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Author: Esmiria

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
afira posted on 20-11-2014 06:07 AM
nasib baik bukak cik es yg dulu..hehhe

Tak fhm ayat hang.

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
The Newspaper

A man wakes up and goes outside to pick up
the newspaper. He brings it in, unrolls it and
a small creature jumps out. The creature
hides around the furniture in the room and is
too fast for the man to make out what it is.
He chases it around and finally manages to
trap it in the bathroom. His wife comes and
when they enter the bathroom, the creature is
sitting at the bottom of the bathtub. The man
reaches in to grab it but the creature
ferociously bites his arm, tearing a huge gash
of flesh. The couple try to kill it, but it has
incredible strength and it’s very fast. It
attacks them again, and the man and woman
run outside to get help from their neighbors…
only to see that every other house on the
street has a neatly rolled-up newspaper
sitting on the doorstep.

The Satanists

A man is walking home late at night. He sees
a light flickering through a crack in a window
of a boarded-up old house and peeks through
it. He sees some figures in dark cloaks taking
part in some kind of satanic ritual. One of
them sees him and he runs away. After that,
he believes the figures are following him
wherever he goes, lurking in the shadows
behind him…

Piggy Piggy

There’s a man who works at a slaughter
house that kills pigs and chops them up into
meat. The story ends with him going to pick
up more pigs, but then it is revealed that he is
driving a schoolbus full of kids to th slaughter

Just Like Me

A boy is hanging out in the mountains.
Suddenly he sees something in the distance.
It’s a hunched, slow-moving figure coming in
his direction. He looks at it with binoculars
and realizes it’s actually some sort of creature
but it looks exactly like him, except it is all
bloody and its limbs are at odd angles. The
creature chases him, getting slowly closer and
closer. Eventually, the boy has no choice but
to jump off the cliff. He survives the fall, but
ends up looking like the creature that was
chasing him.

Apple Seeds

Three people arrive at a man’s house one
night, looking for shelter. They seem nervous
and upset, and one of them seems ill. One of
them, a woman, explains that they were
camping or hiking and they came upon an
apple tree. They ate the fruit but the apples
had seeds that were very small and soft and
white and close to the skin of the apple
instead of in the core, so they didn’t realize
they were swallowing the seeds. The woman
says that she’s afraid they’re turning into
trees because of eating this fruit. The man
finds this ridiculous, but he still lets them
stay for the night;
In the middle of the night there’s a
commotion and one of the group disappears.
The woman claims he’s a tree now but the
man doesn’t believe her, even though there’s
a tree on his property that he can’t recall
being there before. The woman asks him to
kiss her to comfort her, and he does.
Later, she disappears as well, and the man
finds another new tree in the garden and
grows more and more uneasy. When he kissed
her, he remembers feeling her slip something
into his mouth… she slipped one of the seeds
into his mouth and now he’s doomed to turn
into a tree as well…

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
The Car Accident

A girl and her family watching a news report
about a large car accident on a highway. One
of the reporters left a microphone on and
viewers can hear the passengers in the pile-up
moaning and screaming in agony. In the end,
it turns out this is just the girl’s dying
hallucination and she and her family were
actually in the crash.

X-Ray Eyes

A kid steals some experimental x-ray vision
contact lenses. They fuse permanently to his
eyes and he starts seeing everyone as
monstrous skeletal beings. It eventually drives
him insane.

Like Mother, Like Daughter

A girl is raised by her cold, mean mother. The
girl is embarrassed by her mother because she
always dresses in thick, ugly clothes and never
lets the girl go out and have fun. When the
daughter becomes a teenager, she meets a
guy that she really likes but her mother tries
to keep her from leaving the house to see him.
One day, the girl gets a headache and it gets
worse and worse. The girl touches the back of
her head and realizes that she can see her
hand. An eye has grown in the back of her
head. Her mother, who has been quietly
watching all this happen, removes her
clothing to reveal hundreds of eyes all over
her body. She says that she wasn’t sure if the
condition was hereditary or not and that she
is sorry it is happening to her. The girl ends
up dressing exactly like her mother and
staying in the house with her, while everyone
in the neighborhood whispers about the two
weirdos who live next door.


A boy’s parents die and he is in the care of
his aunt. She hates him and she hates
spending money, so she walls him up in the
basement and feeds him vegetables. She feeds
him through a gap in the bricks. Over time, he
regresses to the point where he is feral… more
animal than boy… and he keeps pleading for
“MEAT!” In the end, he escapes and eats the
aunt, then runs off to terrorize the

The Teleporter

A guy invents a teleportation device. He
successfully teleports a pot of flowers. His son
uses it without his permission, but the leftover
seeds from the plant fuse with his skin. Plants
start sprouting all over the boy’s body.

The School on the Edge of Hell

A married couple were driving home from
some sort of conference by car. They had to
stop in the middle of a forest because
something was wrong with the car. Then they
went to search for help along the road. They
met a boy who kept his head covered with a
hood all the time so they couldn’t see his
face. He led them into the forest and to an
old, abandoned building. It turned out to have
once been a school for boys – and all the
boys died, because one of them had made a
pact with the devil. This one boy’s body is
still in the basement of that building, and the
couple have to push it into hell to escape.

It’s In The Mirrors

Someone is trying to solve some brutal killings
and at the end they figure out that the killer
was able to pass from mirror to mirror and
that’s how he was committing the murders.
The Chair That Eats People
I read a story when I was 9 or 10 about a
group of teens who discover this raggedy
armchair in a junkyard of some sort. Somehow
they realize that the chair is haunted, and
eats people by sucking them down between
the cushion and the back of the chair. I think
it ends with one of the kids getting eaten by
the chair…

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
The Letter

I read a short story years ago in an anthology
of mystery stories. It was about a man who
received a letter written in a foreign language.
The man couldn’t speak the language and
thus couldn’t understand the letter. However,
every time he asked someone to translate it
for him, that person would refuse to tell him
what it said and they would cut off all contact
with him. In the end, it turned out that the
letter was actually instructing the person who
reads it to kill him.

The Telescope

A boy was in his bedroom and looks out
through his telescope. He sees some kind of
weird cloaked figure in the tower of a church
and it freaks him out. The story goes on to
follow the boy’s life as he grows up etc etc.
Eventually, he becomes a monk and one night
he climbs up to the top of the church tower
and he sees a boy watching him through a

Doctor Doctor

An old doctor has a younger wife who is
cheating on him with a younger guy. The
doctor finds their love notes, where they
lovingly refer to each other as their “missing
half” and talk about how they long to be
together as one. The doctor has an assistant
and together they find the place where the
wife and her lover meet. They silently break in
and find the couple asleep on the bed. The
doctor uses an anesthetic to knock them out.
There follows a detailed description of the
doctor amputating the left leg and left arm of
his wife and the right leg and right arm of her
lover and grafting the two of them together,
keeping them unconscious until the procedure
is complete. Then, he leaves them to wake up
and find a note telling them that their dreams
have come true.

The Teacher

I read this story online, but can’t remember
where, but it wasn’t from a book. It was very
short… There was a teacher with a group of
students. The students were described as
being attentative, their backs never slouching
and their gaze never leaving the front of the
classroom. The teacher was proud of the
children, and was getting ready to introduce a
new student to the class. The teacher brings
the student in, and introduces him to the
others. He then finds the student a seat, sits
her down and nails her hands to the desk and
her shoulders to the back of the chair. It is
then revealed that the teacher is actually a
serial killer, the school is an abandoned
warehouse, and the children are all dead.

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Story Idea 1 – The Skipping Rope

A young girl was playing with her skipping
rope in the street. She dropped the rope on
the ground and went inside to get a drink of
water. While she was away, a criminal
replaced the skipping rope with an extra-
sharp metal wire. The girl finished her drink
and returned to play with the skipping rope.
Skip skip skip. Suddenly, she caught her leg in
the rope and SLIKCH! No more legs! She
found herself lying on the ground in a pool of
blood. Her feet had been severed at the ankle.
The criminal suddenly jumped out of the
bushes with a big axe in his hand and cut the
poor girl in two. Then, he poured gasoline all
over her and lit a match, setting her on fire.
Two minutes later… POOF! No more girl!

Story Idea 2 – Double Bad Luck

There was a family man who had two sons.
When he got home from work, they would all
play games in the back garden. One day, while
they were playing a particularly rough game,
the man grabbed one of his sons and got him
in a headlock. He accidentally broke the
boy’s. The police were called to the scene of
the accident and asked the father how this
tragedy could have occurred. The father tried
to explain, using his second son to recreate
the position. Right in front of the two
policemen, the father accidentally broke the
neck of his second son.

Story Idea 3 – The Clown Puppet
There was a married couple who had three
daughters. The oldest was 15, the middle one
was 12 and youngest was 7 years old. For
Christmas, the oldest daughter asked for a
laptop, the middle daughter asked for an iPad
and the youngest daughter asked for a small

On Christmas Day, they all unwrapped their
presents beneath the Christmas tree. The
oldest and the middle daughter received what
they had asked for, but the youngest daughter
was surprised to receive a clown puppet.
However, the clown puppet was so cute that
she decided to keep it. Two days later, the
youngest girl disappeared!

The next Christmas, the oldest daughter asked
for an iPad and the middle daughter asked for
a clown puppet, in memory of her little sister.
Two months later the middle daughter

The next Christmas, the last remaining
daughter asked for a clown puppet in memory
of her younger sisters. Two days later, she too

The parents became very poor and were forced
to sell their furniture for money. One day, they
went into the attic, lookig for something else
they could sell. There, in a dark recess, they
saw the clown puppet . It was sitting on a
throne made from lollipop sticks. Arranged all
around it were the severed heads of the three
missing girls.

Story Idea 4 – It Was Me Who Answered

There was a young couple left their house to
go on vacation for a week. When they arrived
at their destination, the husband bought a
new cell phone. To make sure it was working,
he decided to call his home phone number,
even though nobody was there. He let it ring.
After 30 seconds, someone picked up the
phone, but he heard no voice on the other
end. A little shocked, he assumed he just
dialed the wrong number. Upon returning
home, the couple found house empty, but
hanging on the wall was a note that read: “It
was me who answered the phone!”

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Story Idea 5 – Bus Full of Mental Patients
There was a bus driver who worked for the
county hospital. One day, he was transporting
20 mental patients to the state insane
asylum. On th way, he got thirsty and decided
to stop for a few drinks at a bar.

When he got back to his bus, he was shocked
to find it empty. The mental patients had
somehow managed to get free and all of them
had escaped. Worried that he would lose his
job, the crafty bus driver came up with an

He drove the bus down the road and pulled
over at the first bus stop he found. He opened
the doors and all of people waiting there got
on the bus. The bus driver took them to the
insane asylum and told the staff that these
patients were especially violent and had to be
It took many months before the staff of the
insane asylum realized their mistake. By that
time, many of the people had actually gone
insane. The real mental patients have still not
been found.

Story Idea 6 – Cyber Love Chatroom

There was a teenage girl named Alice, who
was desperate to find herself a boyfriend. One
day, she was bored and decided to join a
cyber-love chatroom. After fending off weird
comments and suggestive messages from the
usual giggling 13-year-old boys and middle-
aged weirdos, she met a guy who she instantly

He seemed to know all the right things to say.
He was thoughtful, romantic and experienced.
They found that they had a lot in common.
Over the next few days, they chatted online
every chance they got. Alice felt herself
gradually falling in love. After about a week,
their conversations became more racy and
Alice decided that she had to meet this guy in

She sent him a message, proposing that they
should take the next step and meet up at a
local coffee shop. The guy e-mailed her,
arranging a time and place. He said that he
would be wearing a blue jacket. She told him
she would be wearing a red dress.
The next day, Alice walked into a coffee shop,
wearing a low-cut, figure-hugging red dress.
Her heart was pounding at the prospect of
finally meeting her Prince Charming.
Suddenly, a man in a blue jacket tapped her
on the shoulder. She whirled around and
looked at him. He stared at her. They both
“Alice!” he yelled. “Daddy!” she cried.

Story Idea 7 – The Washing Machine

There was a teenage girl who was hired to
babysit two young children. After the parents
left, she put the children to bed and then went
downstairs to watch TV. Suddenly, she heard
a noise coming from the basement. It was the
washing machine starting up. She was about
to go and turn it off, but when she opened the
basement door, the noise stopped. Shrugging
her shoulders, she returned to the living room
and resumed watching TV.
Five minutes later, she heard the washing
machine starting up again. She got up,
opened the basement door and started
walking down the steps. She had only gone
down a few steps when the noise stopped
again. She went back to watch TV.
Five minutes later, she heard the washing
machine yet again. Worried, she went
upstairs, gathered the children and ran over to
the neighbors’ house to call the police. They
arrived a few minutes later and went down to
search the basement. They found a man
armed with an axe, hiding behind the washing
machine. He had been trying to lure the
babysitter down to the basement in order to
kill her.

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Post time 20-11-2014 02:17 PM | Show all posts
afira posted on 20-11-2014 02:07 PM
nasib baik bukak cik es yg dulu..hehhe

haha...cik es yg dulu dah jadik sejarah, tutup buku sejarah


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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sham-xv1986 posted on 20-11-2014 06:09 AM
Aku rase diorang baru realize yang memang ade hantu kat stairs tu...

Hint die:

Asal get older, voice stop? eiiii!

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
edoraixora posted on 20-11-2014 06:17 AM
haha...cik es yg dulu dah jadik sejarah, tutup buku sejarah

Ehem. ni es lain. Es yg remaji. Hihi

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Post time 20-11-2014 02:19 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 02:09 PM
Ralit sebab pk jawapan?

ralit memahamkan citer dan perkaitannye
dah ler dlm inggeris
merangkak2 lah nk memahamkannye

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cerita ni pun aku blur.

Talk to Strangers

There are many websites on the internet that
allow you to talk to strangers. You randomly
connect with an anonymous person and,
without knowing anything about him or her,
you start a conversation.

One day, I was chatting with a stranger and
the conversation went like this:
Stranger: Hello (3)
Me: Hi
Stranger: How are you? (3)
Me: Do you always put a (3) at the end of
your questions?
Stranger: How are you? (2)
Me: Aren’t you going to answer me?
Stranger: How are you? (1)
Me: I’m fine.

The conversation progressed normally, but
there was something very odd about it. The
stranger always put a “(3)” after every
question and if I didn’t answer, he would
repeat the question with a “(2)” and a “(1)”. It
was as if it was some sort of countdown.
After talking for a while, I told the stranger I
had to go.

His answer struck me as odd:
Stranger: Have a nice day. You are safe now.
Then, he disconnected.

The next day at school, I told a friend about
the strange conversation. He was always
fascinated with weird stuff, and he was very
interested to hear about it. He got all excited
and wanted to know what would happen if you
didn’t answer his questions and the
countdown ran out.

When school finished that evening, my friend
insisted on coming to my house to try and
find the same person online.

In my bedroom, my friend sat in front of the
laptop. We opened the chat and started
talking to random people. If it wasn’t the
same person I had encountered, we simply
clicked to the next person. I was starting to
get bored when, suddenly, to my surprise, I
saw a familiar greeting.
Stranger: Hello (3)

My friend was overjoyed and started talking to
him for a while.

Stranger: What do you do to pass the time?

My friend did not answer and just waited

Stranger: What do you do to pass the time?

My friend still didn’t answer. I was beginning
to get nervous. I had no idea what would
happen if the countdown reached zero, but I
had a bad feeling about it.

Stranger: What do you do to pass the time?

I couldn’t take it anymore. I tried to type an
answer on the keyboard, but my friend pushed
me away. Although it didn’t make any sense, I
had a gut feeling that something horrible was
about to happen.

Stranger: Have a good day… Do not look
behind you…
Then, he disconnected.

My friend took one look at the frightened
expression on my face and laughed out loud.
“What are you so scared about?” he asked.
I felt very queasy. Something wasn’t right. I
felt really hot and I had a pain in my head. It
felt like something was pressing on my head.
All of a sudden, everything went black.

The next thing I knew, I was lying in a
hospital bed. My mother was standing over
me, calling my name over and over. I asked
her what had happened. She told me she had
come home to find my friend and I
unconscious in my bedroom…

At least, I was unconscious… She wouldn’t tell
me what happened to my friend.
I asked the nurse and she wouldn’t tell me
either. All she would say was that I could not
go to see him.

I was too tired and confused to care.
My mother brought my laptop and I
discovered the hospital had wireless internet.
I wanted to go to sleep, but for some reason, I
went online and connected to the chatroom
again. I don’t know why.
Stranger: Hello.

I wanted to shut down the laptop, but my
fingers started typing.
Me: Hello (3)

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Post time 20-11-2014 02:24 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 02:18 PM
Asal get older, voice stop? eiiii!

omputih kan biase ade 'imaginary friend'...
so biase la kalo borak sorang2...
so bile get older, voice stop - maknenye maybe pencerita yakin tu mungkin imaginary friend...
hantu tu plak mungkin sebenarnye target bebudak je, so die da tak bising bile bebudak get older...

pendapatan aku lah

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Post time 20-11-2014 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 02:10 PM
Hm..err..yg fasal bet tu?

heh yg tuh xtau


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Post time 20-11-2014 02:27 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 02:10 PM
Tak fhm ayat hang.

hehe...xpaham xpe..dia sebahagian sejarah itam mps hihihi


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Post time 20-11-2014 02:29 PM | Show all posts
riddle untuk TT pulak:

siapakah cik_es?
apekah yang berlaku?
mengapekah die mempunyai sejarah hitam?
mengapekah die legend kat bod mps?
jeng jeng jeng!

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sham-xv1986 posted on 20-11-2014 06:24 AM
omputih kan biase ade 'imaginary friend'...
so biase la kalo borak sorang2...
so bile get older, ...

Orang melayu de rakan imaginasi ke? awok ghase?

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Post time 20-11-2014 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 20-11-2014 02:30 PM
Orang melayu de rakan imaginasi ke? awok ghase?

tak tau la.
tapi tak penah pulak tengok drama/filem melayu bebudak ade imaginary friend.
citer2 omputih belambak la. hehehe


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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scary Riddles (part 2 - harder part)
1. Janette bought this doll from a garage sale.
When she got home, she immediately went to
bed and slept with her new doll. When she got
up, she took a shower and decided to go
through some old boxes full of dust in her
room. She was surprised when she saw the
same doll she bought from the garage sale.
Except it was dirtier and looked old. She
thought it was her old doll, and she didn't
remember it. She went to her room and she
noticed that her newly bought doll was gone.
Can you solve this riddle?
2. Adam went to school, his mother was
reading a magazine in the living room. She
was alone. She heard some foot steps on the
stairs and saw a boy. To her surprise it was
"Didn't you go to school?" his mother said but
Adam didn't respond and went to his room.
His mother followed him upstairs but there
was no sign of Adam there.
Suddenly, she began to cry and remember
something horrible that happened before.
Can you solve this riddle?

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Post time 20-11-2014 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria posted on 19-11-2014 06:33 PM
Kisah Pendek 1-Kekasih

Kehilangan orang tersayang sangat mengundang kesedihan  ke ruang hatiku. S ...

die stay dgn mayat bf die?..

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 02:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sham-xv1986 posted on 20-11-2014 06:32 AM
tak tau la.
tapi tak penah pulak tengok drama/filem melayu bebudak ade imaginary friend.
citer2  ...

Omputih ni ntah pe2. hihi

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