Post time 29-8-2022 08:13 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
If buyeon ada lg dlm s2 xmustahil la dia dgn jang uk. Mcm sekufu dah dorang ni. In fact dlu cho yeon tu ditunangkan pon dgn jang uk maybe none of the reason utk penyatuan family (prominent family) and sbb buyeon dah takde. Pastu ada satu part yg masa jang uk nak kena soul shift tu kan buyeon yang tarik tangan dia dan selamatkan dia. Even bila mudeok jumpa buyeon dlm realm, buyeon cold gila. Tapi masa dia selamatkan jang uk, dia senyum je. Sampai jang uk ckp dia pasti mudeok ada td (mudeok clueless). Buyeon mmg jatuh hati jugak dgn jang uk.
Post time 29-8-2022 08:35 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 29-8-2022 03:56 PM
Hahaha.... kita kena kecikkan skop dlm citer ni je ..kalu compare citer lain tak aci la hahaha..ap ...
Iols dah habaq, naksu ori ka celup ka, keje hapuskan mage2 yg dah kena soul shift.. so bknnya high level mage tapi soul of successor jahh.. dia punya kuasa besye2 jahh.. tapi desas desus hebat la..
Post time 29-8-2022 08:40 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 29-8-2022 04:02 PM
Alaaa boleh je tu..cuma takde bajet n dah buang screen time kat benda2 laghaaa lain so tak cukup ...
Alaa.. bg iols si mudeok as naksu dok lawan pedang dlm eps 20 ok la.. iols takde la kagum masa eps awal dgn naksu ori.. sbb eps awal tu dah nampak naksu punya power takleh lawan buyeong.. sbb tu iols chill2 jahh..
Iols curious pulakk.. kalau naksu dpt jasad dia balik, buyeong masih ada dlm badan dia ka dah kembali mati? Sbb jinmu bg energy kat naksu utk lawan cover yg pendamkan energy dia.. tapi jinmu taktau ada cover yg pendamkan energy naksu.
Post time 29-8-2022 09:10 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Jang Uk... nama manja Ukie lol ..
How to start eh. Boring blh skip uols. Ni part 1 je baru hahaha.
Geram pulak bg sweet2 candy scene awal2 tu. Takpelah i'll take it. Rasa la berbunga2 kejap.
Donch play2 ... mudeok is gefren bernombor oredi...kedai cincin kata udah 7 org. Danggu kata udah 8 org...playboy ukieeee lol
Hai lahh bestnya kalau idop aman2 camni eh ukie . Merantau sama2 mudeoksu, takyah dah sibuk2 pasal power, pasal mages, pasal jinmu, pasal sapa bapak dia, yada yada yada.
Fokus kat cinta hati mudeoksu ja..protect from being petrified. Janguk tak tau kan sblm2 ni elemen buyeon yg bantu byk situasi to avoid petrification tu. So betullah decision dia nak merantau jauh dari kota. Apa2 hal dpt elakkan kekacauan. Tp tu la...tak sempat pun ukie nak pack luggage. Berhuhuhu je la kami penonton.
Tapi nak hilite sikit2 line yg i suka hahaha
1) kim doju you have it all wrong. That is the wrong bird.
2) kim doju.. if you just too shocked, just bite down on your handkerchief.
3) she checked and he is not impotent
4) do you think there were not a dozen?
5) you can do as you please. ( this a famous line from my fav manga character)
6) because i thought you were mudeok ( loud n clear rejection haha)
No 5 n 6 utk lady heo yun ok. Hehe
Janguk ni multifaceted person. Banding bff dia si yul mcm langit dgn bumi. His mischievous side , carefree nature, laid back attitude were written n delivered well by jaewook. His expression always on point. Kuat mengusik plak tu.. usik2 kan membawa bahagia hahaha. Suka tgk dia usik master lee n park jin.. muka mcm.serius tiber " keecho" ke apa word yg dia sebut tu dgn muka cheeky. This side of him is so endearing.
And dia pun spjg season 1 ni doesnt have malice vibes. No matter how frustrating his situation he manage to control his emotion in checked. Kalau biasa2 mau nya dia tahan dgn park jin tu.. Ni siap tolong selesaikan masalah cinta park jin dgn kim doju kehkehkeh. Cute ukie. Ok dah selesai fawning over ukie.
I have love hate feeling over this long sweet part of epi 20. I nak marah tp sabar gitu. I love the sweetness tp it makes my anxiety skyrocket up high la. Suka tapi tetap rasa mcm membazir screen suka . Acaner tu . Last episode kot...mcm tak penting sgt nak tunjuk byk2 sweet2 ni. Stress oi spjg masa tu.
Post time 29-8-2022 10:12 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Janguk n Master Hem Lee Fishing session.
I will write it down again their conversation sbb i rasa semua important point.
ML : Do you plan to keep the soul shifter by your side?
JU : We kept our promise to you. I stood in front of naksu sword, and she put down her sword. So i hope you keep your end of the bargain and let us go.
ML: What happened to the ice stone that day? Is it perhaps inside you?
JU: Even if it is, its completely useless. I can no longer catch a waterdrop , let alone a golden fish.
ML : If you train again you will be able to use that power.
JU : I witnessed how the desire to win that power made people violent n evil. It is only right not to awaken the icestone's power .
ML : You are greedy with catching fish. You are better than me.
JU: In any case since i have the icestone, i can protect one individual. If mudeok runs wild, please help me use this power to stop it.
ML : She will be fine as long as she does not try to bring out her power. That small weak body is housing the powerful soul of an assasin. If anything she had already run wild.
The reason why she has not, is that her body that is in control of the soul's power. I could see that on the day we 1st met. The only thing that can encompass the power of a mage is the devine power's of a priestesses. I believe mudeok's body originally belong to someone with great devine powers.
Kat convo ni mmg janguk confirmkan icestone ada dlm badan dia but in dormant state. Master lee pulak confirmkan yg janguk can use it power if he train hard again. Tp janguk make statement or secara tak langsung another promise ke master lee yg dia takkan buat mcm tu sbb dia taknak create another chaos bila org tau icestone tu ada kat dia..komfem la ramai yg buru dia ..dah hidup dia nak berlawan sana sini pulak kan.
This is the side of him yg wise beyond his age. He does not want power anymore.
But he still agree to keep it in him sbb mudeok.
So he request another favor from master lee to help him call out the icestone power when the time come.
Okehhh now. Master lee n janguk is not the only one yg tau pasal benda ni. Not surprising jinmu pun tau. I rasa dia tau dari shaman choi ... kan buku apa nama tu yg heirloom family choi tu. Mesti ada info detail pasal icestone ni. Sbb tu jinmu confidently poisoning CP mind. He told cp that janguk might hide his energy n the icestone. Sbb mesti dia very well aware about what the person born under a king star is capable of. Infact i suspect he know more than janguk or master lee himself especially how to manipulate the icestone using sorcery2 shaman choi / choi clan.
Then we look into master lee assurance about mudeok condition. He explained his finding to janguk but he did not mentioned the priestess could be the long lost daughter of jin ho gyeong.
My guess is he doesn't know it. In fact jinmu using buyeon to locate the icestone only known by jin wootak who already dead.
When you look at janguk expression, you can see his wheel of mind already turning. This is janguk genius side. He will put the two n two together soon enough. I put my fate on him that he will be able to connect the dot , next season la tapinya..nangis huhu.
Confident eh padahal mudeok sendiri pun sampai mati tak tau buyeon tu dia hahaha. Hanat betul
Ini semua hanyalah setting utk season 2.
Lepas ni blh start berteori mcm mana derang nak kaitkan naksu mudeok n buyeon. Kita teka sapa yg dpt solve puzzle ni dulu, jin hogyeong? Janguk? Master lee? Jinmu?
Skip to the end... janguk knew something not right about mudeoksu. Bila mudeok sedar n sebut nama janguk lps janguk panggil berkali2, you can see his eyes changed. But terpaksa mati hahaha tak sempat nak ckp apa2 dah.
Of course masa cremation tu badass gila tiba janguk blh hidup balik.
But master lee was there. Ingat masa convo tu janguk mintak master lee tolong call out the power of the icestone if mudeok runs wild.
So i rasa master lee did just that.
He call out the power n brought janguk back from the dead.
Post time 29-8-2022 10:19 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 29-8-2022 09:23 PM
Hang dah jatuh chenta dgn jae wook ka?
Lakonan jahh..
Ya awloh u mmg bijak. I mmg jatuh cinta dgn character dia..not going to deny that hahaha .
Tp ni cinta no berapa eh...there're son o gong and do min joo pastu ada sesshomaru, vegeta, and ichigo kurosaki.
Ramai uols hahaha.
Post time 29-8-2022 10:36 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
kartieka replied at 29-8-2022 03:50 PM
iols pn sedeh bila tgk maidservant kim pengsan tu..mcm bertimpa2 jd kat keluarga yg dia jaga...dh ...
Eh i pun sama teori dgn u pasal chochung soul maybe dah kena bunuh kat org lain. Tp kan i baru teingat ni.
Gilju... macai si jinmu tu kan tak jd soul shifting dgn janguk kan. Tp dia ada tanda biru tu n petrified jugak.
Gilju sblm tu takde soul shift lagi kan. Sblm kejadian tu kan dia bengang sbb jinmu nak suruh dia soulshift jd eunuch. So dia nak buat sendiri n pilih badan janguk. Tp soul shift process tu failed sbb buyeon interfere. She encompassed janguk soul mcm yg master lee explained tu.
So walopon soul dia masuk balik dlm badan dia , tp tanda tu tetap muncul. So possible jugak soul chochung mmg dah dlm badan dia n divination curse tu tetap berlaku menyebabkna dia runwild n petrified.
Then you tgk balik janggang..dia pun ada tanda tu jugak sbb dia pernah soul shift dgn king lama. Sbb tu janggang tak gunakan power mage dia lagi utk elakkan dia petrified. Ni sama mcm explanation master lee pasal mudeok ke janguk.
Then bila dia guna power mage tu utk kacau soul ejector poeer shamn choi dia strat to petrified. Nampak tak?
dari satu segi tentang pelakon jung so min ke tak, benda ni logiklah kalau mudeok / buyeon tu - terpisah jasad daripada Naksu, baik Naksu dimainkan oleh org lain , so in thsi case i have no qualms and i tak kot berapa pedulik lagi sapa nak main Naksu..Jang so min may be akan masuk balik atau tak according to Watching Sundays , hmm okay.
Post time 29-8-2022 10:48 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Baru makes sense nape jang gang tetibe petrified after kena asap process nak tukar roh si fake queen to buat. Apa pon i mmg xpuas hati kemain kejap beno cameo si apak jang uk ni. Dtg je tunjuk muka pastu sacrifice gitu je tinggal jd abu. Anak ya pon xsempat jumpa properly. Dimatikan gitu je. Bab kata pengulas2 seberang, kedatangannya ditunggu2 bertahun2, bila dtg tak guna langsung???????? Marah betul dorg????
Post time 29-8-2022 11:24 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
cikomek replied at 29-8-2022 10:48 PM
Baru makes sense nape jang gang tetibe petrified after kena asap process nak tukar roh si fake queen ...
Ya. Sbb tu janggang lari bawak diri jd alcoholic. Dia blh bertahan tak petrified sbb dia tak gunakan kuasa mage dia. Mcm mudeok she will be fine as long as she does not used her power.
So janggang sebenarnya power dia mmg dah ujung2 je. Sblm lari kan dia guna utk block gate energy janguk. Sure dah leak byk masa tu. Sbb tu surat master lee utk dia tu ckp, kalau ko ada energy lagi pergilah confessed kesalahan kau kat assembly tu.
Post time 29-8-2022 11:58 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 29-8-2022 10:12 PM
Janguk n Master Hem Lee Fishing session.
I will write it down again their conversation sbb i rasa se ...
Fuh baru hari ni iols mencemar duli...3 kali tgk baru abis epi 20 ni...haha...frust mmg frust la gitu je jd kt mu deok/naksu..cait...
Tp iols rs bu yeon mcm dah terlerai fizikal mu that roh naksu yg 'liar' takde pemgawal dah..and readiness to s2...
Tp tu la..naksu pun belum kenal sgt saper mu deok/bu yeon...park jin pun sekerat jln link mu deok n kampung sari...bonda hogyeong pun baru dpt relate kg sari-mudeok-so yi...
Adakah maksu akan muncul dlm kawalan u
Or liar kawalan?