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Author: Magika

Pilihanraya Sarawak 2011 : Barisan Nasional menang majoriti 2/3

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Post time 15-4-2011 02:38 PM | Show all posts

ni klu PR yg buat mesti jadi tajuk utama utusan

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Post time 15-4-2011 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Kat Bintulu mlm tadi traffic jam giler2...
Muntz Post at 15-4-2011 07:36

   wah...bintulu pun traffic jam...ada gambar??

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Post time 15-4-2011 02:40 PM | Show all posts
ni klu PR yg buat mesti jadi tajuk utama utusan
gergasi Post at 15-4-2011 14:38

   diaorg buat ceramah depan masjid ke? ke depan istana adun?

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Post time 15-4-2011 02:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1163# wirazam

kat masjid..ada lagi gambar tapi malas nak letak,nanti kecikan hati astenuk lak

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Post time 15-4-2011 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Sarawakians! Give yourselves a chance. Free yourselves from 30 years of misery!

For once, the people of Sarawak must do themselves a favor. Give yourselves a chance. Not give others a chance. They have had 30 years. You only need this one chance. This is your hour. Let your progeny say in future, this was your finest hour.

This is your chance to regain your dignity and pride as a decent human being. Give yourselves the chance to determine your own destiny. Or at the very least, show to those in power that you matter. There is nothing to fear except fear itself.

Show those in power the cant scare you with the presence of coercive instruments of power. The police and the army guarding your long houses are there protecting you. Those RELA people out there are only there for a brief time. What's left is how you determined your life.

Throw out corruption. Throw out incompetence. Throw out a lifetime of neglect. Reject the bullies.

Give your children and grandchildren the chance. Say it's enough. You gave Taib Mahmud 30 years of chance. He has taken everything. He has taken the most precious thing from you-your sense of self-worth. Will the Dayaks continue to be complicit in the charade of showing they are only good at performing the ngajat dance and in that process, be regarded as nothing more than objects of cultural curiosity?

Will that treatment give you decent housing, clean water, electricity? Has it given you that? Remember the misery of walking miles down the road to get a can of kerosene. Don't forget the humiliation of being given portable computers where electricity is nonexistent. Remember forests and the trees that are gone forever.

Can the heads with the same set thinking usher in a better future? The answer must be an emphatic NO. How can the SAME thinking coming out from the SAME heads, accustomed to keeping entire peoples in callous disregard, unchallenged incompetence and open arrogance be capable of turning over a new leaf? Agreeing to this proposition is self-deceit of the highest order. It's a crime against humanity itself.

In a previous lifetime of glory and pride, the only solution that Sarawakians are renowned for, is to cut off their enemy's head. Those in power are no longer your benefactors. They stand on the side of the enemy of the people.

If you give Taib and his government another chance, it means you are willing to allow him to perpetuate years of neglect, corruption incompetence and arrogance. It's not going to be enough. It will be 30 years of the SAME neglect, incompetence and arrogance and corruption.

For 30 years, the chance to give yourself a decent living and the chance to give yourself dignity has been forcibly taken away. It has been taken away by 30 years of neglect, negligence and arrogance. The neglect exemplified most horribly by the waste laid bare on your land which forms the very spring and essence of your life.

What has the majority of the Sarawak people achieved? The fruits of development enjoyed by the elite while the majority languished in a world that time seem to forget? After 30 years, 6000 longhouses are still without electricity and water in a state which boasts the biggest hydro dam?

This Sunday, dubbed Super Sunday will be judgment day for Taib Mahmud and his ruling PBB and his partner parties. These past week are the trial that leads to that judgment day. What is the purpose of the judgment day?

The purpose of that judgment day, is for the court of the people, to call up those who manage the state to account for what they have done. That in essence is what accountability means. You are called up to account for the things you have done.

What has Taib and his party done to Sarawak for the last 30 years? Taib and his cabal of leaders have brought much development to Sarawak. To free Sarawakians from primitive state of affairs- underdevelopment stunted growth, primitive lifestyles, civilizing the natives bringing them into the 20th century and beyond.

All that, said the wise people is spectacular development. Sterling! Screamed some people with lard-laden brains.

The people of Sarawak has only one response to give to Taib and his cabal of leaders- continue giving us the lies, we shall not stop uncovering the truths.

Right now, you have only one historic mission. Get Taib to step down as Chief Minister. Showing him the exit is the single most potent weapon and burning issue against the Barisan Nasional in the state general elections. Whoever sides with Taib stands for corruption and against the people.

Getting him out has united Sarawakians . This shared thinking is possible because 30 years of his kleptocratic rule as Chief Minister has bred and entrenched the habits of non-accountability, lack of transparency and absence decency of good governance. Remember kleptocracy is associated with the meaning of thief and theft.

That thiever, none better illustrated by the mountain of allegations on abuses of power and rampant corruption under his rule which he has not been able to rebut. Dato Seri Najib Razak is not unaware of what is happening to Sarawak with Taib at the helm, but Najib appears to have been immobilized by the phalanx of bomohs and witches surrounding Taib Mahmud.

It is obvious, DS Najib is even powerless to have Taib committed to an early date to step down . The PM has repeatedly been rebuffed by the Chief Minister and there is nothing the Prime Minister could do about it.

Taib Mahmud is not an UMNO member and his reaction to the PM's announcement that Taib will leave office is like telling the PM to F off from his turf. Taib is saying, who are you telling me what to do with my office, in my state? Sarawak is Taib's country. The PM can't do anything, but the people of Sarawak can.

Give yourselves that chance. Don't turn to others for succor.

- Datuk Ariff Sabri/sakmongkol ak47

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Post time 15-4-2011 02:51 PM | Show all posts

Siap pakai tangkal tu..harap2 tangkal tu leh tolng beend la noooo...

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Post time 15-4-2011 02:52 PM | Show all posts
ni klu PR yg buat mesti jadi tajuk utama utusan
gergasi Post at 15-4-2011 14:38

    berjoget kt masjid ka?..pakai ketat2??..mcm penah dgr jek kes ni dulu...ooopsssss!!

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Post time 15-4-2011 02:57 PM | Show all posts
berjoget kt masjid ka?..pakai ketat2??..mcm penah dgr jek kes ni dulu...ooopsssss!! : ...
kecimpret Post at 15-4-2011 14:52

    melayu tak apa kott ..

jangan cina .


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Post time 15-4-2011 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Klu menang la PR kat sarawak  selang sehari lepas tu byk la tv3 tunjuk org serawak miskin2 tak terbela sbb PR taktau perintah

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Post time 15-4-2011 03:15 PM | Show all posts

ok,chow  dulu,mahu berkempen...

p/s:br dpt berita calon bn n26 tembak pegawai dia..

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Post time 15-4-2011 03:21 PM | Show all posts
bertalu2 kempen melalui SMS utk meraih undi dan memburukkan parti lawan....

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Post time 15-4-2011 03:27 PM | Show all posts
malam td, kt tpt gf aku, BN ada wat makan2, tapi tak sampai 100 org dtg. Mlm ni lak, BN wat BBQ, sempat huloq duit kot mlm ni huhu

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Post time 15-4-2011 03:34 PM | Show all posts
dari page Pilihan Raya Sarawak- Harian Metro

Ada pemandu teksi jadi ejen pembangkang

MIRI: Tertekan dengan sokongan pengundi yang tidak memihak menjelang hari pengundian esok, pembangkang kini didakwa menggunakan taktik terbaru apabila menjadikan pemandu teksi sebagai ‘ejen’ untuk menghasut rakyat membenci kerajaan.

Antara yang menjadi mangsa ‘serangan’ pemandu teksi terbabit termasuk Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Ketua Menteri, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud dan Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Tan Sri Dr George Chan Hong Nam.

Kebanyakan pemandu terbabit mengajak penumpang berbual soal politik berkisar pilihan raya negeri Sabtu ini, sebelum terus ‘menghentam’ kerajaan dengan dakwaan konon Barisan Nasional (BN) tidak prihatin dengan nasib golongan kurang berkemampuan. Tidak cukup dengan itu, mereka turut mendakwa kerajaan negeri tidak serius menyediakan peluang memiliki rumah di kawasan Miri dengan menetapkan harga tidak masuk akal dan membebankan rakyat.

Selain itu, Kementerian Pelajaran turut menjadi sasaran apabila timbul dakwaan konon peruntukan untuk setiap sekolah di Miri diseleweng pihak tertentu untuk kepentingan peribadi hingga pengurusan sekolah terpaksa mencari dana sendiri bagi membiayai aktiviti.

Wartawan Harian Metro yang menyamar sebagai penumpang turut dijadikan ‘tetamu politik’ dalam beberapa teksi sekitar bandar raya ini sambil pemandu mengambil kesempatan membezakan situasi politik kotor di Sarawak dan Semenanjung.

Antara topik yang menjadi bualan ialah tohmahan konon Timbalan Ketua Menteri yang juga calon BN bagi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Piasau menggunakan kedudukannya untuk membeli tanah bagi pihak anaknya pada harga lebih murah berbanding harga pasaran sebenar.

Sementara itu, tinjauan juga mendapati, ramai di antara pemandu teksi di bandar raya ini mengirim SMS berunsur hasutan kepada orang ramai supaya membenci BN dan menyokong DAP.


sekarang soalannya...sejak bila plak H Metro ni dah jadi Ejen BN ??

sila bukak page ni
lihat dibahagian  "lain-lain pautan"

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Post time 15-4-2011 03:35 PM | Show all posts

ni klu PR yg buat mesti jadi tajuk utama utusan
gergasi Post at 15-4-2011 14:38

Seb bek mopti S'wak x haramkan poco2.. Dptlah pepuak Be End berpoco2an.. tapi perlukah buat depan masjid??? :@ Dah xdak tanah lapang lain kaa nak buat?? :@

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Post time 15-4-2011 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Bahagian "Lain-Lain Pautan" dari page Pilihan Raya Sarawak - Harian Metro

Lain-Lain Pautan

    * Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB)
    * Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sarawak (SUPP)
    * Parti Progresif Demokratik Sarawak (SPDP)
    * Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS)


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Post time 15-4-2011 03:38 PM | Show all posts
Len kali soh jek pelacur bogel menari tiang buat persembahan dlm ceramah2 Be End.. Kompom ramai dtg!

DESPERATE tahap Gaban sungguh!   


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Post time 15-4-2011 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1176# Manami

    gambar poster kat belakang tu seswai sekali..nampak mcm gatai sangat

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Post time 15-4-2011 03:44 PM | Show all posts

kamek org dan family yang sik dapat balit ngundi sbb kinek tok ada di semenanjung hanya mampu nangga dan nengar berita..(nak balit sikda duit)

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Post time 15-4-2011 03:45 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Manami

    gambar poster kat belakang tu seswai sekali..nampak mcm gatai sangat
tebuanharimau Post at 15-4-2011 15:41

Menyeringai tgk pompuan x cukup kain ala sarung nangka ..
Pepuak Be End ni bab eksploitasi pompuan & kanak2 sekolah demi kerakusan politik mmg world!
DESPERATE tahap petala langit ke 7 !


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Post time 15-4-2011 03:47 PM | Show all posts
Ini pandangan KICKTHEFELLER blogger yang tak pro memana party

When it comes to development issue, I would rather say, as an outsider what I have seen throughout my just 2,000 kilometres on and off journey from my base in Kuching, development is there where it matters. My buddy bloggers who have been to the most rural areas in Limbang and Kapit also share the same sentiment.

Overall it is easy to say, development has reach where it matters. However if you are the locals, you would love to see much aggressive development without taking into account, the real economic needs for it.

Nevertheless, a government needs to float on the balance of practicality and popularity to survive. It is never an easy game to play.

Yet more development projects will be said to translate into corruptions at a more rampant level, more chances for cronies to get the projects and more political funds for the parties within the government. As so it is much easier for the oppositions to brand the government negatively.

More development also caters to more dissatisfactions amongst the group of people due to many things that are related to them. Such matters pertaining just to acquisitions and compensations can mean a government may lose the support of the particular constituency.

Leave governing alone, development itself is much headache.

Recently, a study group led by a peninsular professor predicted BN will lose Sarawak. DAP and its partner in PAKATAN RAKYAT will garner 27 seats, SNAP 13 and independents will gain 7.

However, based on my observations, the sentiments is not such. I would agree that in most Chinese majority constituencies, the tide are against BN, some say overall, BN only enjoys up to 15% of the Chinese votes in Sarawak. This can only mean BN will lose most of the urban seats. Most humble prediction I heard, saying DAP will win up to 11 seats. While BN will retain its two-thirds majority, the oppositions will win around 15 to 22 seats. Which mean the opposition will double the result they got in 2006.

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