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Author: xyla73

[tvN/Netflix] Alchemy of Souls - Lee Jae Wook, Jung So Min, Go Youn Jung

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Post time 30-8-2022 12:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 29-8-2022 10:12 PM
Janguk n Master Hem Lee Fishing session.
I will write it down again their conversation sbb i rasa se ...

Iols speku hogyeong yg dpt teka dulu.. pastu hogyeong akan pisahkan naksu drp buyeong, sbb nak buyeong kembali unpetrified.. dan dia akan pakai kuasa relic..

Hemp master mmg tau byk menda.. sbb dia dah capai level hwansu, dia voley manipulate ice stone giteww.. ke sbb ice stone dlm badan jang uk, so dia voley wat cenggitu? Sbb ice stone kan voley hidupkan yg mati..

Kalau takde relic nak hidupkan mudeok, pastu hogyeong pakai jang uk/ice stone pulak utk hidupkan.. giteww.. atopon hemp master yg wat? Atopon jang uk sendiri yg offer diri.. giteww..

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Post time 30-8-2022 07:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 29-8-2022 11:58 PM
Fuh baru hari ni iols mencemar duli...3 kali tgk baru abis epi 20 ni...haha...frust mmg frust la g ...

Ayuh kita berteori....kalu rajin baca some of my review on janguk, mudeoksu  n mudeokyeon. Nnt i summarykan puzzle setting utk season 2. Lepas tu senarai clue2 yg kita dpt dari preview season 2.
Citer ni sengaja dibuat complicated so kena fokus hahaha... kalah budak amip espeyem ni


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 Author| Post time 30-8-2022 08:45 AM | Show all posts
vanillarexy replied at 29-8-2022 12:41 AM
Memang confirm la ye jung so min will not be returning for season 2. I still berharap dia la pleas ...

kalau ikutkan xde pun official statement yg kata Jung So Min xde dlm part 2...diorg cuma cakap xboleh nak reveal apa2 takut nanti jadi spoiler utk finale part 1...since skrg kita dah tau ending part 1, apa kesimpulan yg kita blh buat? i think dia still ada kat part 2 but not the main lead anymore...otherwise how to wrap up bu yeon punya part? kita pun nampak org2 yg kemungkinan besar dari jinyowon datang selamatkan mudeok dlm tasik tu...
actually dlm mydramalist baru letak nama dia as support role (bu yeon) utk part 2...xtaulah sejauh mana kesahihannya...sebelum2 ni nama dia xde...


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Post time 30-8-2022 09:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 30-8-2022 08:45 AM
kalau ikutkan xde pun official statement yg kata Jung So Min xde dlm part 2...diorg cuma cakap xbo ...

I saw it too. Support role aje. Hanya utk flashback kot.

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Post time 30-8-2022 11:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 30-8-2022 12:03 AM
Iols speku hogyeong yg dpt teka dulu.. pastu hogyeong akan pisahkan naksu drp buyeong, sbb nak buy ...

Ya yg plg dekat dgn kebenaran hogyeong sbb mudeok panggil dia  omuni. Dia pun witness mudeok buka pintu jinyowon. If writer nak amik satu relic dlm jinyowon yg blh reverse the petrification process pun boleh. Sama mcm tiba2 ada divination curse kat soul ejector user yg blh diaktifkan guna powder n bell tu. Tp yg tu at least tied up dgn chochung case in the earlier episode. Writer hide info tu walo kita dah notice case chochung tu pelik n revealed kat epi 20. Tp if ada relic writer nak guna mesti ada hint2 puzzle mcm case chochung. Maybe la ada kita tak perasan kan.

Master lee mmg blh controlled icestone mcm shaman choi jugak. Sblm2 ni dia tak kacau sbb tu kerja songrim sbg penguatkuasa undang2 kot. Dia cuma tolong2 exposekan gertak2 sikit ja. Since keadaan haru biru balik so dia guna je la icestone tu bring back janguk from the deadam. Dia pun rasa kematian janguk unjustified tu. Hello king star baby kot..takkan mati katak ja.

Tapi dah pesan kan u win some u lose some. So lepas janguk set things right nnt adalah tu cara2 nak setelkan jinmu n icestone for good. Guna utk mudeok..rasa jd balik kitaran win some lose some tu.

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Post time 30-8-2022 11:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Alchemy of Soul : Light and Shadow

Edited by sitisbp at 30-8-2022 03:45 PM

Season 2 set up and theory

So i gigih nak buat summary from my point of view n campur2 dgn apa yg uols dah tulis n scattered dalam ni.  Senang i nak refer..maklumlah sejenis pelupa.

Kejatuhan songrim di bawah park jin n the raise of Jinmu as Songrim leader.

So akhirnya all Jinmu hardwork membuahkan hasil. He almost lost tp sbb naksu ada he manage to turn the table around.  He spouting another lies in front of his majesty king yg takde brain tu. He put all the blame to naksu yg kononnya dr awal2 lg berkomplot dgn the choi's clan. Dia jugak libatkan songrim n tuduh park jin tau mudeok tu naksu. So new season 2 kita akan lihat Jinmu jd leader songrim. Park jin pula yg akan bergerak di belakang utk menyiasat n mengumpulkan bukti2 utk pulihkan nama baik songrim semasa dibawah pantauan dia.
Ni kita tak tau lg apa hukuman yg dijatuhkan ke atas parkjin sbb dikatakan bersubahat tu. Harap2 bukan dimusnahkan la gate of energy dia. Nak bunuh Jinmu pun susah dah sbb kompem la royal n mages2 yg lalang tu pun support dia.

Kebangkitan semula Janguk from the dead akan ada new adventure awaits him. So what kind of superpower is awaken inside him.  How much control he has over the icestone?
He must have more energy now compared  to  what he letgo previously. So his mage status mesti dah level up. Cant wait to see the glow up. He can wield naksu sword too, yesss. Tercapai la harapan i nak tgk kan. Haha.

I think the 1st mission is to find naksu.
Will he become enemies or will he get to the bottom of why naksu suddenly runs wild.
Does his love remains? Where was the yinyang jade? What if one of them have memory loss? Harap writer tak guna lagi memori loss card ni. Sakit hati la. 20 episod dah kita disajikan dgn buyeon apparition ja n ujung2 dah dpt memori dia pulak hilang terus. Chehh. Who will be aiding janguk on his mission to clear his , naksu, and songrim name? Is it the 6 star? Siapa the 6 star?
How janguk will put an end to jinmu manipulation once and for all.

How the riddle " earn one n you lose another" related dgn tajuk season 2..light and shadow.


Again i put my trust in Janguk.  He is the one born under the King star..he must have fate better than dying as a powerless mage. So with his resurrention, i expect to see the darker side of him. He would haunt the people who hurt his naksu.

As i have commented before..the heirloom book of chois clans contained more info about the icestone. Jangul has read it. Thats why i believe he knew something is wrong with naksu. The realization on his face before he dies could be it. He knew naksu was under a curse. So i dont think both of them become enemies .
Bonus. They get married on janguk last breath haha. Remember the intertwined hand.  Thats the symbol of one n only ring. So cannot la become enemy haha.

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Post time 30-8-2022 04:13 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 30-8-2022 04:15 PM

Janguk twirling naksu"s sword in his hand is


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Post time 30-8-2022 04:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Uols…i bru terpikir..yul kira xde kuasa jugak dh la kn sbb dia guna magic dlm ice stone masa lawan master kang tu…tp xde mention psl ni dlm epi 20 i assume je la… n master heom x kasi dia pegi mana2 pn tuk dia cari naksu tu…ada cacing lg dlm bdn yg x setel iols yg byk pk

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Post time 30-8-2022 05:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols asyik tgk pre released part 2..teruk btl penangan AOS lat iols

Jang uk lawan tu pkai pedang naksu kan..nmpk pedang warna putih tu..

N costume dia mcm lg gelap dr part 1 ni..apakah…

Aarrgggggghhhh..iols x lh stop pk psl part 2..seksa la nk tnggu december oiiiii

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Post time 30-8-2022 06:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kartieka replied at 30-8-2022 05:53 PM
Iols asyik tgk pre released part 2..teruk btl penangan AOS lat iols

Jang uk lawan tu pkai pedang na ...

Kannnn...samalah. i pun demam aos tak kebah2 lg. Tengok clip janguk guna pedang janguk tu mmg meronta hilang kesabaran rasanya kena tunggu 3 bln lebih.

Rasanya s2 lbh dark. Semua cast pun costume n hairstyle tukor dah.

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Post time 30-8-2022 06:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kartieka replied at 30-8-2022 04:50 PM
Uols…i bru terpikir..yul kira xde kuasa jugak dh la kn sbb dia guna magic dlm ice stone masa lawan  ...

Tak semestinya habis terus. Maybe hilang 5 ke 10 thn worth of energy mcm beom buat  demo ke cp tu.
Rasa energy yul byk jugak. And dia tak guna sgt masa lawan master kang. Kan dia guna payung la apa2 yg dia blh capai. Plg2 pun dia guna energy utk defend or deflect serangan je. Sbb tu dia cedera teruk.

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Post time 30-8-2022 06:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Naksu and Jin Buyeon Comeback

While buyeon death remained as speculation among us, no evidence was shown if she's alive either. Her body with naksu soul however undergoing petrification masa dia terjun ke dalam tasik persemadian soul shifter yg lain. The ending shows she was lifted by 2 person in blue robe/ costume. Since the transformation has yet to be completed, it is safe to assume naksu is still alive.
Some dah speculate jinyowon guards are the one who saved her. Since hogyeong pun dah pesan kat choyeon dia nak mudeok alive so its possible mmg org jinyowon. Preview naksu original dgn background mcm kat jinyowon pun menguatkan lg specu ni.

Yang speculate jinyowon will hide her pun make senses  sbb hogyeong will need time to investigate if tu mmg badan buyeon. She need to stop the petrification process to get a proper look at the birth sign n scar as proof tu buyeon body. Boleh ke? Kita tau sejukwon berjaya stopkan petrification badan master kang.... kira tu their 1st specimen. Will jinyowon work with sejukwon? Benda nak kena hush2..lg ramai tau lg bahaya.
If jinmu tau habislah peluang dia nak dptkan balik buyeon kesayangan tu. Konfem kena tangkap n hukum bunuh as naksu.

But i remained sceptical about the idea buyeon comeback to life. Preview tunjuk naksu in her original body shj. For me if buyeon dah mati at episode 19 or masa jinmu force his energy to awaken naksu power tu is more favorable walopon contradict dgn hype yg buyeon tu hebat sgt. If the writer make buyeon tewas dgn curse divination shaman choi dan serbuk powder tu, thats disappointing la kan.
Kira curse dari bomoh pawang ni lg kuat dr power divinity priestesses??? Cannot la kan. Tp somin comeback as buyeon so how?
Kalau screen time buyeon s2 ala2 naksu s1 or janggang s1 tu kira supporting role jugak ke? I am expecting scene mcm flashback or apparition je, ni kira support ke cameo?

We knew Hogyeong takde ability utk bring back the dead..itu icestone je blh buat. So
i specu hogyeong divinity power cuba utk satukan soul yg ada dlm badan tu dgn physical body tu sbb dia nak soal siasat naksu. Tapi with some magic the body take into a form of the soul yg inhibit it. And since kita specu jugsk if soul buyeon takde dah, makanya body tu berubah jd naksu. Gitu. Tak logik kan hahaha.

Butttt if buyeon masih hidup cuma koma sbb terpalit curse soul shifter (  i hate this idea) maka ada kemungkinan la buyeon blh hidup semula dlm badan dia. So this justify why the powerful priestess with devine power ni tak berfungsi utk melawan jinmu.  And justify  somin comeback jugak as jin buyeon . But to be reduce to a supporting role leave a bitter taste to me walopon dia yg berlakon haha.

It doesnt explained how naksu gets her original body back though. If people can bring back the ashes, master lee boleh dpt balik badan dia dah.  But he did not. Kalau petrified body boleh hidup balik dgn body naksu kena bakar so.

Ok next specu is janguk yg pulihkan Naksu from petrification menggunakan kuasa icestone. Janguk terus tiba2 pandai guna spell utk harness icestone ke? Masa eunuch kim ada icestone dlm badan tu dia tak boleh guna sbb tak tau spell. Senang2 je shaman choi smbil balik.
So adakah janguk tetiba mempunyai kebolehan itu?
Tapi kata genius kan..kot sekali baca je kitab shaman choi tu dia dah hafal kan hahaha.
Cumanya if la specu naksu kat jinyowon tu betul...tak rasa hogyeong bagi naksu ke dia.
Kena nego2 camna nak devide sorang ambil buyeon sorang ambil naksu ke mcm mana?

Now i kalau bolehla taknak tgk plot love triangle lagi in season 2.
If they keep buyeon alive..and dia pun ada perasaan kat janguk (ingat dia tersenyum manis masa aos dgn gilju) it felt euwwww sgt. So selama ni dia perati je ke Ukiedokie. Eh janganla ada plot gini.

Plus buyeon attitude mcm mak dia kot... eh takmo. Berapa kali dia keluar as apparitions and flashback tu kan mcm cold je gayanya. Haha sblm ni susah nak terima mudeok takde dlm s2 skrg tak nak plak dia dlm s2. Flip flop betul.

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Post time 30-8-2022 07:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru teringat nak komen. Park jin kan kiranya tau byk gak la dah kan pasal jinmu terlibat dgn kematian chochung tu. Yg maid kim sampaikan pesanan janggang utk songrim clearkan nama chochung tu. Janggang bgtau jinmu yg buat chochung jd soulshifter n run wild sbb takut cho pecahkan rahsia janggang practice sorcery. Kenapa park jin tak fikir mudeok pun nasib dia sama mcm chochung?  Jinmu dtg tu siap bawak loceng kan terang2 tu. Tp park jin terus la nak panah mudeok.

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Post time 30-8-2022 08:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 30-8-2022 09:13 PM | Show all posts
The moment mudeok respond to his calling.The hand.



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Post time 31-8-2022 06:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
The title for Alchemy of Souls Part 2 is “Alchemy Of Souls: Light & Shadow.” The story revolves around Go Yoon Jung (Naksu) whose real name is Cho Yeong who is a shadow and Jang Uk, who is light. They will meet again in Part 2 as “Light and Shadow.”

I dah lupa pasal origin nama derang. Baca info atas ni kat fb baru teringat last time ada yg dah mentioned it dlm thread ni.

So kalau based on title i rasa lega sikit la.
Masih ada harapan end game janguk x cho yeong (naksu). Tak kisah la if kali ni maybe cho yeong bbetul mati in s2. Again specu berdasarkan reputasi Hong sisters yg taknak bg happy ending. Tp trick hong sisters ni walopon dah proven byk kali, people like me who is suckers for these type of drama tetap la jugak menonton naskhah derang. Disclaimer siap2, i belum tengok semua hasil kerja derang. Tau sbb baca ramai yg dah tgk n bgtau.

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Post time 31-8-2022 06:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Read somin info yg baru je dimasukkan dlm list as supporting role dah hilang balik. So was it confirmed or not? Mcm chipsmore pulak.

People still hung up over mudeok character assasination. I guess i am in the minority group la sbb i feel the opposites skrg. The plot already complicated enough so ending mudeok to give way for cho yeong (naksu) to move forward is a better option for me.

Buyeon character was glorified for nothing. For me character dia dlm the bigger picture of the story mcm janggang je.
So for mudeok to continue her role as buyeon mcm wasted. Her face was used amazingly as kalau lepas ni digunakan as buyeon i takut dia jd bystander mcm yun ok. Annoying la jugak.

Lagipun Janguk were never into buyeon. Its has always been naksu (mudeok.body).
Naksu the hard taskmaster. He knew naksu good and bad side. He had achieved everything he wanted with naksu. And they have lost it all to be together. And to change all of this because suddenly janguk believed naksu has turn evil??  The janguk we know will not easily fall for the trick. He would get to the bottom of it.

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Post time 31-8-2022 07:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 30-8-2022 11:23 AM
Ya yg plg dekat dgn kebenaran hogyeong sbb mudeok panggil dia  omuni. Dia pun witness mudeok buka  ...

Iols tak voley speku S2.. ntah2 penulis pun tatau nak tulis apa.. tu yg ready in december kekdahnya..

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Post time 31-8-2022 08:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 31-8-2022 09:09 AM
kartieka replied at 30-8-2022 04:50 PM
Uols…i bru terpikir..yul kira xde kuasa jugak dh la kn sbb dia guna magic dlm ice stone masa lawan  ...

Master heom tak bg dia pergi cari naksu sbb taknak yul nnt dituduh bersubahat. Kalau jinmu tau yul pun sorok yg dia tau mudeok tu naksu..yul akan kena hukum bunuh jugak. Kan jinmu dah trap jeongjihnak guna alasan yg sama sembunyikan naksu. Sbb tu dia request kat king songrim dikenakan tindakan berat. Tu i specu park jin kena lucut jawatan sbb preview jinmu pakai robe leader songrim dah.
So mage2 jeongjingak mcm yul tu nnt trpalit sikit je la instead of kena hukum bunuh.
Edit...maybe jinmu bukan jd leader songrim but gwanju of cheonbugwan.  Either 1 la. Yg pasti dia naik pangkat n people will acknowledged him like how he want. Ingat rempanan shaman choi kat dia sblm the final show. Sbb tu shaman choi, naksu , cho chung n yg lain2 jd puppet dia je.

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Post time 31-8-2022 09:34 AM | Show all posts
Mudeok ahh


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