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Author: menshOrihon

AMAZING RACE sekarang di ntv7

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Post time 26-7-2003 01:05 AM | Show all posts
sabau ajer la ... gay couple still save lg walaupun dpt no. 4. ari nie episode takde kicking out ... tensennya ...
next week sure ada yg kene kick out ....

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Post time 26-7-2003 01:58 AM | Show all posts
taknak lah kalau team adik-beradik tu keluar.. suka tgk dia org tu... kelakor jer.... tanpa dia org dlm pasukan 3 terakhir, akan menyuramkan keadaan

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Post time 28-7-2003 12:43 AM | Show all posts

Site diorg

utk AR 1, sebnrye ada site rob n brennan, kevi n drew pastu team guido pon ada jugak. tapi aku br tgk yg rob n brennan ngan aku nyer fav.. kevin n drew.. hehe.. kat guestbook dia yg page terbaru ni penuh dgn note org2 m'sia ngan israel, since br ditygkan AR1 di 2  negara ni.. menarik jugak .. pastu byk gamba diorg. so sape yg nak tgk site tu :


[ Last edited by kEk_KeL@d| on 28-7-2003 at 12:49 AM ]

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Post time 29-7-2003 01:03 AM | Show all posts
kalau ada link lg .. paste ler kat sini ....

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Post time 29-7-2003 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aLiN_82 at 2003-7-26 01:58 AM:
taknak lah kalau team adik-beradik tu keluar.. suka tgk dia org tu... kelakor jer.... tanpa dia org dlm pasukan 3 terakhir, akan menyuramkan keadaan

betul tu..minggu dpn jgn ketinggalan tgk sbb team adik beradik tu bhempas pulas blawan dgn team guy tuu.

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Post time 29-7-2003 10:18 PM | Show all posts
masa tgk diorg panjat n turun gunung ... terlihat betis rob n brennan seksi ....

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Post time 30-7-2003 01:00 AM | Show all posts

Buat peminat Rob n Brennan

Saper2 yg minat kat team ni, actually baru je lepas peluang chat ngan diorg.. 25 July ari tu, sebnrnye leh chat ngan Brennan kat  lambat sket aaa aku jumpa site ni, kalo tak leh ckp kat korg.. hehe :2cool:

actually diorg ni pas menang AR ni dah quit dr firm tpt diorg keje tu. Rob sambung ngan modelling n brennan, acting, tapi taktau la kan. ni aku tgk kat

ni sedikit ifo psl diorg ..


I was born February 28, 1973, in Minneapolis, MN. I had a great childhood, and went to a good high school where I had a neat group of friends in both athletics and the classroom. In 1991, I graduated and moved on to the University of Arizona, where I had a joint academic/athletic scholarship to play baseball. Arizona was just fantastic, and I made lifelong friends on the baseball team, and I also got a good education in business and finance.

When graduation came around, I knew that even though I loved baseball, I wasn't good enough to make it to the big time (I was a pretty good catcher but I didn't always hit very well!). So instead I decided to go to law school, just like my father and grandfather. I had done well in the classroom, and I was lucky enough to be admitted into Harvard Law School. I enjoyed my time in law school. It was a good academic challenge, but I missed the west and wanted to come back when school ended. I thought about moving back to Arizona, but there were better job opportunities for young lawyers in Los Angeles, so that became the choice. In addition, I enjoyed modeling during and after law school, and I wanted to be able to continue with it, and L.A. has good opportunities. I started work in L.A. in 1998, and that's when I was fortunate enough to meet Brennan at the law firm. We became great friends, and in 2001 we ran the Amazing Race! It was the experience of our lives and our friendship became even stronger!


I was born August 1, 1971 in Rochester, NY to Dan and Linda Swain. I have a brother, Ryan, who is 25, and a sister, Shannon, who is 28. I graduated high school in 1989 as valedictorian of my class and afterwards attended Messiah College, majoring in mechanical engineering. I was also captain of the lacrosse team. After college I moved on to Regent University in Virginia Beach for law school. I had taken up surfing while in college and Viginia Beach offered me a great chance to enjoy my favorite hobby.

Speaking of surfing, I am a huge adrenaline junkie. I love extreme sports, as you can tell from my photos. I have performed on a bmx stunt team, travelling the country and performing in many shows and contests. I also have competed in snowboarding, surfing and in-line skating competitions and have raced cars at places like Daytona International speedway. I like anything that gets you in the air and goes fast.

After law school I stayed in Virginia Beach for about 2 years so that I could be close to my friends and continue to enjoy the beach lifestyle. I worked as an in-house attorney at a small company and did some acting on the side. After a couple of years in Virginia I could hear southern California calling my name, so I decided to pull up stakes and move across the country to Los Angeles. There I worked at a mid-sized law firm and I met Rob, who started about 4-5 months after I did. Southern California offered me a great opporunity to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle that I like so much. I've been in Los Angeles for three and a half years now and have loved every minute of it. My favorite part of my time here, of course, was my participation in The Amazing Race. I don't know if I'll ever be able to top that.

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Post time 30-7-2003 01:06 AM | Show all posts

Kevin and Drew

Ni plak pasal Kevin and Drew..


Age: 36

Birthdate: April 8, 1966

Family: Dad and younger brother (Mom passed away in 1995)

Hometown:Bayonne, NJ

Employereloitte & Touche LLP, New York, NY

Education:University of Notre Dame – Master of Business Administration (Marketing), 1998

Saint John’s University – Bacehlor of Science (Accounting), 1988

Saint Peter’s Preparatory School for Boys, 1984

Enjoys: NFL Football (Miami Dolphins), Springsteen, Fall Saturdays at Notre Dame (Go Irish!), Cindy Crawford, Mets baseball, U2, St. John’s basketball, Pepsi, Irish pubs in New York City, seeing Drew bang his head on just about everything, golf (although I suck at it), talk radio, bike riding, ESPN, Las Vegas, fantasy football,

Favorite foods:Everything at Emeril’s, penne vodka, pad thai, hot dogs, salmon, Wendy’s, Balance bars

Favorite quote:"Drew is an idiot”

Favorite movies:The Godfather, Midnight Run

Favorite TV Shows:The Amazing Race, Seinfeld Reruns

Favorite Books:The Cather in the Rye, Harry Potter series


Age: 37
Birthdate: April 16, 1965
Family: Dad - Frank
Mom - Anita
Older Brother - Adam
Younger sister - Sharon
Sister-in-law - Tina
Nephews - Austin and Travis
Fiance: Rose (My Sweetheart)
Current Job: Court Officer at the Brooklyn Supreme Court (Hopefully not for long)
College: Graduate of St. Johns University 1987
Major: Business Management (Whatever that means)
Likes: Having fun, movies, sports, television and crime novels.
Loves: Mob movies and Alfred Hitchcock films.
Travel (Especially after the experience on the Amazing Race.)
NASCAR, fooball and baseball.
Enjoys: Collect native American Art and read about their history.
Making people smile.
Rent movies and relax at home.
Going out to dinner.
Watch and attend sporting events.
Arguing with Kevin and least 3 times a week.
Hang out with other fraternity brothers.
Playing Poker with guys at work.
Walking in the park with Rose.
Hang out with Kevin as little as possible in order to stay sane.
Avoids taking Kevin's phone calls.
Favorite foods: Many. Among them are Pizza, ice cream, steak and Italian food.
Favorite quotes: "What goes around comes around."
"Anyone can make money, its making a difference that counts."
Misc: Shaved head in 1996 when Kevin and I worked together with a buch of great guys and they dared me to do it.
Regretted it at first but would never ever grow it back. (Besides, chicks dig it.)
Met Kevin when he was a freshman and I was a sophmore and he was pledging for Delta Psi Upsilon in 1984.
I immediately disliked him but had to hang out with him to keep fraternity harmony.

p/s: Rose tu tunang dia

btw, ada sesape yg nak tau psl team Guido? kalo ada boleh saya paste kan kat sini.. hehe.. actually diorg br launch buku. tajuk dia saya dah lupa, kalo tak silap 'Life as a Gay'.. rasanya la

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Post time 30-7-2003 10:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 2003-7-29 10:18 PM:
masa tgk diorg panjat n turun gunung ... terlihat betis rob n brennan seksi ....

goggle minat mamat dua org ni...

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Post time 2-8-2003 12:51 AM | Show all posts


kesian Kevin  & Drew... berair mata aku tgk k & d kalah.... hish!...

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Post time 2-8-2003 01:37 AM | Show all posts

semalam ...

dia orang kena makan sotong hidup! sotong tu walaupun dah di kerat kerat tapi masih hidup. Tangan sotong tu macama cacing bergerak gerak ..lepastu ada yang nak termuntah makan sotong mentah macam tu. ini dekat Korea.

Ok tak nak cerita banyak nanti tak beat pulak.

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kEro^bEiRosZ This user has been deleted
Post time 2-8-2003 11:19 AM | Show all posts
kesian aku tengok Margarita nak telan ulat tu...
nasib baik 5 jekkk
kalau tak......

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Post time 2-8-2003 02:35 PM | Show all posts
:cry: :cry: .... kevin dan drew dah takde lagi ...
tak best ler .. sebb diorg nie cam anjing dan kucing ... asyik gaduh ajer pas tu suka kutuk memasing ....

sapa nama dia yg kepala borak n speky .. comei plak biler tgk ....

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Post time 2-8-2003 04:22 PM | Show all posts
aku pun sedih jugak tengok Kevin  & Drew tak berjaya semalam....
mmg dah tak de luck agaknyer.... sian diaorg.... hmmm... tak sabar nak tunggu next week w/pun dah tau sapa yg menang....

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Post time 3-8-2003 01:59 AM | Show all posts
pasangan guido to sentiasa nampak well prepared n too confident. tau ler in games kene pikir positif tp diorg nie terover sesgt ... isk .. tensen ...

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Post time 3-8-2003 02:31 AM | Show all posts
nie ttg the Guido Team ...

Joe and Bill were introduced by a mutual friend at a Utah ski resort in 1986. They have traveled extensively and happily together, and lived in Paris for two years. When they found out about THE AMAZING RACE on the Internet, they decided that it is the perfect game for them. They make a strong team because they've been partners for fourteen years and are totally compatible traveling companions.

I'd most like to receive a letter from: My mother
Comfort item from home I'll miss the most: Our dog Guido
Hobby or activity I'll miss the most: Snow skiing
I'd most like to receive a phone call from: Mother
Sunday paper I read most often: International Herald Tribune
Favorite TV show: Survivor
Favorite Movie: Some Like It Hot
Favorite Actor: Dustin Hoffman
Favorite Actress: Meg Ryan
Favorite Music: Piano lounge music

I'd most like to receive a letter from: Mom
Comfort item from home I'll miss the most: Guido
Hobby or activity I'll miss the most: Snow skiing
I'd most like to receive a phone call from: Mom
Sunday paper I read most often: Los Angeles Times
Favorite TV show: Survivor
Favorite Movie: Some Like It Hot
Favorite Actor: Jimmy Stewart
Favorite Actress: Grace Kelly
Favorite Music: Contemporary Jazz

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Post time 3-8-2003 02:43 AM | Show all posts ..... nama guido tu diamik sempana nama anjing diorg.
diorg baru publish buku yg bertajuk The Gay Reality - The Team Guido Story.
website diorg amat la simple dan takde cite lanjut ttg latar blakang diorg sepenuhnya .. aper yg saya paste sebelum nie adalah sama apa yg ada di website diorg ...

kalau sesapa clik kat links .. kat situ ada website utk smua contestant amazing race 3 .....

[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 3-8-2003 at 03:25 PM ]

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Post time 3-8-2003 02:53 AM | Show all posts
tak per lah.. minggu depan aku tgk gak walaupun Kevin & Drew dah tak de... aku nak tgk muka team Guido tu bila Rob & Brennan yg menang... nyeh nyeh nyeh... :nana:

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Post time 3-8-2003 03:27 PM | Show all posts
tgk jgn tak tgk ... tgk reaksi si rob n brennan menang n tgk muka tema guido kalah ....

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Post time 4-8-2003 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 2003-8-3 03:27 PM:
tgk jgn tak tgk ... tgk reaksi si rob n brennan menang n tgk muka tema guido kalah ....

sukanya hati goggle bila couple gay tuu kalah

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