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Author: sonny~~

[MERGED] Holocaust

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Post time 23-4-2008 11:54 AM | Show all posts

Reply #97 aizverus's post

Salam Aiz, akak quote Aiz punya post:
ntah le...yg ku pernah dengar, nabi isa dengki sebab tak leh jadi umat nabi, nak wat kan citer, dia akan turun akhir zaman bukan saja jadi khalifah tapi jadi umat nabi muhammad..sebab tu masa mahdi suh dia jadi imam, dia tak mau, sebab dia dah jadi setaraf umat islam yang len...

begitu le citernya...

Ashtaghfirullahil a'zim...
Hati2 dgn kata Aiz. Akak faham maksud Aiz, tp bila menulis/berkata, berhati2lah takut jatuh kpd menghina walaupun tanpa niat.
Bukankah boleh diperhalusi lg bahasa tu? Apatah lg berkata2 mengenai RasulAllah. Instead of dia, katakanlah baginda, atau sekurang2nya beliau dan ucapkan lah alaihissalam bg para Rasul.

To Alphawolf: don't mention it. Sama2 sampai dan menyampaikan.

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Post time 23-4-2008 01:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #110 HOTlips's post

naper pula? mungkin betul dia dengki...

biasa je kan perasaan tu...

dengki tu berdosa erk?

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Post time 23-4-2008 01:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #111 aizverus's post

nabi isa tu bkn dah islam ke?? kuikui

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Post time 23-4-2008 03:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #111 aizverus's post

Ekceli akak pun ada dgr kesah ni. Nabi Isa as, malah ramai lagi Rasul yg berhasrat utk menjadi Nabi akhir zaman. Tapi... ye lah, nabi akhir zaman Allah dah pilih iaitu Muhammad saw. Jadi Nabi Isa, Nabi Ibrahim bermohon spy kalau x dpt jadi nabi akhir zaman, mereka nak jadi umat Nabi akhir zaman. Dan hasilnya, Allah makbulkan dgn Menjadikan Rasul akhir zaman itu dr ketutunan Nabi Ibrahim as. Manakala Nabi Isa as diturnkan menjadi umat akhir zaman bg memerangi Dajjal. <> gitulah citernye...
Sumber dr mana, x pasti. Mungkin kisah2 Isreliyyat atau pun berdasarkan hadis. Wallhualam.

Btw Migdal,
Org Islam mempercayai bhw Nabi Isa as adalah salah seorg Nabi/Rasul yg wajib dipercayai. Jadi, sebagai seorg nabi, baginda boleh mempunyai kelemahan tapi mustahil mempunyai sifat2 yg tercela. Dengki adalah satu sifat yg x begitu baik. Awak suka x org dengki kat awak?

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Post time 13-5-2008 08:38 AM | Show all posts

Polish Holocaust Hero Dies at Age 98

WARSAW, Poland - Irena Sendler

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Post time 31-5-2008 02:58 PM | Show all posts
Germany: Holocaust denial unbearable

Sat, 31 May 2008 10:28:25

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier claims Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust is 'unbearable.'

"His denial of the Holocaust is as unbearable as his questioning of Israel's right to exist," Steinmeier told the Bundestag lower house of parliament on Thursday in a debate marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Zionist regime, adding, "There must be a clear message on that."

The minister added that Berlin considers itself a staunch ally of Israel and pledged to uphold the security of the Zionist regime.

Steinmeier stressed that defending the existence and security of the Zionist regime was a main feature of his country's foreign policy.

The Social Democratic caucus leader, Peter Struck, claimed Germany had to take a tough line against 'Iran and other radical forces.'

Volker Kauder, the caucus leader of the Christian Democrats, claimed governments like Iran incredibly seek to 'wipe Israel off the map' via arming with nuclear weapons.

Petra Pau, vice-president of the German Bundestag, said questioning the existence of the Israeli regime is parallel to questioning the right of Jews to exist.

Head of the Christian Social Union's parliamentary faction in the Bundestag, Peter Ramsauer, claimed his recent visit to Iran and Beirut was an active move to support Israeli interests. He told the Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and former president Mohammad Khatami that Tehran should steer clear of any measure, including support of Hamas and Hezbollah, that would endanger the security of the Israeli regime.

The remarks by German officials are coming at a time when the European Union, Germany in particular, has remained silent on the grave humanitarian crisis gripping Gaza, the worst humanitarian situation since the Zionist regime occupied the territory in 1967.


Sources : ... sectionid=351020101


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Post time 31-5-2008 03:04 PM | Show all posts
ntah sampai bila Israel nah guna Dongeng Holocaust nak tutup kekejam diorang nih...............

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Post time 31-5-2008 05:05 PM | Show all posts
aku tak rasa Holocaust tu dongeng...
itu kan betul. ada survivors. baca Elie Wiesel nyer books
baca post-structuralist philosophy pun ada sket Nazism & Marxism yg cite pasal jews & Holocaust nih...

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Post time 8-6-2008 01:12 AM | Show all posts
Zionis Israel Tangkap Sang Pembongkar Mitos Holokous

Norman Finkelstein merupakan pengamat politik, intelektual, dan namanya mencuat setelah dirinya menulis buku 慣he Holocoust Industry

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Post time 8-6-2008 02:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 7-6-2007 12:45 PM
itu lah sebab Presiden Ahmadnejad menubuhkan badan Penyiasatan untuk membuktikan

''holocaust ni cuma manipulasi zionis/US tu menghalalkan kerja2 jahat mrk''

Kekejaman Nazi ke atas orang Yahudi eropah mase WWII adalah unacceptable, setuju kerana manusia tetap manusia walau di Yahudi atau bukan Yahudi.

Tetapi, Holocaust seolah-olah telah dijadikan sebagai tiket untuk Israel bertindak sesuka hati ke atas penduduk Palestine dan barat seolah-olah kelu untuk menegur perbuatan mereka ke atas penduduk Palestine!

RK rase, orang-orang Yahudi yang menjadi korban ketika WWII pun tak sanggup untuk melihat penderitaan penduduk Pelestine sejak 1940 an hingga kini jika mereka hidup semula untuk melihat keadaan masa kini kerana mereka pernah merasai apa rasanya penindasan. Adalah sesuatu yang menyedihkan memori Yahudi yang terkorban semasa WWII dikenang dengan penindasan terhadap penduduk Palestine...

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Post time 10-6-2008 11:00 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 10-6-2008 11:02 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 12-6-2008 08:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by migdal_bavel at 23-4-2008 01:12 PM
naper pula? mungkin betul dia dengki...

biasa je kan perasaan tu...

dengki tu berdosa erk?

Tak mungkin Migdal, Kami orang Islam percaya Nabi dan Rasul adalah golongan yang terlindung dari dosa dan sifat-sifat tercela (maksum), sekiranya mereka melakukan juga kesilapan, ia sudah pun sedia diampunkan oleh Allah SWT.

Jadi tak mungkin Nabi Isa a.s. seorang yang mulia di sisi Allah dan Islam mampu untuk menzahirkan perasaan dengki..

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Post time 12-6-2008 11:36 PM | Show all posts
saya ada bermimipi bahawa kenaikan barang makanan dan minyak ini adalah angkara yahudi.

Benar kaum Bani Israil adalah golongan terpilih dan tuhan akan pelihara mereka sehingga satu masa yg dijanjikan. Dunia ini ibarat syurga bagi mereka.

Kepada mereka yg berangan untuk berbaik dengan yahudi ni baik tumpukan kepada diri sendiri, keluarga dan tanah air. Janji orang kafir hanyalah dusta dan palsu semata-mata.

Sekiranya nabi besar dan maksum mereka permainkan dan dustakan, inikan kamu yg amat kerdil !

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Post time 13-6-2008 01:41 AM | Show all posts
i am a firm believer that holocaust was a hoax. however, i could not retrieve my readings because i couldnt be bothered. my theories are that there were a lot of people died, but they are not jews. or maybe they are the 'unwanted jews'. but it was never 6 million. anyway i leave u guys with this website. aku pun tak habis tgk lagi. according to the owner youtube remove all the video of holocaust denial. they gain a state out of the event. not bad huh?

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Post time 14-6-2008 11:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #124 mrblues's post

Berhati-hati yer...tak dinafikan, tetapi Islam juga mengajar hidup dalam harmoni, jika pihak bukan Islam tidak membuat onar, maka kita tak boleh buat onar pada mereka.

Adakah satu dosa dilahirkan sebagai Yahudi atau bukan Islam dalam ajaran Islam hingga kita WAJIB memerangi mereka? AKu tak rase Allah SWT sekejam tuh...Ya, Rasullulah SAW mengajar kita untuk berhati-hati dengan mereka tapi bukan memusuhi mereka...

Senang bagi kita cakap itu dan ini tentang Islam kerana kita dirahmati dengan dilahirkan sebagai Muslim...tetapi bagaimana jika takdir melahirkan kita sebagai Yahudi atau bukan Islam...RK yakin statement Mr Blues akan berbeza dari skrg..:re:

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Post time 14-6-2008 11:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #125 noone's post

RK tak nafikan wujudnya Holocaust...cuma ape yang RK nafikan ialah "Holocaust Industry" di mana peristiwa Holocaust digunapakai oleh pelampau untuk menjustifikasikan tindakan Israel ke atas orang Palestine dan memastikan kesinambungan negara itu...

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Post time 14-6-2008 11:31 PM | Show all posts
Hamas: Jews planned Holocaust

Haviv Rettig , THE JERUSALEM POST Apr. 30, 2008

Jewish leaders concocted the mass murder of handicapped Jews in order to keep from having to support them, and this murder is what the Jews term "the Holocaust," according to a documentary special that aired on April 18 on Hamas's Al Aqsa television station.

Palestinian Media Watch located and translated the contents of the footage, which it uploaded to YouTube under the headline "Hamas: Jews planned Holocaust."

According to the documentary's narrator, Israel's first prime minister David Ben Gurion decided that Jewish "disabled and handicapped are a burden to the state," after which "the Satanic Jews" - the film cuts to a picture of a hassidic Jew - "thought up an evil plot to be rid of the burden of disabled and handicapped" - the film then cuts to piles of emaciated corpses - "in twisted criminal ways."

"This is official Hamas TV," explained PMW director Itamar Marcus. "It's owned and totally controlled by the Hamas leadership in Gaza, and it goes out by satellite to the whole Arab-speaking world."

The program dealt primarily with the Holocaust, but included comparisons to the Palestinian situation, calling the massacres in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps a "holocaust" and blaming Israel for a "Palestinian holocaust."

"They [the Jews] were the first to invent the methods of evil and oppression," explains the documentary's narrator, cutting to scenes of Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan and Ben Gurion.

The film claimed Jewish leaders blamed the Nazis for their own massacre of Jews "so the Jews would seem persecuted and try to benefit from international sympathy."

The film offers an "expert" - Amin Dabur, head of the "Center for Strategic Research" - who explains that "the Israeli Holocaust, the whole thing was a joke and part of the perfect show that Ben Gurion put on."

There is some tension in the film between blaming the Jews for the massacre of Jews, and denying the massacre took place. According to Dabur, Ben Gurion was interested in sending "strong and energetic youth [for Israel], while all the rest - the disabled, the handicapped, and people with special needs, they were sent [to die] - if it can be proven historically" - a reference to a claim heard often on Hamas television, from Iranian leaders and elsewhere in the Muslim world that the Holocaust has yet to be proven historically.

Continues Dabur: "They were sent [by the Jews to die] so there would be a Holocaust, so Israel could 'play' it for world sympathy."


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Post time 15-6-2008 06:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #125 noone's post

am a firm believer that holocaust was a hoax. however, i could not retrieve my readings because i couldnt be bothered. my theories are that there were a lot of people died, but they are not jews. or maybe they are the 'unwanted jews'. but it was never 6 million. anyway i leave u guys with this website. aku pun tak habis tgk lagi. according to the owner youtube remove all the video of holocaust denial. they gain a state out of the event. not bad huh?

how could u deny such a gr8 tragedy and call it as a hoax?

do u know ernst zundel?he was a well known holocaust denier.

one thing u can learn from him is when you have da hatred in ur heart, no matter wht
have been given to u as proofs, they will appear to be only rubbish in ur own sight.

berusahalah mencari bukti2 dalam menafikan holocaust dan insya Allah, kerana Dia Maha Adil, suatu hari bila
bangsa atau saudara mara ko sndiri yg mengalaminya dan dunia pula menafikannya, mungkin org2 yg menafikan holocaust ini
sedar mcm mana perasaan kami.


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Post time 15-6-2008 06:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #125 noone's post

my theories are that there were a lot of people died, but they are not jews. or maybe they are the 'unwanted jews'. but it was never 6 million

those who died during holocaust ?(including non Jews) are even higher in 11 millions

da 6 millions were Jews

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