thanks to first snow and credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi
The following are messages written by HyeSun in her CAFE:-
Date: 101008 02:27=10/08/2010
Topic: 으하= Eu Ha
Message: 핸드폰으로글남겨요. 아이구세상참좋아졌어요. 우리만난지도십년이다돼가나봐요..고향같은울식구들..보고싶네요용 ==I am leaving this message through a handphone. AiGoo, this world has made things so easy. I think it has already been going on 10 years since we first met...You are like my family from hometown...(she wrote the last sentence kind of cutesy) I missing you.
Date: 101127 06:33=11/27/2010
Topic: 사랑합니다.=I love you.
Message: 여러분!!^^=Everyone!! ^^
GHS's tweeter message and photos made news again. Wonderful! This is her tweet with her ruffled hair doing construction at DK2010. Netizens comments: Please be careful not to get hurt, I love your expression, Thank you for the good news. Article also mentions GHS completing her script, PEACG TREE.
이 시대 멀티 아티스트 아이콘, 구혜선= Besides being an actress and movie director, GHS is jumping into being an illustrator. GHS is this generation's artist icon.
“내 안에 숨겨진 끼와 감성을 보여주는 또 다른 통로, 그것이 아티스트의 길이다”="An artist's path is to reveal any hidden ability and sensibility. == (I am not sure if this is a direct quote by GHS as it is not in her interview below. to me, it does not feel like something GHS would say--at least not in public.)
Q. 최근 근황이 궁금하다. 어떻게 지냈나?-Q:How are things for you these days?
A. '더뮤지컬'이라는 드라마를 촬영 중이다.
그리고 내년에 들어갈 장편 영화의 시나리오 작업을 마쳤다.-A: I am currently filming a drama, THE MUSICAL. And, I have completed a script for a full-length film which I plan to make for next year.
Q. 인 한남 프로젝트에 참여 하게 된 계기는?-A: How did you get involved in InHanNam project?
A. 아는 지인을 통해 프로젝트 제안이 들어왔다.
전부터 디자인코리아 프로젝트에 관심이 많았던 터라 즐거운 마음으로 참여하게 되었다.-A: Through a friend/acquaintance, the proposal for the project came in. I have been very interested in Design Korea for some time so I decided to participte very happily.
Q. 인 한남 프로젝트 참가 디자이너 중 가장 관심 가는사람(팀)이 있다면?-Q: Do you have a person or a team in this HanNam project that you are most interested in?
A. 아무래도 나와 함께 공간을 쓰는 작가들이 아닐까.
일거수일투족을 나누는 사람들이 될테니까^^--A: I have to say the people with whom I will be sharing the space..since we will be sharing every single thing/movement with each other.^^
Q. 아티스트로서 당신의 멘토는 누구인가? 이유는?--Q: Do you have a mentor as an artist?
A. 좀 싱거울 수도 있겠지만... 모든 작가들, 모든 사람들이 나의 멘토다.
각기 다른 개성을 지녔기에 한사람 한사람에게 영감을 받고 배움을 얻는다--A: This may sound boring,,but, all authors/composers/artists..they are all my mentors. Every one of them is different in their ways/styles that I receive inspiration and learning from each and every one of them.
Q. 일러스트레이터로서본인의색깔이나특징이있다면?--Q: Do you have your own particular style or color as an illustrator?
A. 글쎄... 전체적인 구성을 선으로 표현하는 것이 아닐까한다.
색을 적게 사용하는 것을 추구하는 편이고, 색감을 강하게 표현하는 걸 좋아한다.--A: Well,,,I tend to use lines to give overall format. I tend not to use too many colors but love to express the sense of the color very strongly.
Q. 이번 프로젝트에서 아티스트 구혜선으로서 무엇을 보여주고 싶은가?--Q: For this project, what do you want to show as an artist?
A. 아티스트 구혜선은 좀 부담스러울 것 같고...
한 시민의 일원으로 편안하게 다가가고 싶다.
굳이 표현하자면 먼 예술이 아니라 문턱이 낮은 아트를 하고 싶다.
모두가 부담없이 느끼고 즐길 수 있는 아트.. 그걸 보여주고 싶다.--A: It is too much pressure for me to work as an Artsit GHS...I just want to work here very comfortably as part of one of the citizens. If I have to say it, I would like to work on a project that is 'not distant but close to the level of low doorsill. An arit that everybody can enjoy without any pressure or burden..that is what I would like to try to show.
Q. 디자인코리아2010에 가장 기대하는 것은?--Q: What do you expect the most out of Design Korea 2010?
A. 다른 작가들이 함께 구상하여 만든 공간도 기대되고,
이 곳을 찾아올 사람들의 반응 역시 기대된다.
개인적으로도, 관람객 모두에게도 뜻 깊은 시간이 되길 바란다.--A: I can't wait to see the work of other artists with whom I will work and share space. I also wonder what would be the reactions of the visiting public. Personally, I hope that all the visitors will have deeply meaningful time.
thanks to first snow from soompi and credit to susAmerica for the translation from soompi
Just summary: This must be an article from the summer. Sorry for cutting your post.)Maxmovie reporter Kim is ranking the summer movies based on people who viewed the movie. (Personally I think this ranker forgot to consider the fact that GHS's movie was not played in many theaters. I often heard DC complain that her movie was hard to find and that it did not even play at consistent times. That is unfortunately the tragic fact of being an independent, low-budget and artsy film. I think it is true everywhere.) For the Big Bang's Top fans, his movie was viewed at over 30% rate and came in second. This reviewer also pointed out that GHS's movie was promoted and publicized so much but the viewership was low. (Well, my thought is that GHS only has room to improve from now on. FIGHTING!!)
(CNA)Korean actress Ku HyeSun is now a movie director, her first featured full length movie was included in the 54th Asia Pacific Film Festival(APFF). She has just arrived Korea today and the chairman of APFF, Zhou ShouXun brought her kaoliang as a gift. She finished it in one shot on the spot and calmly said, "Very nice drink/delicious."
Ku HyeSun has started to gain her popularity from drama Boys Over Flowers. She is a multitalented woman, she published a novel, held an art exhibition and composed music. This year, she works with WuZun in Absolute Darling, trying to get herself a place in the Chinese market. Her first directed movie YoSool is included in this year's APFF.
Ku HyeSun appeared in APFF casually. She visited Taiwan for several times and she revealed that she feel excited for this visit too. There was an anti-South Korea issue recently, Ku HyeSun replied, 'It was irrelevant to movies, the Taiwanese are very friendly/nice, I feel like I am back to hometown when I visit Taiwan.'
YoSool is a story about young people learning music together. Ku HyeSun played four roles in the movie, director, actress, scriptwriter and music composer. She smiled and said, 'This is my first time being a director, please bear/forgive me. If you don't understand the story, you can listen to the music.'
thanks natali & first snow for the vid & translation from soompi
(I will translate HyeSun's words based on the translator)
0:07 (Words on screen) Ku HyeSun put on her 'magic' meet the fans nicely.
0:08 (Narrator) Korean actress Ku HyeSun with her first featured full length movie YoSool attended the screeening session. She may look very fragile and soft, but she is very good in drinking. She happily got a sip during the session. In refer to participate in APFF, she showed her ambition/aspiration.
0:22 (Words on screen) Ku HyeSun happily participate in APFF. Hoping to get a new director award.
0:29 (Translator) Rookie award. (Reporter) What is a rookie award? (Translator) Supposed that this is her first directed movie, so she hope to get a new director award.
0:39 (Narrator) YoSool is a story about love story between the students in a music school. When it was screening in Korea, there were some audiences commented that they did not understand the story.
1:08 (Words on the screen) Presented her new work. Ku HyeSun hoped that the audience may bear/forgive her.
1:23 (Translator) She emphasized that this movie is different from the movies in the past. So for audience that do not understand the story, please bear/forgive her. Take it as enjoying a beautiful music concert(?)
1:43 (Narrator) After all, YoSool is Ku HyeSun's first directed movie. So people please give her more creativity capacity.
「韩版杉菜当导演」 力拚亚太影展奖项
Ku HyeSun (Korean Version Makino) as director_Going for APFF award
After considering the anti-South Korea issue, the chairman of APFF, Zhou ShouXun planned not to invite any Korean idols/celebrity. However, the HOT South Korea actor, Ku HyeSun who acted as Geum Jandi (Makino) in Boys Over Flowers came to Taiwan and attended the APFF screening session/demonstration session. She came to Taiwan and participated in APFF as a director not an actress/celebrity, because her movie/work is included in the APFF.
A lot of music as substrate, presenting a delicate triangular relationship between the three actors, it made up the Korean movie YoSool which included in APFF. She is the force behind of the movie, she is the HOT Korean Star, Ku HyeSun.
Clip from Boys Over Flowers: 'Can you tell me your name? Forget about it.'
Korean drama fan should know her, she acted as the perseverance Geum JanDi in Boys Over Flower. She is so young and just only 26 years old. Besides acting, she is a director and scriptwriter, playing multiple roles in the art industry. After considering anti-South Korea issue, APFF decided not to invite any Korean idols/celebrity. For this time, Ku HyeSun is not a celebrity, she is a movie director.
Director of YoSool, Ku HyeSun: 'Actually I did not worry about the problem of anti-Korea. Because of I really like Taiwan, I did not think too much after received the invitation. I feel very happy for standing here. Because Taiwanese are very friendly/nice. I like it very much.'
Ku HyeSun had worked with Fahrenheit in promoting Taiwan tourism. Coming to Taiwan again, she does not have any idol outlook/does not dressed like an idol. She came here just to promote her own movie and prepared herself to be compared with Asian movie makers.
Cre: TVBS News and by_onlyhs @ Baidu Ku HyeSun Bar
具惠善不懼反韓:「台灣人很親切!」 Ku Hye Sun not afraid of Anti-Korean: “Taiwanese are very friendly!”
第54屆亞太觀摩影展首場記者會,由具惠善所拍攝的《妖術》打頭陣,首次執導劇情長片的她,就有亮眼的成績,《妖術》不僅入圍參加了本屆亞太影展,更在觀 摩影展開放網路報名後,不到一小時就被索票一空,身為新銳導演的她,就有這樣的成績,表示她的能力是受到肯定的。記者會上,她不避諱的回答反韓問題,更在 現場喝起高粱酒,覺得台灣人真的很親切,也希望有機會能再來台灣。
The 54th APFF screening’s first press conference, features “Magic” directed by Ku Hye Sun. For her first directorial, “Magic” achieves remarkable result. The film only being invited to APFF, all tickets were taken in less than an hour at the online application for screening. Being a new director to obtain this result, it shows that her capability is being recognized. At the press conference, she did not mind to respond to questions about anti-Korean, she also drank Kaoliang wine and thinks that Taiwanese are really friendly. She hopes that she would have chance to visit Taiwan again.
Ku Hye Sun not afraid of Anti-Korean: “Taiwanese are very friendly”
At the beginning of press conference, APFF chairman Zhou Shou Xun gave this year’s APFF memorial wine to Ku Hye Sun. renowned as the heroin of wine, she finished a full glass of JinMun Kaoliang wine, and said “it’s delicious” after drinking that. When she’s asked if she’s worried about the recent issue between Korea & Taiwan, Ku Hye Sun, who visited Taiwan several times, said, “I’m not worried about that at all. I feel like home whenever I visit Taiwan, Taiwanese are really very friendly!” Once she received that invitation from APFF, she accepted the invite immediately, to accompany her fans to watch her directorial project. She feels very happy and hopes that she would visit Taiwan frequently in future.
初執長片導演筒成績亮眼 親臨現場
First Directorial achieved remarkable result attending the ceremony personally
Ku Hye Sun becomes stardom becoz of BOF in 2009, he good acting skill helps her career progress to a higher level. KHS, being a director for the first time has already achieved remarkable result. Her short film “Cheerful Caretaker” has won the Audience Award at PIFF, the feature film “Magic” was also invited to APFF. When being asked the award she most wanted, KHS humbly said, “I hope to get the Best Rookie Director Award.”
Knowing that all the screening tickets of Magic were being obtained in less than an hour, KHS was touched by this overwhelming response. For being able to watch the movie with her fans later on, she also expressed that she’s looking forward to it. She hopes that audience could feel the music in the movie with the mood like listening to a concert. She also said in Chinese, “Hope that everyone would like it!”
The friendly KHS is an actress, a director, and a script writer. About going to the university in nest March, she said, “Even I’m very busy; I would be studying hard when university starts.” In future she also hopes to have better performance.
Ku HyeSun did not worry about anti-Korea: Taiwanese are very nice/friendly!
The 54th APFF screening/demonstration session first press conference was started with movie YoSool which was directed by Ku HyeSun. This is the first time she directed in a full length movie and she received great results. YoSool not only included in this year's APFF, the tickets of screening session for this movie were fully redeemed within an hour. She managed to get such good results as a new director, this represented that her ability is agreed by the others. During the press conference, she answered the questions about anti-Korea and drank kaoliung, feels that Taiwanese are very friendly and she hoped that she can visit Taiwan again.
Ku HyeSun did not worry about anti-Korea: Taiwanese are very nice/friendly!
記者會一開始,亞太影展 周守訓主席就將本屆的亞太紀念酒送給具惠善,有酒國女英雄之稱的她,在現場豪邁的乾了一整杯金門高粱酒,喝完直呼:「好喝!」
When the press conference started, chairman Zhou ShouXun brought kaoliung and presented to Ku HyeSun as a souvenir of APFF. She was known as a 'wine heroine'(?) and boldly drank a fulled cup of JinMen kaoliung, she immediately said, "Very nice drink/delicious!" When she was asked about whether did she worry about the problem between Taiwan and Korea, Ku HyeSun who has visited Taiwan for several times replied, "I did not worry about this at all, every time when I visit Taiwan, I feel like I am going back to hometown, Taiwanese are really friendly/nice!" When she received the invitation for APFF, she immediately promised the organizer that she will be participating in this event, accompany the fans to enjoy her own work/movie! She felt very happy and hoped that there are chances for her to visit Taiwan in the future.
初執長片導演筒成績亮眼 親臨現場
First time directing movie and received good results_Came to spot personally
In year 2009, because of Boys Over Flowers, Ku HyeSun gained her popularity. Her superb acting skills lead her to a higher level in her career. Being a movie director for the first time, she received good results. Her short film, The Madonna received an Audience Award from Pusan International Film Festival. For this time, her full length movie, YoSool was nominated in APFF. When the media asked her about what award did she hope to receive, she humbly said, 'I hope that I can receive a Best Newcomer award.'
After knowing the tickets were fully redeemed within an hour after the registration was opened through the internet, Ku HyeSun felt very touch. Ku HyeSun said that she was looking forward to watch the movie with the fans, she hoped that every one can take it was watching a music concert, enjoy the music from the movie. She even spoke it in Mandarin, 「希望大家喜歡!」 (I hope that every one will like it!)
She is an approachable/friendly person, playing multiple roles as an actress, movie director and scriptwriter. Regarding next year March school reopen problem, she felt that, "No matter how busy it will be, when school reopen, I will still study hardly." She hoped that she can have better performance in the future.
Ku Hye Sun attended APFF screening session, and tried a sip of Taiwan Kaoliang wine
具惠善执导新作 入围亚太影展 Ku Hye Sun Directorial project Shortlisted in APFF
【大纪元2010年12月02日讯】(大纪元记者黄宗茂台北报导)韩国女星具惠善继上次与吴尊因合作电视剧《绝对达令》来台造访之后,这次她升格当导演, 首部执导长片《妖术》因入围第54届亚太影展,再度应邀来台,今(2日)特别出席亚太影展观摩影展。
[Epoch Times 2 Dec 2010] (reporter Huang Zung Mou/ Taipei) subsequent to last visit in Taiwan for drama "Absolute Darling", which co-star wit Wu Chun, Korean Actress Ku Hye Sun was invited to visit Taiwan again as a director. her first directorial full length film "Magic" shortlisted in the 54th APFF. Today (2nd) she attended the screening session of APFF.
Ku Hye Sun attended APFF screening session on the 2nd
具惠善 今天以一身轻装亮相,来台多次的她,笑说这次来还是很兴奋。影展主席周守训特别送上高粱伴手礼,具惠善当场先小酌一下,随即用中文说:“很顺口、很好 喝。”
Ku Hye Sun appear in casual wear today. Visiting Taiwan for several times, she said that she is still excited for the visit this time. APFF chairman Zhou Shou Xun specially presented Kaoliang wine as souvenir, Ku Hye Sun tried a sip on-site. right after that, she said in Chinese, "very smooth, very delicious."
第1次当导演,首部新作《妖术》即入围亚太影展,具惠善觉得很开心、很兴奋。对于电影想传达什么给观众,具惠善笑说感觉跟以往的电影不同,与 其说是影像不如说是放在音乐上面,“如果看不懂,请听听音乐。”她谦虚表示请大家多多包涵。
Being a director for the first time, her first directorial "Magic" was invited to APFF. Ku Hye Sun feels very happy and excited about that. In regards to the message she wants to convey to audience through her movie, Ku Hye Sun said that this film would feel different from previous films. Instead of images, the emphasis was more on music. "If you can't understand the story, lease listen to he music" She humbly asked everyone to bear with her.
具惠善透露《妖术》是描述一群年轻人学习音乐关 于爱情、友情、亲情的故事,而她这次担任的工作是集导演、演员、编剧、作曲于一身。
Ku Hye Sun reveals that "Magic" is a story about love, friendship & family of a batch of youngsters who study music. This time her jobs were director, actress, scriptwriter and music composer.
当记者问 及在亚太影展观摩影展中,最喜欢哪部华语片,具惠善表示既然来了,应该到电影院要好好看过,再好好思考。至于有想过自己会拿到什么奖?由于是首次执导,她 笑说:“应该是新人奖吧!”
When reporters asked which Chinese film in APFF she likes most, Ku Hye Sun said that as she has come here, she should go to theater too watch the movies and think about it thoroughly. For what award she wants to win, as this is her first directorial, she said, "should be rookie director award!"
In addition, recently there was anti-korean sentiment in Taiwan, she was asked if she's worried before coming. Ku Hye Sun stated that she hasn't thought about that much and wasn't worried. She decided to attend right after receiving the invitation. She thinks Taiwanese are very friendly, and she feels like returning home when visiting Taiwan.
101203 - Ku Hye Sun @ APFF press conference
brief translation based on narration & caption:
@0:00 narrator: Ku Hye Sun brings her first directorial Magic to APFF in Taiwan. She is not only the director, but also actress, screenwriter & music composer for the movie. when she was asked if she wants to win an award,
@0:17 HS: I want to get the Rookie Director Award
@0:21 narrator: though she's going to work on a drama with Wu Chun, timid KHS didn't invite WC to watch her movie
@0:30 HS: WC seems to be very busy, I haven't got a chance to contact him. and I'm afraid to disturb him since he's very busy
@0:38 narrator: through APFF, besides promoting her own movie, she also want to take this chance to learn more about others' movies, in which include Chinese movie
@0:47 HS: I like Chinese movies for a long time. Since I have come to Taiwan, I plan to watch all the movies, and then consider which one I like most.