“역사 속에서 이방원이 정몽주를 죽인 게 이방원의 나이 스물 여섯 때예요. 지금으로 따지면 군대 다녀와 복학한 대학 3학년 학생쯤 되는 건데, 이 나이에 나라를 뒤집을 생각을 했다는 게 신선했어요. 그래서 젊은 배우를 찾아야 한다고 생각해 유아인을 섭외했죠. 2008년에 ‘최강칠우’란 사극을 했는데, 유아인이 칼도 잘 쓰고 사극에 어울린다고 생각했거든요. 섭외 후 유아인이 나오는 영화 ‘사도’와 ‘베테랑’을 봤는데 보고 나서 확신이 섰죠”(김 작가). In history, when YBW killed Jung Mong-Joo, he was just 26 years old. For now, it's like people who just left army and and went back to study their 3rd year in university, how he thought about changing the country in this age was really surprising. And so, we need to find a young actor, and we contacted YAI. From the time when he did saguek Strongest Chil-Woo in 2008, YAI used the sword well, and was really compatible to saguek. After we contatcted him, we watched YAI's movies the Throne and Veteran and we firmly believed he was right. 유아인씨는 우리가 고민하던 대목에 연기로 그 방향을 알려 준 배우였어요. ‘이야기에 방해되면 내 분량 신경 쓰지 말고 빼세요’란 쿨한 모습에 놀라기도 했고요.” YAI is the actor who gave us direction through his acting on the topics we were troubled about. "If there is any hindrance to the direction of the story, don't think about the weight of my parts, just cut them." We were surprised by his cool attitude.