All About Siti's English Album [Latest: Preview 'I'll Wait Forever' - PG54]
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boleh tak,sy tulis ni sume sebab nak cukupkan posts 6000
ni nak tulis post ni sebab nak cukupkan kredit 14100. cantik skit nombornya. |
banner kt luar tu cantik plak bile tatap lame2
tp lendutan tu tak dpt di'cover' erk?
dauswq Post at 14-9-2011 14:29
statement mmg sgt curious.
lendutan apa? |
adoi la... jgn tangguh lagi sudah!!! |
What in my trannyhell is gowing on here?!!!
goddddd i need to find something cheap to pick up and throw!!!!!! |
Reply 1187# jojiekejung
sabar mek! |
adoyaiiii..lepas satu, satu kontrovesi timbul, tula first album x yahla guna nama besar sngt, ct kan dah kira nma besar kat m'sia, cuba berdiri atas kaki sndr dulu tgk camner penerimaan album inggerisni, klu ok barula masukkan nama2 artis antrbngsa, kan dah jd masalah skrng, skrngni pasal duit orng leh wat apa ja, ni dah smp guna peguam bagai, rasanya mau ct berabis juta-juta nak lahirkn albumni, agak2 berbaloi ker dgn hasil penjualannya nnt, hope berbaloi2la...... go ct go, we support you from behind, but any problem please settla down with brain not kepala lutut......opsss membebel pnjng la plk pepagini... |
wehhh ape nie...... masuk2 bod gosip dah ade bad news.......... aku cuba mententeramkan diri inisssss..... OMGGGGGG... whats going on ? takkan nak tunggu berbulan2 lagi kots... susah ar bikin dgn artis internationale nie...lambat bayar lah... cekadak tol....:@ |
pleaseeeeee tok ti.... reply all these crap gossips..... |
Post Last Edit by eddysheddy at 15-9-2011 09:45
pada eddy, kalau dah sampai masuk bab2 peguam ni susahlah.. walaupun ct buat press conference belum tentu dpt membantu.. because kene naik turun mahkamah jugak.. yg lg tak sedap bila ada selisih faham mcm ni yg akan menjejaskan kredibiliti album walau hebat mcm mana pun.. lg teruk kalau diminta injunksi atau embargo sementara kes selesai.. nanti sape yg rugi kalau dah buat album byk2 pastu jualan terhenti? dalam hal ni kalau org dah jadi api, kita tak boleh jadi api.. nanti memakan diri.. cubalah jadi air dulu
i just hope kedua pihak dpt duduk berbincang, menemui jln penyelesaian dan berbaik semula dlm masa terdekat.. thats better. adib pegila approch crytyle tu bincang baik2. i know u can do it! |
i just want to
pada eddy, kalau dah sampai masuk bab2 peguam ni susahlah.. walaupun ct buat press conference belum ...
eddysheddy Post at 15-9-2011 09:19
i hopeee sooooo |
adakah manusia2 kt bod sbelah bsorak riang n sdg pukul canang?? USAH DI LAYAN..skrg nihh bukan prblem CT tp dia jd mngsa..pity her.. |
adakah manusia2 kt bod sbelah bsorak riang n sdg pukul canang?? USAH DI LAYAN..skrg nihh bukan prble ...
uwekkk Post at 15-9-2011 10:32
diorang sorak gembira la tueeee.....biasakla....lepas dah kuar album nanti.....get ready la nanti...setiap sebutan nanti kena analyse giteww.....betapa karatznya diorang |
utk fan CT ini pesanannya:
Siti Nurhaliza
Salam & morning!.. Sabar itu nikmat,sabar it ...
uwekkk Post at 15-9-2011 10:16
siti is good.. tak perlu nak gaduh2 kat twitter ke fb ke.. nanti lagi mengeruhkan.. |
so, jadi ke keluar kat itunes esok ni |
In my opinion.....
aku rasa lah..rasalah ek...benda ni semua,(kontroversi) dari awal pembikinan album ni sampai skang,kes x bayar la apalah.bagi aku ni cara untuk
PROMOSI!!! which is good for the sake of the album.
mungkin ini juga dirancang utk menaikkan nama AYL dan supaya org tahu kewujudan album ni.
just my personal opinion guys. #tengah pikir positive ni
Reply 1200# rotibusuk
klu betullah, nnt ct dikatakan hipokrit plak |
dorg akan keep pretending yg masalah tu benar2 wujud.nanti benda ni dpt diselesaikan secara baik la,apalah.yg penting,semuanya propa (mungkin) untuk promosi.tuh je. |
Post Last Edit by jojiekejung at 15-9-2011 13:47
Theres a person whos is a hater to Msian artist, he/she is Indon .. dia twit that CA ckp ct sucks then CA balas ct can sing really great and he got no beef with ct, only with the boys. So problem ni bkn dari Ct sendiri. CA cakap dia OK je dengan CT~!
And from the looks of it, this CA is really childish at times. Lepas twit itu ini then adib/theRest macam tesinggung dan balas stetmen dia, tetibe CA ni kate dorang terlalu sensitif. Sounds like he realised that he's not completely right about the issue and and that he wasnt hating.
I can sense there was no real argument involving Ct cos obviously CA gave it all to the album and hes obviously proud of the product. The real issue is not the money or whether CT or the production can afford to pay Sean Kingston or not ... the issue sounds a lot like documentational delay largely due to Sean Kingston eksiden ari tu .... So all in ALL, CT-CA-SEAN is a non issue. Pada mak, MURAI.com ni macam celake sebab murai ni la yang first kuarkan ambiguous stetmen bagai ......
Yang si CA ni pula tak dapat or belum dapat contract documentation dari WUE ..... which means any payment would have to wait. THIS is the real issue. And from Adib's twit, he said something like "owh its never an issue before, but now its an issue to YOU (ca) only. Last time i check WE GOOD (read : we;WUE including CA, had some sort of understanding regarding this thus continue working on the project)". Tapi mesti ada detailing lain pasal ni ....
Adoiiii laaa naluri investigative criminal lawyering mak dah bekarat! |
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