So basically what the article says is that, SUJU WILL HAVE THEIR ASIA TOUR STARTING NEXT MONTH!!!! Starting in Seoul, on February 23rd and 24th, they will hold their first official concert as well as start their Asia tour. Including places such as China, Beijing and Shanghai, Thailand, Bangkok, Taiwan, Taipei, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur(thank you for spelling^_^), they will be holding concerts in 9 cities in Asia, making it a total of 10 concerts. So the concert tickets in Korea will start pre-ordering on January 22nd? I think...And the concerts will consist of a relay of hit songs by Super Junior, other performances that display their other talents as well as talk. So quoted from the article, 'As much as it is our first concert, we are very nervous. We will work hard to prepare the best concert that Super Junior can show.
credit bestiz + poco123@soompi
Derang akan wat asia tour tapi takde date lagi bila....
Korang bleh la start planning camne nak stalker budak2 ni nanti
[ Last edited by airahthislove at 10-1-2008 12:12 PM ]
tu ah pasal...ko xyah la g korea (nk menghasut nih... )....
duit tu ko wat nk beli tiket concert jer...aku pun nk collect duit nak beli....
kalo ko dh tau biler tiket dia dh boleh dibeli, bgtau cepat2 tau...
aku xnk la sold out nnt....mau nyer aku 20 hari 20 mlm....
tp aku rasa dorg dtg sini last concert kot...sbb dorg mention KL yg last dlm artikle tuh....
DH mmg cute lak aku tgk dlm MV tuh...aku rasa mesti happy2 nyer MV sbb xkan la storyline yg sedih2....kan dorg pegang mesti mv tuh cute....
[ Last edited by rukiaichigo at 10-1-2008 01:41 PM ]
mmg puas hati wpun DVD dorg tuh xder sub...just sub chinese....
MV Don't Don dlm tuh yg 2nd version punyer...siap ada tulis nama masing2 biler part dorg dlm chinese gak la dia tulis....