Post Last Edit by pavlova at 24-11-2009 10:09
1322# cheesepastry
sedih gak.. tp xde la sampai nangis.. sbb time tgk tu sambil sms menjeleskan org {:1_116:}
xleh nak feel sgt..
ni sementara bos x masuk tgh tgk lg..
scene kt woods yg diorg nak clash tu sedih gak.. lebih kurang mcm rasa bace buku - 'The absence of him is everywhere I look. It is like a big hole has been punched through my chest.'
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
1323# cheesepastry
same la kite pon tgk 30th sbb blk kg lama..
cheese nanti tgk kt mane?
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
cheese, kite suke victoria punye scene kt dlm utan tu! cantek je movement die
wolves pon best...
tp.. kite rase Edward control ensem je sepjg citer (sbb dok pakai kot all the time-tp still suke die!)
Jacob mmg menonjol la dlm citer ni
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
amka.....larat ke ko nak tggu 6hb baru nak tgk???
oh tidak
aku rsa 26hb tu pn aku dah stand by
takpun blik dr kg 30hb
cheesepastry Post at 21-11-2009 21:54
mcm pav tlg jwbkn tuh..aku nk tgk 26hb pasai aku half day...tp kt GSC OU, cineleisure & tropicana daa ada lom 26hb tuh?..klu boleh aku mls la nk g tgk kt KL..sbb aku selalu balik kg, lalu elite jek trus tembus nilai x yh lalu tol sg besi...buang masa jem aje huhuhu |
korang...jgn la spoiler dolu..aku lom tgk... |
1328# amka
(tp kalau ko nak dload, cari le kt web kite kasi aritu )
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
1330# amka
kite dh xsabo sgt-belasah je tgk cam copy-golap!
sbb obses nye pasal layannnn
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
1330# amka
kite dh xsabo sgt-belasah je tgk cam copy-golap!
sbb obses nye pasal layannnn
Sometimes I wondered ...
pavlova Post at 24-11-2009 10:11
gigih cik pav kita
klu x silap dengo kt hotFM td..FBI ckp..kutipan tuk movie Twilight daa cecah 900 juta...huhuhu |
lupa plak..syok gler tgk wiken tuh hari..kt channel 712...vampire wiken...
secret of twilight
10 vampire that we loved (rob no 1)
fashion police New Moon
New Moon premier
extendad trailer new moon
dan yg terbes skali..leh layan twilight kt 413...clear...hahah...nmpak sebijik2...DVD aku pirate punya so x terang sgt heheh...terkesima jab hehehh
1333# amka
TV ku rosak x baik lg - esok baru nak anto repair sblm blk kg..huhuhuhu
terlepas la vampire week tu
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
cheese, kite suke victoria punye scene kt dlm utan tu! cantek je movement die
wolves pon best...
tp.. kite rase Edward control ensem je sepjg citer (sbb dok pakai kot all the time-tp still suke ...
pavlova Post at 24-11-2009 09:59
aku rsa dlm new moon
edward mmg jd diri dia yg 109 thn tu kot
psl dia lepas tggalkan bella tu mana ada pgi skolah
dia bawa diri sbg org dewasa kan?
tak mcm msa twilight...
most of the time dia kna act mcm teenager
psl dia becampur dgn manusia biasa
scene victoria aku ske
scene werewolf aku ske
jacob cutelah dlm new moon ni
scene edward dlm kelas aku ske
tp scene balik dr voltera
yg dlm bilik bella tu mcm tak kesampaian jangkauan emosiku... |
daa check..tayangan New Moon tuk ari kamis 26hb kt GSC OU adalah seperti berikut
The Twilight Saga New Moon - English (NA)
11:00AM 11:30AM 01:30PM 02:00PM 04:00PM 04:30PM
06:30PM 07:00PM 09:00PM 09:30PM 11:30PM 12:00AM
aku nk tgk yg kul 1:30 punya laaa :pompom: |
br lps lyn dvdrip torrent semlm...slow pace muvi with lots of ayat jiwang karat..wakakaka |
mna na cr subtitle cta ny ar? |
amboi...kemain seronot ye pav ngan cheese jadik lanun malam tadi{:1_116:}.....
aku ni dari tadi dok on aje tgv online booking...naik letih dah dok tekan refresh button tu...hanya 2 tgv aje yg dah bukak online booking for NM i.e. Sunway Pyramid & 1 Utama..tapi aku usha pagi tadi tiket cam tak hotselling aje kt 2 panggung ni...apa kite aje ke yg tertunggu2 ni yek? bila dorang nak kasik open nih....letih dah makcik ni....tak sabar2 nak booking dah nih.... |
amboi...kemain seronot ye pav ngan cheese jadik lanun malam tadi{:1_116:}.....
aku ni dari tadi dok on aje tgv online booking...naik letih dah dok tekan refresh button tu...hanya 2 tgv aje yg dah b ...
mimiekiut Post at 24-11-2009 13:35
org malaysia kononnya tak jiwang
tu psl tak minat NM
bagus gak...kalo ramai2 nnt riuh
spoil mood aku nak menghayati edward
apsal ler lipstickmu tebal sgt kali ni{:2_67:}
kalo camtu mimi...bolelah kite cop seat paling strategic:pompom: |
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