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Author: king_kenny

Pertembungan Etnik Uyghur & Cina Han

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Post time 12-7-2009 09:13 PM | Show all posts
Turkish PM ups rhetoric over violence in Xinjiang
Hürriyet Daily News

The Turkish prime minister has increased his already vocal criticism against China over the weeklong unrest in the Xinjiang Uigher Autonomous Region, which has claimed the lives of hundreds of ethnic Uighur Turks, describing the incidents as "almost genocide."

"On the one hand, we will talk about universal human rights, and on the other hand, we will just watch such incidents. It’s incredible," Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told reporters Friday during a press conference he held in L’aquila, Italy, following G-8 meetings.

"I expressed my views [about the incidents] to the head of the states and prime ministers during my meetings here. I already used the word ’atrocity’ [while describing the incidents in China]. I am behind my words," Erdoğan said, adding, "Well, I don’t think any other word could better describe such incidents, which are almost genocide, where hundreds of people were killed and more than 1,000 people were injured."

PMalso stated that as a nonpermanent member of the United Nations Security Council, Turkey was still considering bringing the issue to the council’s agenda even though China is a permanent member and the decision would require Chinese approval.

Beijing has already said that the matter is an internal affair and there is no cause to take it to the U.N. Security Council. "As a great country, China has to find and penalize the perpetrators of this massacre and these killings," President Abdullah Gül told reporters Friday. "Turkey is following the incidents with great concern and sorrow."

Recalling that he had paid a very successful visit to China that included a tour to the Xinjiang region last month, Gül said the days he spent in Urumqi proved once again the deeply rooted ties between Anatolian Turks and Uighur Turks. "To see them in such difficulty rightfully hurts and concerns us," he said. "I hope the Chinese administration will assess all of these happenings in an open, objective and transparent way."

In related news, Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Muttaki called his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoğlu and Organization of the Islamic Conference, or OIC, Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoğlu late Thursday to discuss the strife in Xinjiang, the Anatolia news agency reported.

"Muttaki, Davutoğlu and Ihsanoğlu shared their concern over the developments in Xinjiang and agreed to appeal to Chinese authorities for protection of the rights of the Muslim population in Xinjiang," the Iranian foreign ministry said in a written statement.

The ministry said Muttaki would call China's foreign minister to discuss the situation in Xinjiang.

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Post time 12-7-2009 09:18 PM | Show all posts
Turkish Press

Turkey's Premier Calls Incidents In China Genocide
Published: 7/12/2009

ANKARA - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday the recent incidents that have taken place in China were genocide.

Erdogan returned to Turkish capital of Ankara from Italy where he held formal talks and attended the G-8 Summit.

Referring to the recent events in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, Erdogan said, "the incidents in China are a genocide. There's no point in interpreting this otherwise."

Replying to questions of reporters at the airport in Ankara, Erdogan said, "there is clearly savagery being committed there. Hundreds of people were killed. Nearly one thousand people were injured. We're having trouble understanding how the Chinese government would remain a bystander to this."

Over 150 people were killed and approximately 1,000 others were injured in the riots which followed Sunday's peaceful demonstrations protesting a fight between Uighur and Han Chinese workers at a toy factory late June. Two Uighur workers had been killed in the strife.

Urumchi is in the Uighur Autonomous Region that has a population of over 21 million. Nearly 11 million Uighurs, Mongols and Huis live in the region.

Chinese government accuse overseas Uighur groups of provoking the incidents in Xinjiang. Chinese police said there were evidences that riots were organized by the World Uighur Congress led by Rebiya Kadeer.

However, Uighur Turks living outside China often say Chinese government pursued an assimilation policy against Uighurs.

Uighur Turks living in Turkey staged protests in Istanbul and called on the international community to take action to stop Chinese government.

Protestors also said death toll was more than announced by Chinese officials.

G-8 SUMMITErdogan said that he had opportunity to hold talks with his counterparts and officials during the G-8 Summit in Italy which was a fruitful one.

The summit focused on several issues including obstacles in front of world trade, food safety and climate change, he said.

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Post time 12-7-2009 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Turkish Press

President Gul Urges China To Find And Prosecute Perpetrators Of Massacre In Xinjiang
Published: 7/12/2009

ANKARA - President Abdullah Gul expressed concern over the recent ethnic strife in Xinjiang, Uighur Autonomous Region of China, urging the Chinese authorities to find and prosecute the perpetrators of the massacre.

Speaking to reporters on the matter, Gul referred to his recent visit to Urumchi prior to the strife and said he realised how strong ties of kinship between Uighurs and Turks were in actuality, during the visit.

Gul said he hoped the Chinese authorities will assess the situation in a transparent and unbiased manner.

"This is what is expected of a great country like China: To find and prosecute the perpetrators of the massacre in a transparent way, protect the rights of our Uighur brothers in the best way. As their kindred, it is our right to expect these incidents (atrocities) to end, and the perpetrators to be tried openly," said President Gul.

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Post time 12-7-2009 09:25 PM | Show all posts
12 /7/2009

Let us hear the cries of Uighur Turks

“Ethnic clashes, ethnic unrest, ethnic conflict, ethnic tensions in Xinjiang, Western China.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                These are the main expressions used both by the Western and Turkish media to describe the bloody incidents that have occurred recently in the capital of the far west region of China, called the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.

The region's name, Xinjiang, means “New Territory, New Region, New Dominion” in Mandarin Chinese and has been in use since the Chinese conquest of the Tarim Basin in 1759. Historians estimate that a million local people were slaughtered and the region so devastated that it took a generation for it to recover.

The region's true historical name is, of course, East Turkistan, and the people who have lived there for thousands of years are Uighur Turks. Given these facts, the name Xinjiang merely represents a colonial name, nothing else, so the current official name is wrong and impertinent. This is first point I would like to make.

The second point is that recent incidents in Urumqi could not be described or qualified as ethnic unrest or conflict because not only did they not erupt as a result of ethnic conflict between the Uighurs and the colonial Han Chinese, but also the development of the incidents had nothing much to do with the same theme.

The incidents were sparked by the protest of several thousand Uighur youth, mostly university students gathered in several locations in Urumqi to express their discontent with the authorities over the handling of the killing of Uighur workers at a Guangdong toy factory more than a week ago.

However, instead of addressing the legitimate demands of the peaceful Uighur protesters, the Chinese authorities responded mercilessly to quell the protests with the deployment of four kinds of police (regular police, anti-riot police, Special Police and the People's Armed Police [CAPF]). The Special Police and the CAPF used tear gas, automatic rifles and armored vehicles to disperse the protesters. During the crackdown, hundreds were shot, and some were beaten to death by the police units. According to eyewitnesses, some of the demonstrators were crushed by armored vehicles near Xinjiang University.

Therefore, in view of this, one can safely say that the incidents and the ensuing bloodbath were nothing to do with ethnic clashes, but to do with the violent response of the Chinese police. Had they not acted brutally and violently, the protests would not have ended with blood and pain. So the main culprit in these incidents is the Chinese authorities who, instead of heeding the demands of the protesters, decided to suppress them with force.

Following this, encouraged by the support of the Chinese authorities, ethnic Chinese mobs took to the streets and went on hunting and killing the Uighurs, while the police and army stood by and did nothing to prevent them. So the drama ended with ethnic Chinese attacking the unprotected Uighurs. Therefore, only for the last phase of the chain of incidents could the adjective ‘ethnic' be used. But only like this: “Ethnic onslaught by the Chinese vigilantes or mobs against the Uighurs.”

In a wider perspective, the recent incidents can be characterized as “the very last response of Uighur Turks against 60 years of Chinese invasion, repression, assimilation and violation of basic human rights.”

Of course, many facts related to 60 years of Chinese brutality and violence can be cited, but they would make a long list, too long for this column. However, in short we can say that the recent incidents represent the cries of the Turkic Uighur nation, which is being slowly and meticulously destroyed by the Chinese communist regime since they invaded and occupied Eastern Turkistan in 1949.

I hope the world, at least that part of the world which still has a conscience and dignity, would hear those cries and do what is to be done.

Let us hear the cries of the Uighurs, and hear well

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Post time 12-7-2009 09:42 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by alyana at 12-7-2009 21:44
siapa tahu baca tulisan jawi bawah Sheraton dan KFC tu...?

**betul tak tu ialah tulisan jawi?
cmf_herrhughie Post at 12-7-2009 20:46

wow tak sangka, sama mcm kita, comel sungguh ejaan mereka...  yang bawah kfc tu, kalau tak silap dia tulis kentucky.  

bawah sheraton tu tak clear. tapi yang akhir tu dia tulis , i think 'sheraton' agaknyala.. but mmg tak  nampak...

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Post time 12-7-2009 09:46 PM | Show all posts
12 /7/2009

Let us hear the cries of Uighur Turks

Following this, encouraged by the support of the Chinese authorities,ethnic Chinese mobs took to the streets and went on hunting and killingthe Uighurs, while the police and army stood by and did nothing toprevent them. So the drama ended with ethnic Chinese attacking theunprotected Uighurs. Therefore, only for the last phase of the chain ofincidents could the adjective ‘ethnic' be used. But only like this:“Ethnic onslaught by the Chinese vigilantes or mobs against theUighurs.” ...
cmf_tongkatali Post at 12-7-2009 21:25

kena mob ala2 pukul anjing gittew kewr?
tak dapat dibanyangkan kalau lelaki dan permepuan yang lawa2 tu kena pukul beramai sampai mati

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Post time 12-7-2009 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_herrhughie at 12-7-2009 22:22

145# alyana

yg ni pula? apa tulisan jawi tu represent?

yg ni kalau tak silap adalah uni....betul?

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Post time 12-7-2009 10:18 PM | Show all posts
147# cmf_herrhughie

sebenarnya itu dipanggil sebagai tulisan jawi ataupun tulisan arab?

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Post time 12-7-2009 10:19 PM | Show all posts
Kat Urumqi dan tempat2 lain di Xinjiang, orang2nya gorgeous2 belaka.. harus merembes kalau travel kat sana.

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Post time 12-7-2009 10:22 PM | Show all posts
149# Muntz

tu je kija ko.....

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Post time 12-7-2009 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Isu   Palestin    ..umat   islam   malaysia    berarak  di  jalan.....
isu   Etnik Uyghur    ni    senyap  ker?    hipokrit    betul  masyarakat  islam    Malaysia   ...
kata  islam    utk  semua    ...
mahathirGX Post at 10-7-2009 09:56

Tu lah pasal. Kalau Cina Islam, omputih Islam... ingat dulu kisah Chechnya, ada diorang kisah berdemo kat jalan? No f*in way...

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Post time 12-7-2009 11:58 PM | Show all posts
Wilayah Xinjiang/Turkistan Timur ni lebih kurang macam Patani di selatan Thai,Mindanao di selatan Filipina dan juga beberapa tempat lain yg situasinya hampir serupa.

Masih ada lagi perjuangan untuk menuntut kemerdekaan dr penjajahan China kerana penduduk asal kaum Uighur masih menganggap China sebagai kuasa penjajah.China secara rasminya telah memasukkan wilayah ini ke dalam jajahannya sejak tahun 1949.

Kisah Xinjiang/Turkistan ini banyak yg telah ditutup oleh komunis China sebagaimana kisah kekejamannya pada kaum minoriti yg lain,juga rakyatnya sendiri(kaum han)sejak komunis berkuasa.

Cuma sejak China membuka pintunya kepada dunia luar dan ekonomi China 'boom' selepas itu sikap autokratik pemerintah tidaklah ditunjukkan secara terang2an sangat kerana bimbang kesannya kepada pelabur2 asing yg banyak menanam modal di China.

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Post time 13-7-2009 12:10 AM | Show all posts
152# rempo

hmm...mungkin kot...silap sgtlah Najib pi menjalin hubungan dgn KOmunis China....jahanam betul..

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Post time 13-7-2009 12:15 AM | Show all posts
Isu   Palestin    ..umat   islam   malaysia    berarak  di  jalan.....
isu   Etnik Uyghur    ni    senyap  ker?    hipokrit    betul  masyarakat  islam    Malaysia   ...
kata  islam    utk  semua    ...
mahathirGX Post at 10-7-2009 09:56

lah.. rasanya mudah je jawapanya..

sebab negara kita negara majmuk yang ada masyarakat Cina jugak..

sensitif maaa...

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Post time 13-7-2009 12:46 AM | Show all posts
152# rempo

hmm...mungkin kot...silap sgtlah Najib pi menjalin hubungan dgn KOmunis China....jahanam betul..
cmf_herrhughie Post at 13-7-2009 00:10

Itu realiti dan sejarah apa yang berlaku di China.Maaflah kalau kau terasa hati kerana mendedahkan keburukan negara nenek moyang kau.

Tapi jangan bimbang China sekarang sudah jauh lebih baik walaupun masih berlaku pembunuhan terhadap penentangan rakyat yg cuma melakukan demonstrasi aman seperti di Urumqi dan Medan Tiannanmen sikit masa dulu dimana beribu pelajar telah dibunuh tentera merah hanya kerana demonstrasi.

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Post time 13-7-2009 12:49 AM | Show all posts
155# rempo

ah...kalau mereka jenis membunuh, patutlah Najib stop hubungan dgn mereka utk menunjukkan tak sokong tindakan China...

***bodoh punya rempo, ingat saya terasa tentang China yg bukan tanah air saya...prrrffh...

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Post time 13-7-2009 12:56 AM | Show all posts
155# rempo

ah...kalau mereka jenis membunuh, patutlah Najib stop hubungan dgn mereka utk menunjukkan tak sokong tindakan China...

***bodoh punya rempo, ingat saya terasa tentang China yg bukan ...
cmf_herrhughie Post at 13-7-2009 00:49

Lu lah yg bangang ah soh.Lu tak tahu ke prinsip hubungan diplomatik dan dasar tak campurtangan dgn hal dalaman negara lain.

Kalau macam tu Malaysia kena putuskan hubungan dengan US,Thailand,Turki,Filipina,Indon,Sudan dan banyak negara lagi ke ah soh sebab jenayah peperangan dan kemanusiaan?

Lu bengang apasal bila wa cerita pasal sejarah China?

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Post time 13-7-2009 01:29 AM | Show all posts
Apa pulak motif lu letak gambar2 'kemakmuran' bandaraya Urumqi Xinjiang?Siap dgn bangunan pencakar langir dgn masjid2 indah konon?Indirectly lu nak tunjukkan bahawa negara China walaupun menjajah Turkistan tapi masih mampu memakmurkan negara itu bukan?Malah membenarkan kebebasan beragama pada pribuminya yg beragama Islam bukan?Bagi org yg tak tahu bolehlah terpedaya,tapi tetap ada orang yg sedar itu cuma 'gula2' dan propaganda penjajah(China).

Yang lu tak dedahkan atau tak tahu,kaum pribumi Uighur di sana yg asalnya majoriti telah di'telan' oleh kebanjiran kaum Han sehingga menjadi minoriti(dasar peminggiran kaum).Segala datuk nenek kemakmuran dan hasil bumi termasuklah bangunan2 pencakar langit semua tu dibolot oleh kaum Han dan kerajaan komunis China.Bangsa Uighur cuma bagai melukut di tepi gantang,cuma mampu menjadi penjaja kecil ,penjual kebab dan pemilik kedai2 tradisi atau pekerja2 kilang dan pekerja2 lombong.

Sebab itulah juga masih adalah gerakan kemerdekaan rakyat Turkistan yg masih memperjuangkan kemerdekaan di sana.

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Post time 13-7-2009 01:34 AM | Show all posts
Yang lu tak dedahkan atau tak tahu,kaum pribumi Uighur di sana ygasalnya majoriti telah di'telan' oleh kebanjiran kaum Han sehinggamenjadi minoriti(dasar peminggiran kaum).
rempo Post at 13/7/2009 01:29 AM

apakah dasar yang sama diamalkan oleh Han ini di seluruh pelusuk dunia termasuk Malaysia?

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Post time 13-7-2009 01:40 AM | Show all posts
dah mulala puak2 cine nak main perang saraf nih.xinjiang tu mmg tanah asal golongan faham2 je la komunis cine nih.hatta tanah melayu pun depa nak jadikan negara depa.apa tah lagi negara jiran2 mereka...mcm mongolia,tibet tu,semuanya dijajah dan di anggap negara mereka....
komunis ni sialla

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