Setuju... Apa schedule Fazz and Tahtah lps nie ekk.... menurut backlog... dorang ke Maldives ke? also end of Sep ke Phillippines Fazzy & Sherry... Bila theyols (F&F) meet&greet.. bla WT ditayang kt Astro First? CP tu Fattah jd second lead ek? Bla Fazz kuakan album or single and bile Fazz p indonesia shoot film... sorry byk tanya... castle bertingkat2....
Kalau betul Fattah tak lead coffee prince, i am disappointed as well.
Because I really look forward nk tgk gandingan #jamin sejak tgk clip janna and fattah masa toyota racing
They hv natural chemistry as best buddy, which is exactly mcm awal2 cerita CP
Rugi fattah lpskan watak ni sbb walaupun watak goong yoo ni dari luar adalah typical,
tp byk permainan emosi especially bila dia confuse dgn his own sexuality
Sbg peminat CP, other actors yang i think can carry off the role adalah bront and aiman, but definitely not hafiz.
Tak pernah tgk lakonan dia to judge, but he doesnt look the part.
Sherry bukannya full-time dekat Redcomm. Dia "dipinjamkan" ke Redcomm di atas personal request dari Fazura sendiri. Sherry works for Mike, i.e. Cube Films. Sherry will be back on set for Red Velvet and Coffee Prince.
Post time 10-7-2017 05:44 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Baru abes tgk mv bisa apa. B4 tgk tadi iols ada terbaca psl comments ttg video ni, tentang masa silam kaka faz.
So bila tgk mv tu, iols cubalah relate comments n focus , mmg ngam uols. Takdalah hazab sgt , ni my personal opinion.
Mcm mel ckp esp dialogue dgn Fattah tu..massive points kat situ. Sebab iols dah feeling dgn lagu tu tadi, everything went right for the first time, terus 3x repeat.
Post time 10-7-2017 05:47 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
ziee replied at 10-7-2017 02:07 AM
fazzy start shoot kat indo bila ek?meols citer ngan suami..aac2 ade 2 org cast msia..laki n ppuan..p ...
Ahahaha... tak dpt iols bygkan fa ngikut faz shooting aac2 ke indo.
Iols nak speku pelakon lelaki tu bront palarae. Speku je tau...sbb iols x nmpak lagi mana2 pelakon lelaki malaysia yg ada potensi join film indo selain bront.
Post time 10-7-2017 05:58 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
MariaPorsada replied at 10-7-2017 01:39 AM
Korang, just sharing my thoughts
Why la semua kualiti hasil kerja Fa & Faz kita jadikan hencapan ...
Setuju sangat dengan ni.
Takut lobatak kata itu ini. Penting sangat ke validation lobatak?
Kadang masalahnya bukan lobatak gila tu sangat pun, tapi yang terlalu fikirkan lobatak
Post time 10-7-2017 06:04 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by doublethread at 10-7-2017 11:07 AM
kikiharris replied at 10-7-2017 05:44 AM
Baru abes tgk mv bisa apa. B4 tgk tadi iols ada terbaca psl comments ttg video ni, tentang masa sila ...
Iols tengok kali ke 3 dengan kepala dingin, baru dapat 'rasa' MV Bisa Apa tu. Fokus pada facial expression Faz, lirik dan paling bagi kesan pada iols is ending part bila Faz keluar dari castle and senyum. It hurts, but I've moved on.