A: Like a blurry memory that appears MI: Creating a future along with SHINee GO: That respectable name that appears...SHINee World.
A: A dongseng like me who is so pretty MI: Erasing away the make up of pretty girls GO: GORILLA!!
A: Asking me to write a AMIGO 3 line poem...I... MI: Am going crazy...!! GO: This is the explanation for the definition of difficult...!!
A: Because we are still lacking, if the young SHINee is to progress MI: May lose everything if not careful GO: Aiming high, racing forward to the top!!!
A: Ah oh...Me seeking attention like this!--->wakaka MI: Pretty girls will come in swarms-!--->wakaka GO: Distressed, going to be crazy... '_'*--->wakaka
Source: SHINee's IPLE & 闪耀星球
Chinese Translations Credits: bobohero
English Translation Credits: atlantis-x
Credits: SHINee Forums
"key's school is in daegu which is frikcing far from seoul, so he hardly EVER goes back. but he studies at the dorm when he has the time"--->bagus..carila ilmu walau ke liang lahad*tetibe*
"minho goes to a boys school.. he'll prolly be attacked by FANBOYS instead. (:"
onew graduated from high school and also passed his uni entrance exams and got in college
la smalam ada mubank ke.. tataw pung huhuhu~~~~ best2 tgk.. merah mak ngah outfit nye huuu~~~
x sempat nak tgk sume.. me tgk mana yg patut je hee~~ nnt tgk smula
081128 Minho mic slip in uniform MuBank Rehearsal~~
seb bek mic x mlayang jauh sgt.. sian oppa wuwu~~ mesti penat balik skolah dah kna perf wuwuwu~~~frestyle dance.. nosebleed me tgk gayanye
"minho goes to a boys school.. he'll prolly be attacked by FANBOYS instead. (:"
owhh skolah laki hoho~~~ kurang saingan heee~~~
0811127 2MIN stripping during AMiGo Ansan Open~~
baby dedah baju.. sexhy sgt la tuh miahaha cute je tgk
oppa nmpk have fun dlm nih.. masa sbut cold heart baby nmpk dia senyum huhu.. ensem^^
dubu smain comey huu~~~ x sesia me masuk kan dia dlm list