Evening Primrose Oil..
kalu kita mm nak preggy..usually mmg doc akan prescribe folic acid..kalu dia tak kasi pun kita boleh minta..no harm |
as'kum kengkawan... tolong la kite.. kite nk pregnant.. kite baru kawin.. cukup bulan 4 nie cukup 1 tahun... tp smpi skrg lom prenent lagi.. camne erk.. tolongla kite.. teringin sgt nk baby... plzzz kengkwn ... |
sabar mama..kita2 nie pun senasib..cam alia dah 3 thn kawen tp blum ada rezki lagi..kita sama2 usaha ye..ramai kawan2 kat sini yang boleh kongsi petua n segala macam cerita..hopefully boleh cool-kan mama skit..kalu pk2 sangat pun org kata susah nak lekat..even alia pun kadang2 rasa tak sabar..tp..itu lah..ketentuan Tuhan kan.. |
Reply #40 beruducute's post
epo tuh aper ek?
tak larat dah nak citer lagi.. esok baby sambung... pening kepala.. tekak pun something jer nih...
[[i] Last edited by BabyFarid at 12-2-2007 07:50 PM [/i]] |
Reply #48 BabyFarid's post
eh..baby farid pun ade ape2 ke...?? |
Originally posted by mac06 at 19-5-2006 11:21 AM
I think so too, but ini based on what my friend's customers' testimonies. My friend sendiripun tak pasti what is the real mechanisms. But I also read somewhere in the forum yang mentioned that th ...
biar betul... setau aku, folic acid bagus untuk baby yg dah diconceive tapi sebelum kita tau kita tengah pregnant... (>>senang paham kan ayat aku nih (?) ) sebab tuh la gynae aku suruh makan folic acid kalau in process nak conceive.
lepas conceive tapi bila kita belum aware tuh, penting folic acid nih... masa dah pregnant pun penting...
tapi tak la sampai folic acid nih bantu orang get pregnant... kalau ubat nak bantu get pregnant = clomid. |
Reply #38 beruducute's post
folic acids tak perlu prescription dr.. ble kat mana mana farmasi or klinik. murah je dan tabletnya pun kecik je... telan tanpa air pun boleh... |
Reply #39 BabyFarid's post
tablet folic acid tu dose dia 5mg, that's per day punyer dose.. so kalau dalam susu tu kena tengoklah berapa kandungan folic acid dalam 1 gelas susu tu. Klu cukup, ok lah rasanya |
Reply #40 beruducute's post
makan folic acids dengan supplement lain tak de masalah yg penting jgn terlebih dose. Dose disyorkan adalah 5mg folic acid per day ( correct me if I am wrong here anyone).
No harm makan EPO dengan folic acid, sebab they serve different purpose, sayapun dulu makan EPO dengan folic juga... coz my period is very irregular.
But if you intend to get pregnant, klu tak silap stop eating the EPO after you ovulate.. sebab EPO sometimes give effect of uterus contraction... so takut kalau egg da fertilise tapi tak lekat coz of the uterus contractions.
Saya dulu makan EPO+folic acids, everyday, then saya tukar pattern pula, EPO+folic before ovulation, then stop EPO bila saya agak da ovulate. Thanks God, lekat pula after a month or two saya buat camtu.
Yg penting rasanya, sambil berikhtiar buat semua ni, kita mesti berdoa kepada Tuhan juga... |
Reply #50 kikilalat's post
tu yg my pharmicist friend pun tak sure why, but memang dia ramai customers yg jadi camtu... ramai yg tak le mengandung, then try makan folic acids everyday for 3- 6 months, ramai juga yg mengandung.. so since folic acid ni murah dan vitamin yg baik untuk badan wanita... why not try to eat it.
Sayapun tau kegunaan folic acid ni but since my friend cadang try to consume it for 3 -6 months, kalau tak de effect juga baru jumpa pakar..
Mungkin placebo effects, but who cares kalau supplement tu memang tak bahaya ( in fact good for your body) and cheaper... no harm trying... that's my opinion.
But if after trying with FA for 6 months or so with no luck, better go seek the specialist... there might be other problems with your reproductive system or your hb's, to be safe check with your doctor.
[ Last edited by mac06 at 13-2-2007 09:36 AM ] |
Folic Acids
This is what I read from the internet
"but they do know that this vitamin is crucial in the development of DNA. As a result, folic acid plays a large role in cell growth and development, as well as tissue formation."
"That's why it's so important for all women of childbearing age to get enough folic acid - not just those who are planning to become pregnant. Only 50% of pregnancies are planned, so any woman who could become pregnant should make sure she's getting enough folic acid."
Excerpt from http://www.kidshealth.org/parent ... ncy/folic_acid.html |
alia, kite usaha semasa eerk.. insyallah mama pun doakan tuk alia supaya cepat-2 leh ngandung... alia dah try makan acid folic ker?? mama baru nk g bli... nk try la.. kot-2 menjadi.. insyallah.. nie sume kuasa ALLAH... kite hye iktiar.. |
eh, mama nk tye korang semua arr.. ader ker fakta yang mengatakan kalau kite nie gemuk, mmg sukar untuk dapat baby?? mama runsing gak ble org sekeliling sume cakap camtu.. punca mama sukar dapat baby coz gemuk.. any one plss explain.. |
hi semua...
garlic nak join gak eh. mama_cute, penah garlic baca if nak senang conceive, Dr akan request kita utk kurangkan berat badan dulu (if kita terlebih berat badan). dulu garlic pun sethn kawin baru lekat. skang baby garlic dah 6mths.
pengambilan asid folik pun byk membantu utk conceive coz pengalaman dulu pun camtu. amik asid folik dalam 2 mths ajer, dah lekat.
kuasa Allah pun sbnrnya. tapi kita ikhtiar, mende baik apa salahnya....
skang garlic nak try amik asid folic balik utk try for the next one |
Reply #59 garlicOil's post
garlic amek acid folic dlm bentuk kapsul ek? |
Reply #60 beruducute's post
berudu... pelik tetiber bila tgk thread nih....
cam sama jer or dah kene merged? |
ngan thread lagi satu tuh...
ingatkan dah merged....
tajuknyer lebeh kurang sama jer,..... |
Reply #61 chez_adex's post
a ah...berudu pun konpius gak... |
Reply #97 chez_adex's post
mungkin nazriena tak check dulu sebelum buka new thread yg ni, sebenarnya thread yg satu lagi da ader sejak Mei 2006 lagi, walau camna pun scope agak berlainan sedikit walaupun masih mengenai folic acid. Minta momod timbang-timbanglah kalau rasanya sama, ble lah mergedkan.
[ Last edited by mac06 at 13-2-2007 02:20 PM ] |
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