Apa first impression korang tgk remaja lelaki piercing?
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Reply #119 pinguin's post
aku xtaw nak jawap cemane..
tapi mmg feel la time sakit tuh..
aku baru je tambah koleksi pierce kat kening...~ |
ei.. aku pun xpaham ngaperlah diorang ni suker tindik2.. xsakit ke?
first time tgok mereka ni mestilah aku pikir xsakit ke? pastu aku duk terpikir apa yang mereka nak banggakan dgn bertindik tuh? |
Reply #122 pinguin's post
tuh sorg dah jawab dah kat atas nuh... |
Reply #122 pinguin's post
xdela nk bangge ape pon...
aku suke tindik.aku tindik r...
lagi pon dier punye sakit tu best taw!!
feel gitu... |
benci boi tndik tinger xspecially mt rmpit..
tmpt laen ADE STYLE ;)
lelaki piercing??
xsuke la nk tgk..
nyampah je..da dilahirkan lelaki,btpe nk tindik2 sgale?..
cm hampeh je..
konon macho..tp langsung x bertamadun..:@:@ |
I'm thinking of piercing, but only kat bibir. Tmpat cam telinga2 tue mmg jgn harap arr. |
nnt mulut u cpt berbau....siyes....
kompem nyesal nnt |
aku lak.. nengok lah kalo dah kenal mgkn lain expectationnyhe.. kalo nengok takut gak aku...hehhehe |
Reply #1 Mr.Forensics's post
ak xbpe ske.
tp en klu kne ngn org nye, kdg2 smart plak nengok yg pierce2 neyh.
nmpk cm kewl jew. |
1st time tgk kalau laki bertindik
- "kalau kecik2 masa skolah rendah mesti dia tak camni kan.."
harap2 kalau yg beragama islam bertindik tu, hope sedar2lah ke pangkal jalan, nak cakpa dia dosa banyak ke apa. tu urusan dia denganNYA... |
aku x penah nmpk tindik itu cool...
org ckp kalo laki tindik tinge blah mane aku lpe...
its like indicator diye tuh gay....
huhu btol ke?? |
aku ade gak dgr.
yg konon2 kalo tindik blah kanan, means dah brpunye.
errkk!! tol ke? alu pon x igt. |
ntah aku pon x bape hengat da...
tp kdg2 aku tngk yg tindik tuh tade rhupe gay pong |
first impression aku ialah
" kalau tarik, sdap ni "
kalau dia tindik kat idung, first impression aku pasal orang tu ialah lembu |
Reply #135 [X]'s post
kalo india yg mmg tindik situ mcm mane??? |
Reply #135 [X]'s post
mat saleh byk ar tindik kat idung.
lembu pon lg cun aku rs. |
Reply #137 re_re's post
lembu lg chun???
x benafsu sungguh laa anda neh |
i personally think it's cute and hot ah ha ha....
p/s: it's stupid to think that there ever is a connection between being gay and having piercing(s).
p/p/s: moral / mores are totally dependent on individuals. we are a hypocrite societywhen we say guys with piercing(s) have low moral standards than muslim girls who wears tight skinny jeans, minus a tudung, with tops that were bought when they were toddlers
[ Last edited by raeshad at 23-1-2008 03:25 PM ] |
bagi aku la buruk tol ahlak lelaki yg tindik.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi