具惠善 新科導演東京慶生 偷聽周杰倫《祕密》 Ku Hye Sun, the new director celebrate her birthday in Tokyo eavesdropping Jay Chou's "Secret"
The 23rd TIFF [reporters: Su Wei Quan, Zheng Meng Huang/ Tokyo] "Jandi" Ku Hye Sun, wearing black hat and in black suit, attended the Q&A session after the screening of her directorial "Magic" at TIFF. She revealed that she has made reference to Jay Chou's "Secret" for music arrangement of her movie. Next month the 9th will be her 26th birthday, a Japanese female fans brought flowers & present to celebrate for her, she was surprised about that.
Yesterday the attendees were almost all females. a young female fan said that she watched "Soonjung" with her mum, and came into contact with Korean culture. When asked if she was affected by any Japanese Directors, she said, " for Japanese directors, I admire Shunji Iwai and Hayao Miyazaki, and also like their films 'Love Letter' and 'Spirited Away' "
She said that after completing the script for "Magic", friend suggested her to watch "Secret", the movie of Jay Chou. After watching it, she made reference to the film's music arrangement. What is the difference between being a director & an actor? She said, "I like both, but being an actor have to pay much attention to styling & clothing. When directing, all the actors are older than me, but I'm very willful, everyone has to listen to me."
Director and actress Goo Hye Sun has become a freshmen at Sungkyunkwan University for the 2011 school year.
She will be attending the school next March as an arts major. In an interview with MyDaily on October 29th, Goo Hye Sun revealed, “I’m extremely glad to be able to enter college.”
Goo Hye Sun previously attended Seoul Institute of the Art but was forced to give up her education due to her busy schedule. She continued, “I wanted to continue studying, which is why I submitted an application privately in order to achieve my dream.”
She went on to talk about her interests in directing as well, stating, “I hope to study directing a bit more and a variety of other areas as well.”
Her self directed movie, “Magic,” was invited to the Tokyo Film Festival on October 27th.
thanks natali and credit to susAmerica for transations from soompi
한류 행사 / 한국판 "꽃보다 남자 Boys Over Flowers"동창회==BOF Reunion Event
한국판 "꽃보다 남자 Boys Over Flowers"동창회를 본다면 DATV에서!
한류 행사 / 한국판 "꽃보다 남자 Boys Over Flowers" 동창 모임 세부 정보
한국판 "꽃보다 남자 Boys Over Flowers"동창회 출연자
구혜선 (출연) 김현중 (출연) 김범 (출연) 김준 (출연) T - max (출연) 외 http://datv.jp/p000164/
It appears that DATV will be broadcasting the BOF cast's Reunion Event on Oct. 30th at 4pm~5:30PM. This is the event where LMH was not available. Wow, perhaps we will all be lucky to see this program. We may even get better and clearer images of their interaction on stage!!!! I have a feeling this is the work and influence of the KeyEast Agency promoting KHJ. This information comes from Creative Group 8 and IMX.
한류T. O. P』 『크레아 스튜디오(studio)』편집부==Hallyu T.O.P. Clair Studio Editing Dept.
2010-10-29 17:41:26
이번 주의 취재 그 4.==This week's report 4
이것에는 구혜선씨도 놀란 모양. 매우 기쁜듯이, 감사의 기분을 전하고 있었습니다.
This is a post stating that GHS has come to TIFF for the screening of YOSOOL and for her Q&A session. It also states that her fans in Japan gave her a surprise birth day event to congratulate her for Nov 9. (I heard that she hugged each and every fan that came up the stage.) They played the Happy Birthday song for her. GHS was very surprised, very happy and very thankful.
『이번 주의 취재』 1로부터 4을 보내드렸습니다 ∼☆ 자세한 내용은, 『크레아 스튜디오(studio)』에 실으므로, 조금 기다려 주십시오 ☆여러분, 좋은 주말을 ∼☆ ]==Clair Studio briefly posts an description, cast and director of YOSOOL.
Ku Hye-sun's 1st feature "Magic" invited to Tokyo film fest
Korean actress Ku Hye-sun's first feature film "Magic" was invited to the 23rd annual Tokyo International Film Festival, according to her agency YG Entertainment on Friday.
YG announced that "Magic" was screened at the fest yesterday under the "Winds of Asia-Middle East Film Panorama of Asia-Middle East" category featuring films from Korea to Israeli, as well as being nominated for Best Asian-Middle Eastern Film Award.
"Magic" is about the passion and competition among young musicians in a conservatory that features various music genres including classical music, folk and Korean pop songs.
It was shown earlier this year at the Jeonju International Film Festival and at the Jecheon International Music & Film Festival in August.
Ku, 25, is also a singer-songwriter, artist, novelist and scriptwriter was originally set to debut with a singing career with YG Entertainment but started acting in several TV series and made a breakthrough in 2006 with a role in KBS' drama "Pure in Heart."
She rose to stardom in Korea and throughout Asia after starring in the mega-hit series "Boys Over Flowers" in 2009 and also made her directorial debut in 2008 with the short feature "The Madonna" which was invited to numerous film festivals.
She is currently shooting an upcoming TV series "The Musical," in which she plays a medical student who dreams of becoming a musical actress.
Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>
'8살 차이' 배우 구혜선과 고아성이 나란히 성균관대에 수시모집에 합격했다.
GHS and actress Go Ah Sung will both start SGGU in March 2011 and they have 8 years difference in age.
구혜선과 고아성은 성균관대학교가 10월29일 발표한 2011년도 수시1차에 합격자 명단에 이름을 올렸다.
반면 구혜선은 배우가 아닌 감독으로서의 공부를 하기 위해 영상이론을 접할 수 있는 영상학과에 지원한 것으로 알려졌다.
GHS (as we all know) enters Image/Film section under Arts Dept. but Go enters the Social Science Dept and plans to make a major next year from various sections such as administration, politics, news broadcasting, social research, social work and psychology. (So it seems like under each department are various majors from which one can choose. GHS will focus on directing but she is under the Art Dept which may have numerous and various courses that will whet GHS's appetite for artistic and acting passions as well. Right??)
고아성과 구혜선은 현재 성균관대학교에 재학 중인 배우 송중기와 문근영, 지현우 등의 후배가 된다.
Go and Goo will have as their sunbaes Song JoonGi, Moon GeunYoung, Ji HyunWoo. (I also hear that Lee Min Jung who is GHS's friend either attends or graduated from SGGU. I read that Song Joongi is majoring business and Moon is majoring in Korean literature.)
한편 구혜선은 신작 드라마 '더 뮤지컬' 촬영에 매진하고 있으며 고아성은 KBS 2TV 월화드라마 '공부의 신' 종영 이후 학업에 열중해 왔다. At this time GHS is working hard on a drama, THE MUSICAL. GO, since she appeared in KBS' God of Study, has been preparing for college application.
지금 압구정 라운지ㅋㅋ 할로윈파티왔는데, 정엽이 공연해ㅋㅋ
Right now I am at the lounge in Ahp-Goo-Jung keke I came to a Halloween Party and Jung Yup is performing. keke (Who is JungYup?) http://twtkr.com/sta..._id=29195280780
이름모름 사람들의 힙합공연으로 스타트!! =I don't know the name but it starts with a hip hop group. http://plixi.com/p/53842016
구혜선 노래, 박진영 반주ㅋㅋ =GHS is singing, Park Jin Young is accompanying her on piano. (Park Jin Young is the JYP Agency's CEO?)http://twtkr.com/sta..._id=29202138749
구혜선이 취햇넹 진영팍도 취했넹 잼께노넹 >_ <
GHS is intoxicated (drunk) and so is JinYoung Park also. They are getting along interestingly. (or they are funny?) >_< (what does this face symbolize? laugh? grimace? keke)--- (What is this??? ) http://twtkr.com/sta..._id=29202527831
방금막구혜선이 갈색머리부르고 JYP가 건반반주하고감... 와대박 혜선언니짱예뻐 인형이따로업써 내손도잡아줘떠♥♥♥ 제와피씬지금완전꽐라인듯 코드다틀려써ㅋㅋㅋ 비공식적으로온거라고사진찍지말래 쳇ㅋㅋㅋ
Just now GHS sang Brown Hair and JYP played the piano for her....Wow Big Hit. HyeSun Unni is the best and pretty. There is no doll like her. I wish she can hold my hand too. (heart signs~~Woah whose hands was she holding??? keke). JYP is totally ?ggwal-la-in-deut? as all his chords were wrong. kekek Since they came informally, I was not allowed to take pix. kekeke http://twtkr.com/sta..._id=29202566229
술 취한 천정명!! 그리고 이민정과 구혜선... 쪼끄맣고 이쁜것들^^ (※아마도 김민정씨인듯)==Chun Jung Myung was drunk!! And Lee Min Jung and Goo HyeSun...they are small and pretty ^^ (*it might actually be Kim Min Jung instead)--(Who is Kim Min Jung?) http://twtkr.com/sta..._id=29204559576
오늘 럽 할로윈 파티 대박! 정엽 전혜빈 천정명 김민정 이사강 박진영 구혜선~ 내가 옛날에 좋아했던 피플크루 김근서까지.. 아 근데 나이는 못속인다고 엄청 피곤하다요 ㅎ ==Today's Halloween Love Party is a big hit! JungYup, Jun HyeBin, Chun Jung Myung, Kim Min Jung, Lee SahGhang, Par Jin Young, Goo HyeSun~all the people that I liked in the past even to Kim Geun Suh...But one cannot cheat one's age. I am extremely tired. ho http://twtkr.com/sta..._id=29205882366
오늘 정엽씨 공연 참 좋았습니다...덤으로 JYP와 구혜선도 봤어여~^^==JungYup's performance was really good today...I also saw JYP and GHS~^^ (Did they come to the party together??? Does YG know?? ) http://yfrog.com/5lkk6yj
참고로 구혜선씨 너무 이뻤는데 찍기 금지여서 안타깝게도.. 정엽님 사진 더 올려요~^^==FYI, GHS-ssi was so pretty and I feel so bad that I was not allowed to take pix...Jung Yup-nim, please post more pix~^^ (Woooo!! Are there pix???) http://yfrog.com/5rwicyj
오늘 명동매장 드라마 뮤지컬촬영 박경림구혜선출연 박경림말씀 전문가입장에서 사장님패션 감각탁월 기분최고
Today at MyungDong shop, there was a filming for THE MUSICAL drama, appearing Park GyungLim and GHS. Park GyungLim told the owner of the shop that, as an expert, his/her fashion has excellent taste that makes one feel great. http://twtkr.com/sta..._id=29232399427
2010 할로윈 - 반얀트리==Haloween--Banyan Tree
자유의 여신상 이사강, 수험생 구혜선, 춘리 정수현, ==Statue of Liberty Lee Sah Ghang, ?soo-hum-seng=Test taker? GHS, ?choonlee? Jung Soo Hyun,
툼레이더1 전혜빈, 툼레이더2 김태희, 럭셔리 여우 고정현==tomb lady 1 Jun Hye Bin, tomb lady2 Kim Tae Hee, Luxury fox Go Jung Hyun
섹시폴리스 박지선 , 검은고양이(?) 조은아 , 그리고 유정이.=sexy police Park JiSun, black cat Jo EunAh and Yoo Jung.
사형수 현모씨 등등등 .... 헥헥... 사진 못 찍은 친구야들 너무 아쉽.=condemned criminal Hyun-Mo-ssi, etc. (out of breath sounds)hek,hek,,,,I am sorry that I did not get to take pix with all the friends.
그리고 난 착하고, 헌신적인 간호사 한영랑 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ==And, I am the nice and self-sacrificing nurse Han Young lhang. kekekekek http://minihp.cyworl...0563/1510903296
今年はほんとに粒ぞろいでどれもスゴク良かったけど、ベストは「妖術」(Asian Wind:韓国)ちゃんと楽しめてかつ深みもある誰にでもおすすめできる。次点は「臍帯」(Japanese Eye:日本)か「ホット・サマー・デイズ」(Asian Wind:香港)
올 해는 정말 알짜 배기로 어느 것도 스고크 좋았지만, 최고는 「요술」(Asian Wind : 한국) 제대로 즐길 수 있고 깊이도 누구에게나 추천할 수 있다. 차점자는 「탯줄」(Japanese Eye : 일본) 또는 「핫 서머 데이즈」(Asian Wind : 홍콩)--->I liked many but the best was YOSOOL. I enjoyed it and it also had depth. I would recommend to anyone.
「요술」 보기 쉬운데도 깊게 가슴에 오는,이라고 하는 올해의 TIFF를 상징하는 작품이었다 것이. 라스트는 비극적이지만 전반을 통해서 푸른 잎을 빠지는 바람의 냄새가 났다. 청춘이라는 느낌 w---> YoSool was easy to watch but it also came to my heart very deeply. Very significant part of TIFF this year. Though tragic at the end, and ??? gave me the sense about youth...
TIFF, 올해는 28개 감상. 마음에 든 작품은, 컴피티션 『그리고, 땅에 평화를』 『사라의 열쇠』 『【제피루】』, 아시아 『4장째의 몽타쥬』『요술』 『개·스웨트(sweat)』, 월드 시네마 『소수들의 고독』 『【한즈】·업』, 【레하】·【에루데무】 『마이 ·온리·【산샨인】』이상. S/he saw 28 films this year for review. She lists the films she likes 11 of them (?) and YOSool is included. http://twitter.com/m...ses/29241902501
그러고 보니 도쿄국제영화제, 폐막인가? 올해는 1개만…… 구혜선 감독의 『요술』. 재기 달린 렸다 곳이지도 모르지만, 나는 꽤 좋더라.--> I really liked GHS's YOSOOL from TIFF this year. http://twitter.com/m...ses/29275654631
『요술』에 나온 한용운의 시집 『님의 침묵』의 일역에서는 시의 타이틀이 「마법」이 되고 있다. 옛날 옛날 BOOK·OFF에서 100엔이라든가로 손에 넣었지만, 지금 보면 Amazon은 굉장한 값이 되고 있는 것이네요.--->YoSool is the title of the poem from colection of poems by Han Yong Woon's book titled [Lover's Silence]. Long time ago, I bought it because it was was 100won but now it is very expensive at Amazon. http://twitter.com/m...ses/29278545501
I will just summarize your clip above from TIFF: GHS says that she and the team worked hard and discussed a lot to make MAGIC and she also studied many other previous films that may help guide her thinking. She says that she was cheered on by all the directors but also scolded a lot by them while making the film. She especially points out Director Lee Joon Ik who made King's Man. He not only supported her effort but also gave her much scolding. (I remember Director Lee stating that he does not know how her film would do because that would depend on the public and that movie must be something that can really have communication with the audience. Perhaps he scolded her for making her film more abstract and so very different???) She feels so very lucky and fortunate for the opportunity and for the support and for having great actors to work with and she feels that she has learned more by making this film and feels that she can definitely grow more and become bigger through it. SHe says many doors have opened for her. She said that the actors practiced for 3 months on their own before the film started. Suh HyunJin actually played all the music parts by herself. (Suh has never played piano before in her life.) She feels lucky that they were so dedicated. She laughed when she was trying to speak Japanese but it sounded very natural and good to me.
4minute's HyunA, Kara's Gu Hara, actresses Ku Hye-sun, Seo Woo, Ko Ah-seong and Lee Se-yeong have been accepted on early admission to college for the spring semester of 2011.
According to HyunA's agency on Thursday, the girl group member will major in film under the division of art at Konkuk University's College of Art & Design next year.
An official from Seo Woo's agency confirmed yesterday that she will be joining HyunA at Konkuk University's College of Art & Design, adding that the actress has shown great interest in entering college to learn more about acting.
Gu Hara and actress Lee Se-yeong will become colleagues with both girls having been accepted to the department of media communication at Sungshin Women's University.
Korean actresses Ku Hye-sun and Ko Ah-seong will both become freshmen at Sungkyunkwan University, majoring in film at the school of art and studying sociology at the school of social sciences, respectively.
Reporter : Choi Jun-yong yjchoi01@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>
쿠+이사강=Koo+Lee Sah Gahng
쿠+박진영=Koo+Park Jin Young
출처 : 싸이월드