already thought'll ask...
but not now..maybe when everything's got cool down...i'll tell you...
till then...let's party...:pompom: :pompom: :pompom:
Originally posted by buahcinta at 29-11-2008 12:14 AM
that's the main reason i'm changed the avatar...let's get nude...sorry...i mean lets get party...
sorry mas for not anwering your ? yesterday.
i had flu & fever...luckily work till 12 (1/2 day)...
then, just had rest & sleep.
this morning feeling little bit fresher but still have no mood to do anything..
need more rest...tomorrow have to go to work..
Originally posted by buahcinta at 30-11-2008 11:30 AM
sorry mas for not anwering your ? yesterday.
i had flu & fever...luckily work till 12 (1/2 day)...
then, just had rest & sleep.
this morning feeling little bit fresher but still have no mo ...
OIC...thougt u go somewhere with yr kids.
u need a good rest 2day k!