kakijalan posted on 27-5-2013 03:19 PM 
hallu hallu..
ok nak buat laporan ni..
laporan tanpa gambor...aku bagi 2 setengah markah...
underwater of mabul..captured by hubby
Last edited by kakijalan on 28-5-2013 09:30 AM
children of sea gypsy...
place where we stayed... billabong scuba
senja @ mabul... ahh rindu mabul..
sea ventures.. if im not mistaken..
ok itu je la.. kang byk korang bosan.... |
ohh this is my fav pic... kitorang pujuk the children to utk amek pic..sbb depa ni mata duitan sket...asyik mintak duit je kije
[img]%5BIMG%5D [/IMG][/img] |
kakijalan posted on 28-5-2013 09:57 AM 
ohh this is my fav pic... kitorang pujuk the children to utk amek pic..sbb depa ni mata duitan sket. ...
cantik gambar ni.. 
puanserama posted on 28-5-2013 11:06 AM 
cantik gambar ni..
tq..actually main ngan budak2 ni sgt best... tp kene firm la.. jgn kasi chance depa mintak duit sbb lpas kasi duit.. nnt mintak maggi la..
dialog rasmi diorang... "kak... mintak duit..kami lapa..." lps dpt duit... "kak...mintak biskut...adik blom makan"
pinjam perahu kecik tu pun kene charge... but without them mcm tak best jugak..sbb tgk keletah diorang main air..swim terror giler..
Bestnye..cam tergoda je..huhuhu..nak kena survey nih...
kakijalan posted on 27-5-2013 03:19 PM 
hallu hallu..
ok nak buat laporan ni..
kakijalan, bole ye ambik dsd tu walaupun tak reti swim..org2 kat billabong tu allow ye..dah lama teringin nak dive tapi tak smp hajat sbb x pandai berenang..
whitequeen posted on 29-5-2013 09:08 AM 
kakijalan, bole ye ambik dsd tu walaupun tak reti swim..org2 kat billabong tu allow ye..dah lama t ...
DSD mmg untuk non diver...diver ni tak semestinya kene pandai swim..
swim tu if ada is an advantage sbb if anything happen kat laut...at least kiter pandai selamatkan diri...
so DSD mmg boleh sgt utk org yg nak cuba diving... try la...best... |
kakijalan posted on 28-5-2013 09:38 AM 
you pakai camera ape eh? cantik juga gambar 
kakijalan posted on 28-5-2013 09:24 AM 
underwater of mabul..captured by hubby
subhanallah..cantiknya..menggamit perasaan ke sana nie..huhu
kakijalan posted on 30-5-2013 02:33 AM 
DSD mmg untuk non diver...diver ni tak semestinya kene pandai swim..
swim tu if ada is an advanta ...
discovery scuba tu cmner?
bpe plak harga nya dan utk brapa lam?
stiap resort ada twrkan pakej DSD ke atau cmneR?
kalo rent kamera water.. bpe rate ea?
x sabo nk g mabul/sipadan bln 10 nt. tngok gmbr nemo tu ingat time g snorkeling kt tioman dlu. |
esok dah nak ke tawau, lusa ke mabul & stay at arung hayat for 2 nights. supposely nak stay kat seahorse mabul lodge tp da fully booked ! this is my 2nd time pegi sana. 1st time pegi dgn family, 2011. stay dkt scubajeff. tp xde attach bathroom so mcm payah sikit la. for those yg pegi ngn frens ok kot. kali ni berjaya menghasut husband yg x suke pegi laut join skali, my mum & dad pon ikot skali.
so skrg tgh exciteddddddddd huwaargghhhhh!!! |
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