Dr Julai/Dr Zach/Dr Effa: Offering information about Teeth and the prob
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Originally posted by drjulai at 15-11-2005 07:02 PM
mula2 kena pegi jumpa dr gigi skali lagi sebab cerita 2-3 tahun lepas mungkin dah berubah. eceh ayat..
dari yang u cerita, kalau bukan dari gigi mungkin dari TMJ you. TMJ tu sendi antara rahang at ...
i pun ada masalah ttg ni..selalu bila mkn mesti ada bunyik klik2 kat rahang tu..sampai rasa takut nak mkn.. :bgrin:
pernah gak 3-4 kali rahang tu "tersangkut"..maksud i tiba2 dia jam..x leh tutup mulut balik..punyalah sakit..act. x le sakit sgt pun tp mengerikan.. then after sket massage dia bleh rapat balik..sampai jadi fobia tiap kali nak mkn..hihi.. |
tu mmg masalah tmj la tu.
bila rahang tu jam, keadaan tu kita panggil locked jaw.
oleh sebab u pernah alami locked jaw beberapa kali, kemungkinan dia jadi lagi amat tinggi. kadang2 kalau jadi n u tak boleh tutup langsung w/pun dah di masage, then cepat2 la pegi ke emergency atau klinik gigi berdekatan sbb kena tolak balik rahang tu.
nasihat i, jgn makan banyak benda liat, bila gelak atau nguap, jagan buka mulut luas2.
ambil tuala yang panas/suam and tuamkan kat sendi rahang n selalu buat jaw excercises:bgrin:
[ Last edited by drjulai at 13-12-2005 09:02 PM ] |
Originally posted by drjulai at 13-12-2005 09:00 PM
tu mmg masalah tmj la tu.
bila rahang tu jam, keadaan tu kita panggil locked jaw.
oleh sebab u pernah alami locked jaw beberapa kali, kemungkinan dia jadi lagi amat tinggi. kadang2 kalau jadi n u ...
oic..mmg i takut jadi lagi sbb kdg2 rahang ni mcm ketat semacam jek..pernah gak jadi locked jaw tu pastu bhgn rahang tu sakit beberapa ari..
boleh i tau apa punca mslh ni?dan camner nak wat jaw exercise tu?Gelak tu mmg x leh elak dah..suker sgt gelak tu yg jadi camtu kot... |
locked jaw terjadi sebab muscle keliling jaw tu tense up sebagai protective reflex untuk elakkan kecederaan yang lebih teruk lagi kepada jaw kita.
nak tau cara jaw excercises jumpa la dentist berdekatan for consultation..nak tunjuk atau bagitau kat sini, susahla sebab kena tunjukkan caranya. |
cincinmas This user has been deleted
Originally posted by drjulai at 11-5-2005 11:12 PM
effa, heheh..betulla tu. ha ha..dah ber Dr la korang. dulu ber abang n ber kakak. tehheh..
agreement, ada kes lubang dalam gusi biasanya kat kawasan leher gigi ie kawasan sempadan antara gigi da ...
tumpang tanya.. dr julai.. do u know any dentist in kl.. yg buat whitening teeth.. if tau, can u gimme the location?? thx |
sama2 :malu:
[ Last edited by drjulai at 16-12-2005 09:49 AM ] |
err..try asking any dental faculties in any of malaysia's univkat kl nun, they might do it for a cheaper rate. lagipun budak2 dental school tu bole belajar sket. |
nomar This user has been deleted
Hi Dr. Julai, just need some clarification, and sorry if it has been ask before
1. Is it compulsary to take all the tablet given after any treatment, I've done a lot treatment like root canal ( 3 times ), crown, braces,
tooth extraction and one minor surgery not to mention normal visit and each time was given plenty of medicine like papase, protogyl
panadol and the like. I never take any of them since didn't feel any pain and not comfortable on taking antibiotic.
2. Is there different level of scaling? on my normal visit usually the dentist use those pointy instrument to scrape the base of teeth but
on my last visit I was given 4-5 injection to numb the gums and she uses something like a flat head instrument to do it and the process was
quite painful ( not the injection) and my mouth was numb for 1 hour after the treatment. thanks. |
it's only compulsary to finish up all the antibiotics given. if u don't experience any pain, then there's no use for taking any analgesics( like ponstan, panad ol etc)
there are two ways of removing calculus : scaling and root planing.
simple scaling involves removal of the calculus above the gumline. While root planing involves removing calculus and infected cementum ( the lining of your roots) on the roots surface of your teeth under the gumlines with a hand instrument.
scaling might not or might hurt a bit but root planing really does hurt and needs local anaestesia.
your dentsit probably did some root planing in your last visit. If not maybe she/he did a bit of really 'deep scaling' - scraping calculus deep in your gums ( this can hurt a lot too)
numbness after the injection can last 1-2 hours. This varies from one individual to another. I remember my first injection back in dental school, it lasted almost 4 hours:cak:
[ Last edited by drjulai at 17-12-2005 04:32 PM ] |
soalan pertama...
Apakah rawatan yg patut di buat jika saya ada beberapa batang gigi yg patah separuh(pecah) dan sebahgian lagi tertinggal dalam gusi....
soalan kedua...
jika setelah saya buat rawatan (jika bolehlah..nak buang semua baki gigi yg tertinggal tu)boleh kah saya buat beberap batang gigi baru yg menyerupai gigi sebenar dan bagaimana karanya mereka membuatnya? |
jawapan soalan pertama
kalau gigi yang patah tu, patahnya tak sampai kawasan pulpa (kawasan tengah gigi yang ada salur darah n saraf), then gigi tu boled di tampal lagi.
tapi kalau dah patah teruk sampai sebahagian tertinggal dalam gusi, then kena cabutla jawapannya.
jawapan soalan kedua.
Boleh. Gigi yang telah dicabut boleh digantikan dengan gigi palsu |
i have no major problem with my teeths.. only that die cepat sgt turns yellow. eventhough i brush my teeths several times a day. so should i go for scalling or bleaching? n can u suggest any product for this?
dr, in case u've heard about a product called "pearl drops'.. i heard die bagus for whitens teeth.. any comment? |
are you sure dia cepat turn yellow ? sbb sometimes bila kita asyik perati je gigi kita kt cermin , kita cepat perasan gigi kita mcm kuning. actuallynya setengah org gigi dia mmg kuning sket sbb dentine dia lebih kuning dr org lain. dlm keadaan ni,bleaching pun tak membantu.
tapi kalau betul u perati gigi u asyik turn kuning then maybe your teeth are prone to staining.
kurangkan minum kopi or tea or other makanan/minuman yang berkaler2.
scaling doesnt really remove staining, it mostly removes calculus (tartar).
you can go for bleaching but kalau you want it done profesionally, mmg le expensive.
kalau nak guna the bleaching products in the market, well you can.
but please be aware that these products uses acid to remove the stains and it thins the enamel.
pearl drops' is okay, i guess.. but it still mildly uses the 'acid' method. |
azora This user has been deleted
dr julai,
which one of these is the best....bridge or implant?
my dentist reccommend me to do the implant...
does it hurt very much.... phobia dgr surgery ni
[ Last edited by azora at 19-12-2005 10:47 AM ] |
this depends on the case.
the reason your dentist recommends you for the implants is probably because, your teeth hasn't enough support or is not suitable for the placement of bridge.
for implants your oral hygieneand your overall health must be in the optimal condition. A lot must be taken into consideration before doing the actual surgery for the implants.
as for the 'hurting' part..well darlin,'surgery apa yang tak sakit. But your dentist/ oral surgeon will provide you with the adequate pain killers so don't worry about it.
as corny or cliche as it sounds,-have faith in your dentist |
azora This user has been deleted
hehe tq dr.... well maybe dia suggest implant bcos yg nk buat implant is my 1st
geraham n my 2nd n 3rd geraham sudah di crown kan. as u said, maybe there is
not enough support le kan. do u know how long the surgery will be? hahahahhaa
mmg penakut le saya ni. my dentist only said that it will take 2visits to finish the
implant... |
azora, you should
ask your dentist these questions because he's the one with all the info about your case and the one who's gonna perform all the procedures. he can give you a more accurate answer.
i can only give you a hunch as you're not my patient and i dont have all the adequate infos |
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azora This user has been deleted
dr julai,
terima kasih byk2 atas info itu.
actually bukan saya xnak tanya dentist tuh but then we have a little miscommunication
hehehe. now ni saya kat jepun. and i can't speak nihongo very well. dentist tuh pulak
cannot speak english very much. selalunya mcm ayam n itik le kami communicate.
walaupun ada communication problem, saya suka dgn service yg dia beri that's why
i'm thinking of the reccommendation.
anyway, tq once again to dr julai yg baik hati |
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