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Author: yellow belmont

EVIL - was it born within us? .. or how?

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Post time 9-4-2007 11:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #120 wei_loon5063's post

so you still think human landed on the moon ?

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Post time 9-4-2007 11:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #120 wei_loon5063's post

I think they landed in area 51 , what a trick !

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Post time 9-4-2007 11:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #122 free2rhyme's post

no idea...... the what about neil armstrong heard the azan in moon then converted to moslem??  

bloody USA..... they even signed the contract that in future any country that threaten usa property in outer space and usa have the right to decline its roket launch.......

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Post time 9-4-2007 11:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #123 wei_loon5063's post

i've never heard of it...... you gonna have to ask him yourself

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Post time 9-4-2007 11:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #123 wei_loon5063's post

kalau nampak saya di banyak tempat yang kau lawat, maknanye minat kita lebih kurang la      

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Post time 9-4-2007 11:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #125 wei_loon5063's post

I just like to read..... too lazy to get involve  

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Post time 9-4-2007 11:51 PM | Show all posts

Reply #126 free2rhyme's post

i like to get involve in some interesting topic but lazy to read very long and stupid comment

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2007 01:45 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by free2rhyme at 9-4-2007 07:20 AM
So you won't put a nuclear weapon as an evilthing but does that mean everybody must accept this stand of yourswithout further questioning the validity of it ?

Every body can possess a knife becausethe knife is a useful tool that can be used for various purposes, butis a knife the same like a nuclear weapon ? A nuclear weapon doesn'thave any purpose other than to be used for massive killings anddestructions so obviously we can't put the two under the same categorynow can we?

hehe .. dont get me wrong .. i didnt mean that everybody must accept my opinion ..

it just from what i see back there is that i already xpress my thought .. yet u still asking the same question .. heading to something that is out of my context ..

oh so u want to validate my opinion .. im not sure how can i satisfy that .. as i think one opinion is subjective .. here we are talking bout idea .. perception .. not like in the religion board where u have this n those verse to validate ur opinion ..

anyhow i'll try to explain my self once again ..

knife = unalive .. nuclear weapon = unalive .. people = alive

knife = created to cut vegetables = not evil .. created to murder someone = evil .. nuclear weapon = created to destroy = evil ..

knife = used to cut vegetables = not evil .. used to murder someone = evil .. nuclear weapon = being keep in storage = not evil .. used to bomb a city = evil

so here the evil is on the action .. the evil doing (like what have been discuss b4 .. read aji punya post) .. its on the people .. the intention and how something being used .. the knife and the nuclear weapon is just a tool .. u cannot blame a nuclear weapon for being a nuclear weapon .. it is us who invent it and use it .. we are the one who put "emotion" into it ..

to cut it short .. the evil is on us .. not on the thing it self ..

i hope u would consider this one as the validity of my opinion ..

if u still cant accept it .. do me a favor? .. let my opinion as an opinion without validity ..



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 Author| Post time 10-4-2007 01:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ct_og at 9-4-2007 11:16 AM
Kejahatan berpunca dari luar diri disebabkan oleh syaitan manakala dari dalam diri disebabkan oleh nafsu.  Kejahatan dari luar kita minta dari Tuhan agar dijauhkan darinya sedangkan kejahatan dal ...

jdnya kejahatan itu terbahagi kepada dua .. dr luar dan dr dlm .. ic ic ..

ya tak ya .. NAFSU tak disebut lagi rasanya .. dulu penah baca somewhere dlm forum ni .. dlm post tu ckp NAFSU la yg jd punca segala kejahatan manusia .. musuh utama seorang manusia tu tak lain tak bukan adalah nafsunya sendiri ..

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2007 01:59 AM | Show all posts

to free2rhyme and wei_loon5063 ..

where is the continuation of those VALIDATION things related to religion .. i would love to hear more of u guys discussion regarding those things .. am hoping n waiting for the NEXT EPISODE ..

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Post time 10-4-2007 06:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 10-4-2007 01:59 AM
where is the continuation of those VALIDATION things related to religion .. i would love to hear more of u guys discussion regarding those things .. am hoping n waiting for the NEXT EPISODE .. :l ...

i am a hell GUY... i`m not sure about free2ryme      

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Post time 10-4-2007 09:25 AM | Show all posts

Reply #128 yellow belmont's post

oh so u want to validate my opinion .. im not sure how can i satisfy that .. as i think one opinion is subjective .. here we are talking bout idea .. perception .. not like in the religion board where u have this n those verse to validate ur opinion ..

So validation only apply to religion? Hmm.... I think we need to validate whatever people say to us.... if we hear any news from anyone then we should try our best to validate or find out the truth about the news or else it might just be gossips or even worst slanders..... When it comes to people opinions then we can use our common sense to validate them ....... God gives us brain to use not only 10% of it  , but all of it  

if u still cant accept it .. do me a favor? .. let my opinion as an opinion without validity ..

ok, I can see that some people don't like their ideas to be challenged.....   Just because I don't agree with your opinion doesn't mean that I try to belittle it by furthering the discussion with more questions..... in my opinion we will remain static if we just develop an opinion or idea just to  cling on to it without anyone to challenge the idea in order to explore and understand furthermore .... but since you don't want to further the discussion I will respect your wish and leave you alone with your opinion ok .

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Post time 10-4-2007 09:28 AM | Show all posts

Reply #131 wei_loon5063's post

I'm a flawed HUMAN BEING

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Post time 10-4-2007 09:34 AM | Show all posts

Reply #127 wei_loon5063's post

I will read comments ,"stupid" or not, in order to learn about human mind and their way of thinking and reasoning ......

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Post time 10-4-2007 09:42 AM | Show all posts

Reply #130 yellow belmont's post

I don't think wei loon can discuss further about the validation of the reincarnation because she/he has admitted that she/he doesn't care to validate this belief herself/himself so how to discuss about the validation of what she/he  herself/himself refuse to validate on her/his own ?   Am I making any sense here? :gila:    ...... ok don't get confuse now  

[ Last edited by  free2rhyme at 10-4-2007 10:29 AM ]

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Post time 10-4-2007 10:13 AM | Show all posts

Reply #128 yellow belmont's post

The Quran tells mankind to seek validation of whatever that comes our way, we should never follow or accept anything if we don't have the knowledge of it being true or false ... by seeking validation we are actually expanding our understanding  to a higher new level ....

Surah The Children Of Israel

36: And follow not that of which you have not the knowledge; surely the hearing and the sight and the heart, all of these, shall be questioned about that.

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Post time 10-4-2007 10:25 AM | Show all posts
And most mankind like to believe without even making any effort to validate their beliefs ...... the Quran mentions about people who behave that way ....

Surah The Cattle

148:  .....Say: " Have ye any certain knowledge which you could proffer to us ? You follow but other people's conjectures , and you yourself do nothing but guess ."



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Post time 10-4-2007 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 23-3-2007 02:59 AM
ada idea mengatakan kejahatan itu sememangnya telah wujud dlm diri kita sejak lahir lagi .. so kira it just a matter of time la samada develop atau tak benda tu ..

ada pula org ckp kita ni la ...

evil tu akan makin kuat jika kita bela n manjakan dia, u tau camne?
setan suka duk dlm diri org yg panas baran, boros, dengki
sifat2 tu semua sifat2 setan, so kalau kita biarkan diri kita dlm keadaan marah n tak cuba bersabar n beristifar..
so setan tu mkin lama akan membesar n beranak pinak dlm bdn kita.

jin ni terbentuk dari api yg sgt panas, ia telah diciptakan sebelum manusia diciptakan, manusia pula di ciptakan dr tanah liat yg kering kontang,
malaikat pula diciptakan dari cahaya.

manusia memerlukan masa 9 bulan untuk lahir, jin pula membiak apabila alat kelamin lelaki bersentuhan dgn alat kelamin perempuan.maka jin perempuan akan terus membiak dan berkembang.iblis pula terbentuk apabila bersentuhan paha kanan dgn kiri maka terbentukla 33 biji telurdlm setiap biji telur trdapat 33 psg benih.begitulah proses pembiakan jin dan iblis sehinggalah hari kiamat.



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 Author| Post time 10-4-2007 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by free2rhyme at 10-4-2007 09:25 AM
So validation only apply to religion? Hmm.... I think we need to validate whateverpeople say to us.... if we hear any news from anyone then we should tryour best to validate or find out the truth about the news or else itmight just be gossips or even worst slanders..... When it comes topeople opinions then we can use our common sense to validate them....... God gives us brain to use not only 10% of it  , but all of it  

im not saying validation only apply to religion .. that is just one of my example where in this forum that is the closest thing i can see where validation is highly required n can be provided .. ofcoz there are other things where validation can be applied ..

but in here it just my own point of view .. i dont see that i can validate it as true .. it is something that can be discuss or question to make sense out of it but not to be validate .. as i say it is a subjective matter IMHO .. validation is too big to ask .. or should i say this isnt the ground ..

ok, I can see that some people don't like their ideas to be challenged.....   Justbecause I don't agree with your opinion doesn't mean that I try tobelittle it by furthering the discussion with more questions..... in myopinion we will remain static if we just develop an opinion or ideajust to  cling on to it without anyone to challenge the idea in orderto explore and understand furthermore .... but since you don't want tofurther the discussion I will respect your wish and leave you alonewith your opinion ok

ayo man .. why must u be like that .. ..

its not that u cannot challenge my idea .. but u were asking for VALIDATION .. which i dont see that i have the capability to give u that ..


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 Author| Post time 10-4-2007 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 10-4-2007 06:05 AM

i am a hell GUY... i`m not sure about free2ryme      

im not sure either .. it just my instinct saying he is a guy too ..

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