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Author: chazey


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Post time 7-3-2013 10:12 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 7-3-2013 09:48 AM
ini dah dihuraikan oleh Tan Sri Musa Hassan...
kan , ada flaws in the system - risikan dala ...

pendapat personal, dimataku tan sri musa hasan org terbaik memberi penerangan bab2 ni. sbb dia adalah bekas KPN yg baru. so, lebih update sikit dgn apa2 tatacara terkini dlm pasukan keselamatan.


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Post time 7-3-2013 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Macam mana nak harap polis kawal PATI pinoy ni... polis pun gigih membela pompuan2 pinoy kat sabah nun... kisah benar...

lagi satu efficiency issue... just like the rest of gov departments... buat kerja sambil lewa, attitude rest & relax sah2 la macam2 perkara terlepas pandang... if you think i'm pointing finger ask yourself how long does it take to make police report....

kena ada anjakan paradigma dalam hal ni.. bukan hanya polis tapi seluruh penjawat awam yang majoritinya dipelopori oleh ".........." >>> jawab sendiri la...


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Post time 7-3-2013 10:13 AM | Show all posts
genchi posted on 7-3-2013 10:06 AM
kt balakong?? ushh dekatnya dgn area umah gen..
dorang neh dpt IC bukan sbb smangat syangkan mal ...

Hakikatnya kita kena terima.. satu hari nanti..atau mungkin dalam masa terdekat nanti kita akan jadi org asing di bumi sendiri.

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Post time 7-3-2013 10:13 AM | Show all posts
cmf_lemontea posted on 7-3-2013 10:12 AM
ha'ah..cuba pegi hospital tawau nun n semporna..
staff2 tu bukannya berbahasa melayu....

keturunan dapat ic projeklah ni...


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Post time 7-3-2013 10:14 AM | Show all posts
untuk kesimpulan

1. pada jam 1.45 tghari semalam satu pertempuran telah dilaporkan berlaku di sebuah kampung berhampiran Tanduo.

2. Ini telah disahkan oleh KPN hari ini yang percaya beberapa pengganas telah tumpas.

3. Terdapat laporan pesawat pejuang telah digunakan pada pagi tadi bagi menumpaskan pengganas.

4. sekiranya semuanya lancar kemungkinan pasukan keselamatan akan berjaya menawan kawasan tersebut dalam masa terdekat

5. Dijangka akan ada pengumuman oleh KPN dan P5 ATM pada malam atau petang ini.

Ini merupakan kesimpulan sendiri berasaskan kepada pengumpulan fakta dari sumber akhbar dan internet..

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Post time 7-3-2013 10:14 AM | Show all posts
salam semua

nak tanya pihak kita sampai skang baru 8 org polis yg meninggal secara rasmi ke ?  adakah BN sajer2  merahsiakan angka kematian pasal nak elak dr bayar pampasan ?

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Post time 7-3-2013 10:14 AM | Show all posts
hzln posted on 7-3-2013 09:54 AM
cerekarama dah jadi telenovela....dah tak reti nak buat ending camana...celaka
yg jadi mangsanya ...

Ko tulih camni, nanti akan ada beribu2 repot polis terhadap ko sebab mendoakan pasukan keselamatan masuk neraka ..

sebab pada pemahaman mereka, kutuk pihak atasan/pemberi arahan sama seperti kutuk para perajurit/polis..

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Post time 7-3-2013 10:15 AM | Show all posts
Tumpang tanya...klu sultan sulu tu daif, miskin, macam mana dia boleh bagi pangkat datuk kt org malaysia? Penganugerahan dia tu buat kt istana mana? Sorry klu soalan kurang cerdik. Ke sultan kiram tu x sama dgn sultan sulu yg bg datuk tu? Cth la klu artis beli datukship tu..mesti sultan sulu ni berduit juga

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Post time 7-3-2013 10:15 AM | Show all posts
Tracing the roots of Sabah claim                                                 
                                                                                                        By Dr Paridah Abd Samad                                                                                                
INITIATIVE:  Philippine leaders have, since Marcos, taken the effort to resolve the sovereignty issue, writes Dr Paridah Abd Samad

THEN Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos made a dramatic move towards normalisation of bilateral relations in 1976, just prior to an Asean summit meeting, when he stated that the Philippines no longer intended to press its claim to sovereignty over Sabah, though he did not officially drop it. The pronouncement, however, was never followed by any concrete action.

        The dispute dragged on into the Corazon Aquino administration, which tried to resolve the problem through revising legal and constitutional provisions to drop the claim. The Philippine Constitution of 1987 no longer includes the phrase "by historical and legal rights" as part of the definition of the national territory. Also, Senate Bill No. 206, redefining the archipelagic boundaries of the Philippines, called for amendments to Republic Acts 5546, and it particularly excluded Sabah from Philippine territory.

        However, Sultan Jamalul Kiram III's denouncement of Aquino's government for endorsing the bill without consulting him and bungling by the newly installed administration kept the bill from getting through the Senate, denying Aquino a diplomatic victory of the Asean summit in December, 1987.

        The Philippines cannot just drop its claim to Sabah to patch up differences with Malaysia, as it must first consider the repercussions of such a decision on the politically unstable Sulu Archipelago. Sabah and Moro are interrelated in prolonging settlement of the dispute and in deepening the security concerns of the Philippine government.

        The transmigration of mostly Filipino Muslim refugees to Sabah has put the Philippines in a favourable position because this has significantly contributed to reducing the Muslim population ratio and its resistance strength.

        In 1970, Tunku Abdul Rahman played an important role in promoting international support for the Moro cause. As secretary-general of the Organisation of Islamic Countries (now Organisation of Islamic Cooperation), he endorsed the Moro case submitted to him in 1972 and asked King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and (Libyan) president (Muammar) Gaddafi to help in persuading other OIC member states to support it.

        But Malaysia's optimism and hope for a new and brighter chapter in Malaysia-Philippines relations remain unfulfilled. While the Aquino administration made the effort and took the initiative to drop the sovereignty claim on Sabah, it was unable to push through its initiative because of stumbling blocks. Senate Bill 206, which excludes Sabah from Philippine territory, remains unenacted.

        Since no law has yet been passed on the dropping of Sabah claim, the Philippine government still has the option to actively pursue the claim through internationally accepted norms. By pursuing the claim, the Philippine government could promote the Philippines' historic rights and legal title over Sabah, as well as the proprietary rights of the heirs of sultan of Sulu.
        However, the 1930 treaty between the United States and Great Britain drew a precise boundary to separate their island possessions off the northeast coast of Sabah. The allocation of islands defined in these treaties was enshrined in Article 1 of the Philippine Constitution of 1935.

        The Philippine claim has no known international support while Malaysia is morally supported by Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations in rejecting this claim. Even the US has assumed a position of neutrality. The other Asean countries, though discreetly distancing themselves form the issue since it involves two of their fellow members, also seem to silently acknowledge Malaysia's right to the disputed territory.

        For the Philippines to drop its claim to Sabah without concessions would mean outright recognition of Malaysia's sovereignty over Sabah. Taking this position might also jeopardise the proprietary rights of sultan of Sulu. In general, choosing this option appears to be damaging the national integrity.

        Malaysia gave a solemn commitment to satisfactorily resolve the proprietary claim with recognised Sulu heirs once the sovereignty claim is legally and finally dropped. It sees no linkage whatsoever between the two claims. Malaysia has always insisted that sovereignty and proprietary rights over Sabah are two separate questions.

        The writer is a former lecturer of UiTM Shah Alam and International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak
It is  hoped that President Benigno Aquino will resolve the Sabah issue amicably.    AP pic

kiranya masa zmn mak aguino ni memerintah lagi, philipines scr officially  mahu drop terus claim diorg terhadap sabah
tp geng kiram sulu ni tak leh terima hakikat smpi resolt ke bentuk violence plak...


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Post time 7-3-2013 10:15 AM | Show all posts
cmf_lemontea posted on 7-3-2013 10:12 AM
ha'ah..cuba pegi hospital tawau nun n semporna..
staff2 tu bukannya berbahasa melayu....

dorg ckp bahasa apa.. tawau bugis yg ramai

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Post time 7-3-2013 10:15 AM | Show all posts
cmf_lemontea posted on 7-3-2013 10:02 AM
ada satu cerita lawak lama....



only sabahan people knows

buka mulut sikit jer dh dpt detect suluk ka pilakk

Tp sgt berbeza situasi d LD Sdkn Twu Kunak n Semporna sbb majoriti mmg Bangsa itulah yg paling ramai..

Ank sedara iols bru posting tawau sebulan ckp brunei tp slang pilakkkk wakakakakaka buruk gilerr..

so dlm kes ops daulat ni..hanya kerjasama dr rakyat peribumi sabah utk bg maklumat yg tepat dpt membantu la..


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Post time 7-3-2013 10:15 AM | Show all posts
sarinah99 posted on 7-3-2013 08:58 AM
ambo terfikir gak macam tu. tak gtu, jarang menjoyah sebenarnya. tak pasal2 ter'joyah'  ...

iols pun bz gak kat opis nie... tapi sempat ler jugak mencelah masuk ke porem sekali sekala

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Post time 7-3-2013 10:16 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 7-3-2013 09:48 AM
ini dah dihuraikan oleh Tan Sri Musa Hassan...
kan , ada flaws in the system - risikan dala ...

itu sebab saya telah bangkitkan perlunya mindset baru undang2 baru transfom semua neh (dalam post saya yg lepas la)
sebab kita take for granted, until it's already too late
flaw yg akak kata tu, risikan, hanya secebis cuma, tip of iceberg kata org tanduo

emotional, ya, saya emotional dalam perkara ni, sebab banyak perkara brlaku, org tak tahu, tak diberitahu, tak bersedia utk tahu dan tak mungkin tahu semuanya, dan juga kurang/takde back up plan utk hadapi ini

ada satu poremer, tak ingatla sini ke carigold, cakap ini akan jadi x-file..sampai sudah

yg menjadi pencetus selamat.


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Post time 7-3-2013 10:16 AM | Show all posts
liton posted on 7-3-2013 08:55 AM
Alah, sendiri pun tau yang buat pc kat tb tu bnyk infonya menipu..tu yang berkuntum gak kat sini.. ...

sori aku pun heran gak....kalo dh keadaan terkawal knp lg byk ATM/polis dikerah ke sabah....


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Post time 7-3-2013 10:16 AM | Show all posts
zjen posted on 7-3-2013 10:14 AM
salam semua

nak tanya pihak kita sampai skang baru 8 org polis yg meninggal secara rasmi ke ?  a ...

Mana blh nk rahsia,benda ni akan tersebar jugak...dia org tkda family ke...mesti tahukan..

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Post time 7-3-2013 10:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
meklin posted on 7-3-2013 10:09 AM
dalam fb dah ramai yg share benda ni..
betul ker pokcik ni yg jd tali barut tu ..

Btl la tu..biodata die pn ak ada.

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Post time 7-3-2013 10:16 AM | Show all posts
Indonesia evacuates workers from Sabah

SABAH - Hundreds of Indonesian migrant workers and their families are being evacuated from Sabah, Malaysia, amid an escalating stand-off between Malaysian security forces and Filipino gunmen, a minister said.
Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar said in Jakarta on Tuesday that he had coordinated with the Foreign Ministry to ask the Indonesian Consulate General and labour attaches to help the migrant workers and their family working in the Felde palm oil plantation in the Tanduo village.
"I have instructed the labour attaché and asked the consul general to have the Malaysian police and the plantation company evacuate all migrant workers and their families who have been trapped by the armed conflict which has lasted for more than two weeks. Most of the workers have been in safe areas located far from the conflict zone," he said.
More than 600 Indonesian workers had been evacuated, the minister said. They mostly come from East and West Nusa and Tenggara and were among 8,000 workers employed in 52 plantation blocks in Sabah.
Police in Kalimantan said that at least 18 Indonesian workers had returned home from Malaysia following the clash, crossing into Nunukan regency and Sebatik district.
"Nunukan police precinct and Sebatik police sector are working with other parties, including the local administrations, so that personnel at border areas are all set to anticipate any measures regarding the process of returning the workers home," East Kalimantan police spokesman Sr. Comr. Antonius Wisnu Sutirta said.
Wisnu added that the conflict areas in Sabah were located far from the Indonesian border, and confirmed that the situation in Kalimantan was relatively safe.
Mulawarman military command spokesman Colonel Legowo WR Jatmiko, meanwhile, said that the military saw no need to deploy extra personnel to the border areas.
"As for now, the number of personnel from Battalion 407 deployed along the border remains at 650," Legowo said.
On Tuesday, The Associated Press reported that Malaysia had launched airstrikes and mortar attacks against nearly 200 Filipinos occupying a Borneo coastal village to end a bizarre three-week siege that has turned into a security nightmare for both Malaysia and the Philippines.
The assault follows firefights this past week that left eight Malaysian police officers and 19 Filipino gunmen dead, several of the latter were members of a Muslim clan that shocked Malaysia and neighbouring Philippines by slipping by boat past naval patrols last month and storming a remote village in Borneo's eastern Sabah state.
The crisis has sparked jitters about the spread of instability in Sabah, which is rich in timber and oil resources. Unknown numbers of other armed Filipinos are feared to have encroached into other districts in the area recently.
More than seven hours after fighter jets were deployed, Malaysian Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein reported no casualties among the Malaysian police or military personnel who had raided houses near palm oil plantations.
"On the enemy side, we have to wait because the operation is ongoing. We have to be careful," he said.
Malaysian national police chief Ismail Omar said ground forces had encountered resistance from gunmen. Police were slowly combing an area of about 4 square kilometers to look for the Filipinos, he said.
Prime Minister Najib Razak defended the offensive, saying Malaysia had made every effort to resolve the siege peacefully since the presence of the group in Lahad Datu district had become known on Feb. 12, including holding talks to encourage the intruders to leave without any serious legal repercussions.

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Post time 7-3-2013 10:17 AM | Show all posts
fish posted on 7-3-2013 08:51 AM
yup, merata sabah suluk ni ada
kat pasar besar KK pun baru2 ni ada suluk ckp
sabah kami punya... ...

fish, betul ka?
dimana juga ni? hohoohohoh~
mo juga saya bersorak tepuk tangan lepas dia tumbuk

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Post time 7-3-2013 10:17 AM | Show all posts

filipin x kisah pun puak penceroboh ni mampus ke hidup ke..kalau mampus dia lagi suka..hilang beban dia
yang bodoh si sultan pelesu yang nyanyok tu dengan pengikut nya yg taksub..orang yang taksub memang x boleh berfikir
yang kasihan nya orang suluk sabah yang tidak ada perkaitan dalam hal ni...sebab sekarang semua orang pandang serong terhadap kaum suluk ni...
yang maestro tu tentu si misuari tu.......kawan sapa tah....


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Post time 7-3-2013 10:17 AM | Show all posts
meklin posted on 7-3-2013 10:09 AM
dalam fb dah ramai yg share benda ni..
betul ker pokcik ni yg jd tali barut tu ..

kt depan chazey dh bgth...


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