All About Siti's English Album [Latest: Preview 'I'll Wait Forever' - PG54]
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erkkk..gosip si murai tu x tau lah betul ka x |
not bad remix ni..tp lagi suka bryan B punya |
cpt la kuar album...bnyk sgt dh rumours nihhh..isk.. |
dj dari canada remix lagu ni kekdahnya. not bad gak.
LoneRanger Post at 10-9-2011 12:46 PM
mcm nak naik kuda jek lagu nih!hahahha |
hrpnye lagu alicia keys tu dia yg compose sdiri..mmg best lah..aku mmg suka lagu2 AK, lain dr yg lain |
...apparently Tigadara3 @ Youtube is managed by a few different people.
it seems that Miss Tigadara ...
jojiekejung Post at 9-9-2011 16:03
syfuel nak speku yg makjojie ni antara tigadara jugak voley? sbb kadang2, bila syfuel tgk tigadara jawab soalan which sounds more like sindiran pedih2 tu ada gaya mcm mak sikit, complete with examples, and as usual, RIGHT IN DA FACE.
Dari tigadara:
@aminFOXY Or u can go to Gaga's videos and write about how her 'scratch the wall' moves are from Jacko's, and the martial-art moves in Alejandro is Machi's, and prison walk in Telephone is Paula's. And that little move at the gate right b4 Beyonce picks her up is ..... not hers. Theres a bunch of Janet's tweaked stuff too. Get the point ? Good. Let's Dance.
tigadara3 2 weeks ago
Dari makjojie:
I wonder if she has the guts to tell Celine Dion that Celine sounds like a Canadian-French singing in English.
And if that ever happens, im pretty sure Celine will bluntly and asamatteroffactly say with her big expression
"I am Canadian-French!!"
"I am hispanic... so you hear my T's and R's are sharp and raw, evident in my accent even when i'm singing. you know, very much like Gloria Estefan's whom i adore".
Sekian, dari saya yang menspeku. |
syfuel nak speku yg makjojie ni antara tigadara jugak voley? sbb kadang2, bila syfuel tgk ...
Syfuel Post at 10-9-2011 17:34
muahahahhahahahaha boleyyy~! How i wishhhhh ...... |
Ari tu tigadara tu post preview yg hitman tu. pastu remove.
Pastu dia post full version 6minit lebi ...
jojiekejung Post at 10-9-2011 13:27
ala mak jojie kn 3dara apa yg x paham plak ..(iols pn speku dlm diamm jg tau) |
ala mak jojie kn 3dara apa yg x paham plak ..(iols pn speku dlm diamm jg tau)
uwekkk Post at 10-9-2011 21:38
hihihihi choyyy~! pechah lobang mekkk.......
So canner ni uolsss .... ader sbarang folo up x pasal 2 grammy artist yg dikatekan bekolabunyik dgn Ct ittewww ??? Atao Muraibatu wat citer jehhh ????
Kalau xbtol, haruss ada murai yang berperisa asid diserahkn kpd Syfuel 25hb nnt. |
Reply 1013# jojiekejung
kan.. btul ke x la citer si murai tu...
kalu x btul harus si sepul maki murai batu tu nanti..
hahaha... bkn si sepul je.. serumpun peminat CT yg terpedaya akan maki..
hehehe |
Reply jojiekejung
kan.. btul ke x la citer si murai tu...
kalu x btul harus si sepul maki mura ...
ang Post at 10-9-2011 22:13
kaannn ....~!!! mak akan sediakan airkotak untuk sepol sebagai sokongan. |
so many mysterious identity la kt alam maya ni kan...jgn2 CT Nurhaliza tuhh ada dlm CARI ni jg, ...
uwekkk Post at 10-9-2011 22:25
yayyyy!! mak sukessangattt kalo ct nari harap the rest of the PRO dancers will be sharp. and the koreografi will be great and fresh. |
yayyyy!! mak sukessangattt kalo ct nari harap the rest of the PRO dancers will be shar ...
jojiekejung Post at 10-9-2011 22:39
klu bleh jmput Diversity mesti siti suka kan..gempak gler...haha |
cepatlah 25hb.......................... |
dj mat salleh choii nihh pon bleh trima lagu FIL CT nihh..apa nk d kata haters?...dia mcm x de b'kaitan ngn composer album AYL pn..remix dia bolehla..tp suka lg remix dr bryan n hitman..dj mat salleh choii nihh pon bleh trima lagu FIL CT nihh..apa nk d kata haters?...dia mcm x de b' ...
uwekkk Post at 10-9-2011 13:10
CHOIIIIIIIIIII..... anti ttp anti.. salah seorg teman AKRABku.
ade ke die ckp michel nie FB buatan ct.. choiiiiiiiiiiiii |
CHOIIIIIIIIIII..... anti ttp anti.. salah seorg teman AKRABku.
ade ke die ckp michel nie ...
azharazhar91 Post at 11-9-2011 00:33
itu dasar busuk hati...ada jek yg tak kena...paham2 jek la... |
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