Post time 31-10-2015 01:29 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Skali lagi nak tegaskan yang Sufi tak promo ape2. He bought the vape for a friend and to support a friend.
Heolz mintak maaf byk2 kalau ia menyinggung sesiape dan membuat weolz syak wasangka.
He knows he is in the public eye now and will take care of himself well insyaAllah. Still need our support no matter what. And he sayang his fans very very much.
Post time 31-10-2015 07:33 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Salam Kir... Aku nak nangis bile dpt his respond.
Rase bersalah ya amat. But it was all in good feeling la.
Mmg he has to be very careful. Mmg susah nak senangkan smua orang. He sounded so worried.
Ape2 he like or follow, people can see and read. And IG ni connected. It will also show suggested or recommended items/IGs related to that item ie. vape.