Post time 19-8-2019 01:16 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 18-8-2019 02:27 PM
Dekat news US semua anchor dah kata kenapa tak tangkap lagi si Ghilaine tu....and banyak kata seba ...
dah lama dah byk investigator sampaikan ke FBI.. tp x sampai juga berita tu.. maksudnya seolah mati tgh jln. Zmn Trump, dia terus ambik kisah benda nie..
Arkancide berlaku sis.56 org yg testify against Hillary Clinton dan Bill Clinton semua mati bunuh diri kekdahnya..
kematian ini dipanggil Arkancide. Bill Clinton ni dr Arkansas dan mewakili kws tu. Arkancide refering to pembunuhan utk setiap org yg nak expose the Clintons. Jahat dorg kan..
Post time 19-8-2019 01:24 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by eva at 19-8-2019 01:25 AM
dani-rox replied at 18-8-2019 09:18 PM
credits to the charlatan duchess tumblr
Eksen nya minah biracial nie...
Australians hate stuck up bitch mcm nie.. Heran betul sugars x nampak betapa sgt biadap nya pompuan nie.. sgt sgt biadap. Kalau I la yg di tny soklan itu.. fok off dont you know who I am. I jwb je..Yeah I know you, a washed up old yachter skanky bitch who sleeps with every man to get money, wealth glam and title.. Shall I call you whore?