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Author: Magika

Pilihanraya Sarawak 2011 : Barisan Nasional menang majoriti 2/3

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Post time 15-4-2011 11:25 PM | Show all posts
tgh layan bicara rakyat pasal buku jingga, tetapi aku plg tension dgn pihak RTM :@ sbb dia tuutttkan  perkataan dr pemimpin muda pada minit ke 30:29...aku tak rasa perkataan tu lucah lebih kepada berapa lama BN tadbir Sabah/Sarawak..


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Post time 15-4-2011 11:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1300# Al Lebam

tak pun, henjut budak bawah umur, henjut artis atau henjut-paksa bibik indon ek

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2011 11:29 PM | Show all posts
magika nak gambar....tq tq...
wirazam Post at 15-4-2011 23:22

    ni video yang aku sempat tangkap
suasana grand finale dap di stuntong

jap lagi aku upload
banyak gambar cantik dari kamera


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Post time 15-4-2011 11:35 PM | Show all posts
ni video yang aku sempat tangkap
suasana grand finale dap di stuntong

jap lagi aku upl ...
Magika Post at 15-4-2011 23:29

    Magika..tq...mmg terbaikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2011 11:41 PM | Show all posts
cuma grand finale DAP ni yang aku nampak cakap melayu ... karpal singh sorang saja
yang lain hampir semua ceramah dalam bahasa cina

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Post time 15-4-2011 11:42 PM | Show all posts
Magika..tq...mmg terbaikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
wirazam Post at 15-4-2011 23:35

sempena penutupan masa berkempen, aku terhibur dgn sketsa yg nih...giler kreatif walaupun taklar menarik sgt tp bolehlar dari takdekan


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Post time 15-4-2011 11:44 PM | Show all posts
patut ler ramai time  PR kasi ceramah
org kuat BN pun ikut menyelit

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2011 11:47 PM | Show all posts
tapi grand finale barisan nasional dekat kampung pulo hulu ... ramai gila jugak yang pegi
tapi rata rata orang bumiputera la

ni based on observation aku la...
rata rata orang melayu/melanai yang aku jumpa tadi pergi grand finale barisan nasional

orang cina plak ramai gi grand finale dap dekat stuntong

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Post time 15-4-2011 11:47 PM | Show all posts
cuma grand finale DAP ni yang aku nampak cakap melayu ... karpal singh sorang saja
yang lain hampir ...
Magika Post at 15-4-2011 23:41

xkan karpal nk ckp cina plakkk

audien pun majoriti cina..phm laa kalo dorang ckp cina

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Post time 15-4-2011 11:49 PM | Show all posts
Selamat mengundi buat pengundi berdaftar & pengundi hantu kak rosmah limah balik rumah di Sarawak

Utk renungan bersama

Ka’ab bin Ujrah r.a. berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Akan datang dikemudian hari nanti, setelah aku tiada; beberapa pemimpin yang berdusta dan berbuat aniaya. Maka barang siapa yang membenarkan kedustaan mereka dan membantu (mendukung) tindakan mereka yang aniaya itu, maka ia bukan termasuk umatku, dan bukanlah aku daripadanya. Dan ia tidak akan dapat sampai datang ke telaga (yang ada di syurga).- Riwayat Tirmidzi, Nasae’i dan Hakim.

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2011 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Ini satu lagi video yang aku rakam

Sempena Grand Finale DAP - Penutup kempen Pilihanraya Sarawak -
Pengerusi DAP telah berikrar di hadapan penyokong penyokong DAP mengenai dasar PAS


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Post time 15-4-2011 11:57 PM | Show all posts
10.30pm: Sibu
BN-SUPP Bawang Assan candidate Wong Soon Koh and Dudong candidate Tiong Thai King deliver a speech together.

“I came from the other side (DAP ceramah), it's totally different from here, so much of hatred and anger, while here is so warm,” Wong said.

SUPP later play a short video footage of the horror of Islamic state with a broken palm, and PAS Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz's comment that females who wore skimpy clothes deserved to be raped.

The video draws attention from the crowds, which had increased to over 2,000.

Nibong Tebal MCA division chairman Tan Cheng Liang comdemns PAS in a very bold manner.

“He said if females showed off their bodies, males would respond... lower body reacted... what kind of party is this... discriminating to women,” Tan says.

“It treats females as sex machines, childbirth machines and second class citizens,” she says.

The singer Nicholas Teo arrives.

Later, when the next speaker asks the crowd, “Tomorrow, you know who to support?”

“Nicholas Teo,” shouts the crowd.


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Post time 16-4-2011 12:02 AM | Show all posts
10.30pm: Sibu
BN-SUPP Bawang Assan candidate Wong Soon Koh and Dudong candidate Tiong Thai King de ...
hzln Post at 15-4-2011 23:57

    konfom sibu PR dapat!

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Post time 16-4-2011 12:04 AM | Show all posts
Ini satu lagi video yang aku rakam

Sempena Grand Finale DAP - Penutup kempen Pilihanraya Sarawak  ...
Magika Post at 15-4-2011 23:53

Yg aku heran dalam buku jingga diorang kata agama Islam ialah agama persekutuan.

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2011 12:05 AM | Show all posts
Grand Finale DAP
Gambar yang sempat aku tangkap


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 Author| Post time 16-4-2011 12:07 AM | Show all posts
Yg aku heran dalam buku jingga diorang kata agama Islam ialah agama persekutuan.
Muntz Post at 16-4-2011 00:04

    karpal singh dah berikrar tadi....
tadi aku ikut geng geng KIMMA gi merayu undi dekat kedai india muslim di DUN Padungan...
so far respon positif dari kedai kedai india muslim di kuching... mereka menyatakan sokongan terhadap BN secara terbuka  

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Post time 16-4-2011 12:10 AM | Show all posts
Reply  hantujeraul

Gf aku mengundi kt Tasik Biru...
IceMallet Post at 15-4-2011 21:09

Awek ko Bidayuh ka?

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Post time 16-4-2011 12:12 AM | Show all posts
Ubah vs Uban

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Post time 16-4-2011 12:11 AM | Show all posts
8.30pm: Sri Aman Although DAP agrees to shift their open-air ceramah to a restaurant, it still not free from police intervention.

The restaurant at the second floor of a building is packed with an audience of about 500, with 200 more outside the building. Those who can't squeeze into are forced to follow the ceramah outside the building through a big screen set up outside.

But police immediately move in and instruct the organiser to put away the projector and big screen.

Furthermore, police demand that the organiser direct the speaker at the second floor inward so those outside the building cannot hear it.

However the determined crowd are still standing outside.

The speakers tonight include Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi, Klang MP Charles Santiago, Senator from Selangor P Ramakrishnan and Selangor exco member Teresa Kok.
8.40pm: Kuching Many supporters at Pakatan's grand finale ceramah wave placards and give loud applause to Violet Yong when the latter sings some songs with revised lyrics making fun of Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud.
850pm: Kuching DAP chairperson Karpal Singh and Chong Siew Chiang are in a 'VIP holding dock' at a coffee shop near the stage.

People are streaming in to take pictures of Karpal.

8.50pm: Sibu SUPP's meet-the-candidate function held at Sibu Square attracts only 300 people.

BN-SUPP Bukit Assek candiate Chieng Buong Toon says because of incumbent DAP Bukit Assek candidate Wong Ho Leng, now the locals are too ashamed to claim they are from Bukit Assek, as the area's infrastructure is still comparatively poor.
8.52pm: Kuching Not far from the DAP mammoth rally, a motorcycle convoy carrying BN flags whizzes by.

Kuching The drizzle has stopped in Kuching. One of the emcees for the Pakatan ceramah says, “This is a sign of the sky helping us.”

Later, another emcee leads the crowd to shout, “Wanna change? Vote rocket! Wanna change? Vote blue eye (PKR logo)! Wanna change? Vote Pakatan!”
9pm: Krian About 300 people gather in a temple compound at Saratok for PKR's last ceramah

Krian is an Iban-majority area. PKR has expressed confidence of victory in the four-cornered contest which also features candidates from BN, Snap and an Independent.
9pm: Miri Despite SUPP organising a mega 5,000-people dinner, DAP's ceramah at Miri maintains its momentum and attracts around 8,000 people to the scene to hear the speech of the leaders.

The crowd's response is overwheming, with the supporters waving the “Yes!” And rocket balloons (the type they use in concerts) when the leaders' talk reaches its climax.

The key speaker tonight are Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, Selangor speaker Teng Chang Khim and Hew Kuan Yau who has become famous in this Sarawak election bucause of calling SUPP “orang utan”.

DAP Piasau candidate Fong Pau Teck urges the voters not to believe SUPP rhetoric that BN will definitely form the government and the Chinese may endanger their representation if SUPP loses.

“BN's situation in many rural area is dangerous, so let us sweep them off in urban area.”

He also leads the crowd to shout the slogan “Vote DAP for change”.

He says when Pakatan takes over the government, they will take action against Taib Mahmud who faces corruption allegations.

“Catch him, seize his wealth and return it to the people.”

DAP Piasau candidate Ling Sie Kong also turns the ceramah into a concert when he and his fiancee sing a Chinese song titled “Courage”.
9.08pm: Kuching Traffic is inching to a crawl at least two kilometres away from the DAP rally.

9.10pm: Kuching Three-term former Bandar Kuching MP Sim Kwang Yang is in attendance. The crowd breaks into loud applause as this is announced.
9.15pm: Sibu DAP Dudong candidate Yap Hoi Liong comdemns the serious vote buying situation in Dudong area.

500 metres away, BN-SUPP Dudong candidate Tiong Thai King responds to Yap.

“To say that, what proof you have?” questions Tiong, and brushes off such allegations.

However, he blames illegal betting on the election as the cause of such allegations.

“You know, some Chinese just love to gamble,” he adds.

Meanwhile, when responding to the postal vote buying video clip that a DAP polling agent took in Wisma Sanyan, Tiong says, “I am not sure,” when asked if he believes such mischief took place.

Tiong is Sibu Municipal Council president, and Wisma Sanyan is the local government office.

He says he had watched the video clip on YouTube, but the alleged postal ballot appears to him to be merely a piece of paper, as he couldn't determine if it was a ballot paper.

When asked if he knew the man who was alleged to be a health officer of SMC, he says the man had retired.

Tiong is spotted sitting on a chair at Sibu Square, carrying an umbrella.
9.20pm: Kuching DAP's candidate for Padungan Wong Kim Wei is lost for words when asked to describe his emotions.

“This is the first time in my life that we are being treated like superstars,” he says.
9.30pm: Sibu Bersih 2.0 committee Wong Chin Huat (left) who was earlier barred from entering Sarawak, surprises the audience by appearing on stage to deliver a speech, and the crowd cheer him.

He urges Sarawakians working in the peninsula to seek their right to vote as postal voters, as the airfare to return to vote was expensive.

He says the election turnout rate back in the 2008 general election was 58%.

Later, when approached by Malaysiakini, Wong said he successfully passed through the immigration at Sibu, as the system has not computerised, and he believes his name has yet to be updated into Sibu's list.

“I believe I am still blacklisted, somehow I managed to enter today," he says.
9.35pm: Kuching Sources say PKR's ceramah in Siburan was stopped by the police for not having a ceramah permit.

It is learnt that there are some 500 people at the ceramah.

9.35pm: Kuching Several hundred meters away from where Karpal Singh is speaking, a few hundred line the streets to listen and watch the projection screen.

Meanwhile, thunderbolts streak the sky.

Expecting this, many are sporting umbrellas.
9.40pm: Sibu The stage set up by SUPP just across DAP's near Paramount Hotel on Jln Kampung Datu has been abandoned, with workers dismantling the stage.

The stage had a big poster with the words “Revelation of PKR's Secret”.
A clash happened earlier when SUPP played their karaoke so loud that the DAP workers and supporters lashed out at the organisers.

Sibu OCPD Shafie Ismail appeared and decided the karaoke should be stopped.
9.40pm: Miri Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim explains the changes done by the Selangor government, among others giving free water and a Freedom of Information Act, to convice the Sarawakian to make the change.

“In Selangor, Kedah, Penang and Kelantan, we have showed our ability to bring change. So don't be scared of change.”

“The tsunami of Sarawak will happen. Tomorrow let us celebrate the change of government.”
945pm: Krian Speakers during PKR's ceramah at Saratok try and give the conviction that after the election tomorrow, Pakatan will form the new government.

They also promise to throw Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud into jail.

This last ceramah is given by Selangor exco member Dr Xavier Jayakumar.

tetiba plak polis x kasi wat gampunk laaa peralatkan polis!!..tak gentle lsg

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Post time 16-4-2011 12:13 AM | Show all posts
polis dah blah... suara rakyat power maaa... siap kena boo lagi huhuhu...

tapi kat tempat aku ni  ...
hantujeraul Post at 15-4-2011 20:51

    Kerja terbaik? Prrrfffffthhhhhh....

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