Konsert FMFA 2014, Bukit Jalil-Polis sahkan 6 mati, 3 kritikal overdose dadah!!
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NHolmes posted on 15-3-2014 08:21 PM 
Confirm dadah ker? Student unimap pun ade kn
Sebab nama dia Sabrina Kamaruddin korang skeptikal kah? 
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chazey posted on 15-3-2014 08:42 PM
Sebab nama dia Sabrina Kamaruddin korang skeptikal kah?
Emmm kesian betul laaa.. Cmn dadah blh lepas masuk? Security just check bahan letupan je ke |
cmf_premierleag posted on 15-3-2014 08:26 PM 
Ooo maksudnya stok2 yg g konsert FMFA ni sume taik dadah la lan.
malu besar family kalau mcm tu.
Tak la. Ada orang yang gi sana purely untuk enjoy muzik.
Tapi muzik trance ini aku memang panggil muzik dadah. Sebab kalau ko dengar muzik sebegini ko boleh rasa semangat seperti high semacam gituh. Kalau tengok video muzik trance pula memang seolah2 ko dalam trance dengan kaler yang pelbagai pehtu imej spiral2 pusing2 yang boleh buat ko khayal. Gitu kot rasa bila makan dadah. Dunia nampak penuh warna warni. 
NHolmes posted on 15-3-2014 08:45 PM 
Emmm kesian betul laaa.. Cmn dadah blh lepas masuk? Security just check bahan letupan je ke
Tak pernah aku attend konsert sebegini so aku pun tak tahu camna boleh lepas. Mungkin yang wanita2 itu letak dalam compact powder ka sapa tahu atau just rilek letak dalam purse sebab nobody cares kekdahnya.
tahun lepas ada sorang student terbongkang dlm tasik |
Td berita TV1 ckp ader kena mengena dgn mat syabu |
ida88 posted on 15-3-2014 08:28 PM 
Konsert nyanyi sambil ngisap dadah ke hape
Konsert Trance, Rock, Hip-Hop, memang penuh ummah layan dadah sambil menari2 khayal layan muzik.
Nak selamat sila pegi konsert muzik Pop atau Nasyid. Harus bebas dadah 100%. |
chazey posted on 15-3-2014 07:47 AM 
Tak pernah aku attend konsert sebegini so aku pun tak tahu camna boleh lepas. Mungkin yang wanita2 ...
kan, me selalu pegi summer konsert kat sini, ramai gila orang
sampai kekadang 80 K, tapi inspection ketat gila masa nak masuk,
cek segala beg, dan tak pernah ada orang meninggal ke mabuk masa tu..
semua sopan santun aje ..
ada sekali konsert metalica, polis punya ramai sebab dorang
ingat malam tu black metal so semua orang tak keruan menjadi mereng,
tapi turn out semua orang sopan sopan aje berkonsert.
chazey posted on 15-3-2014 08:47 PM
Tak pernah aku attend konsert sebegini so aku pun tak tahu camna boleh lepas. Mungkin yang wanita2 ...
Mcm2 betul la.. bukan dalam news kata cancel ker? Tapi buat jugak |
batmana posted on 15-3-2014 04:07 PM 
kerja nk bergesal rangsang nafsu sambil dngar lagu..
jenis sundal dan jantan hapak je pg concert..
adam berhajat pg maher zain.. tp dia malu2 plak dtg malaysia..
dulu ada maher zain rasanya kt perak.. free ticket.. tak berpeluang..huhu
xtahumenahu posted on 15-3-2014 05:30 PM 
Aku x sangka org mesia mcm ne
kt KL ni ada neraka syurga..
pilih je mana nak..
faraway1 posted on 15-3-2014 08:53 PM 
kan, me selalu pegi summer konsert kat sini, ramai gila orang
sampai kekadang 80 K, tapi inspecti ...
Metallica itu haruslah sopan kak. Audiensnya majoriti warga matang.
Cuba pegi konsert underground Trance sebegini. Takdanya ummah sopan2 begitu. 
Ini yang berlaku di America. Ya, muzik Trance jua;
CBS/AP September 1, 2013, 11:39 AM
Drug-related deaths lead to NYC concert cancellation
NEW YORK The last day of a New York City dance music festival featuring high-profile acts including Avicii, David Guetta and Diplo has been canceled over drug-related health concerns.
The city says it recommended Electric Zoo festival not continue Sunday after two attendees died and four others had to be hospitalized during the first two days of performances on Friday and Saturday. The festival took place on Randall's Island in the East River.
The city says the deaths appear to have been linked to drugs, specifically MDMA, or ecstasy. Definitive causes of death have not yet been determined.
The event's founders expressed condolences on its website to the families of those who died.
The festival has been held since 2009.
In a statement, the event organizers on Sunday said: "The founders of Electric Zoo send our deepest condolences to the families of the two people who passed away this weekend. Because there is nothing more important to us than our patrons, we have decided in consultation with the New York City Parks Department that there will be no show today."
In June, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime warned that designer drug abuse is booming and more synthetic substances are entering the market at an alarming rate.
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/drug ... ncert-cancellation/
© 2013 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
NHolmes posted on 15-3-2014 08:54 PM 
Mcm2 betul la.. bukan dalam news kata cancel ker? Tapi buat jugak
Apa yang kensel? Konsert malam ni? Diteruskan juga ke? Aku tak bagi perhatian tang tu.
news kt ntv 7 td tnjuk family yg tggu kt hospital...nmpk 1 je fam india yg lain melayu....sedih nya lahai makcik pakcik hilang anak kt tmpt lagha gni......baik mati eksiden  |
chazey posted on 15-3-2014 09:00 PM
Apa yang kensel? Konsert malam ni? Diteruskan juga ke? Aku tak bagi perhatian tang tu.
So cancelnye yg malam ni la? Lepas dah berapa org mati baru nak cancel |
selayaknya..org sibuk dgn pesawat ilang..kowang sibuk berkonsert
Saya kira konsert ni salah satu pengisian TMM 2014. |
NHolmes posted on 15-3-2014 09:03 PM 
So cancelnye yg malam ni la? Lepas dah berapa org mati baru nak cancel
Dari tahun lepas lagi orang dok bising pasal konsert ini.
Namun diteruskan juga.
Itu aku kata, tiap tahun ada jah yang mati.
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