All Abt Hongkong and Hongkong Disneyland part2
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aku emel kat hotel benito tuk dptkan best room price.. so, dia bg aku rate total 4400hk untuk 4 malam... 2 malam diorang charge harga weekend.. korang rasa ok ker?? aku tgk kat web hotel tu cam best.. kalau convert ke RM.. dlm 1.7k... |
Reply 1488# kawahapi
ok jer i bargain...sbb i btul2 nk so i really press the price down |
Reply 1501# budakkecikgirl
i book melalui asiatravel for 5 niight = HKD 4180..
Stay Date : 19-Feb-2011 (without breakfast) --- Price : HKD 800.00
Stay Date : 20-Feb-2011 (without breakfast) --- Price : HKD 750.00
Stay Date : 21-Feb-2011 (without breakfast) --- Price : HKD 750.00
Stay Date : 22-Feb-2011 (without breakfast) --- Price : HKD 750.00
Stay Date : 23-Feb-2011 (without breakfast) --- Price : HKD 750.00 |
Post Last Edit by simbiosis at 18-2-2011 08:44
Reply 1503# beep
u stay at Benito?
i rasa ada chance nak jumpa you ni..
i'll be there on 20-23... |
Night: okay noted, akan ku bargain 
Sim: that is Feb ke March? |
Reply 1505# kawahapi
which is lusa... berdebarnyaaaa...
takut apa yg diplan tak menjadi since pergi dengan kids
expect the unexpected  |
Reply 1506# simbiosis
Hopefully all ok.....insyaallah....... |
you'll be fine Sim
nanti balik share citer eh?
boleh buat panduan 
Enjoy HK! |
Reply 1503# beep
yeker.. okeyy.. nanti kita say hi hi ... ramai je org mesia stay situ.. specially dr forum nii.. ) |
Reply 1506# simbiosis
jgn risau sim....just enjoy every moment...kalo ada yg x smooth tuh..biasa la here and there kan...mesti ok sbb HK ni quite easy nak paham and senang nk tanya sbb mostly people dia boleh ckp english. monik ritu pun bwk budak2 ngan baby...alhamdulilah ok. lg satu kalo u pegi the peak, crocs kt the peak tuh selalu buat sale....kot2 la..nak beli for ur children. |
Reply 1510# monik
thanks semua.. insyallah harap semua berjalan lancar..
bila baca kat forum ni rasa cam confident je nak pegi..
tapi banyak org yg tak caya kitorang pegi tak pakai travel agent.. hehehe..
sebab diorang dengar HK tu cam tempat chinese je kot..
harap dengan semua perancangan semua berjalan lancar..aminnn... |
ada beberapa soalan:
1. dari Jordan ke Kowloon..berapa jauh...
2. berapa jauh airport ke Kowloon? ( by taxi or train)
3. distant airport to Jordan? (taxi / train)
4. ada apa attraction di kowlon, jordan, TST , dan mana lagi ia?
5. kalau nk ke peak, kena charter taxi ke...senang nk dpt taxi bila nk balik mlm nanti?
6. what is the reasonable / best exchange rate for HKD vs RM?
7. selain ambil taxi & train, ok tak nak try ambil bas dia org..sbb tgk cirta Hk cam best je...
i travel seorg2...anything yang kena tak note , pls tunjuk ajaar kan ia...thanks... |
Bukan sifu, tapi cuba bantu saje...
1. dari Jordan ke Kowloon..berapa jauh...
kalau naik MTR lepas TST adalah Jordan..., tak sampai 1 min naik mtr...
2. berapa jauh airport ke Kowloon? ( by taxi or train)
30 - 40 minit by taxi..., kalau naik train mungkin lebih sikit sebab kena tukar train..., kalau sorang baik naik train je sebab lg murah..., kalau taxi, HKD 200...
3. distant airport to Jordan? (taxi / train)
lebih kurang ke kowloon je...
4. ada apa attraction di kowlon, jordan, TST , dan mana lagi ia?
tiga2 tu lebih kurang satu area je..., ada byk, cth avenue of stars, symphony of light, star ferry, feri ke macau, chungking mansion (kalau nak cari mknn halal), muzeum, sogo....
5. kalau nk ke peak, kena charter taxi ke...senang nk dpt taxi bila nk balik mlm nanti?
kalau badan sihat, jalan kaki je drp mtr central ke lower terminus station, pastu ambik tram ke atas, balik pun guna cara sama..., nak naik taxi pun boleh gak, tp taxi kat HK ni mahal, mcm tak berbaloi je...
6. what is the reasonable / best exchange rate for HKD vs RM?
ikut pasaran, lebihkurang 100hkd = rm40
7. selain ambil taxi & train, ok tak nak try ambil bas dia org..sbb tgk cirta Hk cam best je...
kalau ada octopus card, lagi mudah naik bas, tp kena tau laluan bas..., jgn lupa naik ding2 tram, pengalaman yg best gak tuh.... |
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best exchange rate yg saya pernah dpt is HKD100=RM 39.20......hr ni pun rate still boleh dapat gitu.... |
thanks so much for all the useful information...flying to HK via MAS..murah...sungguh tk percaya...RM 700 net for round trip....
ada apa2 yg patut i tau...i pergi seorg2..so rasa nya byk berjaln sambil ambil angin kot...tkde la susah kan sbb tk bayak byk brg ..i plan nk bawak beg yg tk byk isi pakaian tp..bila balik nanti...ha...mesti penuh.... |
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