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Author: gx5448

[MERGED] Sakit Tulang Belakang/Prolapsed Disc/Scoliosis

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Post time 13-3-2008 03:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #10 princess_kunang's post

itu tak tau.. tapi maybe sbb slalu jatuh kot..
sila rujuk pd yg pakar.. hehe..

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Post time 13-3-2008 05:25 PM | Show all posts
sape yg ade sakit blkg tu cpt2 la gi jumpe pakar... jgn main2 woo...
sakit ni hanye tuhan je yg tau... ape yg kite wat sume serba x kena...
sy sakit tulang blkg dkt 1 thn gak la... mula2 ingat sakit biase je...
amik ubat pain killer pastu sapu minyak panas tp x jln gak...
da lama2 sakit makin menjadi2 lak... semakin truk...
last2 sy pun pi la jumpe doktor pakar orthopaedic...
pas da wat mri baru la dpt tau ade slip disc...
skrg ni every week kena gi wat fisioterapi...
so far sakit makin kurang skit la... ade la nmpk perubahannye...
sape2 yg ade sakit blkg yg truk pi jumpe pakar cpt2 tau!

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Post time 13-3-2008 07:52 PM | Show all posts

Scoliosis - Tulang Belakang Curved

I'm 16, and baru diagnosed ada mild scoliosis kelmarin. sape2 blh tlgbg advice mcm mana takmo bg dia lg teruk. Ni tahap awal lagi. takyahpakai braces or anything. but still, help. nk tenangkan fikiran susahni.

-quoted from the thread, 'Sakit Belakang'.

Smalam pegi medical check-up untuk masuk boarding school. 2nd intake, for Form 4.
Ingtkan ok je tp lps x-ray, doktor bgtau tulang belakang ni belok sikit, early stage of scoliosis.
Dia kata ok je, cume jgn angkat benda berat.
Tak tau la nia nak jaga hati or apa, tapi dia kata almost x nampak/unnoticeable, but still ada.
Dia tak kata pun kena pergi jumpa doktor lagi lps ni etc.

Tapi lps bc some articles kat internet, dia ckp boleh progress n jadi lg teruk.
TAKUT! huhu.
adakah mild scoliosis normal? and what is the chance for it to get worse at my age? huhu

pls help, thanks in advance =)

[ Last edited by  arincute92 at 13-3-2008 07:59 PM ]

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Post time 13-3-2008 10:40 PM | Show all posts
kalau lengah2kan cane kesan dia ekk
sebab adik ipar aku ni suka sgt la tangguh2

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Post time 14-3-2008 09:18 AM | Show all posts
tlg smpikan dialog sy ni kat adik ipar awk ek... thanks!

"nape ko xnk pi check kat spital? makin truk penyakit ko tu baru la ko tau. kalo ko pi check cpt mgkn leh ubat lg, kalo da lama2 tangguh takut kang jd kecacatan kekal lak. lgpun kan menda tu sakit bknnye rase sedap pun. ko ni x syg diri ko ke?" :mad2:

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Post time 15-3-2008 12:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ayumi_takashi at 14-3-2008 09:18 AM
tlg smpikan dialog sy ni kat adik ipar awk ek... thanks!

"nape ko xnk pi check kat spital? makin truk penyakit ko tu baru la ko tau. kalo ko pi check cpt mgkn leh ubat lg, kalo da lama2 tanggu ...


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Post time 6-4-2008 07:12 PM | Show all posts
Sunday April 6, 2008
Slippery discs

Conservative treatment is still first-line in treating herniated discs, but if those fail, doctors may have to opt for surgery.

THE problem with body aches is you normally know where it hurts, but you can only guess what the reason is.

This is especially so when you experience backache, a symptom associated with a wide range of problems, including anything from muscle strain, osteoarthritis and problems of the spine.

Only a small incision at the lower back is needed to insert a cannula and probe to perform the nucleoplasty procedure.

While all of the above can cause backache, one of the common causes of back pain is a herniated disk, sometimes called a slipped disk or ruptured disk.

A slipped disk

A herniated disk is a medical term for a condition where the spine experiences the degeneration of, or damage on, its shock absorbers, the soft, spongy disc between the bones that take the brunt of stress on our spine and nerves.

The condition can be caused by gradual, ageing-related degeneration where the disc loses its central fluid, making it less flexible and prone to tearing or rupturing. Sometimes, too much stress or trauma to the spine can result in herniated disks too.
According to, herniated disks are most common in the lower (lumbar) spine, but about 10% occur in the neck (cervical spine).

Herniations in the lumbar spine are most common between 35 and 45 years of age. Cervical disk herniation is more common between 50 and 60 years old.

But, not all who have slipped disks feels the pain.

If the affected disk does not press against one of your nerves, you may only have a slight lower back pain, or nothing at all. But if it presses against your nerves, it may cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the area that the nerve travels.
Treatment, thus, seeks to alleviate pain and improve the quality of life of people suffering from slipped disks.

Screening for a slipped disk

Dr Achim Luth... we are very lucky as most of our patients can be treated by conservative treatments.
A review of your medical history and a few simple physical tests may be all it takes to determine whether you have a herniated disk, wrote Dr S. Craig Humphreys and Dr Jason C. Eck in their article, Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Options for Herniated Lumbar Disc.

揢sually, about 80% of patients complain of acute lower back pain, or buttock pain on one side with sciatica (radiating pain with or without numbness) of one leg (pain going down the side of the thigh and leg, involving the foot),

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Post time 11-4-2008 10:11 PM | Show all posts
salam untuk semua...

i ader soalan.... i diberitahu dr. lapisan selaput tulang belakang atau dipanggil (sac) telah kena jangkitan...... dia kata jangkitan ini hanya berlaku sebab medical procedure .... so i agak masa i nak beranak...dr.  bagi injection spinal kot sebab i nak beranak ceasar.... sebab tu lepas operation i demam panas..... lepas beranak dalam dua bulan i sakit belakang kat bawah tulang belikat dua2 belah kiri kanan.... kat pinggang ader gak tapi jarang.... lelama hilang... masa anak 8 bulan kot.... satu hari....i tido ...n seingat i position terlentang.... tetiba bila bangun i terus ajer jatuh sebab lutut belah kanan macam tak berfungsi terus lembik......n lemah.... bukan kebas tau.... kalau kebas kita masih bleh angkat kaki ini terus lembik... dalam sepuluh saat benda ni berlaku.....pastu....sebab jatuh2 tuh hubby erus angkat dan gosok kaki... tetiba jer terasa macam darah berjalan dari peha ke ibu jari....
kemudian bila anak i dah umo dalam 10 bulan kot... satu malam.... i tido terlentang gak rasanya position...jadik lagi macam tuh.....kaki belah kanan gak..... dia berlaku dalam beberapa saat gak...i dah takut nak tido....tapi i tertido sebab ngantuk  tetiba bila terjaga bila bangun...i jatuh lagik... tapi kali ni kaki belah kiri..... besokkan nya i  terasa jalan i macam baby baru berjalan tergedik2 kepala lutut.... i stress gila masa tuh... macam i pergi berubat.... pergi dr. buat x ray sampai lapan angle dia amik gamba... berapa bayak radiation pun taktahu.... tapi dr kata tak ada apa2.... cuma nampak macam belok sikit.... dia kata mungkin duduk tak kena masa x ray..... tapi i macam tak tenteram.... kebetulan mother i kerja xray kat kota bharu.... so i request buat MRI..... mother cakap kena bukak kes..... n lepas MRI keputusan memang mengejutkan.... dari tempat dia dr inject (spinal) utk ubat bius ....upper lumbar lower toracic kot....i pun tak ingat L? T?  ader jangkitan kat sac (macam selaput). ... Radiologist diagnose as Aracnoiditis.....  i tanya boleh lumpuh ker... dia tak boleh nak cakap... i was so down that moment.... dia kata mungkin simptom lembik kaki tu sebab saraf yang terkena jangkitan tu macam bergumpal bila dia sembuh  jadi scaring seperti spider web ...melekat2.... so itu pasal.... kaki i kadang terasa geli... kadang2 tersa panas.... kadang  terasa sakit ..... memang ader la simtom2 tu...tapi jaran2.... bila gi refer pakar saraf... dia tgk MRI dia pun pelik.... sebab kalau arachnoiditis memang sakit gila n kena tahan ngan steroid utk pain killer..... dia kata nak buat lumber puncture.... baru bleh bagi anti biotik apa yg jangkit kat tulang belakang....tapi i tak nak....   selepas tu i tawakaltuallah.....sehingga i preknen balik .....lama tak kena simptom2 tuh.... hingga end stage of pregnancy kalau tak silap ader la simptom panas2 kat kaki..... lepas beranak baby nak masuk 3 bulan tetiba i tersalah bantal.... sakit gila bahagian tengkuk tak leh gerak kiri kanan n atas bawah... gerak sikit i meraung2...sakit...bawak gi emergency.... dr. inject voltaren.....baru tahan sakit baru bleh gerak.... 2 hari kemudian i jadi lagi lembik kaki ... .. sekarang i macam takut nak kuar rumah... tak nak drive.... takut duk sorang2.... i macam stress...  entahlah.... sesiapa yang ader penyakit ni kongsilah .... anybody know...the treatment atau what should i do.... utk pengetahuan i dah stop follow up ngan dr. sebab dr cakapkalau lembik kaki tak berulang tak ader masaalah... sekatrang dah berulang balik..... kebetulan dr. yg i folow up dulu dah gi oversea..... anybody knows dr. pakar saraf..... tak kira la swasta atau kerajaan..... i nak minta consultation.... thanks to all sebab sudi mendengar...

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Post time 9-5-2008 07:19 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 9-5-2008 11:17 AM | Show all posts
bulan 7 ni aku kena masuk wad sbb dr nk inject ubat dalam tulang belakang tu.

aku sakit tulang blakang ni dh lama.. dh buat mri.

hasilnya ada hemangioma kat t10 dan tulang kat bhgn bawah bdn aku (yg nk bersambung dgn tulang pinggul tu) dh menghimpit urat saraf.

dr kata ubat tu di masukkan sbb nk jarakkan tulang yg menghimpit urat saraf tu..

masalahnya aku takut sbb tulang belakang ni bukan boleh buat main.. manalah tau ada side effect ke..

apa yang patut aku buat skrg?

tolong pm aku yer sbb aku agak jarang nk bukak internet ni..

[ Last edited by  ^^langkasuka^^ at 9-5-2008 11:19 AM ]

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Post time 29-5-2008 12:37 PM | Show all posts


Ada sapa x yang tahu tentang penyakit scoliosis dan apa kesan jangka panjang?

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Post time 29-5-2008 01:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 Atianiazi's post

penyakit ni tulang belakang kita x normal...

ni ade info sket dr medline plus...

Alternative Names    Return to top
Spinal curvature; Kyphoscoliosis

Definition    Return to top

Scoliosis is a curving of the spine. The spine curves away from the middle or sideways.

Causes    Return to top

There are three general causes of scoliosis:

    * Congenital scoliosis is due to a problem with the formation of vertebrae or fused ribs during prenatal development.
    * Neuromuscular scoliosis is caused by problems such as poor muscle control or muscular weakness or paralysis due to diseases such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and polio.
    * Idiopathic scoliosis is of unknown cause, and appears in a previously straight spine.

Idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents is the most common type. Some people may be prone to the curving of the spine. Most cases occur in girls. Curves generally worsen during growth spurts. Scoliosis in infants and juveniles are less common. They commonly affect a similar number of boys and girls.

Scoliosis may be suspected when one shoulder appears to be higher than the other, or the pelvis appears to be tilted. Untrained observers usually can't notice the curving.

Routine scoliosis screening is now done in middle and junior high schools. Many cases, which  previously would have gone undetected until they were more advanced, are now being caught at an early stage.

There may be fatigue in the spine after prolonged sitting or standing. Pain will become persistent if irritation results. The greater the initial curve of the spine, the greater the chance the scoliosis will get worse after growth is complete. Severe scoliosis (curves in the spine greater than 100 degrees) may cause breathing problems.

Symptoms    Return to top

    * The spine curves abnormally to the side (laterally)
    * Shoulders or hips appearing uneven
    * Backache or low-back pain
    * Fatigue

Note: Kyphoscoliosis also involves abnormal front-to-back curvature, with a "rounded back" appearance. See kyphosis.

Exams and Tests    Return to top

The health care provider will perform a physical exam, which includes a forward bending test that will help the doctor define the curve. The degree of curve seen on an exam may underestimate the actual curve seen on an x-ray, so any child found with a curve is likely to be referred for an x-ray. The health care provider will perform a neurologic exam to look for any changes in strength, sensation, or reflexes.

Tests may include:

    * Spine x-rays (taken from the front and the side)
    * Scoliometer measurements (a device for measuring the curvature of the spine)
    * MRI (if there are any neurologic changes noted on the exam or if there is something unusual in the x-ray )

Treatment    Return to top

Treatment depends on the cause of the scoliosis, the size and location of the curve, and how much more growing the patient is expected to do. Most cases of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (less than 20 degrees) require no treatment, but should be checked often, about every 6 months.

As curves get worse (above 25 to 30 degrees in a child who is still growing), bracing is usually recommended to help slow the progression of the curve. There are many different kinds of braces used. The Boston Brace, Wilmington Brace, Milwaukee Brace, and Charleston Brace are named for the centers where they were developed.

Each brace looks different. There are different ways of using each type properly. The selection of a brace and the manner in which it is used depends on many factors, including the specific characteristics of your curve. The exact brace will be decided on by the patient and health care practitioner.

A back brace does not reverse the curve. Instead, it uses pressure to help straighten the spine. The brace can be adjusted with growth. Bracing does not work in congenital or neuromuscular scoliosis, and is less effective in infantile and juvenile idiopathic scoliosis.

Curves of 40 degrees or greater usually require surgery because curves this large have a high risk of getting worse even after bone growth stops. Surgery involves correcting the curve (although not all the way) and fusing the bones in the curve together. The bones are held in place with one or two metal rods held down with hooks and screws until the bone heals together. Sometimes surgery is done through a cut in the back, on the abdomen, or beneath the ribs. A brace may be required to stabilize the spine after surgery.

The limitations imposed by the treatments are often emotionally difficult and may threaten self-image, especially of teenagers. Emotional support is important for adjustment to the limitations of treatment.

Physical therapists and orthotists (orthopedic appliance specialists) can help explain the treatments and make sure the brace fits comfortably.

Support Groups    Return to top

See scoliosis - support group

Outlook (Prognosis)    Return to top

The outcome depends on the cause, location, and severity of the curve. The greater the curve, the greater the chance the curve will get worse after growth has stopped.

Mild cases treated with bracing alone do very well. People with these kinds of conditions tend not to have long-term problems, except maybe an increased rate of low back pain when they get older. People with surgically corrected idiopathic scoliosis also do very well and can lead active, healthy lives.

Patients with neuromuscular scoliosis have another serious disorder (like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy) so their goals are much different. Often the goal of surgery is simply to allow a child to be able to sit upright in a wheelchair.

Babies with congenital scoliosis have a wide variety of underlying birth defects. Management of this disease is difficult and often requires many surgeries.

Possible Complications    Return to top

    * Emotional problems or lowered self-esteem may occur as a result of the condition or its treatment (specifically bracing)
    * Spinal cord or nerve damage from surgery or severe, uncorrected curve
    * Failure of the bone to join together (very rare in idiopathic scoliosis)
    * Spine infection after surgery
    * Low back arthritis and pain as an adult
    * Respiratory problems from severe curve

When to Contact a Medical Professional    Return to top

Call your child's health care provider if you suspect that he or she may have scoliosis.

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Post time 29-5-2008 01:38 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 29-5-2008 01:41 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 6-7-2008 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Kasut tumit tinggi punca sakit belakang
Oleh Fairul Asmaini Mohd Pilus

WANITA yang memakai kasut tumit tinggi memang anggun dan bergaya tetapi ia mengumpulkan seluruh tekanan kepada hujung jari apabila tumit diangkat lebih tinggi.

Pakar kraf dalam bidang mereka dan menghasilkan tapak, kasut serta kaki palsu terkenal Jerman, Guido Fahrentrapp, berkata, pemakaian kasut tumit tinggi yang berterusan boleh menjadikan tapak kaki melengkung serta kesakitan belakang dan.

Fahrentrapp yang juga pakar kasut untuk jenama terkenal, Schein, berkata, pengumpulan tekanan di bahagian tulang metatarsal kaki menyebabkan ia mudah cedera dan mengganggu sistem saraf belakang.

揔ebanyakan masyarakat sering merungut mengenai masalah kaki atau tulang belakang pada tahap tertentu dan pada kebanyakan masa, masalah itu berkaitan dengan kaki.

揝elain pesakit kencing manis yang sukar mencari kasut bersesuaian, saya juga pernah berdepan dengan pemain golf, pelumba lari amatur dan profesional serta mereka yang aktif dalam sukan.

揥anita perlu mengurangkan masa memakai kasut tumit tinggi dan seeloknya, kurang daripada empat jam sehari,

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Post time 17-7-2008 03:51 PM | Show all posts
arincute92, gutes_madchen & atianiazi,

i'm also having scoliosis. moderate level...
tp tak pernah jumpa ortho.
cuma benda ni i notice sendiri from my xray
and from my observation on my body

walaupun moderate, tp seriously i tell u all...i always rasa benda ni obvious tau
i'm 30 and already have a child
i pernah baca yg those who have masalah tulang belakang akan susah bersalin
i was sooo worry sampai nk bg tau my gynea pun takut
masa pregnant pun i was worry takut ada masalah severe breathing problem and back pain
tp alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar
i takde mslh semua2 tu, kalo ada pun takat biasa2 je la
then, sampai masa bersalin pun ok boleh bersalin normal

kalo di US, banyak problem mcm ni & i tak sure jumlahnya kat Malaysia ni
first time i notice this problem was during teenager
masa tu, tak de perasaan apa2 sgt

tapi bila dah tua2 ni rasa rendah diri & uncomfortable...not bcoz of pain (there was no pain at all)
but because of the condition and shape of my body
sapa ada scoliosis mungkin faham la ye

yg i tau, ada 2 choices available

1) treatment - brace or operation
2) do nothing - observation by dr.

so far, i tak pernah jumpa ortho.
mungkin because the pain is not there so i tak beria sgt nak gi tratment
cuma i nak suggest pd adik arincute92 to go & see the dr.
coz ur problem is still early & u r still young

sesiapa yg arif dlm hal ni, ada tak suggestion utk i
whether to go to dr. or not?
ada sesiapa tau cost utk braces berapa ribu?


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Post time 18-7-2008 08:24 PM | Show all posts
aku ade beli produk utk support tulang blakang. selalu ade jual kat rnr highway. name nye dr. backbone. sedap gak guna time drive atau letak kat kerusi. harganye rm67.80, waranti setahun..

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Post time 21-7-2008 09:34 AM | Show all posts
thanks shahx for the info, ingat nak cari satu le....

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Post time 24-7-2008 10:13 PM | Show all posts
aku ada borak ngan omputih anak dia ada scoliosis. 5tahun tunggu untuk operate. anak dia operate time umur 21. kos operation tu 100k dolar. cover by insurans.

kat msia ni orang tak amik hal sangat. banyak diamkan diri bila ada pnyakit.  yg takde duitla slalu diamkan diri. taktau camne nak dapatkan duit operate. yela bukan sume nak tunjuk muke mintak sedekah kan.

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Post time 27-7-2008 03:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #159 AntagonisYgKeut's post

braces implant utk tulang belakang ni memang mahal (RM20k above)..aku rasa antara yg paling mahal compare dgn implant tulang2 lain..

most ortho surgeon bole buat spine elok carik yg dah buat sub-spine..

actually, in M'sia govt. hospital..patient still have to pay to buy the implant, sbb implant government tak beli, cuma kita dpt guna kepakaran doktor pakar percuma ..ada jenama Swiss Synthes yg popular di kalangan surgeon..kalau pakai brand Indian made tu biasanya long term pots-surgical ada masalah sket sbb besi murah..

Kalau kat pvt hospital, boleh buat treatment ni, but cost will be a bombbbb mahal (implant & specialist service)..

so get insurance while u r healthy!

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