baru lepas tengok movie ni online. at first, ash macam tak berapa minat la cerita coming-of-age macam ni sebab ada tendency untuk menjadi boring and pretentious. tapi movie ni memang dapat capture emotion ash dengan watak dan jalan cerita dia. mungkin sebab ash pun boleh relate dengan charlie ni. ash sangat suka patrick dan ash suka watak emma watson dalam movie ni. watak2 dia langsung tak typical hollywood stereotype. lain dari yang lain la
manjalara_01 posted on 13-12-2012 01:21 PM
sat2..u citer psl ezra miller ezra miller ke?..psl watak die patrick??...
not 2 worry..manja ...
ehh TT xtgk lg ek.. i citer tu pasal ezra miller in real life..
Miller has described himself as queer.[15] He has stated "The way I would choose to identify myself wouldn’t be gay. I’ve been attracted mostly to ‘shes’ but I’ve been with many people and I’m open to love wherever it can be";[18] and that he has "a lot of really wonderful friends who are of very different sexes and genders. I am very much in love with no one in particular".[15] He has also detailed, "I've had many, you know, 'happy ending sleepovers' in my early youth... my period of exploration—I think that's essential. Anyone who hasn't had a gay moment is probably trying to avoid some confrontation with a reality in their life".
manjalara_01 posted on 13-12-2012 01:49 PM
hahaha maknanya dia bercinta ja dengan sapa2 yg boleh dijadikan partner..mcm kita, cari partner dikalangan laki kan, kalau ada perempuan yg satu kepala dgn kita, kita jadikan bestfriend.. tapi bg dia, dia cari partner xkira la laki atau perempuan, yang penting hati org tu..acewahhhh..i pon 1st time tgk dia berlakon cerita ni..
macam mana aku bole tak tau movie rare macam nih?
aku memang carik movie2 yg jenis indie, takde tayang kat malaysia..
lepas tengok lagu retro kat bawah, baca komen2..
ramai pulak quote "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"..
ingatkan apa, ropanya movie..
tengok trailer, baca sinopsis kat IMDB..
baca quote2 yg ada dalam movie nih..
macam best jer..
nak2 lagi ada releven dengan personaliti aku..
sama macam charlie..
tengah menorrent, tak sabar nak tengok esok..
nanti dah tengok, ai bagi personal review..
pada yg minat indie movie, tapi best..
takde release kat malaysia..
dark comedy, penuh falsafah.. genre "dude flick"..
i rekemen - 500 days of summer & cashback.. Last edited by capiloton on 24-5-2014 10:41 PM