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Author: bulanbulat

Me and my gay BFF

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Post time 17-9-2017 11:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bulanbulat replied at 17-9-2017 10:37 AM
My friend pun cakap, both of u are drowning, please save yourself

Idakla berangan nak jadi s ...

saya harap that guy jadi lelaki dan meminang tt
bukan yg ada minat nk jadi gay

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2017 12:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
onexox97 replied at 17-9-2017 11:26 AM
saya harap that guy jadi lelaki dan meminang tt
bukan yg ada minat nk jadi gay

Amin to that as well.

kawan2 i dah gelakkan i have the most unfortunate love story to tell.
8 years sticking to someone who didnt love me back, move on to a gay bff pulak lol

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2017 12:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
onexox97 replied at 17-9-2017 11:26 AM
saya harap that guy jadi lelaki dan meminang tt
bukan yg ada minat nk jadi gay

Amin to that as well.

kawan2 i dah gelakkan i have the most unfortunate love story to tell.
8 years sticking to someone who didnt love me back, move on to a gay bff pulak lol

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Post time 17-9-2017 02:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
IsobelMelody replied at 17-9-2017 07:46 AM
love u mommy. suka baca posting mommy


Loveyoutoo tq2...

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Post time 17-9-2017 09:41 PM | Show all posts
he will never change to be straight guy..  kalo dia paksa diri pun and kawen dengan u.. seks tutup lampu ke ape, takut u jugka yg merana in future..

like what happened to my bff, she married her gay friend... lepas je confirmed pregnancy test masa 1st month of marriage (bunting pelamin), terus the husband stop having sex with my friend.. until now her son already 5 years old still they no longer have sex since the 1st month kawen dulu2... and since dah ada sorang anak, my friend chose to bertahan in the marriage... nak cerai and move on dia rasa dah terlambat sbb she's already in her mid 30s... arghhhhhhhhh... i bercerita hal ni pun rasa sakit hati...  cumanya the husband is very kind and "alim" laaa and bertanggungjawab utk family.. bagi nafkah duit, bring her bercuti everywhere, baju pun kemain sedondon nampak sweet2 couple posting dlm FB insta and all,... tp yang takde cuma satu je... sex... oh well, if that defines her happily ever after marriage kan.. so be it.

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Post time 17-9-2017 09:52 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 17-9-2017 10:12 PM

and i pun ada BFF gayah... i like him. a lot.. handsome, body tough,  kind and caring... we shared everything... we shared food and drinks, cerita personal takde tapis2 punya, he knows my body, i know his... grooming tips, dressing semua dia yg aturkan... he even said that if he ever become straight guy, the girl that he'll choose is me... and mmg dia pernah je kenalkan me dengan parents dia, and jokingly said i'm his future wife... but i know, it wont happen, and we'll continue being Best Friend Forever..

kalo kitorang ke mana2 hangout, people always thought we're couple.. because we're soo close and comfortable being together and bergurau, having fun.. both of us kaki gym jugak, and jaga badan... so that's why nampak sepadan kot (perasannn).. hahahahha ... we're still friends.. until now..

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Post time 17-9-2017 11:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 17-9-2017 09:41 PM
he will never change to be straight guy..  kalo dia paksa diri pun and kawen dengan u.. seks tutup l ...

Sory tanya, husband dia tu ada pasangan gay tak skrg?

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Post time 17-9-2017 11:33 PM | Show all posts
Naatasha replied at 17-9-2017 11:07 PM
Sory tanya, husband dia tu ada pasangan gay tak skrg?

i dont know... tea dah malas nak follow-up kisah dia dengan husband lepas dia bagitau jawapan ultimatum dia pada tea last month... "i'm too old to move on and to start a new life, so i choose to stay with him and just focus on our only child"... sakit hati.. geram... whatever lah... that's her choice... so, bila kitorang meet up, catching up ke ape, mmg we avoid to discuss about the topic and talk about something else.. me as a friend? i will try my very best to cheer her up, with whatever decision she made... i'm only here to cheer her up... thats all...

cuma nya tea perasan my friend dah start melawa and slimming down.. and dia ada berkawan dengan ofismet baru dia... tp just a friend la.. i pun mcm confuse nak advise apa.. huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu... i just advise her on how to jaga penampilan diri, love ourselves etc tu je... i tanak dia curang or do something stupid that may cost her child custody ke ape kan... just i pray that she really jaga diri sendiri

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Post time 18-9-2017 12:24 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2017 12:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 17-9-2017 09:52 PM
and i pun ada BFF gayah... i like him. a lot.. handsome, body tough,  kind and caring... we shared e ...

Sounds like our situation. And my concern pun sama. Dia nak anak. So if la one day he is crazy and propose to me, i rasa my sexual life akan deprived and lepas dia dapat anak ntah ntah dia tinggalkan i untuk boyfriend dia.

Do you, ever, love him more than a friend?

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Post time 18-9-2017 12:59 AM | Show all posts
bulanbulat replied at 18-9-2017 12:40 AM
Sounds like our situation. And my concern pun sama. Dia nak anak. So if la one day he is crazy and ...

i loved him as my closest friend.. but then i move on je coz ada few other choices... huhuhu... we're still close friends until now, my partner tau i'm very close with him, and his partner pun tau pasal i... tp masing2 just tau we're close on surface je laa, kitorang still have secret chatting in telegram instead of whatsapp, to avoid "online" status being seen by others.. hahahha... coz we're still BFF and sharing everything.. i dengan dia jenis open, and we workout together... kdg2 dia show off body dia, i showed mine.. no secrets.. tp i know dia tak turn on pun.. i je la kdg2 terkejut dpt gambar dia yg pelik2 sikit.. huhuhu.. tp lepas tu i delete je laa and anggap mcm dengan gegirl je gossiping kot...

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2017 08:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by bulanbulat at 18-9-2017 08:24 AM
green~tea replied at 18-9-2017 12:59 AM
i loved him as my closest friend.. but then i move on je coz ada few other choices... huhuhu... we ...

Sharing selfies tu adala. Dia send me his shirtless pic to annoy me and get scolded so he didnt do it again. For me wtf sgt.

Ada few times, kalau dalam kereta..
He always said my car wangi, takut nak masuk dalam kereta i. I guna car perfurme ja kot. 1 time tu mmg refuse to get in.
Then ada few occasion i nak amik barang kat belakang/phone jatuh kt driver seat area, i just use my hand to reach and my body tilted toward his body,
( he was driving), tak bersentuh pun, dia akan suruh i cepat ambik barang, siap cakap 'ish u ni, janganla' with serious face

I was like wtf, takkan macam tu pun tergoda.

Dia pernah cakap 'aku tak percaya kalau gay, hang letak perempuan bogel hot depan dia, dia tak turn on sikit pun'.

Adakah i perlu test dia mcm ellejo cakap?

He said he know he was gay like forever.
But he never had any strong urge/attraction toward other side before.
So he get married, plan konon love after marriage and he could not fall in love with his ex ( pity ex dia), got tired of trying, he gave up, divorce.

Then when he moved to new workplace is where he met this guy and get so turn on with him. Lusting about him, relationship dorang just like normal friend, but crushing to each other.  Bila i point it out which part of it is love, dia akan cakap its gay love, x sama mcm straight love. I diamla sebab i tak paham kan.

He is sure it is love because when he saw him, he want his partner to be totally his, get so jealous and upset if his partner with other guy ka apa, and lusting to touch and have sex with him. Tu definition of love dia.
Compare dengan waktu dia ada bini.

Idk, anyone nak enlighten on this matter?
Btw im done analysing his act dah, tak guna dah semua tu.


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Post time 18-9-2017 11:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bulanbulat replied at 18-9-2017 08:02 AM
Sharing selfies tu adala. Dia send me his shirtless pic to annoy me and get scolded so he didnt  ...

Rasa cam dah selamat sex dah 2 tu.. huhuhu.. cuma takut2 nak admit to u je kot...

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2017 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 18-9-2017 11:33 AM
Rasa cam dah selamat sex dah 2 tu.. huhuhu.. cuma takut2 nak admit to u je kot...

He did admit they go overboard once, but never anal.

Idk why he told me all this. Selalu i akan emo/angry and withdraw from him for few days after he mention about his tabiat luar tabie.

Nasiblah, i rasa dah penat now. Mmg adios berambus la dia.

Cuma i taktau how to be friend with him lagi dah. Im getting angrier. I cant be a good listener anymore.

I think he choose me sebab dia tau i open minded, non judgemental, non homophobic. Tapi i takla open minded sangat sampai everything sampai dalam seluar u nak share dengan i. I yang nangis2 doa, dia ntah mabuk cinta

Sorry now im ventilating to you all dalam forum. And i feel better

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Post time 18-9-2017 01:27 PM | Show all posts
bulanbulat replied at 18-9-2017 08:02 AM
Sharing selfies tu adala. Dia send me his shirtless pic to annoy me and get scolded so he didnt  ...

sejujurnya sedih i baca pengakuan kawan u tu..
mmg sdih.. tula yg husbd i alami.. dia tak boleh cintakan i..
even i seksi, naked dpn dia pun dia tak turn on..
dia ada partner & org yg dia sayang.. mmg lust & they having sex.. once or twice a month.. mmg
cinta sepenuh hati.. & membahagiakan.. hidup dia mmg bahagia.. i je yg bodoh..
i dok bayangkan dia bercinta bercumbuan atas katil

i dah 90% move on.. & dia mmg bakal jadi future ex hubby

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Post time 18-9-2017 01:29 PM | Show all posts
onexox97 replied at 17-9-2017 09:00 AM
so kalau bercerai jadi janda berhias ke
belum disentuh
elok cepat cepatkan perpisahan tu

bulan 11 ni sis.. sbb skrg tak bole.. nak jimat masa & duit... cari rumah sewa..
yup.. janda yg bersinar2 berhias2

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Post time 18-9-2017 01:32 PM | Show all posts


Edited by tunangku at 18-9-2017 01:36 PM
bulanbulat replied at 17-9-2017 10:37 AM
My friend pun cakap, both of u are drowning, please save yourself

Idakla berangan nak jadi s ...

biasanya gay mmg akan jadi kawan yg baik..
tp bila masuk bab komitmen.. bab cinta yg sebenar.. tu mmg tak akan terjadi..
1 dalam 100 kot gay->bisex.. yg nak & boleh berubah betul2..
diorg ni sakit mental sbnrnya.. kalau nak berubah kena pegi terapi (serius treatment drp pakar)


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Post time 18-9-2017 01:35 PM | Show all posts
bulanbulat replied at 18-9-2017 11:43 AM
He did admit they go overboard once, but never anal.

Idk why he told me all this. Selalu i akan ...
He did admit they go overboard once, but never anal.
tipula tak penah anal.. sapa nak mengaku
sapa nak berak tgh jalan..
mmg gay biasanya anal.. sbb tu yg diorg nak..
baik mcm mana pun.. kalau tak anal tak sah..
kondom & gel.. wajib ada tu

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Post time 18-9-2017 01:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tunangku replied at 18-9-2017 01:27 PM
sejujurnya sedih i baca pengakuan kawan u tu..
mmg sdih.. tula yg husbd i alami.. dia tak boleh c ...

Sedih pulak baca kes chuolss ngn TT ni.. Takut pon ada sbb iolss pon single lg.. Susah nk tau sexual orientation org kan.. Nmpk normal kt luar dalaman belum tentu.. Papepon iols doakan yg baik2 utk chuolss n TT.. Moga bertemu kebahagiaan yg di cari

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Post time 18-9-2017 01:52 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 17-9-2017 09:41 PM
he will never change to be straight guy..  kalo dia paksa diri pun and kawen dengan u.. seks tutup l ...

so husbd dia ada sex partner?

i curious gak ni...
sbb my hsbd mmg kawin nak anak je sbnrnya... tp tuhan lindungi i..
Dia tak bg i bersama husbnd.. my hsbn tak turn on lgsng..

so tu tt.. kena doa allah buang rasa sayang cinta tu...
anggap allah nak selamatkan tt.. & jaga KETURUNAN tt..


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