The Bible mentioned abt Human Spirit(roh) but Muslims unable to explain
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Originally posted by i212 at 6-10-2006 04:13 PM
But its still not saying SPIRIT LOCATED in OUR BRAIN.
unless ur brain out order that why u repeat many times. |
quote Muslims confused with most my Bible verses I posted.
Let us understand one thing here. Firstly, we cannot compare Holy Spirit from God and spiritually human mind.
In Bible verses , some verses do mentioned that God put HIS spirit in mind of humans and some verses we do have human spirit in mind from beginning we born.
There is two spirit here :
1) Holy Spirit
2) Human Spirit
ok , so HIS SPIRIT itu adalah HOLY SPIRIT maka dalam kenyataaan anda TUHAN TELAH MELETAKKAN ROHNYA(HOLY SPIRIT) DI DLM MINDA MANUSIA, ianya merujuk kepada siapa???? |
unless ur brain out order that why u repeat many times.
Originally posted by burning_ash at 6-10-2006 04:23 PM
ok , so HIS SPIRIT itu adalah HOLY SPIRIT maka dalam kenyataaan anda TUHAN TELAH MELETAKKAN ROHNYA(HOLY SPIRIT) DI DLM MINDA MANUSIA, ianya merujuk kepada siapa????
Dlm thread ini saya menulis Human spirit dan bukan holy spirit. kalau berminat pasal Holy spirit sila ke C&C . Dkt situ ada dua tajuk "One God but Two" dan "Trinity"
baca dan baru u paham. |
Originally posted by i212 at 6-10-2006 04:26 PM
unless ur brain out order that why u repeat many times.
yup, ur corrupt spirit now need true God calling to cleansed ur mind to have new spiritually mind |
Originally posted by i212 at 6-10-2006 04:26 PM
unless ur brain out order that why u repeat many times.
:setuju: |
wonder where is silenkiller?? all the statments given by muslims so boring and not factual. |
Muslims failed miserably in this thread without any clue what is human spirit in islam point of view |
Originally posted by digweed at 7-10-2006 12:42 AM
Truth.8 ni memang tidak penat menegakkan benang yang basah...
Di sini ada satu kisah seakan-akan kisah Truth.8,
lagi2 pasal Yahudi....apa kah kamu orang islam tidak sedar sebab Yahudi lah kitab2 turun umat manusia.
sepatuhnya kamu semua mest dengar nasihat orang yahudi dari hati yg dengki atau prasangka buruk.
kena ingat, orang2 yahudi ini ahli kitab jadi jgn lah kamu orang2 islam nak buruk-burukan mereka. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 7-10-2006 12:56 AM
lagi2 pasal Yahudi....apa kah kamu orang islam tidak sedar sebab Yahudi lah kitab2 turun umat manusia.
sepatuhnya kamu semua mest dengar nasihat orang yahudi dari hati yg dengki atau prasangka buruk.
kena ingat, orang2 yahudi ini ahli kitab jadi jgn lah kamu orang2 islam nak buruk-burukan mereka.
Kami sedar, jews adalah the chosen one. And most prophets also came from jews. All kitabs (inclusive Quran) also was sent to jews (Even the whole one surah in Quran also dedicate to Children of Israel ). Also, Prophet Muhammad (saw) was sent not only the other nations but also to jews.
"And verily We gave the Children of Israel the Scripture and the Command and the Prophethood, and provided them with good things and favored them above (all) peoples." (Al-Jathiyah 45:16)
But we praise them in some occasions where they deserve praise and condemning them in other occasions where they practice blameworthy acts.
Yet, the latter occasions outnumbered the former, due to their bad qualities and the heinous acts they used to commit.
[ Last edited by loona at 7-10-2006 08:07 AM ] |
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 6-10-2006 09:02 PM
wonder where is silenkiller?? all the statments given by muslims so boring and not factual.
You DUMB COW, i see ONLY you do all the hardwork nonsense and barking here, NOT EVEN 1 other CHRISTIANS defend what u say here. It shows what u say here is PURE LIE. No wonder why no Christians dont support u here.. I think they already know you are a CLOWN.. GREATEST DUMB CLOWN |
Originally posted by loona at 7-10-2006 07:46 AM
Kami sedar, jews adalah the chosen one. And most prophets also came from jews. All kitabs (inclusive Quran) also was sent to jews (Even the whole one surah in Quran also dedicate to Children of Israel ). Also, Prophet Muhammad (saw) was sent not only the other nations but also to jews.
"And verily We gave the Children of Israel the Scripture and the Command and the Prophethood, and provided them with good things and favored them above (all) peoples." (Al-Jathiyah 45:16)
But we praise them in some occasions where they deserve praise and condemning them in other occasions where they practice blameworthy acts.
Yet, the latter occasions outnumbered the former, due to their bad qualities and the heinous acts they used to commit.
There is not such thing the Jews later become bad qualities. The real bad qualities is Muhammad came after 600 yrs later and bring so much strange and corrupt God words. That is the main reason why the Jews went to see Muhammad to question many matters include Spirit subject.
The problem with u muslims is ur all like parrots....whatever the arabs says u all repeat like parrots.
The arabs from beginning have very bad intentions to destroy Jews since Jews are God peoples and successfully peoples.
Stop this silly parrots behaviour |
Originally posted by SilentKiller at 7-10-2006 09:42 AM
You DUMB COW, i see ONLY you do all the hardwork nonsense and barking here, NOT EVEN 1 other CHRISTIANS defend what u say here. It shows what u say here is PURE LIE. No wonder why no Christians dont support u here.. I think they already know you are a CLOWN.. GREATEST DUMB CLOWN ...
Did not Jesus and many true God prophets did preach truth about God words along??
Are u saying when Jesus preach God words alone also lie???
Why must i so concern about other christians sects?? do they have similar to my faith?? they believed in trinity which not an ounce of truth in Bible. so, I am not bothered whether they comes here or not.
No wonder why u see many trinity comes to islam because both are consider like blind leading blind.
Do u see any from my sects coming to Islam. NO
I am sure this thread hurst most muslims because it exposing the false prophet
SilentKiller This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 7-10-2006 10:24 AM
Did not Jesus and many true God prophets did preach truth about God words along??
Are u saying when Jesus preach God words alone also lie???
Why must i so concern about other christi ...
What are you blabbing here ? Whats ur problem actually ? |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 7-10-2006 10:18 AM
There is not such thing the Jews later become bad qualities. The real bad qualities is Muhammad came after 600 yrs later and bring so much strange and corrupt God words. That is the main reason why the Jews went to see Muhammad to question many matters include Spirit subject.
The problem with u muslims is ur all like parrots....whatever the arabs says u all repeat like parrots.
The arabs from beginning have very bad intentions to destroy Jews since Jews are God peoples and successfully peoples.
Stop this silly parrots behaviour
Rest In Peace |
Originally posted by SilentKiller at 7-10-2006 10:33 AM
What are you blabbing here ? Whats ur problem actually ?
am i blabbing here? or do u muslims got problem and stuck here?
Let me ask u simple question here
1) Ur muhammad says that little knowlege on spirit .
My question to muslims and u, tell us the little knowlege on spirit base on ur faith.
I have given list of my explanation base on my faith.
Dont run away from this thread and coming with crap execuses like, blabbing, none of christians support me and etc.
I do not need support from anyone but fact is important. |
Originally posted by loona at 7-10-2006 10:59 AM
Rest In Peace
so simple like that?? afterall u muslims makes so much damaged on our faith by calling us lying pen, jewish are corrupt and etc.
throw away dirty mind and comes to true teachings of Christ |
I am still waiting from muhammad followers on:
85. Dan mereka bertanya kepadamu tentang roh. Katakan: Roh itu dari perkara urusan Tuhanku dan kamu tidak diberikan ilmu pengetahuan melainkan sedikit sahaja. ( Surah al isra 85 )
what is the small details as per claimed by the koran on spirit? |
Coming next: Same strange thing happened after I posted this topic. |
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