Get Ready — A planetary alignment is happening tonight. Here's how to watch:
The much-anticipated planet alignment of 2025 has started. To catch this celestial alignment, look toward the southwestern horizon as twilight gives way to darkness.
Venus and Saturn will dazzle together, with Venus shining as the brighter beacon. Above them, Jupiter, recently past its opposition, radiates as the second brightest point of light after Venus, offering an excellent opportunity for naked-eye observation.
Mars, with its signature red glow, is unmissable near the eastern horizon. This January is a prime time for viewing the Red Planet, as it grows brighter ahead of its closest approach to Earth in over two years. That peaked on January 15, when it reached opposition. However, the views will be spectacular for a few more weeks.
For those with a telescope or binoculars, Uranus can be spotted near Jupiter, while Neptune sits close to Venus and Saturn, completing this celestial spectacle.
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