Post time 19-7-2017 08:54 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Ayieain replied at 19-7-2017 07:55 PM
yes...iollZ pon nak tengok gandingan fattah n Janna...and yup...zarz zya coz shmp actually for Zar ...
tu la pasal. sepatutnya for zara zya. adakah memang benar zara zya ada job masa tu or hajah caras job ini seperti red velvet? hmmm eh tetiba nak mengungkit. hahaha
Post time 19-7-2017 08:58 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
anastasia7 replied at 19-7-2017 08:40 PM
Sbnrnya nak cakap, harap admin2 igers pro fattzura ingatkan followers masing2 supaya jgn terlalu csi ...
Pening lah tgk certain igers yg pro fattzura...certain things mcm igs dasha tu tak yah lah nak up kat dorang nye ig...komen2 spekuan kat situ dah mcm merepek pulak cakap 2 ketul tu gaduh lah ape lah....haish kasi lah dorang ni privacy...smua nye nak di tonton kan kat ig...mcm over pulak and annoying oii : ..pls lah admin igers yg sr kat sini pls control urselves jgn hover delulu sgt its getting annoying kalau smua gerak laku fattzura nak di up kan ke ig...jgn buka jln atau peluang untuk haters hencap fattah and fazzura...
Post time 19-7-2017 09:03 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
td xde madu meminta..dpt madu mcm2 plak bunyinye...rsnye xover pn diorng tu..fattzura pn tau fans die akn repost ape je diorng post..since dasha dh post means diorng ok la..ig tu pn kebykn fattzura follow...if diorng xsuka confirm la diorng xpost ape2..relax la belnja kite menikmati...hehehe...
Tengok ni minit 5:04 ke atas - Fattah punya choice untuk watak Warda adalah: Zara Zya (she was mentioned as the original cast), Tiz Zaqyah, dan Fathia Latiff.
Part lain jgn tengok - buang masa je.