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Author: chazey


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:06 AM | Show all posts
gopal posted on 7-3-2013 11:00 AM
i have the same feeling too...

i got a theory tp errmm takpela..

sesenyap je ron97 naik 20sen kan?


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:06 AM | Show all posts
hzln posted on 7-3-2013 10:54 AM
kau nak MN ka melah? aku bulih bagi...demi melepaskan apa yg terbuku di dada

kau raja multinik ka

dalam porem ni, kita bersangka baik sudah. yg penting situasi semasa, bukan nak tau sapa punca. nak watpa tau sapa punca. lagipun watpa nak tau apa akan jadi kat sabah ka kat semenanjung ka lepas ni. kita serah aje pada yg arif lagi bijaksana. kita rakyat marhaen nganga saja apa pun tak boleh

ini semua poyo

ot, eh pilihanraya umum yang ke 13 akan ditangguhkan kan


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:06 AM | Show all posts
jonlabu posted on 7-3-2013 09:24 AM
bahasa ko ni lain macam jer.

balik nanti berenang ke naik tongkang?

waina kita naik feri bah pigi zambuangga sama c indah.

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Manami posted on 7-3-2013 10:56 AM
Masih nak menjaga hati 'pengundi'..

x betul ke apa yang dia cakap...
orang sabah keturunan suluk yang sejak azali beranak pinak di sabah kena lah diberi kefahaman...
mereka rakyat malaysia juga..
kena jaga sentimen mereka ...supaya mereka x rasa tersepit...
bukan semua nya berkiblatkan sultan sulu nyanyok tua kutuk..tua x sadar diri tu...

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:06 AM | Show all posts
putr@polo posted on 7-3-2013 10:52 AM
Pengganas menyamar penyokong kerajaan

LAHAD DATU 7 Mac - Pengganas yang kini menyamar sebag ...

aku pulak berbeza pendapat... orang suluk ni memang benar2 menyokong safiee tu sebab dia memang keturunan suluk disemporna.....even dari mereka yang dapat ic projek atau suluk tak ada berapa lama dulu terbaca ada usaha untuk menjadikan dia ketua menteri sabah selepas musa aman....bukankah jika safiee ni jadi ketua menteri merupakan satu simbol halus kemenangan orang suluk untuk menuntut sabah...kerana orang suluk memang menganggap sabah ini kepunyaan mereka....baca sahaja dlm forum ni ramai yang ceritakan tentang orang suluk yang menyokong pemilikan sabah oleh sultan sulu even dia keja gomen....


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:07 AM | Show all posts
djflux2000 posted on 7-3-2013 11:03 AM
Boleh Sesiapa Explain..Apasal gambar yang di Pegang Zahid tu mcm attire PDRM jer..siap ada ...

believe in ATM. aku dok bertekak dengan Pinoy pasal menda ni kat international forum, korang pun jgn termakan propaganda pinoy bengap kay.

ini apa pinoy tu cakap:

Originally Posted by Bamboo
Nope, again, the Sultan's men are ill equipped, the image shows the burned bodies have combat gloves and boots.

Uniform of Malaysian Special Forces(images taken from google):

Meanwhile, the Sutan's men are wearing camouflage suits :

If you would look the image of burned bodies again, it is almost obvious that they are Malaysians instead of the Sultan's men.
And, why would the Malaysian media tell its people that they accidentally dropped bombs on their own men?
It would be quite demoralizing and embarrassing at the same time.

ini explanation aku pada pinoy tu:

So your info is Google, and all you read is the Philippine media,which are obviously biased? Kiram's men haven't been wearing camouflage suits here. You have to use a little common sense. Kiram's men have been blending with the locals in order to disguise themselves, so it is not easy to find them.

But the locals can tell teh understated differences between the Suluks and the natives, especially the difference in accents.

This is another dead body of Suluk in black outfit:

Again, I emphasize, those were not our men. The bodies you showed us were Kiram's men. They were all found almost buried after the fighter jet 'softened' the Tanduo village which is their fortress, and most of the terrorists have fled or hid. The Suluks made hasty burials. The bodies were bloated, signifying they have been dead for days.

If those were our men, they wouldn't have bothered to try bury them.

In Sri Jaya village, they butchered our men and dumped the organs into the sea.

And they will pay for it.

Last edited by Santeira on 7-3-2013 11:08 AM


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:07 AM | Show all posts
hambaallah1709 posted on 7-3-2013 10:39 AM
sekolah mane tuh?

d tawau. saje bertanya sambil berpesan..knowing her, udahlah kecik baju celorengnyer dl pon aku tlg jahitkan butang...

yg lain2 bkn x risau tp dah selamat masuk pasukan, darah satria sguh kwn2 aku

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:07 AM | Show all posts
fish posted on 7-3-2013 11:02 AM
Menurut saspisyes ambo, yg panik tu kemungkinan besar warga asal negara, yg tak panik mcm biasa tu ...


Depa perlu tunjukkan perasaan tak panik tu utk meneruskan kehidupan & invasion... Nak dptkan bekalan... Nak menyelinap sbg org local asal peribumi... agar tak menarik perhatian pihak berkuasa... iols hagak2 laaa...

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:08 AM | Show all posts
MelahJanda posted on 7-3-2013 10:53 AM
tak pegi sabah tourism board ke? mmg ok sana

ok la sangat...
kalau ok kenapa pkerja resort pun sampai menangis2, mlm tu semua tido ramai2 kat resort
ada yg takut nak balik, ada yg mmg tak dibenarkan balik sbb simunul tu mmg kg diorg

kat tawau pun sama, belum pkl 4 ptg, pegi pasar besar pun org dah kalut2 tutup kedai
2 org peniaga kat situ aku tanya, ingatkan normal tutup sbb aku dah lewat sampai
rupanya diorg ckp takut, kena tutup awal2
dgr khabar org2 suluk tu dah sampai batu 4 diorg kata

pendek kata cuti aku kat sana byk dlm bilik hotel je tau

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:08 AM | Show all posts
berusjamban posted on 7-3-2013 10:58 AM



kami masih lagi dalam keadaan takut dgn pelbagai kemungkinan..

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Manami posted on 7-3-2013 11:03 AM

member aku ni.......haha......mata juling air hang mmg x dpt aku lupakan........hilang spek, menggagau cari.......

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:09 AM | Show all posts
ruffleen posted on 7-3-2013 11:04 AM
KAN? baru hari ni terhegeh2 nak datang

da bnyak  yg terkorban baru nk mnjenguk.


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:09 AM | Show all posts
geolimarkisa posted on 7-3-2013 10:57 AM
fahamm fadihilat al fatihah tapi tu lahh...orang masih hidup dikatakan meninggal...

benar begitu...
sumber rasmikan ada.
yg sumber 'dikatakan' 'dikatakan' kena double check lah...
kebanyakkan ahli keluarga our ATM/PDRM memang dah besedia mental.
Hatta mak saya pun bila adik saya terpilih masuk operasi di LD... sudah pasrah & berserah bulat2 pada Allah.

Bangga & proud kalo ada saudara/anak/suami/ayah yang meninggal sebagai pejuang.
Tengok anak salah seorg yg terkorban... bangga ayahnya perwira mempertahankan kedaulatan.
Anak kecil pun dah tahu erti pengorbanan.

Remy Ishak pun... tu ha... bangga adiknya terpilih berkhidmat.

Kalo yg dah di'khabar'kan meninggal, tup-tup hanya cedera.. ibarat satu khabar gembira jualah buat yg dengar buat kali kedua. Keep it positive babe.(yerlah sapa yg tak ralat.. adat alaf baru berperang... kalo zaman bintang 3 dulu, maklumat & rumours tak mendahului sebegini cepat... kalo rujuk FB .. macam kes hari tu, ada 2 individu mempunyai nama hampir sama yg berkhidmat dlm PDRM... lagilah konfius... ingat si A, rupanya si B yg terlibat)

Kepada Allah Kita Berserah!


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:09 AM | Show all posts
krisp posted on 7-3-2013 11:05 AM
taknak labelkan pengganas tapi setuju ada ciri-ciri tindakan pengganas (terroristic acts), macam m ...

hmm..aku tengok berita kat rtm ja..sebab lebih detail dari berita lain..ada ja dia sebut pengganas...

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2013 11:09 AM | Show all posts
ina_na posted on 7-3-2013 10:48 AM
betul kan...aku adik aku ms kat sana pening pala aku fkr...sampai mkn pun tak boleh...mata nie nan ...

mereka memang merata-rata ada kat sabah.

sebab tu aku pelik why tumpuan diberi kat kawasan pantai timur saja.

lepas tu,

meka masih tak bergerak secara besar-besaran.

setakat ini, baru kekacauan kecil saja meka buat di daerah lain.

TV memang takkan tunjuk keadaan sebenar.

kalau rakyat tahu, habis.

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:10 AM | Show all posts
gigh nak kontrol peel poremer..
pffttt.. good luck je la setad setazah sume

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:10 AM | Show all posts
krisp posted on 7-3-2013 11:05 AM
taknak labelkan pengganas tapi setuju ada ciri-ciri tindakan pengganas (terroristic acts), macam m ...

Saya rasa ini Tuhan kasi bayar cash.

Dulu TV3suku taknak label MORO dan Suluk sebagai pengganas. Sekarang terkena batang hidung mula beriya2 nak label MORO, Suluk, Palestin sebagai pengganas.

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Perutusan dari UN mengenai isu ini

UN calls for end to violence in Sabah

MANILA, Philippines – The United Nations has called for an end to violence in  Sabah as it appealed for a dialogue among parties involved to peacefully settle the dispute.

In a statement issued from his office, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also called on parties involved to uphold international human rights standards amid escalating hostilities there.

“The Secretary-General is closely following the situation in Sabah, Malaysia.  He urges an end to the violence and encourages dialogue among all the parties for a peaceful resolution of the situation,” said the statement issued Wednesday in New York.
“He urges all parties to facilitate delivery of humanitarian assistance and act in full respect of international human rights norms and standards,” the statement read.Ban also expressed concern for civilians caught in the crossfire, as hostilities escalated between Malaysian forces and armed followers of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III this week.

This is the first time the UN issued a statement on the situation in Lahad Datu, where Kiram’s followers have been standing their ground for more than three weeks now asserting ancestral ownership of the territory.

It was silent on the dispute between the Philippines and Malaysia for ownership of Sabah — a matter which the Sulu Sultan said he would elevate to the world body.

Fighting broke out Friday between the armed group and Malaysian forces amid failed appeals for Kiram’s followers to leave Lahad Datu.  The death toll has been rising on both sides.

The Philippines continues efforts to negotiate for Kiram group’s unconditional surrender as Malaysia stepped up efforts to round up the Sulu fighters, including the launch of air and ground strikes.


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:11 AM | Show all posts
astrok pon astrok la..
dari dok dgr rintihan selari pasal poremer

Lahad Datu: Najib to arrive in Felda Sahabat soon, says Hisham (Update)

LAHAD DATU: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is scheduled to arrive in Sabah at any time now to see the situation at ground zero for himself, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein Thursday.

At a joint conference with Defence Minister Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi, he said that Najib had been in close and constant contact, so far.

Najib is expected to hold a press conference at Felda Sahabat once he arrives. The press conference is now tentatively scheduled for 11am.

Najib Tun Razak will be getting an up close look at the ongoing operations against a group of Sulu gunmen at Kampung Tanduo and Kampung Tanjung Batu.

The Prime Minister will be visiting the Felda Sahabat area in the two remote coastal seaside villages where the offensive against about 150 Sulu gunmen has entered its third day.

Zahid Hamidi said Najib's visit was bound to boost the morale of police and military personnel involved in the offensive dubbed Ops Daulat.

''The Prime Minister wants to see the progress of our operations and the logistics and support for the troops,'' he said.

He noted that Najib had served as Defence Minister for 14 years and during that time had visited Malaysian peacekeeping missions in the frontlines at Bosnia. Timor Leste and Southern Labenon.

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:11 AM | Show all posts
sya_sugar_sugar posted on 7-3-2013 11:09 AM
benar begitu...
sumber rasmikan ada.
yg sumber 'dikatakan' 'dikatakan' kena double check lah...

aku cuma persoalkan sikap nak sampaikan berita sampai x peduli sama ada berita sahih ke tidak..

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