
kalau part 2 tu macam hape makna kata ini ke level Hong Sisters??
naksu jadi soul shifter tapi tengoklah ending lassssst sekali ....apa makna tatau.
i tak dapat nak kaitkan jung uk picked up that stupid ice stone and hand it over to the skies in ep 19 tapi ade kaitan dgn dia an keaddan diri dia in ep 20 bila depa nak cramated mayat jung uk . and then masa ep 20 ade pulak realm Jung Uk dalam realm alam ruh dia tu and with that power from the skies something happened - tapi benda ni macam apekah - implikasinya king Star tu boleh je hdup multiple times? so kalau macam tu awat master Seo Gyeong tak wujud pun era jung uk ?
Edited by mbhcsf at 28-8-2022 10:06 PM
it 's pretty stupid of song rim or the king of cheong bugwan house to let jinmu ...jinmu ni we are talking about ...roaming free and wild at cheongbugwon...hahaha
in ep 19 he was in hiding but not anymore in ep 20 hahahahaa
tapi logikkkah u bagi seorang like someone like jinmu to be free ? knowing readily what he is capable of doing? hahaha
i thought smlm a bit off ialah jang gang ...
ni ep 20 semua off - lines , off marks habis ...
i just dont like the open inconclusive shoddy ending , yups.
Edited by sitisbp at 29-8-2022 12:09 AM
mbhcsf replied at 28-8-2022 09:50 PM
i dah tengok yg tak ade subtitled punye.
Memang elok ade part II - sebab?
I mmg set dlm kepala ending takkan mcm yg i nak. Lagi plak buat part 2 without part 1 punya maid lead. If u read sikit2 my komen2 sblm ni mmg i brace myself for it.
It is expected from them. Ni bukan 1st time tgk hasil karya derang.
But i will not deny myself from enjoying what has been presented from epi 1 till now. It is still a good fantasy drama..kepuasan tu tetap ada for me. Yes byk fantasi drama lain yg maybe org kata better but it doesnt capture my interest. So walopon yg ni ending nya messy, its just what it is. The good part is still there. All the roller coaster emotion that i get from it is what matter. I am good.
Sapa2 yg tak happy dgn ending its ok.
bu yeon/mudeok ni sesia je wujud dalam bentuk jasad and ruh , kata powerful sangat itu ini tapi naksu kene pengaruh jinmu pun dia tak dapat bendung. LEMAH!!! |
Jd mudeok xmati kn.. Ade tgn slmtkan dia. |
I cannot thn my self masuk cni walau bru tgk 30 min sbb sume indah2 je wat masa ni…cam x real pula rsa dh nk abes masa masih tenang2..arrgghhhhh apakah…
Baca komen uols wat iols nk stop jp takut x lh tdo..huhuhu |
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