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Author: atira

Edisi Serbu: Muhibah dinner held in church disrupted

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2011 12:48 PM | Show all posts
Bila masa pulak makan kat gereja haram? Aduh... makin banyak hukum baru dicipta dalam agama Melayu n ...
Muntz Post at 4-8-2011 11:54

    mmg tak de chop halal jakim di situ

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Post time 4-8-2011 12:49 PM | Show all posts

CORDOVA, TN (WMC-TV) - Heartsong Church in Cordova is moving beyond national headlines to international ones.

The Mid-South church was recently featured on NBC Nightly News when it welcomed an Islamic Community Center into the neighborhood.

Now the church will be featured in a documentary shown on TV in the Mid-East. The documentary makers say their goal is to clear up misconceptions about Americans.

"The main reason why we're here is to kill the misconceptions from both sides, the Middle East and the United States," Documentary Director Omar AlSlaise said

AlSlaise visited Heartsong Church Tuesday night, as the church hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for its Muslim neighbors.

AlSlaise says the images of Muslims and Christians joining together, will help Muslims think differently about Americans.

"America actually welcomes Islam and any other faith with open arms," AlSlaise said. "We want to show that to our side of the world, down in the Middle East.

The documentary is funded by the U.S. State Department. The State Department found out about Pastor Steve Stone from a story on MSNBC. The network featured the church in the wake of controversy about a Mosque being built near Ground Zero.

Pastor Steve Stone had opened up his church building to the Memphis Islamic Center during Ramadan. Their Center was still under construction.

"We follow Jesus, and he teaches us to love our neighbors, and these are our adjacent neighbors across the street," Stone said. "We believe the greatest witness someone can make to their faith is the way they live with other people."

Pastor Stone says he hopes this large Thanksgiving meal will inspire shared meals like it in homes across the Mid-South.

"We want to make a positive witness to civility, and the true American Spirit, which is being neighborly," Stone said.

It's a witness which will now be seen all the way in the Middle East.

The hour-long documentary will feature other events around the United States. It will air on Bahrain's national network during prime time.

baca,fahami & fikir2 kan


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 Author| Post time 4-8-2011 12:49 PM | Show all posts
ko bukan sibuk.. ko bongok jee
sebab tu malu nk reply
unekspekted_XII Post at 4-8-2011 12:46

    tak sebongok ko.
ko lagi bangang

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2011 12:51 PM | Show all posts
adakah makan di gureja itu salah satu penyebab murtad?
pyropura Post at 4-8-2011 12:48

    depa takut dihidang air holy water

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Post time 4-8-2011 12:51 PM | Show all posts
Kalau di negara Kristian, org buat majlis org Islam camtu mcm mana lah ek...
Muntz Post at 4-8-2011 12:39

    Dah minoriti, pandai2 lah sesuaikan diri...

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Post time 4-8-2011 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Reply 143# atira

alaa.. orang bodo sombong mcm ko bukan nak mengaku puuunnnn

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Post time 4-8-2011 12:53 PM | Show all posts
bab tukang jd nasi tambah ni yg bnyk dpt dosa free...elok tok sah main2 bab hukum

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2011 12:53 PM | Show all posts
CORDOVA, TN (WMC-TV) - Heartsong Church in Cordova is moving beyond national headlines to internatio ...
kecimpret Post at 4-8-2011 12:49

    kat sini nak memartabatkan semangat 1mesia pon masalah
tapi balachi 1mesia sumenye

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Post time 4-8-2011 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Dah minoriti, pandai2 lah sesuaikan diri...
xy_daen Post at 4-8-2011 12:51

    Begitulah contoh Islam yang kau peluk ya?

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Post time 4-8-2011 12:56 PM | Show all posts
still tak betul kalau sampai mengganggu sesuatu majlis yang belum tentu menyalahi undang2, tak s ...
pyropura Post at 4-8-2011 12:45

    Melaksanakan undang2 adalah jauh lagi penting daripada majlis makan malam...

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Post time 4-8-2011 12:59 PM | Show all posts
kat sini nak memartabatkan semangat 1mesia pon masalah
tapi balachi 1mesia sumenye  ...
atira Post at 4-8-2011 12:53

    Rahsia sudah pecah:

Serbu gereja untuk membuat Melayu paranoid, takut pada Kristian

DU church raid part of Umno plan to get Malays paranoid, fearful of Christians                                                                                     

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It looks like the season for racial and religious politicking has begun. Prime Minister Najib Razak has given it the flag-off as his UMNO party looks to draw Malay voters closer to its fold ahead of snap general elections widely expected to be held within the October-November period.
Police and the religious authorities in Selangor, a state which Najib is under tremendous pressure to regain, raided a multi-racial dinner held at Dream Centre building, which also houses the Damansara Utama Methodist Church, based on a vague complaint. The building has many dinner event and seminar rooms apart from the ccordinchurch hall.
Ag to news reports, about 30 enforcement officers from JAIS entered the church without a warrant at 10pm. The unlawfulness of their behaviour shocked Malaysians when they read the news over morning coffee on Thursday.
"There is no call for such rash action and by now, everybody should know this. In fact, Malaysians are wondering why the Prime Minister has not given his direction on this issue since he recently came back from the Vatican. Surely, Christians in Malaysia will want to know after establishing ties with the Vatican, what is the status of Christians here. And this is something only Najib can tell us all," Ramon Navaratnam, past president of Transparency International, told Malaysia Chronicle.
More to come in a bid to get the Malays paranoid and fearful
But Najib is also the head of Selangor UMNO and has vowed to retake the state government at any costs. So the response has centred on why are Christians being targeted. However, many pundits believe that Najib should also watch closely if there was any reaction from the Muslim community.
"It looks like an attack against the Christians but maybe his real purpose is to get the blessings of the Selangor Muslims for this sort of action. If Selangor Muslims endorse this sort of aggression, then Najib may feel he is justifed although this sort of behaviour of stirring up hate for other religions is sinful. If Muslims get fed-up by all his insane behaviour, then Najib will lose the respect and support of both Muslims and Christians. It is a double-edged sword for him," PAS leader Hatta Ramli told Malaysia Chronicle.
According to DUMC senior pastor Dr Daniel Ho, an NGO called Harapan Komuniti had organised an annual thanksgiving dinner at the church building, which saw an attendance of between 100 and 120 guests of all races.
“They were mainly Christians... there were about 15 or so Malays. “The police came in on the pretext of a complaint and said somebody made a complaint,” an online portal reported Ho as saying, adding that it was never disclosed what the  complaint was about.
More to come
Pakatan Rakyat leaders have slammed the high-handed move, but said they were expecting more of such incidents to happen closer to the GE date, which may say could be on November 11, as this was Najib's lucky' or favourite number.
"It is more than just being overzealous. This is the start to a concerted move to get the Malays upset, paraniod and fearful of the Chinese, the Jews and the Christians. What UMNO wants are the Malays and the Indians. So they will play this hate game, we don't know yet how far they will go but I think we must all be on guard and watchful," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
- Malaysia Chronicle

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Post time 4-8-2011 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Begitulah contoh Islam yang kau peluk ya?
gogo2 Post at 4-8-2011 12:56

Konsep minoriti tu tak kira sape lah. Masalah betullah pemahaman ko ni...:re:

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Post time 4-8-2011 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Melaksanakan undang2 adalah jauh lagi penting daripada majlis makan malam...
xy_daen Post at 4-8-2011 12:56

...yang penting cara perlaksanaan nya tak betul,

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Post time 4-8-2011 01:02 PM | Show all posts
Konsep minoriti tu tak kira sape lah. Masalah betullah pemahaman ko ni...
xy_daen Post at 4-8-2011 13:00

    Pemahaman mana yang salah ? Sila perbetulkan.... apa maksud kau yg sebagai minoriti, perlu tunduk pada penindasan?

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Post time 4-8-2011 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Sheikh Al Azhar pun makan minum kat gureja, abislah terjejas serta terpesong lah akidahnya sudah....


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Post time 4-8-2011 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Melaksanakan undang2 adalah jauh lagi penting daripada majlis makan malam...
xy_daen Post at 4-8-2011 12:56

    sesiapa yg buat undang-undang larang makan malam di gereja dgn orang Kristian adalah sah dicop Taliban.

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Post time 4-8-2011 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Sheikh Al Azhar pun makan minum kat gureja, abislah terjejas serta terpesong lah akidahnya sudah.... ...
pyropura Post at 4-8-2011 13:03

    Habislah!!!! Mengikut Dino, pasti banyak yg murtad selepas ini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 4-8-2011 01:09 PM | Show all posts
...yang penting cara perlaksanaan nya tak betul,
pyropura Post at 4-8-2011 13:01

    Menurut sape tak betul? Ko?:re:

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Post time 4-8-2011 01:09 PM | Show all posts

Gereja di serbu, Paderi ketakutan di PJ!!!

Post Last Edit by ifanonline at 4-8-2011 13:23

Christian cleric condemns Jais raid on PJ church
By Debra Chong
August 04, 2011
The front facade of the Damansara Utama Methodist Church is seen after it was raided by Jais and police, August 3, 2011. — Picture by Boo Su-Lyn

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 4 — In an immediate reaction, Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM) secretary-general Rev Hermen Shastri hit out at Selangor’s Islamic religious authorities for “storming” a Petaling Jaya church last night on questionable grounds.

The Malaysian Insider reported earlier this morning that some 30 policemen and enforcement officers from the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) had barged unannounced and without a warrant into a multiracial dinner at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) here last night over an unspecified complaint.

But Shastri said he understands the raid was linked to attempts to preach to Malay Muslims about Christianity.

“Apparently there was a police report by Jais on proselytising to Malays,” he told The Malaysian Insider when contacted.

“The facts of what happened are yet unclear but the Council of Churches view with great concern this development and call on the government to take whatever action necessary to curb the power of Jais to just go into the religious places of other communities and conduct their investigations,” he added.

The vocal Christian slammed Jais for resorting to such high-handed action in conducting its investigations without first checking with the church leaders.

“This is unprecedented. Should the authorities have any concern, the courteous thing to do is to contact the church for clarification,” he said.

“Before [they] enter any place of worship, they should talk to the leader. They should not storm the church. Imagine how it would look if someone stormed a mosque,” he continued, saying Jais’ act was “totally unacceptable” when various groups were trying to build a harmonious community in line with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s unifying 1 Malaysia call.

Najib (right) met with Pope Benedict XVI to establish diplomatic ties with the Vatican last month. — Reuters pic

Shastri, who is on the Cabinet’s Special Committee to Promote Harmony and Understanding Among Religious Adherents set up last year is expected to raise this issue to Putrajaya’s attention.

He co-chairs an interfaith subcommittee aimed at resolving peaceably disputes between Muslims and non-Muslims.

A DUMC pastor, Daniel Ho had told The Malaysian Insider last night that the church had hosted a thanksgiving dinner organised by a non-governmental organisation called Harapan Komuniti that was attended by between 100 and 120 guests of all races.

“This is a dinner for people to come in the 1 Malaysia spirit,” Ho said, adding they were mainly Christian although he admitted there were “there were about 15 or so Malays.”

On its website, Harapan Komuniti describes itself as a non-profit organisation that provides disaster relief and helps single mothers, children and AIDS patients regardless of race.

Ho said the authorities did not arrest anyone, but seized the function’s programme sheets and questioned the dinner organisers and guests.

“(They came in) on the pretext of a complaint and said somebody made a complaint,” said the pastor.

He pointed out, however, that the authorities did not explain what the complaint was.

Last night’s raid in the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) state came after Malaysia sealed formal ties with the Vatican last month, seen as a high point in religious relations where Muslims are the majority.

Religious tensions heightened two years ago when the Home Ministry barred Christians from referring to their god as “Allah” in a Catholic newspaper.

In 2009, the High Court allowed the church to use the word, but the case is pending a Home Ministry appeal of the decision.
Several churches across the country fell victim to arson attempts in January last year following the ruling.

Christians, who form 9.2 per cent of Malaysia’s 28.3 million-strong population, were further outraged when the Home Ministry seized 35,100 Malay-language bibles.

The bibles were later released ahead of the Sarawak state election in April on condition that copies in Peninsular Malaysia be marked with a cross and the words “Christian publication”.

Jais nak tangkap father...

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Post time 4-8-2011 01:10 PM | Show all posts
thread dah masuk page 7 dah

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