asek2 fans signing DD....asek2 DD.........asek2 DD................
anonymous5050 Post at 10-10-2009 20:40
kat mesia ni pun byk gak DD tp xde satu pun yg letak muka mino kat situ..
ari2 gi opis mesti lalu DD..ari2 usha kot2 ada replika mino walau yg kecik mcm kat etude house hampeh..
These photos caught my eye. It's not Goo Hye Sun, alright.....but on first glance, the girl on Lee Min Ho's shirt has a striking resemblance with GHS esp with the hair style and the shape of her face or is it just my imagination.. perhaps too much dose of the MinSun virus..
kat mesia ni pun byk gak DD tp xde satu pun yg letak muka mino kat situ..
ari2 gi opis mesti lalu DD..ari2 usha kot2 ada replika mino walau yg kecik mcm kat etude house tu..t ...
minho_nora Post at 10-10-2009 20:45
:kant:.......tau xpe..........:kant:......m'sia ni............adeh...adeh......dorg ni xbce news korea ke??
pnyla tip top pemes...fofular si minho ni~~tggl letak gmbo2 kt DD tu ke....mmg berduyun yg dtg tau~~~
yg pasti kaka minho laaa yg akan bratur depannnnnn skalikkkkkk!!!