Ko bukak topik... suruh bincangkan pastu dah ujung2 baru ko masuk yek....:siok: :lol |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 30-5-2006 08:18 AM
Now, this thread has gone from Muslim SS division to history of Israel....whatever la guys!
Apo leh buat, dah kat sini ada kroni kuat kaplan aka the malay jew |
Yang ini aku copy dari forum tentera darat
harap2 tak lari tajuk.satu lagi hobi saya ialah bersembang.so,ni yg nak kongsi ni..baru2 ni saya berkunjung ke jerman,saja jumpa member lama yg studi kat sana.kebetulan pula masa tu ada rugby tournament,so masa tu semua student malaysia kat jerman turun ke koln.malam tu masa barbeque kitorang bersembang panjang lebar tentang sejarah jerman dulu2,yg menariknya salah seorang dari kawan saya pernah bersembang dengan bekas askar nazi sendiri.so dia pun story la cerita yg berlaku masa tu dan kesannya kepada jerman.sebelum tu meh kita pegi kepada sejarah penubuhan israel:
1904-kongres zionis memutuskan untuk menjadikan palestin sebagai negara yahudi.
1914-Britain berjanji untuk memberi kemerdekaan kepada tanah2 arab termasuklah palestin atas sokongan mereka menentang turki yg menyokong jerman ketika itu.
1917-1918-dengan bantuan beberapa negara arab,british menawan palestin daripada Turki kerana british telah berjanji untuk memerdekakan palestin.tetapi ketika itu british juga komited kepada perjanjian rahsia sykes-picot dengan dengan perancis dan russia.ia membahagikan kawasan2 arab dengan sekutu2nya.dalam perjanjian balfour 1917,Britain berjanji kepada yahudi bahawa palestin ialah milik yahudi.
1918-yahudi mula memasuki palestin dengan sokongan 'The League of Nations'(sebelum tertubuhnya PBB).
ini adalah secara ringkas pendudukan yahudi di palestin.kenapa yahudi berkait rapat dengan kempen peperangan jerman?dan kenapa hitler amat membenci golongan yahudi ketika itu?
Pada ketika itu bidang perindustrian amat pesat membangun dengan bank2 dikuasai oleh golongan yahudi.untuk menaikkan negara israel di bumi palestin,golongan ini menyalurkan semua keuntungan kepada pembangunan israel.kesannya,ekonomi jerman merudum.pengangguran bertambah.rakyat jerman hidup susah didalam negara sendiri hasil dari monopoli yahudi dalam bidang kewangan.itu lah sebabnya mengapa hitler membenci bangsa yahudi dan melancarkan perang terhadap mereka.menurut pakcik tu,sebenarnya tak ramai pun org yahudi yg dibunuh,tetapi sejarah menyatakan sebaliknya.mengapa?ini adalah satu spekulasi dan konspirasi licik bagi meraih simpati masyarakat dunia seterusnya menghalalkan penubuhan israel di bumi palestin.tahukah anda,bahawa jerman perlu membayar sejumlah pampasan kepada israel setiap tahun?cuma saya tak pasti sampai bila.dan mengikut perjanjian,jerman dilarang membangunkan teknologi ketenteraan sendiri seperti kereta kebal.Austria yg dulunya sebahagian daripada jerman juga berpecah.Ini lah bayaran yang harus dibayar jika kalah dalam perang.ketika bidang perindustrian meningkat di jerman,britain merasa tercabar dan terancam dan merasakan jerman perlu disekat dengan melancarkan perang.bagi melindungi rakyat dan industri jerman,jerman telah memperkuatkan tenteranya .kereta kebal jerman juga adalah salah satu teknologi jerman yg terbaik ketika itu. jadi,sapa sebenarnya yg memulakan perang?mungkin jerman terpaksa berperang untuk survivalnya sendiri..untuk pengetahuan semua menidakkan sejarah yg tertulis mengenai jerman adalah satu jenayah di jerman.so,memang tak boleh buat perbincangan terbuka pasal benda2 ni,sensitif.
so,ini la sedikit sebanyak kesimpulan dari perbicangan kitorang masa tu.kalau ada salah atau pandangan lain boleh la bagi.opps,cam lari tajuk jer.hehe..en admin dah menjeling...
p/s bersembang juga hobi yg sihat
[ Last edited by jazim at 5-6-2006 01:06 PM ] |
Originally posted by mmc at 1-6-2006 09:35 AM
terus dapat goldmember ka...ini ranking baru ke...boleh double meaning tu :nerd:
a-hah! meaning yg lagi satu. hehe. |
Originally posted by swordman at 3-6-2006 12:29 PM
Yang ini aku copy dari forum tentera darat
merah mata aku |
Yoga Sugama (middle) in Shikan Gaikko.
Yoga Sugama born in Tegal, Middle Java, on May 12, 1925. Since his childhood, he wants to be a soldier because he admires some Nazi leaders, especially Hitler and General Erwin Rommel. The reason is simple: he admires them because Germans always won theirs battles. As adolescent, he start to admire Hitler and his lieutenants because theirs courage.
Yoga Sugama got his chance after Japanese conquered Netherlands East Indies. In 1942, one of his father friend told him that Japanese military administration in Indonesia want to send some Indonesian youths to theirs country and to educated them as cadet officers. Yoga became interest with the offering and then enlisted for the examination. He succeeded to pass a Japanese tight test and send to Japan with 19 other Indonesians from Java.
Before Japanese send them to Japan, Yoga and his friends got some basic military training, especially physical one. He left Java via Tandjoeng Priok harbor by a freighter and have a chance to visiting Singapore before went to Japan. He and his friends were very happy during theirs voyage. However, when his ship sail from Singapore to Shimonoseki, in one point an Allied submarine, perhaps American one, hunted them. Fortunately they could land in Shimonoseki in safety.
From Shimonoseki, Yoga and his friend went to Tokyo by train. In Japan capital, they were sending to Menguroku Tokyo Kokusai Gakuyukhai, an International Student Centre. In the place they were learn Japan. Everyday they must learn for 8-10 hours. Thus, when they finished the education they already could read Japan newspaper.
However, Yoga became disappointed when a Gaimusho (Japan Foreign Department) official told him that he couldn't to join Rikugun Shikan Gaikko (Army Military Academy) yet. Because he couldn't go back to his homeland, Yoga decided to join with Agriculture Academy in Miyazaki as an alternative.
In Japan, Yoga got many new experiences. He observed that while Japanese were hard workers but they only eat a little bit food. Only after the war he knew that majority of Japan foodstuffs were send to theirs troops.
The situation made Yoga and his friends always look for more food. Unfortunately, they didn't have many opportunities to satisfy theirs stomach need. Although sometimes they bought noodles in restaurants, but they face a strange rule: buyers only could buy a food once and can't order more. In his hunger during the time, Yoga even breaks his Islamic faith rule by eaten dogs and cats!
Meanwhile, after learn for some months in Agriculture Academy, he got permission from Tokyo to join with Military Academy. He started his days in Tokyo Military Academy as a 慼eico |
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A PETA recruitment poster: I'm fight in the PETA. Join it!
PETA soldiers in march
Japanese military tribunal for PETA mutiniers from Blitar Daidan. |
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Apasal thread tergelincir dari Handschar ke PETA? Heehe |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 9-6-2006 02:53 PM
Apasal thread tergelincir dari Handschar ke PETA? Heehe
alang - alang dah ader thread ni sesuai kot... |
The 13th Waffen SS Mountain Division "Handschar" (Croatian Nr.1)
When the Independant State of Croatia proclaimed its independance on April 10th 1941, during the German invasion of Yugoslavia, part of the land it claimed was the former Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia-Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina). The province was an ethnic and religious mix, with a portion of the population being Catholic Croatian, a portion being Orthodox Serbian, and a portion being Croatians of the Muslim faith. It was these Muslim inhabitants of Bosnia that Himmler and the SS would target in their recruitment of a Croatian SS Division (although a portion of the future division's men would be Catholic Croatian as well).
The reasons for the recruitment in particular of Croatian Muslims by the SS were many-fold. For one, Himmler was fascinated by the Islamic faith, and thought Muslims to be fearless soldiers. Himmler also subscribed to the propaganda theory that Croatians (and therefore the Croatian Muslims) were not, in fact, Slavic people, but actually of Aryan (Gothic) descent, and thereby acceptable to the racially "pure" SS. The fact that this ludicrous theory would not hold up to any kind of serious scrutiny was conveniently ignored. Finally, the Germans were hoping to rally the World's 350 million Muslims to their side, in a struggle against the British Empire. The creation of a Muslim, albeit European Muslim Division, was considered a stepping stone to this greater end.
Adolf Hitler approved of Himmler's idea on February 13th 1943. Prior to the formation of the division, however, approval also had to be granted by the Croatian government, as their citizens were to be recruited, and on Croatian territory. The Croatian Poglavnik, Ante Pavelic, and his ministers had many problems with the idea, but eventually agreed to the division's creation on March 5th 1943. The divisional strength reached the required 26,000 men by mid 1943, though not all men were volunteers (some being begged, bribed and outright kidnapped into service). Also, 2,800 of the men were Catholic Croatians and not Muslim.
The new division was assigned the number "13", and originally named the "13 SS Frei.Gebirgs Division (kroatien). The full name "13 Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS 'Handschar' (kroatische Nr. 1)" was not given until May, 1944. A "Handschar" (or Handzar in Croatian) is curved Turkish sword - the Scimitar. This sword has historically been the symbol of Bosnia. The Division was to have 2 Infantry Regiments (Waffen-Gebirgs-Jager Regiments der SS 27 & 28 - kroatisches Nrs. 1 & 2), an Artillery Regiment (SS-Gebirgs-Artillerie Regiment 13), a Reconnaisance Company, a Panzerjager Company, a Flak Company, a Pioneer Battalion, and other support units; and was designated an SS "mountain" division. The first commander (from March 9, 1943 till August 1, 1943) was SS Standartenfuhrer Herbert von Obwurzer. Oberfuhrer (later Brigadefuhrer) Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig took over till June 1st 1944, when Desiderius Hampel (Oberfuhrer, later Brigadefuhrer) replaced him. Hampel commanded the remnants of the division until its surrender on May 8th 1945.
The uniform worn by the division was regular SS issue, with a divisional collar patch showing an arm, holding a Scimitar, over a Swastika. On the left arm was a Croatian armshield (red-white chessboard). Headgear was the Muslim Fez, in field grey (normal service) or red ("walking out"), with the SS eagle and death's head emblazoned. Non-Muslim members could opt to wear the normal SS mountain cap. The oval mountain troop Edelweiss patch was worn on the right arm.
The division departed for training in occupied France, where the full complement arrived by September 1943. It was at Villefranche, during this period of training, that the division became the only SS Division to mutiny. Much has been made of this, however, while it is true that some German officers were killed during the mutiny, the fact is that only very few soldiers participated in the uprising. Fault can be squarely placed on 3 Communists, infiltrated into the ranks of the division, and a handfull of malcontents. Not only did a great majority of the troops not participate in the rebellion, but most either had no idea it was happening, or actively helped to quash it. 14 soldiers were executed as mutineers.
By mid-February 1944, the division finished its training (some time was spent at Neuhammer, Germany for training), and was sent back to Bosnia for active service (against Communist Partisans). Its area of operation was northeastern Bosnia, western Serbia, and southern Sirmium. The division participated in several anti-Partisan operations (such as "Wegweiser", "Save", "Osterei", "Maibaum", "Maiglockchen" etc.). Some successes were achieved, and overall the "Handschar" showed itself as a competent anti-guerilla unit.
With the penetration of the Red Army up to the Croatian borders in late 1944, the Division was trasfered to southern Hungary, and became involved in front-line fighting. Desertions plagued the Division from this point on, as many of the Muslims decided to return to Bosnia to protect their homes and families. The men who remained contiuned to fight valiantly against overwhelming odds, and were slowly pushed westward out of Hungary into Austria. The remnants of the division surrendered to British troops on May 8th 1945.
In conclusion, one must say that the "Handschar" Division was certainly not a top-of-the line, elite SS unit. However, when engaged in the areas and battles its men were promised to fight in (that is, in Bosnia, against Communist forces) the division fought well. Certainly, the majority of claims in much of the WW2 literature that the "Handschar" was "bad, prone to attrocities" etc, as claims by authors who have not studied the subject fully, but rather parrot one another without proper research. Men of the "Handschar" won 5 Knight's Crosses, 5 Crosses in Gold, and 1 Cross in Silver.
Himmler yang dia sebut dlm text tu adalah Heinrich Himmler,ketua SS .Text ni aku amik kat www.feldgrau.com .banyak info tentang military zaman hitler dulu.btw jangan terkejut kalau masa dulu ada jugak asian people served dlm nazi.ada org thai,org cina,org arab ,org india ,org indon dll...cuma tak sure ada tak melayu served ngan nazi masa tu.maybe possible..sesapa yang jadi SS time hitler dulu pakai cap ngan lambang skull and diorang ada licence to kill.interesting sebenarnya history tentang SS ni cuma kat german dah tak boleh nak beli secara terbuka item2 SS ni. check out forum section kat website tu.lots of things there..
ps. some from the forum about chinese in nazi..
[ Last edited by speedy at 18-6-2006 11:50 PM ] |
No wonder the isreali enjoy hantam the muslim. It's payback time............. |
Originally posted by roti_canai at 25-6-2006 20:03
No wonder the isreali enjoy hantam the muslim. It's payback time.............
Even if they want to hentam back, they should only hentam the Bosnians, not Palestinians! |
Reply #133 alphawolf's post
dan sampai bila nak main payback....dunia tak amanlah dan tak bertamadun kalau asyik fikir payback aja.... |
Well mmc, they think that they are the Chosen people...and all the world must suffer for injustices against them!
Agaknya la..... |
Reply #135 alphawolf's post
my personal opinion is that they managed to turn a bad thing to a good thing for them..but these are the zionists...normal jews i meet don't feel like that.. |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 26-6-2006 08:35 AM
Even if they want to hentam back, they should only hentam the Bosnians, not Palestinians!
Arabs have been killing and oppressing Jews for more than a thousand years prior to that.
Besides, the hanjar was partly teh creation of Al Huseini, the mufti of Jerusalem who was hardcore anti semitic. |
Originally posted by mmc at 26-6-2006 12:19
my personal opinion is that they managed to turn a bad thing to a good thing for them..but these are the zionists...normal jews i meet don't feel like that..
Indeed...my own experience with Israeli students shows that nort everyone supports their government's actions |
Isrealis allow diffreing views in their society, the same cannot be said of Arab societies. |
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