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Author: totokreturn


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Post time 25-4-2013 02:47 PM | Show all posts
ada jugak macai rasa aku bukanlah lawannya...nak terkeluar isi perut aku...

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Post time 25-4-2013 02:49 PM | Show all posts
aku harap jeneral yg bertanding parlimen johor baharu menang pilihanraya
dan jika ditakdirkan PR menang majoriti, aku nak die jadi menteri pertahanan..

aku nak tgk org tentera handle kementerian...

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 Author| Post time 25-4-2013 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Manami posted on 25-4-2013 02:40 PM
Tapi org mcm ko bakal sentap & meroyan2 nnt kan??

dah.. jangan dilayan pendukung parti primitif tuh.. mereka mmg ditugaskan untuk reserve psychology kita untuk jadi bodoh seperti mereka... lagi banyak mereka mengarut dan jelas menampakkan kebodohan mereka.. akan ramai melihat UMNO BN seharusnya dijauhkan ...

kekalkan transformasi politik era baru bertaraf dunia dalam pakatan rakyat yg mengekalkan cara politik professional dan matang kearah negara maju.... mereka UMNO BN mmg diasuh dan dihantar untuk membuatkan kita menjadi bodoh seperti mereka.... jika leka.. maka kita akan hanyut dan masih bermain politik cara kuno seperti mereka...

kekalkan taraf professional dan matang kita dalam pakatan rakyat...

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Post time 25-4-2013 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Peterpan17 posted on 25-4-2013 02:35 PM
Ko pernah pergi Singapore dgn Korea kah?

AKu tgh dok konfius ni, apa benda merah yg dia tgk dr gendela kapal terbang? Awat aku tk tau pun
Last edited by rebecca_nur on 25-4-2013 03:02 PM


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Post time 25-4-2013 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Mmg haku nak puji The Sun ni even tokehnya pemilik sykt judi.. Sokkabar yg tidak berperangai pprt mcm The Star nun....


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 Author| Post time 25-4-2013 02:52 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 25-4-2013 02:49 PM
aku harap jeneral yg bertanding parlimen johor baharu menang pilihanraya
dan jika ditakdirkan PR me ...

apa yg aku dengar cakap2 orang cawangan PAS gombak.... berharap... tan sri calon JB jadi menteri pertahanan, husam musa jadi TPM, khalid ibrahim menteri kewangan bersama rafizi, menteri dalam negeri polis apa yg masuk PAS arituh...

bila tgk.. perhh... mmg terbaik laa barisan camnih...

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Post time 25-4-2013 02:53 PM | Show all posts
rebecca_nur posted on 25-4-2013 02:49 PM
AKu tgh dok konfius ni, apa benda merah yg dia tgk dr jendela kapal terbang? Awat aku tk tau pun ...

Hahahaha I baru bukak thread ni dari page belakang. Baca dua tiga kali, apa benda merah merah boleh nampak dari gendela kapal terbang. Tak pernah pulak nampak kat Korea hahahahaa.

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Post time 25-4-2013 02:54 PM | Show all posts

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Josh Lim ·  

  • Yesterday's late night discussion was very enligtening. Here's a few thoughts I have. Whether you're a Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat fan/apologist/voter, here's what I think, what do you think? And yes, I'm serious about quite a few of these although they may sound hilarious.

    Top 10 Ways Barisan Nasional Can Win/Improve:

    1. Divorce Rosmah. No one likes her. There hasn't be a 'first lady' in our entire history that attracts so much hatred.
    2. PERKASA is a joke, disassociate yourselves from racists and racist statements.
    3. Stay away from karaoke, please. Especially Rosmah and MCA. If you really have to karaoke, karaoke in private. Karaoke is as damaging to BN's image as sex scandal videos are to PR.
    4. The SMS thing is annoying. If people reply "no" or "fxxk you", unsubscribe them from your list and save money. Most people I know have received at least 6.
    5. Your paid cybertroopers need to start looking more convincing. And the real ones are looking pretty racist.
    6. Stop buying Google/YouTube/online ads can? We get it already!
    7. The 1Malaysia thing is overdone, what's next, 1Malaysia condoms? Admittedly the 1-prefix is smart though - if Pakatan wins, and they need to continue the initiatives (BR1M, 1Malaysia Cinics etc), they are still branded BN initiatives/ideas somehow.
    8. Sacrifice some people to show you're serious about fighting corruption. Investigations without prosecution won't fly.
    9. You don't need to sound so condescending and 'we know what's best for you' all the time, 'we'll do better this time around' is a valid strategy.
    10. Bringing in PSY and LMFAO won't get us to vote for you. Save the money (whether it's for welfare, fix roads or buy votes, it's a better use overall). Also I don't see why you're doing this in Penang instead of Selangor - Penang is too far gone to win back.
    11. Malaysians are lazy to switch (not lazy to complain though) - explains your 53-years of UMNO/BN ruling Malaysia so far, and to give an example - only a single digit percentage of Malaysians have taken advantage of Mobile Number Portability to switch telcos (and that was launched in 2008). Offer us a better deal to stay with you, and we will. Stop talking about 'Janji Ditepati', that is in the past, you are going to just keep losing votes if you harping on about 'remember the time I did that for you?' Promise us something better for the future.

    Top 10 Ways Pakatan Rakyat Can Win/Improve:

    1. Check for cameras before having sex in future. Having sex on camera is going to damage your image as badly as BN people singing karaoke.
    2. Get your extremists to stop scaring moderate voters.
    3. Cheaper cars aren't a good idea, have you seen the jams in KL? Fix public transport! Your Buku Jingga manifesto has not a single mention of 'transport'. Really. Google it.
    4. Mobile is a good strategy - maybe try mobile banners or pre-rolls, SMS also can but send just once to every person is enough. For every 6 SMSes that BN sends, send 1 enough already.
    5. Your paid cybertroopers need to start looking more convincing. And if the real ones are vilifying Michelle Yeoh and other local celebs, that's not very nice either.
    6. Try more Google/YouTube/online advertising, it's not controlled by BN, I don't know why you're not doing any, I've barely noticed.
    7. You need a catchy slogan, 1Malaysia is overdone admittedly, but viral and can work long term. 'Ubah' won't work when you're in want people to change again meh?
    8. Giving out cash or offering free stuff is so BN-style - fix the cost issues not 'refund' them.
    9. You don't need to sound so angry all the time, 'hope' and 'vote us because we're going to do better' is a valid strategy
    10. You have a lot of local celebrities that are willing to support you for free! How have you not reached out to them to feature them in your events and messaging? PAS also needs to stop protesting random concerts in general too...being anti-entertainment (of all kinds) is not going to win you the youth vote.
    11. Stop putting out contradicting statements against each other (especially on hudud/party leadership/LYNAS/Welfare state - Google it), lots of internal infighting there), and attract the undecided voters by looking like a real united choice we can choose - not just something to balance out the current government.

    I'll just like to - but respect your friend's choices! We're all entitled to one. And read everything and anyalyze carefully on each party on the issues they truly stand for. Details count - for example, this is a purpotedly a top 10 list, but both lists have 11 items (count them). Selamat Mengundi in the GE13th on May 5th!


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Post time 25-4-2013 02:54 PM | Show all posts
Manami posted on 25-4-2013 02:45 PM
Yg ni ko sentap x Munggu??

Gambar Stopa ni mesti superimposed.

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Post time 25-4-2013 02:54 PM | Show all posts
totokreturn posted on 25-4-2013 02:49 PM
dah.. jangan dilayan pendukung parti primitif tuh.. mereka mmg ditugaskan untuk reserve psychology ...

Sambil layan sambil UPKan thread ni Tok...  Haku bukan layan sgt pon... Tau dah akai dia tahap mana.. Tu yg haku men tepek jah apa2 yg patot stp kali haku respon posting dia..

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Post time 25-4-2013 02:54 PM | Show all posts
Manami posted on 25-4-2013 02:40 PM
Cybertrooper Pakatan Rakyat


alah...semalam Tun dah jawab semua di joh...tak tipu punya....

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 Author| Post time 25-4-2013 02:54 PM | Show all posts

Kedatangan Anwar tarik 20,000 orang di Segamat

Kedatangan Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ke Segamat untuk membantu kempen calon parti itu, Datuk Chua Jui Meng malam tadi telah menarik lebih 20,000 orang - perhimpunan politik terbesar pernah disaksikan di bandar itu sejak kebelakangan ini.

Anwar (kiri) mengakui Chua telah bekerja keras di Gelang Patah
selama bertahun-tahun atas arahan PKR tetapi telah diminta memberi laluan selepas pemimpin veteran DAP Lim Kit Siang berhajat untuk menerajui "serangan" di Pakatan di Johor.

Sambil memuji kepimpinan Chua yang bersedia mematuhi keputusan yang sukar itu dan bersetuju untuk bertanding di Segamat, Anwar menyeru penduduk di situ supaya menyokong bekas menteri berkenaan.

Segamat, katanya, telah menjadi sebuah kawasan pilihan raya yang sangat penting, selain daripada Gelang Patah.

"Kita mahu menang," tegas Anwar dalam ceramahnya di Kampung Abdullah di tengah-tengah bandar Segamat.

Orang ramai yang menyambut ketibaan Anwar seperti seorang bintang rock, teruja dengan jenaka dan kata-kata sindiran beliau terhadap kerajaan BN.

Sementara itu seorang penduduk, Sudirman Suramat, 64, berkata ia merupakan perhipunan terbesar pernah disaksikannya sejak lebih 60 tahun tinggal di Segamat.


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Post time 25-4-2013 02:56 PM | Show all posts
rebecca_nur posted on 25-4-2013 02:49 PM
AKu tgh dok konfius ni, apa benda merah yg dia tgk dr jendela kapal terbang? Awat aku tk tau pun ...

Hahahahah!! lampulah kot tp disangkannya lain. Dia ingat dia sorang je yg pernah pergi luar negara. Klu istilah orang Sabah, kabaruan. heheheehhe!!

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 Author| Post time 25-4-2013 02:56 PM | Show all posts
Manami posted on 25-4-2013 02:54 PM
Sambil layan sambil UPKan thread ni Tok...  Haku bukan layan sgt pon... Tau dah akai dia tahap man ...

takyah serius.. konar2 jah sambil layan kuaci...gumbira2....kalu serius.. lagi dia nak tunjuk bodo agar kita terikut kebodohan mereka.. kalau wat lawak... dia malu sendiri laa... akal mereka bukan panjang pun.. cetek jerk... cam kita bodohkan budak2 kecik jer...

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Post time 25-4-2013 02:57 PM | Show all posts
totokreturn posted on 25-4-2013 02:52 PM
apa yg aku dengar cakap2 orang cawangan PAS gombak.... berharap... tan sri calon JB jadi menteri p ...

tok, agak2 gombak pe citer?
kawan opis aku pacit umno tegar, PR boleh menang tak?
saja tanya

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Post time 25-4-2013 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Manami posted on 25-4-2013 02:45 PM
Yg ni ko sentap x Munggu??

yg ni bila punya berita ya? baru ke?
yg ni ke naib canselor yg cerita pasal lahad datu kat radio bernama haritu?


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Post time 25-4-2013 02:59 PM | Show all posts
totokreturn posted on 25-4-2013 02:52 PM
apa yg aku dengar cakap2 orang cawangan PAS gombak.... berharap... tan sri calon JB jadi menteri p ...

aku teringin gak join....minggu depan boleh kot ari jumaat/sabtu...

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Post time 25-4-2013 03:00 PM | Show all posts
truly posted on 25-4-2013 02:53 PM
Hahahaha I baru bukak thread ni dari page belakang. Baca dua tiga kali, apa benda merah merah bole ...

YA,ya dari gendela kapal terbang n i love my counter

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Post time 25-4-2013 03:01 PM | Show all posts
sitihawa posted on 25-4-2013 02:57 PM
tok, agak2 gombak pe citer?
kawan opis aku pacit umno tegar, PR boleh menang tak?
saja tanya

habes hawa tanya suma boleh menang ke tak?..muehehhehehe
insyallah boleh menang...

kalau pakatan kalah  pun...kucingtomey tetap sayang sitihawa

bagi dino panas hati sket

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 Author| Post time 25-4-2013 03:01 PM | Show all posts
sitihawa posted on 25-4-2013 02:57 PM
tok, agak2 gombak pe citer?
kawan opis aku pacit umno tegar, PR boleh menang tak?
saja tanya

Gombak jangan tanya laa.. dolu kubu UMNO BN.. sekrang dah jadi Kubu kuat PR.... cumanya nak jaga pendatang2 haram indon bangla yg ramai giler dapat IC kat greenwood, jalan gombak tuh... tgh pikir camna cara nak sekat...

geng PR tiap2 malam gigih buat kerja sana sini.. gantung bendera... geng BN dah seminggu dah semua tempat senyap sunyi jah....

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