Banyak banyak Bahasa - bahasa apa yg anda berminat utk mempelajari nya?
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Originally posted by lin_okinawa at 27-4-2007 00:48
jom jom blaja sesame....heheeh aku pn tgh duk blaja lg ni
tp tkdela tahap pandai
kowang tk p amek klas nihongo ke?
lin tau dak course nihongo nih kat mane? kalo boleh kat area belah2 penang kedah |
aku berminat nak belajar bahasa arab.. tp x berkesempatan lagi |
aku tau french n spanish
skrg nk blaja italian plak
leh ngorat balak ensem kt sane |
Reply #106 Rempit_25's post
kn aku dh ajar aritu
ko dh lufer ke? |
Reply #103 estrellas's post
hehehe gomen..png kedah tk tau la
kalo area kl selangor tau la :bgrin:
tk cube tanye uum ke ape ke??mane tau kot diowang ade fakulti bahase ke |
aku blajar bahasa jepun kt language center dkt ngan umah aku masa aku sem break.. dpt la smp Beginner 2 jer. Sangat seronok! Aku rasa nak sambung amek weekend classes bile class uni da start...tp x jadik..sbb aku takot x concentrate. Sem ni dah final sem.. rasanya pas final abis kang aku nak sambung balek amek Intermediate 1 dan at least sampai Intermediate 2...leh amek proficiency testlvl 4 yg palen rendah pastu..hehe.
Bahasa len aku nak belajar... Arab dan German. |
Huu..best nye..
Sesape tau x klau ade language center kat shah alam.
Yg saya tau ade kat subang..ICLS..
parents x bagi pi sn..
Jauh sgt kate nye(masih dibawah tanggungan ibubape) |
Reply #111 evey709's post
....aku sangat rekemen blajar Nihongo kat ICLS ni...sangat best dan berkesan. Rindunye nk blaja lagik..
hehe aku dekat je la...5 minit sampai! |
Reply #112 fa_stellar's post
btul ke berkesan?
Klau camtuh nak pujuk parents la.
Teringin lak blaja french..
spanish pon bole... |
Reply #113 evey709's post
kalau aku..aku sangat2 puas hati belajar Nihongo kat ICLS tu..kalo dpt join kelas intensive tu lagi bagus...8 hari 5 jam sehari (break sejam..kira 2 jam 2 jam la blaja).
Bahasa2 len pon derang offer..tp kelas utk nihongo lagi byk la.. |
Balas #114 fa_stellar\ catat
Language courses
Assalamualaikum! Hello! Bonjour! Guten Tag! Sawadeekap!
It is indeed an advantage if one is able to converse in many languages. Those who have this ability can mingle with anyone in the world with high confidence. If there is an opportunity to learn any language, it would be quite a loss to let it pass.
UiTM抯 staff and students are very fortunate because a chance like this is opened to them at the Academy of Language Studies (APB) UiTM Shah Alam. The language course is open to the public too.
The languages offered are English, Malay (for expatriates only), French, Italian, German, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Thai and Arabic. To encourage multilingualism among the students and staff, the fees has been reduced to 50 percent. It was RM450 per semester, and now it is RM225 per semester. Classes are held for every level of proficiency, from beginners |
Reply #117 tasyha3's post
Klau nak tau fee tu kene tanye kat die..
Aritu penah antar emel kat diorg..
diorg reply,siap bagi schedule lagi..siap call lagi..
tp diorg call lmbt sgt,uni da nak start..
ngan parents x bagi..kene la tangguh dulu..
yg kat uitm tuh,open utk student die je ke..
atau bkn student uitm pon leh join? |
Balas #118 evey709\ catat
bukan student pun boleh join.. RM450 per sem.. kalo student n staff dapat half price.. nyesal dulu x amik package ni.. dapt murah.. ingat nk buat jugak.. |
Reply #119 tasyha3's post
termiss ayat yg tulis "this course is open to public" tu..
hmm..nmpk nye ni yg plng dekat ngan umah..
nk pi tinjau la.. |
bahasa arab laaa...
best ape........ |
setakat ni aku dah belaja bahasa arab(of course,sbb uia), korea and mandarin......buat mase nie..korea aku dah boleh baca but lack of vocab..so x fhm...huhu...mandarin bru pas exam.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi