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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:10 AM | Show all posts
YADIM delegates here on four-day visit
By Yusrin Junaidi            
              Delegates were briefed during their visit to Islamic Dakwah Centre.
Eleven delegates from Yayasan Dakwah Islamiyah Malaysia (YADIM) headed by Datuk Hj Mohd Nakhaiebin Hj Ahmad will be on a four-day visit to the Sultanate until Thursday, September 27.The delegates paid a visit to the Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka SeriSetia Ustaz Hj Badaruddin bin Pengarah Dato Paduka Awang Hj Othman yesterday.
Also present were Dato Paduka Awang Hj Abdul Rahman bin Hj Mohiddin, Permanent Secretary at theMinistry of Religious Affairs and Dato Paduka Awang Hj Ishaaq bin Hj Abdullah, Deputy PermanentSecretary.
The delegates also toured the Islamic Dakwah Centre in Pulaie. Upon arrival, they were welcomed byDayang Hjh Hasnah binti Hj Omar, Acting Director of the centre, as well as senior officers at the Ministry ofReligious Affairs.
During the visit, Awang Hj Mohammad bin Garing, Acting Assistant Director of the Islamic Dakwah Centre,briefed the visitors about the vision, mission and function of the centre and the administration of the Ministryof Religious Affairs as well as the Islamic development in the Sultanate.
The delegates also toured the exhibition room where they can see many different al-Quran collections.Among them are the "Kiswah Pintu Kaabah" the year of 1408/1987M, which was given by the King of ArabSaudi to His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.
The delegates also visited Kg Bebuloh and get together with the newly converts, which was held at theReligious Activities House in Kg Bebuloh.
YADIM was established on January 25, 1974 by the second prime minister, the late Tun Abdul Razak binHussien.
It is one of the trust bodies, which was registered under Trust Incorporation Ordinance 1952, directresponsible to the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:11 AM | Show all posts
Kuwaiti professors visit DBP library

              Professor Adla (3rd L), Professor Mohamed (3rd R) with the Chief               Librarian and other staff.
Kuwaiti Professor Mohamed and his wife, Professor Adla, from Canada, were among the visitors who visitedDBP during the September school holidays.During their two-day visit to Brunei Darussalam, they had taken the opportunity to visit several libraries in theSultanate, especially to find out more about the Children's and Young Persons' Libraries and the activitiesorganised by the DBP Library.
Before visiting Brunei, they had visited the Maldives, Thailand and Singapore.
Prof Mohamed and Prof Adla are both qualified and experienced in library work. They are also lecturers ofMA with PhD in library courses, writers, founders of the e-Club (cSc Int Institute & Centre), and Editors of the10 International Referred Canadian & Kuwait Journals.
The couple was very impressed with the Children's activities area. "We are indeed very happy to be here,particularly to visit the public library and the people of Brunei in general," said Professor Adla.
Besides visiting the DBP library, the Kuwaiti visitors led by the Head of DBP public library, visited Jame Asr'Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque and the UBD library prior to their departure the following day.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:13 AM | Show all posts
Raya songs should not be played prematurely
By Azlan OthmanReligious officials are displeased with the fact that several shopping establishments have already startedplaying festive songs, despite Raya being over two weeks away.A random survey has round that some outlets were already playing festive songs in the first week of thefasting month.
One Mosque Affairs Department official who chose to remain anonymous said that business premises mustnot air Raya songs yet as we are still in the fasting month. Muslims are now still in the second week ofRamadhan.
"The Ramadhan atmosphere has been overshadowed by the Hari Raya mood and the relevant authoritiesshould brief business premises and shopping complexes on this matter and at the same time highlight themerits and rewards of Ramadhan instead."
He applauded the move made by radio and television stations for glorifying Ramadhan with religious songsand Nasyid songs.
Another religious official shares the same view, adding, "Sadly, this has been the case in Brunei for manyyears now. From the religious point of view, what is more important is to glorify this holy month as best as wecan."
"Hari Raya is the time to celebrate the victory of being able to complete the fasting month.
"As the last 10 days of Ramadhan is not far away, we must intensify our religious faith, obligations andbecome more pious. It is sad to note that the last 10 days usually sees people engaging in a shoppingfrenzy," he added.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:14 AM | Show all posts
Tears, smiles as students leave for UK studies
By Za'im Zaini            
              Ida patera, left, prior to leaving for the UK.
There was mixed emotions at the Brunei International Airport yesterday as departing students bade familiesand friends farewell before hopping onto a plane to further their studies in the United Kingdom.For some, this would be their first time experiencing the fasting month as well as Hari Raya without theirfamilies.
The Bulletin caught up with a few teary-eyed students before their departure to find out exactly how theywere feeling.
Ida Patera, 18, said it would be a first for her to spend the festive season overseas.
"I will miss my family, but I'm sure it will not be all that bad... I'm actually excited. I am sure I'll be able tocope... It's a sacrifice I have to make to further my studies," she said.
Ida will be doing her first year in English Language and Philosophy at Kent University.
Meanwhile, 20-year-old Yasmin Patera recalled her first year being away from home, saying, "At first it wassaddening, being unable to spend time with my family at home.... but in the end I suppose it all comes downto determination.
"Plus, friends have helped to make it easier for me not to miss the festive season back home all too much,"she added.
As president of the Brunei Society Loughborough Student Union, Yasmin Patera said, "This year we will tryour best to hold events for the festive season to ensure the new students feel as close to pahome aspossible."

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:15 AM | Show all posts
Acid spill closes Mumong bypass
By Liza Mohd            
              HAZMAT firefighters.
The usually busy Mumong Bypass was temporarily closed to traffic for at least fifteen hours yesterdayfollowing a toxic acid spill.Emergency response teams moved speedily to avert any damage caused by the leakage of hydrochloricacid from a privately run trailer truck.
The trailer driven by two Thai workers carrying eighty drums of hydrochloric acid skidded on the Mumongbypass and fell on the side of the forest area, rupturing at least ten to twelve drums and causing an acid spillin the area. Each drum contained 200 litres of hydrochloric acid. Twenty-five drums had fallen off from thetrailer as a result of the impact.
The self-caused mishap occurred when the trailer was heading to the storage area at Sungai Duhon in KualaBelait on its way back from Muara Port. The Belait Fire and Rescue department received a distress call atabout 7.20pm on Monday evening and various government and private agencies were deployed to clean upthe spill including the Operation C Fire and Rescue 'HAZMAT'. There were no casualties as a result of theaccident.
The hydrochloric acid was neutralised using soda ash and firefighters were dressed in air tight chemical suitscomplete with breathing apparatus as they cleaned up the acid spill.
The thirteen hour operation was led by Awg Abdul Azis bin Hj Mohammad Senior SuperintendentCommanding Officer of Operation 'B' Fire and Rescue Belait Branch. Also present at the site was the BelaitDistrict Officer Awg Mohamad bin Hj Abd Rahman, the Acting Director of Fire and Rescue Awg Yahya bin HjAbd Rahman and Acting Deputy Director of Fire and Rescue Lim Hock Guan.
Reports from the fire and rescue team also noted that the evacuation was a precautionary measure eventhough none of the acid had spilled onto the road. Hydrochloric acid is a widely-used industrial chemicalwhich can be fatal if inhaled. The Mumong bypass had to be closed until it was declared safe. The closurehad caused traffic congestion along Jalan Tengah Seria and junction near Lorong Tiga Selatan Seria duringpeak hours yesterday.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:16 AM | Show all posts
Majlis Berbuka Puasa with visiting delegates
By Yazdi Yahya            
              Maghrib prayers headed by Imam Hj Muslim. - YAZDI YAHYA
The Acting Minister of Religious Affairs, Pehin Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj Badaruddin Pengarah DatoPaduka Hj Othman, hosted a Majlis Berbuka Puasa for the 11 delegates of YADIM at his official residence inJalan Kota Batu.Also in attendance were High Commissioner of Malaysia Dato' Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari, Permanent Secretary atBrunei's Ministry of Religious Affairs Dato Paduka Hj Abd Rahman Hj Mohiddin and Dato Paduka Hj IshaaqHj Abdullah, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
After breaking their fast, the delegation was invited by the Acting Minister to perform the Maghrib prayerstogether, headed by Imam Hj Muslim Hj Abd Razak.
After another dinner, the visitors were then brought to the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque, where theywere welcomed by Haris Hj Suboh.
After Isyak prayers, Terawih and Witir prayers, the delegates heard a briefing on the history of the SultanOmar Ali Saifuddien Mosque.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:17 AM | Show all posts
Ministry of Religious Affairs, YADIM hold meeting for Dakwah cooperation
By Za'im Zaini            
              A group photo of the Permanent Secretary and delegation from Malaysia               with others after their meeting. - ZA'IM ZAINI
Several issues were raised during a meeting yesterday between the Ministry of Religious Affairs and YADIMor Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Malaysia Dakwah Islamiah Foundation) on the cooperation ofDakwah around Borneo at the Ministry of Religious Affairs building.Leading the meeting for the ministry was Permanent Secretary Dato Paduka Hj Abd Rahman Hj Mohiddin,while the 11-member YADIM delegation was led by Datuk Hj Mohd Nakhaie Hj Ahmad.
Among the most significant issues raised and discussed by both parties were on Halal food, the needs forDakwah with emphasis on the youths of today, as well as the negative views that have been attached toIslam.
The Malaysian side also mentioned complications faced in spreading Islam and called for the involvement ofrelevant agencies, including the private sector and the media.
Yesterday's meeting was held to exchange views and strengthen ties.
YADIM is in Brunei on a four-day visit.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:19 AM | Show all posts
Home sweet home for RBAF 6 after tour of duty
By Lyna Mohamad            

                    Guests in attendance at yesterday's ceremony included Philippine                     Ambassador Virginia Benavidez, Dato Paduka Hj Mustappa the                     Permanent Secretary at Mindef and the Service Commander.

                    A happy family reunion. - PHOTOS: H. MEGA

                    Thanksgiving in Hangar 'B' for the 3rd RBAF International                     Monitoring Mission contingent on arrival after RBAF's CN235                     aircraft landed at Rimba Air Base yesterday.

                    A group photo of the six RBAF officers reunited with their                     families after a 12-month tour of duty in Cotabato in Mindanao,                     Philippines.
Six Royal Brunei Armed Forces personnel from the third group of the International Monitoring Mission (IMT)arrived home safely yesterday, where a welcoming ceremony was held on their arrival on board RBAF'sCN235 aircraft that landed at the Hangar 'B" Rimba Air Base.Present as the chief guest at the welcoming ceremony yesterday was RBAF Commander, Pehin DatuLailaraja Major General Dato Paduka Seri Haji Awg Halbi bin Haji Md Yussof.
The 3rd RBAF IMT contingent which commenced their 12-month tour of duty in Cotabato in Mindanao,Philippines, since September last year comprises of 357 Major Pg Zamni bin Pg Tajuddin, 497 MajorMuhammad Wata bin Abdullah Awat, 622 Captain Alirudimi bin Hj Perudin, 639 Captain Arsahrin bin Hj Ariff,7264 Warrant Officer (U) Hj Adis bin Hj Mentarais and 9162 Sergeant Sa'at bin Hj Sabli.
The accomplishment of the 3rd RBAF IMT contingent was recognized with honorary awards given by theGovernment of the Republic of Philippines symbolizing their participation and achievement during themonitoring mission in the Mindanao Islands as well as an honour from the Philippines Armed Forces and thecountry in general.
Awards given to these RBAF personnel were the Gawad Sa Kaunlaran Medal, Military Civic Action Medaland Honorary Basic Parachutist Badge.
Gawad Sa Kaunlaran Medal is an award to recognize the conspicuously meritorious service and valuableachievement in the pursuit of socio-economic and non-combat activities and for the exceptional service thatcontributed immensely in accomplishing the peaceful objectives of the Philippines Armed Forces.
The Military Civic Action Medal is an award to recognize meritorious achievement in the field of civic actionin duty responsibility or in direct support of military operations, whereas the Honorary Philippines ArmedForces Basic Parachutist Badge is a military badge awarded with a recognized certificate to the soldiers whohad received proper basic airborne course, parachute training and having accomplished the requirednumber of jumps prescribed by the Philippines Armed Forces during the monitoring mission in the MindanaoIslands.
Other guests in attendance at the ceremony included the Philippine ambassador, Permanent Secretary atthe Ministry of Defence Dato Paduka Hj Mustappa bin Hj Sirat, service commanders and commandants,directors, officers of the Ministry of Defence and the RBAF as well as families and relatives of the contingent.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:21 AM | Show all posts
Local actress says 'thank you' to Kg Junjungan residents
By Rosli Abidin Yahya            
              Dang Kasum, right, with her husband at their home. - ROSLI ABIDIN               YAHYA
Local actress cum comedienne, Dang Kasum, yesterday wanted to express her appreciation to the villagersof Kg Junjungan for helping her towards recovery after she fell unconscious while attending a funeral of acolleague last week.Dang Kasum, or Woman APO Cpl 5288 Hjh Kasumawati Hj Buntar, attached to the police's Public RelationUnit said she was forever indebted for the speedy help given by the villagers.
"I was attending the funeral of a colleague, who worked at Royal Brunei Police in Gadong.
"Suddenly, I just went blank and woke up four hours later at Raja Isteri Pg Anak Saleha Hospital in thecapital.
"I did not know what happen to me. I would like to say thank you to the villagers for their help towards myrecovery. Without their help, I wouldn't know what would have happen to me," she said.
She said her friends told her that the villagers of Kg Junjungan tried to revive her. However, when she didnot responded, they called the ambulance.
Strangely enough, the doctors found nothing wrong with her.
"I was given a clean bill of health and I am now resting at home," she said.
With the festivity coming up, she has been busy recording Hari Raya Aidilfitri programmes for RadioTelevision Brunei and Harmoni Network of Radio Brunei.
"I will appear in two Raya programmes, entitled Sumbangsih Lebaran, a programme dedicated to RoyalBrunei Police at Hari Raya and Dendang Di Dendang, a RTB programme.
"I will also be acting in a 13-episode sitcom that will start filming this December," she said.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:22 AM | Show all posts
Remembering the departed during Ramadhan
By Meiji            
              Family members of the late Hj Abdul Salam bin Othman at the Danau               Cemetery in Tutong. - MEIJI
During the holy month of Ramadhan, Muslims nationwide are gearing up for the festive Hari Rayacelebrations. Although people are busy with their preparations, many still have time to pay respects to theirbeloved ones who have passed away.It is during this holy month, especially during weekends and public holidays, where one can see familiespaying visits to cemeteries across the country to show that they still remember those who have departed.
People, young and old, would visit the cemetery in the morning to clean up, recite the Tahlil and read theDoa Arwah. Afterwards, they would pour Ayer Asah-Asahan or scented water over the tombstones of theirbeloved ones and those nearby. While some families would prepare their own scented water, others wouldjust buy them at the entrance of cemeteries sold for about $1 per bottle.
Once the visit to the cemetery is completed and as the families are leaving, the elderly would usually givemoney to small children as a token of encouragement. The visit is also a time where relatives and friendswould get together and catch up on things.
On the first day of Hari Raya, many Bruneian Muslim families would go to the cemeteries after the Hari Rayamorning prayers to pay their high respects and remembering those who have departed during the bigcelebration.


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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:24 AM | Show all posts
Japanese businessmen in Tuna culture project talks
By Azrol Azmi            
              Kichii Miyazaki, right, shakes hands with the Minister of MIPR.               - PHOTO COURTESY LABOTA SDN BHD
Three Japanese businessmen are in the Sultanate to scout for a location to set up a planned land-basedtuna culture project here.The team comprised Ichiro Washiyama, Kiichi Miyazaki and Richard Nii, while their Brunei counterpartsinclude Dato Paduka Hj Abd Wahab Hj Mohd Sani and Mas Irun Hj Ali, who runs Labota Sdn Bhd.
According to Dato Paduka Hj Abd Wahab, the purpose of their visit is to locate a suitable area for thedevelopment of the project so that the Japanese technology used can be easily adapted to the localsituation. This includes the source of seawater culture, which needs to be of very high quality.
Such project development will also help to propel Brunei further as a technological hub in aquaculture,supporting the country's aspiration to be the leading player in fisheries.
The visiting businessmen also took the opportunity to meet several senior government officials to discuss theproject. A courtesy call to Minister of Industry and Primary Resources Pehin Orang Kaya Setia PahlawanDato Seri Setia Dr Awang Hj Ahmad bin Hj Jumat was also made over the weekend.
Discussions with the Director of Fisheries and officers from the department were also held to clarify bothtechnical and administrative matters on the project.
Additionally, visits to the department's facilities were organised for the visiting businessmen.
Tuna is a highly priced commodity in the international market, especially in Japan.
The yearly consumption of tuna in Japan is about 630,000 tonnes.
In Japan, the Southern Bluefin tuna is the ultimate delicacy of the tuna family due to its high fat content,texture and taste.
Because of this, its market value has reached approximately one trillion yen.
However, the production of bluefin tuna from the sea has decreased by 20 per cent in the last 20 years andthis has prompted various countries such as Japan and Australia to look at possibilities of farming tuna as away of continuing the supply of tuna to the world market.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:27 AM | Show all posts
Housewife and government servants detained for Syabu
By Lyna Mohamad            

                    Items confiscated in the drug raid in Beribi. - NARCOTICS                     CONTROL BUREAU

                    Items seized in the anti-drug operation in Tutong.
A housewife was amongst several suspects apprehended by the Narcotics Control Bureau in two separateraids on Tuesday.In the first drug bust at a government flat in Beribi, Gadong, the bureau detained six people, including amarried couple. The five male suspects are all government servants.
Following a search, the law enforcers found several packets of straw containing Syabu as well as utensilsused to consume controlled drugs.
The bureau also believed that the residence of the suspects had been used for drug abuse.
Meanwhile, in a continuation of the first operation, the raiding party apprehended a government servant whowas on duty at the Putat Control Post on suspicion of involvement in misuse of drugs.
A search carried out on the man and his car uncovered a packet of plastic containing Syabu as well asseveral utensils for consuming drugs.
All of these offenders were remanded for further questioning under the Misuse of Drugs Act Chapter 27.
The following day at around midnight, the Enforcement and IntelligenceDivision, Tutong apprehended a 30-year-old man in Kg Keriam, Tutong whotried in vain to escape after learning of the presence of the lawenforcers.
Several packets of straw containing Syabu and cash totalling $140 were found after the law enforcers carriedout a search on the suspect who was remanded for further questioning under the Misuse of Drug ActChapter 27.
In its press release, the bureau said that it will regularly carry out surveillance and raids regardless of thetime such as the operations they had conducted during this fasting month.
The bureau also extended its appreciation to members of the public who have provided cooperation intackling the drug problem and hoped that such cooperation would continue to ensure a harmonious life in thecountry without the influence of illegal drugs.
The NCB urged anyone who knows of any illegal drug activities to contact the bureau at telephone numbers2448877 during office hours and 8777444 after office hours.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:28 AM | Show all posts
Majlis Khatam al-Quran ends Tedarus at palace
By Azaraimy HH            
              Cabinet Ministers and State Mufti at Istana Nurul Iman. - AZARAIMY               HH
The Majlis Khatam al-Quran was held last night, marking the end of the Tedarus ceremony at Istana NurulIman.It commenced with Pehin Dato Seri Paduka (Dr) Hj Hussain asking the consent of His Majesty the Sultanand Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam for the event to be started. This was witnessed by Pehin OrangKaya Seri Dewa Major General (Rtd) Dato Seri Pahlawan Hj Mohamad Hj Daud.
Present at the ceremony were the Pengiran-Pengiran Cheteria, Cabinet Ministers, members of the PrivyCounsels, Deputy Ministers, Pengiran-Pengiran Peranakan, Pehin-Pehin Menteri and Menteri-MenteriHulubalang, members of the Legislative Counsels, Permanent Secretaries, the UBD Vice Chancellor, formerABDB Commander and former Police Commissioner, members of the Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal BolkiahBoard of Directors, as well as Deputy Permanent Secretaries and other guests.
The religious function started with a recital of the Surah Al-Fatihah led by Pehin Dato Paduka Seri Ustaz HjAbd Hamid Bakal, followed by recitals of the Surah-Surah Khatam, Takhtim and Tahli and Doa Arwah.
It was further enlivened by Dzikir and Marhaban presentations from the Pehin-Pehin Khatib and Mudim-Mudim.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:29 AM | Show all posts
Ministry orders recall of several toothpaste
By Azlan Othman            
              One of the products ordered for recall.
The Ministry of Health yesterday announced that it had decided to withdraw from the market several brandsof toothpaste made in China which allegedly contained a potentially risky substance.According to the Ministry toothpaste containing Diethylene Glycol were recalled in USA and Singapore. Thissubstance had a potential risk of chronic exposure to those with kidney or liver disease.
Based on the report from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), several toothpaste from China werewithdrawn from the market because they were found to contain Diethylene Glycol.
These included Cooldent Flouride, Cooldent Spearmint, Cooldent ICE, Dr Cool, Everfresh Toothpaste,Superdent Toothpaste, Clean Rite Toothpaste, Oral Max Extreme, Oral Bright Fresh Spearmint Flavor,Bright Max Peppermint Flavor, ShiR Fresh Mint Flouride Paste, DentaPro, DentaKleen and DentaKleenJunior.
In Singapore, Hei Mei Toothpaste, Hei Mei Calcium Toothpaste and Maxam Toothpaste with Flouride werealso recalled from the market, as they were found to contain Diethylene Glycol. Although the Ministry ofHealth is not presently aware of any report of poisoning from toothpaste containing Diethylene Glycol, thereis a potential risk from chronic exposure to children and individuals with kidney or liver disease.
The Ministry added, toothpaste is not intended to be swallowed but there is concern over unintentionalswallowing or ingestion of toothpaste containing Diethylene Glycol. Over the past several years, incidents ofdeath and injury as a result of ingesting cough syrups contaminated with Diethylene Glycol have beenreported in other countries.
The Ministry through the Pharmacy Enforcement Section, Department of Pharmaceutical Service hasconducted inspection on Maxam toothpaste containing Diethylene Glycol namely Maxam Toothpaste withFlouride and Maxam Triple Action. These are available for sale in the local market.
In the interest of public safety, the Ministry of Health has advised the importers to recall the said toothpastefrom the market and advised the consumers to stop using these brands of toothpaste till further notice.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:30 AM | Show all posts
Causes of rise in car insurance premium
By Paul Kong Thye Wei
Vice Chairman of General Insurance Association of BruneiThis article is in response to the "Massive Damages Suit Sparks Insurance Debate" by Ignatius Stephen onSeptember 22, 2007.We, in the insurance industry, would like to share our views.
The Contingency Fees Rule, as rightly argued in the article, is not entirely responsible for the increase inmotor claims, but has helped accelerate the increases. As the number of vehicles increase over the years,so has the number of accidents. With improved roads and more high performance vehicles on the road, thecountry has seen increases in serious road accidents resulting in death or bodily injuries. Statistics from theRoyal Brunei Police Force revealed that there has been 32 deaths and 344 bodily injuries on the road sincethe beginning of 2007, as compared to 32 deaths and 555 bodily injuries for the whole of 2006.
The increase in motor accidents will naturally result in more claims for repairs to damaged vehicles andcompensation for death or bodily injury by victims against the negligent parties. Ultimately, all these claimswill be borne by insurance companies, provided the vehicle has valid insurance cover. For members of theGeneral Insurance Association of Brunei(GIAB), it is estimated that on average for every $1.00 of netpremium received for motor insurance, the payout for claims were $1.91 in 2004, $1.23 in 2005 and $1.47 in2006.
Can insurance companies sustain such huge losses in motor claims? The answer is, of course, NO. To stayin business, insurance companies would have to increase motor insurance premiums. The premiumincrease will affect everyone who owns a motor vehicle. This will have a spiralling effect on the economy asa whole, and push up the cost of living in the country.
It is very common for road users to say that they are covered by insurance, and as such, they do not have toworry if they are involved in an accident. However, we need to be reminded that no matter how muchcompensation is received by an accident victim, that sum of money can never replace a broken limb or theloss of use of any part of the human body or replace a loved one. What if the injured person is himself atfault? In this instance, there is no one else to seek compensation from, and he himself or his family will haveto bear the consequences.
We, as road users, have the responsibility for the use of a vehicle on the road and it is in everyone's interestto work together to bring down the number of accidents. Any accident will cause man hour loss, vehicularrepair costs, pain and suffering to injured persons and needless burden to loved ones and family.
Takaful BIBD, Takaful TAIB and I, as the Vice Chairman of the General Insurance Association ofBrunei(GIAB), on behalf of all members of GIAB, would like to APPEAL to everyone, especially roadusers (drivers, passengers, pedestrians) to be more vigilant on the road; to those responsible forenforcement of road regulations, to enforce road regulations strictly; to the lawyers and the insuring public, tobe mindful of the long-term effects of huge claims on the industry as these will lead to increases in premiumsto cover the increases in claims.
In the worst case scenario, it may lead to the withdrawal of selling motor insurance by insurance andreinsurance companies from Brunei Darussalam. Without insurance companies support, the financial burdencaused by road accidents will be passed on to individuals and their families, the government's welfaresystem and the community at large.
The fact remains that the increase in motor accidents is primarily due to negligence on the road. And as thepublic is more educated, they are better aware of their rights, and thus seek legal means to seek redressfrom the negligent party, which is not wrong in itself. But how far can the insurance industry withstand suchhuge claims and losses?
A major factor that has helped put an increase in insurance claims has no doubt, been the introduction of theContingency Fee Rule in 1994. Insurers argue that they are happy to pay claims that are deemedreasonable, but there is a flaw in the Contingency Fee Rule which has resulted in excessive claims since theRule came into effect. Under Contingency Fee arrangement, the victim is not required to pay a fee to thelawyers unless they win the case.
Lawyers take a percentage (ranging from 30 - 40%) of the awards.
This creates incentives to lawyers to secure as high an award as possible for their clients, for a higherreward for themselves which has led to inflation of claims.
The Contingency Fees Rule needs to be urgently reviewed and amended in view of changing circumstancesto ensure a more equitable environment for the lawyers, the insurance companies and the insuring public.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:32 AM | Show all posts
3,000 turn up at Crazy Sale
By Azlan Othman & Achong Tanjong            

                    Midnight "Crazy Sale" at Nazmi, the leading textile mall in                     Serusop.

                    Free meal for every purchase at Nazmi textile mall.

                    Big crowd with customers coming from as far as Kuala Belait.

                    Nazmi says more Crazy Sales coming up. - PHOTOS: YAZDI YAHYA
The eagerly-awaited midnight "Crazy Sale" at the leading textile mall in Serusop for the festive Hari Rayaseason on Wednesday night attracted some 3,000 customers from as far as Kuala Belait, said the ManagingProprietor of Nazmi Textile Mall, Nazeer Ahmad.And the popular items grabbed were the intricately designed gold woventhread or "Kain Sinjang", ready-made Malay outfit or "Cara Melayu" andfabrics as some dressmaking outlets are still willing to accepttailoring, he said.
The seven-hour crazy sale kicked-off from 9pm. And at least three more crazy sales are planned in thecoming days, offering further reductions of 15 to 40 per cent to the existing discounted items during thecurrent Brunei Grand Sale, he said.
Nazeer said the response has been overwhelming just like other crazy sales carried-out in other branches.For "Cili Merah/Cili Hijau" fabrics which costs $9.90, a customer is entitled to "buy one, free one".
He said for every purchase of $50 and above, customers are entitled to special prizes.
And to cheer up the evening, complimentary food voucher is given to customers to dine at the Faizerestaurant next door.
Nazeer said last year that up to 5,000 customers thronged the textile mall at the crazy sale.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:33 AM | Show all posts
W Australian Govt Colleges popular with Bruneians
By Azrol Azmi            
              The 2006 Diploma Graduation Class. Established in 1982, Canning               College and Tuart College celebrates their 25 years anniversary.               Many parents choose Canning or Tuart as both colleges provide the               security and quality assurance of a West Australian Government College.
With extensive links to most universities in Australia, Canning College and Tuart College are among themost popular pre-university colleges for Bruneian students. Located just 15 minutes from Perth City,Canning College is situated south of the Swan River in the suburb of Bentley, whereas Tuart College is sitedat Tuart Hill, north of the river.Both colleges offer a similar range of courses and subjects and boast excellent teaching and a consistentlyhigh academic standard. Both campuses have distinct university-style environment and have good bus linksto and from Perth City. Both colleges have state-of-the-art learning and recreational facilities and currentlywith a population of approximately 2,000 students on each campus.
Canning and Tuart College also have a reputation of nurturing students to achieve their goals in educationand beyond. Academic staff at both colleges are highly qualified and most have many years of teachingexperience in their specialist areas. Many lecturers would have extensive experience and understand theneeds of international students.
International Student Advisors are also present at both campuses to assist students with personal andacademic issues no matter the severity. Parents will be impressed to learn that students' attendance andperformance are closely monitored by class teachers as well as the International Office staff.
When asked why many parents choose Canning or Tuart College, many responded by saying both collegesprovide the security and quality assurance of a West Australian Government College. A large number alsomentioned the high success rate of university entrance, which on average is above 80%.
Currently, pre-university courses on offer are Australian Year 12 (TEE) as well as Western AustraliaUniversity Foundation Programmes (WAUFP). Both programmes on offer are recognised for entry touniversities throughout Australia and internationally.
As a matter of fact, WAUFP programme has been offered on behalf of Western Australia's four governmentuniversities namely, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University and University of WesternAustralia. Other courses on offer are year 11 as well as University Diplomas at Canning College only.
All courses will commence in January 2008. Accelerated programmes are also available in April and June2008. There are currently 26 international scholarship places on offer for 2008 academic year. Students cancontact James Hon's offices for more information.
In the past 10 years, James Hon Marketing has seen many Bruneians graduate from Canning and Tuart andprogressed well into their degrees and masters. Each year, Bruneians have proven their mettle by winningscholarships from the colleges.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:34 AM | Show all posts
RBPF presents hari raya gifts, orphan donations, academic excellence prizes
By P Marilyn            

                    Commissioner of Police presenting a prize to the children                     of police personnel who achieved academic excellence.

                    Datin Suriati presenting donations to orphans.

                    A section of the police personnel attending the event.
Seventy-four orphans from the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) received donations during a ceremonythat was held at the Multipurpose Hall of Stadium Hassanal Bolkiah, Police Headquarters Gadong yesterday.Present as the guest of honour who gave away the donations was Pehin Datu Kerma Setia CP Dato PadukaSeri Zainuddin bin Jalani, the Commissioner of the Royal Brunei Police Force with his spouse, Datin Suriatibinti Haji Morneh, President of PEKERTI, Royal Brunei Police Force.
Prizes and certificates were also presented to the children of police personnel who achieved excellence ineducation.
Four students received the prizes for excellent 'A' Level results and another four for excellent 'O' Levelresults in 2006.
Meanwhile, 18 representatives from RBPF department/formation/station/unit also received hampers for theupcoming Hari Raya celebrations.
Acting Director of General Administration and Finance, PDB cum chairman of the event, S/Supt Haji Majidbin Haji Awang Damit, said yesterday's event was a reflection of the RBPF's obligation and commitment incaring for the welfare and education of the children of police officers.
He highlighted the main aim of the event was to present hampers for the upcoming Hari Raya celebrations,to brighten up the orphans' festive celebration and to recognise the excellent results achieved by the childrenof police personnel to motivate them to strive for the best until the end.
According to S/Supt Haji Majid, yesterday's event was a tradition that has been carried on for many years atthe RBPF. The presentation of Hari Raya hampers began as early as 1965, the presentation of prizes foreducational excellence in 1991 and the donation to orphans in 1996.
On behalf of the Royal Brunei Police Force, S/Supt Haji Majid thanked the regular contributors - RBPFSports and Welfare Body, PEKERTI, Sepadu Cooperative and generous individuals for their charitable actsin making the event a success every year.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:34 AM | Show all posts
YADIM entourage visits State Mufti Dept
By Zasika Musdi            
              YADIM entourage is briefed before they view the exhibition gallery.
An entourage of 11 senior officers from Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM), headed by Datuk HajiMohd Nakhaie bin Haji Ahmad, visited the State Mufti Department, Darul 'Ifta, Jalan Babu Di Raja yesterday.The entourage paid a visit to Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Dr Haji Abdul Aziz binJuned, State Mufti of Brunei Darussalam. Also present were deputy state mufti, director of administrationand senior officers.
Among the discussion were matters concerning Islam and its followers.
The YADIM entourage was then brought to the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Islamic Exhibition Gallery,which was situated at the Darul 'Ifta building, to view the personal collection of His Majesty the Sultan andYang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.
The gallery was officially opened by His Majesty the Sultan on August 18, 2001, on the occasion of the FirstInternational Islamic Expo.
Among those include in the exhibition collection were the Mushaf Al-Quran and 'turath' bible, totalling morethan 1,000 manuscripts, canes, and prayer beads.
Yesterday was the final day of their four-day visit.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:35 AM | Show all posts
One-stop Raya shopping venue at National Stadium
By Rosli Abidin YahyaAnother convenient one-stop raya shopping venue will soon be available for bargain hunters at affordableprices.Organised by the Community Development Department, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, boothsoperated by local and international companies will commence trading at the VIP Car Park, Hassanal BolkiahNational Stadium in Berakas from Sept 30 until Oct 10.
With the Hari Raya festival, just two weeks away, many people's schedules are already weighed down withshopping for edible treats and clothes.
Shoppers can save themselves from making numerous trips to various places to buy all the goods that theyneed by heading to the Hari Raya International Sale to save time.
About 50 stalls will be set up at the VIP Car Park of the stadium dedicated to selling Raya related goodies.
Baju Melayu for men and Baju Kurung for women will be available in traditional and modern designs,including Batik Malaysia, said organiser.
There will also be endless selections of necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings mostly made from crystals,stones, as well as beads and costume jewellery.
There is also attractive footwear, shoes in open or closed-toe types. As with the clothes, these are adornedwith a variety of patterns.
"There is something for everyone and lots of things to see. You don't have to celebrate Raya to shop here,"said the spokesperson. Also on display are unconventional but practical designs of furniture and artworksuitable for most types of homes, he added.
The bazaar is open 10am-10pm daily until Oct 10.

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