puteriseri This user has been deleted
nak tanya, betul ke keputihan bole menyebabkan period kita terganggu?..:hmm: |
Originally posted by bungacengkih at 10-11-2006 04:01 PM
boleh tanya tak?
well...sebenarnya aku sejak dulu lagi tak ambik peduli pasal hal2 perempuan ni.
sebab dulu aku tomboi.
dan aku tak peduli apa la yang jadik pada diri aku...
cuma dua tiga tah ...
sebelum apa apa..pergi la buat pemeriksaan dg doktor dahulu , utk lebih kepastian dari bertanya secara rambang. Nanti tersilap info , parah lak jadinya..... |
First and foremost, I would like to say that "MAKAN KOBIS AKAN MENYEBABKAN KEPUTIHAN", "KEPUTIHAN ITU ADALAH PROTIN DARI KOBIS". These statements/claimed ARE TOTALLY BULL#,UNPROFESSIONAL,MISLEADING AND TOTALLY, TOTALLY FALSE!! ![](static/image/smiley/default/tembak.gif)
Keputihan/discharge from the vagina is common, and it is NORMAL. Why?? Because of the lubrication constanly produce by the gland with the surrounding vaginal milleau producing such discharge/keputihan. So, if u have slight whitish discharge which does not cause any discomfort or itchiness or smell, it is NORMAL.
When the discharge is being produced EXCESSIVELY,then it is the sign of INFECTION. The infection is the FUNGAL INFECTION, caused by the CANDIDA ALBICANS species.
The correct diagnosis for this disease is VULVOVAGINAL CANDIDIASIS.
Common symptoms:
-excessive discharge (could be whitish, yellowish, brownish in colour)
-itchiness and discomfort
-foul smelly
Not all symptoms will present at diagnosis.
Being it a FUNGAL INFECTION, the use of ANTIBIOTIC is nonsense, it does not cure the infection. The treatment consist of ANTI-FUNGAL AGENT, which can be in Pessary form(insert into your vagina) and Oral form(swallow through your mouth).
Common therapy:
- Clotrimazole vaginal pessary (such as Candid B pessary)
- Tablet Ketoconazole, Tab.Itriconazole (these all are anti-fungal pills)
Well, most women only need the Vaginal Pessary which being inserted once everynight before going to bed for 3-4 consecutive nights.\
She also need to apply daily or twice daily Lactacyd(which will increase the surrounding acidicity, thus eliminating the Candida spp). Most famous brand is the Lactacyd Femine Hygine Wash.This practice is called "Douching".
In resistant/chronic cases of vulvovaginal candidiasis, I would combine the use of oral anti-fungal(as being described before).It is a once daily pill that need to be taken ranging from 4 to 7 days.
IN SINGLE WOMEN/WOMEN WHO NEVER HAS SEXUAL INTERCOURSE, THE USE OF VAGINAL PESSARY IS CONTRAINDICATED.(unless u don't mind to). In this case, they will only take the anti-fungal pill.
The risk factors to develop Vulvovaginal Candiidasis are:
-Diabetes Mellitus
-Wearing tight pants/panties
There are so many myth in our society, being it in Malay, Chinese or Indian community.
Again, I would like to tell that eating vegis like TIMUN, PETOLA, NENAS, TEMBIKAI, or what so ever will not give harm AT ALL to the Female reproductive system.It will not cause INFERTILITY.
So, please, please ask the professional explaination/opinion.
I have done my best to eliminating the Myth. Myth Busted!!
The rest is up to u whether to believe it or not.
Cheers.:nerd: |
PK dulu penah kena infection..tetiba gatal sgt2..pastu keputihan siap tukar kaler jadi cam nk ke hijaun gituh..risau sgt..
so PK tanya boifren PK..dia amik medik la masa tu...then dia soh p klinik..infection dia kata..
bila p klinik..dia bg keim sapu..antibiotik telan..dlm masa 2 3 hari da ok..
yg ptg jaga kebersihan...pas buang air..lap kering2..benda ni bleh bejangkit tau kat husband..
org laki pon bleh kene keputihan gak |
masa pi jumpa doktor tu, dia check anu kita ke??
atau just cakap2 je? |
Originally posted by bungacengkih at 1-12-2006 06:25 PM
masa pi jumpa doktor tu, dia check anu kita ke??
atau just cakap2 je?
dia x check pon..cuma dia tanya da kawin blom..ada mengamalkan seks bebas ke..pastu dia tanya la pki douching tak..
haa..tu je..
klu yg da kawin doktor tu cakap dia akan bg ubat yg masukkan kot anu..tapi sbb x kawin dia bg ubat telan..
menurut doktor tu lagi ubat yg masuk kot anu lagi cepat baik.. |
Originally posted by bungacengkih at 10-11-2006 04:01 PM
boleh tanya tak?
well...sebenarnya aku sejak dulu lagi tak ambik peduli pasal hal2 perempuan ni.
sebab dulu aku tomboi.
dan aku tak peduli apa la yang jadik pada diri aku...
cuma dua tiga tah ...
nak tanya ni..yang kecoklatan tu masa nk abes period atau sepanjang masa?
klu sepanjang masa baik pegi check..sebab tu keputihan da tahap teruk
sebab doktor yang aku jumpa ckp..klu da keputihan betukar warna baik pg jumpa doktor..jgn malu plzzzzz
kwn PK dulu siap jln ngangkang2 sakit punya pasal..ye la dok garu je..smpi melecet..
makin teruk la..sbb kulat tu merebak kat bhgian luka..lagi gatal..so jgn malu jumpa doktor..doktor faham sume tuh..k? |
mawar pun skrg ni dlm kondisi kene infection kat tuut.kalau jumpa doktor costnta dlm brapa ye? |
Reply #35 mawarmatahari's post
...depends on which private spital yg u pegi...
i meet a gynae b4 and it cost around RM80.00...insert pils(for vaginal), antibiotik for u, another pils (prevent for u and ur husband)./...
my gynae kata klu ambik antibiotik terlampau byk pun bleh sebabkan keputihan ni...tp klu psal mkn kubis...i'm not really sure.. |
Saya pernah syorkan JUS PATI KURMA kepada beberapa orang yg mengalami masalah keputihan ni....nampaknya sangat berkesan. |
jajie This user has been deleted
adoii..me pon ade prob ni..berlanjutan nak masuk 4bulan dahh=(
die skjp2 okay,skjp2 sakit..mcm melecet..sampai berdarah
TAK SUKAAA!Eiii![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif) |
tumpang tanya..i amik ubat kesuburan and noticed one thing..keputihan (warna putih kental) menjadi2..is it becoz ubat kesuburan(clomid) tu? even after 2 weeks amik that pill pun still banyak keputihan..kadang2 bila banyak sgt..mula la rasa rimas n gatal2..kadang2 time tengah berjalan..rasa cam seketul dia kuar..then ada cam stain putih2 pekat kat my underwear..
boleh ke cuci dengan lactacid if getting pregnant or on treatment? |
Originally posted by SaraAlia at 1-2-2007 08:46 PM
tumpang tanya..i amik ubat kesuburan and noticed one thing..keputihan (warna putih kental) menjadi2..is it becoz ubat kesuburan(clomid) tu? even after 2 weeks amik that pill pun still banyak kepu ...
lacatcyd mmd saya guna ..tapi awak kena refer ngan gynea..sbb saya dulu pun mcm tu ..mmg gatal sangat !!sampai saya amik cotton buds korek kat tut saya tu..baru rasa puas!!!biler time dia kaur tu bole rasa & samapai lompat2 gatal!![email=sangat@ader]ader[/email] jangkitan...so doc bagi saya antibiotik dan ubat sumbat kat vagina tu..alhamdulillah sampai skang dahtakder dah... |
risau lak bila pk2..isnin dah plan nak i jumpa doc...
td pakai gak lactacyd tu..tak tahan..bukan sbb gatal but rasa tak selesa..lembab.. |
dia yg kalau brownish/blackish pun dikira keputihan gak ke? saya sbnrnya masih kabur dgn keputihan ni. kalo brownish ni ada apa yg patut dibuat? |
Originally posted by SaraAlia at 1-2-2007 20:46
tumpang tanya..i amik ubat kesuburan and noticed one thing..keputihan (warna putih kental) menjadi2..is it becoz ubat kesuburan(clomid) tu? even after 2 weeks amik that pill pun still banyak kepu ... ...clomid doesnt usually cause vaginal discharges...kalau terdapat keputihan yang kental yang menjadi2...ada baiknya ko pi jumpa gynae and get it examined and treated...make sure that it is not any of the vaginal infections...
...lactacyd wash is fine...tapi biar cuci di bahagian luar saja...
...douching is very controversial...studies have shown that douching can be harmful cos it can intensify the problem....and...it can wash away the vaginal discharge making it quite difficult for the dr to identify the type of infection u may be having....
...so...sebaik2nya...douche only when your dr recommends...other than that...never2 include douching as your daily hygiene routine...cos your vagina can clean itself naturally with its own mucous secretions... |
Originally posted by wymer at 3-2-2007 15:51
dia yg kalau brownish/blackish pun dikira keputihan gak ke? saya sbnrnya masih kabur dgn keputihan ni. kalo brownish ni ada apa yg patut dibuat? ...brownish and blackish discharges nie is most likely due to bleeding...ada baiknya pi jumpa dr for consult... |
my gynea bg ubat "DIFLUCAN" utk mengatasi masalah gatal... sebijik jer dia bg...
ekceli jumpa gynea sbb ada problem lain.... pastu citer kt Dr....taim nak piyyed rasa gatal kat saluran (bhg dalam ler....) mmg gatai sgt... tp takleh wat per.... so Dr bg ler ubat tuh...... |
Reply #155 SaraAlia's post
lagi u risau lagi tak betul hormon dlm badan...lagi banyak la dia keluar...so jgn tensyen2 sangat... |
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