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Author: yipun78


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Post time 2-12-2009 04:44 PM | Show all posts
Pembinaan pangkalan TLDM di Langkawi strategik
02/12/2009 2:35pm

LANGAKWI 2 Dis.- Pembinaan pangkalan Tentera Laut Diraja (TLDM) di Langkawi merupakan keputusan strategik Kementerian Pertahanan bagi memantau kemasukan kapal-kapal di Selat Melaka dan sekaligus menjaga keutuhan serta integriti perairan barat laut Semenanjung Malaysia.

Sultan Kedah Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu”adzam Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah yang bertitah demikian percaya dengan adanya pangkalan itu, keselamatan perairan Langkawi khususnya akan lebih terjamin.

"Selain berperanan memantau selat tersibuk di dunia, Selat Melaka, pangkalan ini menyumbang kepada pembangunan dan kemajuan sosio-ekonomi serta kemakmuran negeri Kedah amnya,” titah baginda sempena istiadat penamaan dan pentauliahan kapal TLDM ”KD SULTAN BADLISHAH” di Pangkalan TLDM di Tanjung Limbong di sini, hari ini.

Sultanah Kedah Tuanku Haminah Hamidon, Sultan Selangor yang juga Kapten Yang Dipertua TLDM, Sultan Sharifuddin Idris Shah, Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Menteri Besar Kedah Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak, Panglima Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) Tan Sri Jeneral Azizan Ariffin dan pegawai-pegawai kanan tentera daripada ketiga-tiga cabang, laut, udara dan darat menghadiri majlis itu. - Bernama

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Post time 2-12-2009 05:04 PM | Show all posts
kapal 'darat' lg ke?

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Post time 3-12-2009 07:40 AM | Show all posts
Tertakluk kemampuan kewangan


NAJIB Tun Razak bertanya sesuatu mengenai model helikopter Eurocopter kepada Naib Presiden Korporat EADS International Development Asia Pacific and Latin America, Christian Duhain (dua, kanan) ketika melawat Pameran Udara dan Maritim Antarabangsa Langkawi 2009 (LIMA'09) di Langkawi, semalam. Turut sama Naib Presiden Eksekutif Kanan Eurocopter, Philippe Harache (kanan). – BERNAMA

LANGKAWI 2 Dis. – Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, kerajaan akan melihat kemampuan kewangan terlebih dahulu sebelum membuat keputusan membeli aset baru bagi meningkatkan keupayaan pertahanan negara termasuk helikopter bagi menggantikan perkhidmatan Nuri.

Menurutnya, kerajaan menerima senarai yang panjang dari Kementerian Pertahanan bagi membeli pelbagai peralatan ketenteraan untuk ketiga-tiga cabang perkhidmatannya termasuk kenderaan baru dan generasi kedua kapal peronda.

Namun katanya, kerajaan akan terus melihat pembelian aset baru itu selaras dengan pembangunan seimbang antara sektor pertahanan dan sosioekonomi.

“Kita akan lakukan apa yang boleh kerana kita percaya pembangunan progresif terhadap keupayaan pertahanan adalah penting untuk pembangunan negara dan kita tidak boleh membiarkan kemampuan pertahanan negara terhakis,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar selepas menyaksikan majlis penyerahan kontrak perbekalan kerajaan dengan syarikat-syarikat dalam industri pertahanan di Pusat Pameran Antarabangsa Mahsuri (MIEC) di sini hari ini.

Mengenai pembelian helikopter Eurocopter EC725 bagi menggantikan Nuri, katanya, ia adalah helikopter tempur dan menyelamat yang terbaik di dalam kelasnya.

“Tidak ada keraguan bagi Kementerian Pertahanan dan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) terhadap pesawat tersebut dan kerajaan juga berpuas hati dengan rancangan pembelian tersebut,” ujarnya.

Malah katanya, Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara (PAC) juga telah memperakukan tentang proses pembelian helikopter itu yang tidak boleh dipersoalkan integritinya.

Cuma faktor kemampuan kewangan kerajaan pada masa ini katanya, yang menyebabkan keputusan itu belum dapat dibuat.

Sehubungan itu Perdana Menteri berharap semua pihak tidak terpengaruh dengan kontroversi pembelian helikopter tersebut sebelum ini yang sengaja dimainkan oleh parti pembangkang untuk kepentingan politik mereka.

Pada September tahun lalu, Kementerian Pertahanan telah bersetuju untuk mendapatkan 12 helikopter Eurocopter EC 725 bernilai RM1.6 bilion bagi menggantikan Nuri.

Bagaimanapun, bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi kemudiannya menangguhkan pembelian selepas pemilihan EC 725 menimbulkan kontroversi disebabkan dakwaan oleh pembangkang dan para pembida lain bahawa Kementerian Pertahanan tidak membuat pemilihan secara telus.

Mengenai keutamaan kerajaan dalam pembelian aset pertahanan negara, Najib berkata, ia bergantung terhadap kemampuan kerajaan kerana senarai pembelian daripada Kementerian Pertahanan terlalu banyak selain program vendor yang perlu diberi perhatian.

Menurut Perdana Menteri, terdapat kira-kira 2,000 syarikat yang terlibat dalam program vendor pembinaan kapal peronda dan mereka memerlukan kerja-kerja tambahan untuk meneruskan kelangsungan.

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Post time 3-12-2009 07:45 AM | Show all posts
Keputusan strategik – Sultan Kedah

LANGKAWI 2 Dis. – Pembinaan pangkalan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) di sini merupakan keputusan strategik Kementerian Pertahanan bagi memantau kemasukan kapal-kapal di Selat Melaka.

Sultan Kedah, Tuanku Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah bertitah, ia sekali gus menjaga keutuhan serta integriti perairan Semenanjung Malaysia.

“Beta percaya dengan adanya pangkalan itu, keselamatan perairan Langkawi khususnya akan terjamin.

“Selain berperanan memantau selat tersibuk di dunia iaitu Selat Melaka, pangkalan ini menyumbang kepada pembangunan kemajuan sosioekonomi serta kemakmuran negeri Kedah amnya,” titah baginda.

Baginda bertitah demikian sempena istiadat penamaan kapal TLDM, KD Sri Langkawi kepada KD Sultan Badlishah dan pentauliahan pangkalan TLDM di Pangkalan TLDM di sini hari ini.

Hadir sama Sultanah Kedah, Tuanku Haminah Hamidon; Sultan Selangor yang juga Kapten Yang Dipertua TLDM, Sultan Sharifuddin Idris Shah; Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi; Menteri Besar Kedah, Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak dan Panglima Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), Jeneral Tan Sri Azizan Ariffin.

Tuanku Abdul Halim bertitah, pangkalan itu juga akan berperanan untuk membersihkan kegiatan lanun dan penyeludupan di Langkawi serta membantu agensi-agensi kerajaan dalam keadaan kecemasan.

Titah baginda, penamaan KD Sri Langkawi sebagai KD Sultan Badlishah merupakan penghormatan pucuk pimpinan TLDM.

“Ia juga mendapat pengiktirafan daripada Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin yang telah berkenan untuk menama dan mentauliahkan unit ini.

“Beta bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada TLDM dan ATM kerana memilih nama ayahanda beta, Almarhum Sultan Badlishah Abdul Hamid Halim Shah kerana ia sesuai dengan jasa bakti baginda kepada negara yang menentang penjajah Inggeris dan semangat patriotik baginda,” titah baginda.

Baginda berharap warga TLDM di pangkalan ini dapat mencontohi semangat, perjuangan dan wawasan almarhum Sultan Badlishah mempertahankan tanah air serta ikhlas dan dedikasi menjalankan amanah.

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Post time 3-12-2009 08:04 AM | Show all posts
PM: National security strength should grow with economy

LANGKAWI: Malaysia intends to continue balancing the need for socio-economic development with the importance of strengthening national security, said the Prime Minister.

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the country could not allow its defence and security capabilities to erode.

“As we progress as a nation, our defence capabilities should also be commensurate with the overall development of the nation.

“That is the concept of balanced development. We are not talking only about the economy, but social and security aspects of the country which should also be developed as a whole,” he told reporters after witnessing the signing ceremonies of several MoUs and agreements on defence-related programmes at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (Lima) 2009 exhibition here.

Najib expressed his satisfaction at the turnout by international exhibitors, saying their participation showed the importance of the Lima exhibition in the region.

“The response by the foreign exhibitors and the high number of booths is encouraging despite the global economic slowdown,” he added.

Najib declined to give details on the Government’s next priority for the development of the local defence industries and procurement of equipment.

He added that local companies like Boustead, which is completing the construction of its sixth new-generation patrol vessels, needed new orders because about 2,000 vendor companies were depending on it for business.

The army also needs new replacement vehicles.

Najib said the increasing number of Malaysian participants showcasing their products was a good example of the Government’s support to local companies through the vendor development programme.

Najib added that the procurement policies, which gave priority to capable local companies, were another factor in the success.

“The success of our approach is based on how we develop projects as a national programme.

“Local companies like Sapura Bhd have been able to compete in the international stage, while a local company has been able to buy a South Korean shipyard.

“These are examples of the local companies’ increasing growth through technology transfers and vendor programmes,” Najib said.

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Post time 3-12-2009 02:36 PM | Show all posts
dah hari ke 3 lima nih.... masih cakap2 kosong....

dah jadi acara dwi tahunan syok sundiri pulak la nih....

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Post time 3-12-2009 03:49 PM | Show all posts
Malaysia to splurge on patrol ships

Second batch of the New Generation Patrol Vessels is a priority for the defence sector, says Najib
Thursday, December 3rd, 2009 13:38:00

LANGKAWI: The main focus of Malaysia's defence spending for the next five years is expected to be on the second batch of the New Generation Patrol Vessels (NGPV) project.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday said the NGPV was one of the priorities for the defence sector as shipbuilder, Bousted Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS), was about to complete the six vessels in the first batch.

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Post time 3-12-2009 05:43 PM | Show all posts
dah semakin membosankan LIMA ni erk......... hmmmmmmm

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Post time 4-12-2009 07:50 AM | Show all posts
Sukhoi simulators 'flying' soon
Submitted by pekwan on Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009 11:55:00

LANGKAWI: The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Sukhoi Su-30MKM simulator system is expected to be
operational by February.

The simulator system includes two high-fidelity Tactical Operational Flight Trainer (TOFT) and computerbased
trainer (CBT).

Heitech Padu Bhd developed it with input from the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the designer of the 30MKM and Irkut, the manufacturer of the plane.

“Following testing and commissioning, we expect both the TOFT and the CBT to be operational by February,” Heitech president Safiee Mohammad told The Malay Mail at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition 2009 (LIMA '09).

He said the TOFT had been developed for full mission training using the Distributed Mission Training concept.

This means that the training mission can be done using more than one simulated aircraft simultaneously,
as if in the actual environment.

The system will also be able to achieve high-level training fidelity to simulate the aircraft flight model, sensors, radar, displays and weapon control system.

The CBT will be used as a basic training tool for pilots to familiarise themselves with the aircraft avionics and train the ground crew in maintenance and aircraft troubleshooting.

The simulator system is currently being installed at the Gong Kedak air base in Terengganu, where the Sukhoi squadron is based.

RMAF has taken delivery of 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM aircraft that was procured in 1999 for RM3.4 billion. The aircraft is the darling of LIMA '09, displaying its phenomenal display during the daily air show.

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Post time 4-12-2009 07:51 AM | Show all posts

Second batch of the New Generation Patrol Vessels is a priority for the defence sector, says Najib
Thursday, December 3rd, 2009 11:49:00
Boustead Naval Shipyard's Patrol Vessel

INTEREST: The Boustead Naval Shipyard's Patrol Vessel

LANGKAWI: The main focus of Malaysia's defence spending for the next five years is expected to be on the second batch of the New Generation Patrol Vessels (NGPV) project.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday said the NGPV was one of the priorities for the defence sector as shipbuilder, Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS), was about to complete the six vessels in the first batch.

"They need a new order because they have 2,000 companies depending on additional work. This is part of the vendor development programme," he said after visiting the Mahsuri International Exhibition Centre, the venue of the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace 2009 (LIMA '09).

Two other defence priorities are the procurement of the Eurocopter EC725 helicopters and the replacement of the army’s 8X8 armoured personnel carrier programme.

Defence funding for the next five years is expected to be announced in the 10th Malaysian Plan, scheduled to be tabled in Parliament in July.

Two exhibitors will make presentations on their proposed vessels for the second batch of the NGPV.

BNS is displaying its model, the Second Generation Patrol Vessel (SGPV), at its booth while over at the German-based ThyssenKrupp booth is a model of its version for the Batch II project.

ThyssenKrupp has taken over Blohm + Voss, the original designer of the NGPV. Blohm + Voss was the principal contractor to BNS for the NGPV project.

BNS project division senior general manager Syed Amir Shahabudin said its SGPV was an evolutionary design of the NGPV, three of which were already in service with the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN).

The NGPV is based on the Blohm + Voss Meko A100 design specifically for the RMN in the early 1990s. Two of its Kedah-class lead ships were built in Germany and were fitted at the BNS facility in Lumut, Perak. The four remaining Batch 1 of the NGPV were built and outfitted at BNS facilities in Lumut and Penang.

With a length of 91 metres and a width of 13 metres, the corvette can reach a maximum speed of 22 knots.

The “multi-purpose combination” MEKO is a shipbuilding concept based on modularity of armament, electronics and other equipment, aiming at ease of maintenance and cost reduction.

When the NGPV contract was signed in 1999, 27 Kedah-class vessels were supposed to be built for the RMN.

But due to the global economic crisis, the second batch project, comprising six vessels, was deferred until the 10th Malaysian Plan.

BNS is proposing that the ship be armed with a Vertical Launch System for anti-air warfare, four launchers for MM40 Exocet missiles for anti-ship warfare and lightweight torpedoes for antisubmarine.

Syed Amir said they were also proposing that the Kedah-class COYSS 110-M1 Combat Management System be maintained for the SGPV as it was designed to be readily upgradeable.

At 99 metres in length, the SGPV is capable of carrying 75 crew members and 15 marines or special forces personnel.

ThyssenKrupp vice-president Sales Ola Gullberg said its Batch II design was fitted with a traditional stack based on the feedback from the RMN.

The ship is also fitted with a VLS system for anti-aircraft missiles that sits behind the main 76mm gun on the bow.

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Post time 4-12-2009 07:59 AM | Show all posts
Aksi mendebarkan polis marin pukau penonton

AKSI hebat dan mendebarkan Polis Marin di Awana Porto Malai, semalam memukau pengunjung Lima '09 yang setia menanti pertunjukan itu meskipun terpaksa berpanas terik.

Pengunjung teruja dengan ketangkasan pasukan itu selain dikejutkan oleh beberapa das tembakan yang dilepaskan Polis Marin dalam persembahan membabitkan operasi menyelamat mangsa tebusan kapal yang ditawan sekumpulan lelaki.

Persembahan dimulakan apabila Pasukan Gerakan Marin mengarahkan dua bot Rigid Hull Fender Boat (RHFB), dua jet ski dan sebuah bot kelas Watercat bersama 12 anggota Unit Gempur Marin (Ungerin) untuk menggempur bot dirampas penjenayah dan membebaskan tebusan selepas menerima maklumat.

Operasi membabitkan 69 komando, Unit Udara Polis dan Pasukan Gerak Am, Jabatan Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan Ketenteraman Awam dalam menangani kes jenayah maritim.

Dalam persembahan penuh aksi itu, pengunjung dapat menyaksikan aset Polis Marin di laut, udara dan darat apabila Pasukan Gerak Marin melalui jalan laut manakala 69 komando pula melalui udara digunakan untuk operasi itu.

Sebaik saja merapat dan menaiki bot pelancong yang ditawan, pihak penyelamat dicabar penjenayah berkenaan dengan melepaskan tembakan, sekali gus menggegarkan sekitar Awana Porto Malai.

Berikutan itu, pasukan penyelamat bertindak tangkas membalas tembakan seterusnya berjaya menembak mati kesemua penjenayah dan merampas sejumlah senjata api serta membebaskan tebusan.

Menerusi maklumat diterima daripada mangsa tebusan, terdapat empat penjenayah bersenjata bersembunyi di pulau berdekatan dan merancang melakukan aktiviti jenayah.

Hasil maklumat itu, dengan menggabungkan Pasukan Gerak Marin, 69 komando, Unit Udara Polis dan Pasukan Gerak Am, satu operasi membanteras penjenayah dilakukan.

Bot Watercat dan anggota Ungerin melakukan serangan melalui air manakala 69 komando dengan dibantu pesawat helikopter Unit Udara Polis membuat serangan udara.

Kaedah Helocusting digunakan oleh 69 komando untuk membantu Ungerin membuat serangan daripada permukaan air manakala Pasukan Gerakan Am membuat kepungan di persekitaran pantai berdekatan.

Ketika operasi dijalankan, pasukan penyelamat dicabar penjenayah dan berlaku aksi berbalas tembakan, akhirnya semua penjenayah berjaya ditembak, tebusan dibebaskan dan tempat persembunyian dimusnahkan.

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Post time 4-12-2009 08:00 AM | Show all posts
Menteri tinjau Ops Pasir di Sabah
Oleh Mejar Suleiman Moideen Kutty

PENEMPATAN anggota pasukan keselamatan di pulau-pulau dan pesisir pantai di kawasan sempadan, terutama di pantai timur Sabah dapat menjamin keselamatan dan keselesaan kepada rakyat khususnya di negeri itu sendiri.

Kehadiran anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dan Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (APMM) juga menjamin industri pelancongan di kawasan yang mempunyai pelbagai tarikan itu terus subur dan berkembang.

Ternyata keputusan kerajaan menempatkan pasukan keselamatan di pulau sekitar perairan itu beberapa tahun lalu membuahkan hasil kerana tiada sebarang insiden seperti penculikan dilaporkan berlaku selepas itu, sekali gus mengembalikan keyakinan masyarakat mahupun pelancong asing yang sebelum itu risau selepas kes penculikan di Pulau Sipadan dan Pulau Pandanan, Semporna pada tahun 2000.

Baru-baru ini, Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi meninjau ke kawasan Ops Pasir utara dan selatan untuk melihat sendiri pengendalian Ops Pasir, selain bertemu dengan anggota yang melaksanakan operasi terbabit.

Ketika berucap kepada semua peringkat pegawai dan anggota, Ahmad Zahid menegaskan akan meningkatkan kemudahan asas di kem utama dan juga pos penempatan di pulau dalam kawasan Ops Pasir.

Beliau turut memuji semangat ditunjukkan perajurit ketika melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab menjaga keselamatan negara, walaupun berjauhan dari keluarga.

Dalam lawatan itu, Ahmad Zahid juga diberi taklimat oleh Pengarah Eksekutif Unmanned Systems Technology Sdn Bhd (UST), Datuk Rosdi bin Mahmud mengenai perkembangan kemudahan pesawat tanpa pemandu (UAV) serta demonstrasi pesawat itu di lapangan terbang Semporna.

UST di bawah syarikat konsortium Composites Technology Research Malaysia Sdn Bhd (CTRM), dipertanggungjawabkan dalam pembuatan UAV itu.

Lawatan itu memberi peluang beliau meninjau dengan lebih dekat corak dan pengoperasian pesawat taktikal tanpa pemandu negara, Aludra dalam Ops Pasir.

Selain dibawa melawat Pulau Pandanan serta membuat tinjauan udara di beberapa pulau yang ditempatkan anggota Ops Pasir, Ahmad Zahid turut melawat penempatan pertama Sistem Pengawasan Radar Inisiatif 1206 di Bukit Tinagat.

Sebanyak lapan radar sudah dan akan dipasang sejak 2007 di beberapa lokasi di kawasan timur Sabah.

Ahmad Zahid memaklumkan pada masa kini ATM mempunyai kemampuan pengawasan siang dan malam oleh Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) melalui penggunaan teknologi `infra red’, dan radar berkenaan akan memantapkan lagi pengawasan.

“Pengawasan radar ini direka khas untuk pemantauan maritim sepanjang kawasan timur Sabah, Laut Sulu hingga Laut Sulawesi.

“Apabila mula digunakan, ia bakal memudahkan pihak keselamatan mengawasi perairan serta bertindak dengan lebih cepat dan cekap, jika berlaku sebarang kejadian,” katanya.

Ketika berkunjung ke penempatan Ops Pasir utara di Pulau Berhala, Sandakan, Ahmad Zahid memberi sumbangan berupa beg sekolah dan al-Quran kepada kanak-kanak sekolah.

Beliau turut menyaksikan program jiwa murni dianjurkan Markas Angkatan Bersama (MAB) dan Bahagian Perkhidmatan Kesihatan ATM.

Acara itu termasuk bersunat, pemeriksaan kesihatan dan gigi dan pembedahan kecil.

Ahmad Zahid mengakhiri lawatannya dengan jamuan makan tengah hari bersama warga Batalion Ke-24 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (RAMD) yang bertugas di dalam kawasan Ops Pasir utara.

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Post time 4-12-2009 08:08 AM | Show all posts
1488# jofizo
Dlm keadaan ekonomi suram, kebanyakan signing lebih ke arah buat duit je...

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Post time 4-12-2009 08:23 AM | Show all posts
Super Lynx catat kejayaan

LANGKAWI - Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) mencatatkan kejayaan terbaru apabila helikopter Super Lynx miliknya menjadi yang pertama di dunia mencapai 1,000 jam penerbangan.

Satu plak untuk mengiktiraf pencapaian itu disampaikan kepada Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar oleh Eksekutif Serantau Agusta Westland, Peter Richings di hadapan helikopter itu dan krew Skuadron 501 ketika persembahan statik Pameran Udara dan Maritim Antarabangsa Langkawi (LIMA) 2009 di sini semalam.

Helikopter Super Lynx itu dikendalikan oleh Skuadron 501 dan ditempatkan di atas kapal KD Lekiu yang berpangkalan di Lumut, Perak dan direka untuk pelbagai peranan dalam operasi maritim.

Pada September 1999, Kementerian Pertahanan mengumumkan pembelian enam helikopter Super Lynx MK 100 daripada Westland Helicopter Ltd. (WHL), United Kingdom bagi menggantikan helikopter WASP HAS MK1 yang telah berusia.

Helikopter itu dipilih kerana ia mempunyai pelbagai fungsi serta tangkas selain berkeupayaan untuk beroperasi dari kapal dalam keadaan laut dan cuaca yang buruk.

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Post time 4-12-2009 08:31 AM | Show all posts
Navy's 'beast' clocks in 1,000 hours


LANGKAWI: Barely five years after entering operational service, the "beast" of the Royal Malaysian Navy has clocked in 1,000 hours of flying time.

The landmark achieved by the RMN's AugustaWestland Super Lynx 300 helicopter, bought in 2004, was yesterday commemorated by the handing over of a plaque by AugustaWestland Malaysia director Peter Richings to RMN chief Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar.

Aziz said the achievement was something to be proud of, especially considering the milestone was achieved without a single fatal accident.

He said the record was set mainly because of the RMN's ability as a team to have the six Super Lynx helicopters at the highest level of operational readiness at all times. He also hailed the helicopter as a "superb operational aircraft".

Squadron 501 leader Commander Roslan Mohd Yunus, who is also capable of flying the Eurocopter Fennec, said the Super Lynx, while less comfortable, has much better speed, manoeuvrability and handling.

He also said the helicopter, which is equipped with missiles, torpedoes and dome-mounted heavy machine guns, was ideally suited for the navy because it could perform hard landings much better than the Fennec.

"You can slam it down from 20ft. You'll break your back, but the helicopter will be fine," he said with a laugh.

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Post time 4-12-2009 08:35 AM | Show all posts
1494# guyfawke
overwork la tu... meaning 6 biji tak cukup ler, kena tambah lagi...

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Post time 4-12-2009 09:07 AM | Show all posts
1496# windof

beli lagi...silap2 jadik macam nuri....pakai 40 thn...

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Post time 4-12-2009 09:45 AM | Show all posts
1496# windof

Tula. aku baru nak cakap..achievement dari segi kita dapat maintain the hidden idea..jenuh kena tibai heli tu

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Post time 11-12-2009 10:02 AM | Show all posts
Malaysia escapes UN censure after officials stop weapons sale to Burundi
Thursday, December 10th, 2009 10:42:00

KUALA LUMPUR: An attempt by a local company to export some 30,000 assault rifles to Burundi, worth more than RM200 million, nearly caused Malaysia to be censured by the United Nations Security Council, if not for the prompt action by Malaysian officials at the UN body.

The Malay Mail learnt that officials from the Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the UN in New York had managed to assure the world body that the Malaysian government had not sanctioned the deal and the local company would not be allowed to proceed with the transaction.

The Paper That Cares also learnt at the recent Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace 2009 that officials of the Malaysian company all retired armed forces personnel had met senior government officials in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya recently, together with a Burundian delegation, to lobby for the deal.

The Burundians were said to be members of the country's military. The local company representatives and the Burundi delegation also met with several defence companies to get officials from the latter companies to lobby with the Malaysian government on their behalf.

It was learnt that the Burundians were prepared to pay top dollar for the Steyr AUGA1 assault rifles, previously used as the standard assault rifle of the Malaysian army.

However, their attempts were rebuffed as the army had no plans to sell the Steyrs despite most of the weapons already in storage.

Once word got out that the UN wanted the deal cancelled, government officers promptly stopped contact with the company's officials.

A defence ministry official confirmed that the local company had been officially informed that it should no longer be involved with the Burundians.

It is believed foreign intelligence agencies that had been monitoring the situation in Burundi, a Central African nation, had tipped off the world body on the possible arms sale.

Since 2000, the UN has set up several organisations in Africa to prevent the stockpiling and illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons to reduce conflict among nations and ruinous civil wars.

As a member of the UN, Malaysia has agreed to abide by the Security Council resolutions on the export of arms, especially to nations and regions in conflict or just emerging from one.

Burundi is one of the world's poorest nations, having just emerged from a 12-year, ethnicbased civil war. Since independence in 1961, it has been plagued by tension between the dominant Tutsi minority and the Hutu majority.

It was feared that the rifles, should they reach Burundi, could land in the hands of various militias in the country.
Another fear is that they could be smuggled to neighbouring Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo that are also emerging from their own ethnic civil wars.

The Steyr AUG was developed by Austria-based Steyr- Mannlicher AG. The Malaysian army adopted the weapon as its standard assault rifle in 1987 following an agreement with Steyr-Mannlicher for the local manufacture. In 2006, the army decided to retire the AUG and selected the Colt M4 Carbine as its standard assault rifle.

However, as only 14,000 M4 had been procured so far, the Steyr is still being used as by certain Army units, the Royal Malaysian Air Force and the Royal Malaysian Navy.

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Post time 12-12-2009 04:44 PM | Show all posts
BAE hints at restarting frigate deal
Published: Dec. 11, 2009 at 11:22 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- BAE Systems has had talks with the government over resuming Malaysia's light frigate program, which has been on hold for more than a year.

The global defense, security and aerospace company received a letter of intent from the Malaysian government in July 2006 to procure two new frigates based on the Lekiu design of which Malaysia already operates two.

However, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who was then the deputy prime minister and defense minister, deferred the project -- called Batch 2 Lekiu Frigates -- in 2008 because of global [color=blue !important]economic conditions

A report by the Malaysian national news agency Bernama said BAE Systems Group Business Development Director Alan Garwood had conveyed interest in continuing with the project in a meeting with Defense Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Royal Malaysian Navy Chief Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar.

The meeting took place at the recent Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (Lima 2009).

"We still want to build the frigates but with the combination of the economic crisis and substantial escalation in supplier prices, we mutually agreed with the Defense Ministry over a year ago to suspend the project," Garwood said in an interview with Bernama and the national radio and television network RTM.

"We have to re-confirm with the Malaysian navy on their current needs as it has been over a year since we stopped working on the old proposal. The old agreement has lapsed. We have to talk again with the Malaysian government on what they want for the future. Then, we can submit the new proposal."

Garwood did say that the government wanted one of the two ships built in the United Kingdom where Malaysian technicians could be sent to learn new technologies and processes. The other ship could then be built in Langkawi using the same Malaysian technicians.
Ahmad Zahid had said earlier that the Batch 2 Lekiu Frigate [color=blue !important]project
was not canceled, but he would not say when the project would restart, nor give a timetable for completion. Even if restarted, it is not certain that BAE Systems would be the main contractor and the government may wish to retender the work, the Bernama report said.

The Malaysian Ministry of Defense placed a contract with Yarrow Shipbuilders -- now BAE Systems Marine -- in Glasgow in the mid 1990s for two light frigates of the Frigate 2000 design. The frigates, The Kapal DiRaja Lekiu and Kapal DiRaja Jebat, were commissioned into the Royal Malaysian Navy in mid 1999.

Weapons include MM40 Exocet block II anti-ship missiles and Seawolf surface-to-air missiles. The main gun for the ships is a Bofors 57mm and they carry two Whitehead 324mm triple-tube torpedo launchers.

Surface search radar is the Saab microwave system Sea Giraffe G/H band. Air search is the Thales Nederland DA08 E/F band. Both ships have landing facilities to accommodate an AgustaWestland Lynx [color=blue !important]helicopter.

The July 2006 letter of intent from the navy for the procurement of two new frigates based on the Lekiu design noted that Labuan Shipbuilding and Engineering of Sabah, Malaysia, was to be the lead Malaysian facility. The Raytheon-evolved Sea Sparrow missile (ESSM) system had been selected, according to data on the Web site.

The two ships in operation carry 146 crew with 18 officers, are 320 feet long and nearly 43 feet wide. Displacement is just under 2,300 tons and top speed is 28 knots. Bernama reported that the Batch 2 frigates would be slightly larger than the original frigates.

More than 80,000 visitors are estimated to have attended Lima 2009 held at the Mahsuri International Exhibition Center, which had more than 300 exhibitors from 24 countries, including Australia, South Africa, the United States, Russia, Norway, the Netherlands and Britain.


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