im_comey posted on 14-11-2012 01:55 PM
Drama Osozaki No Himawari - dah ada subebd !!!
hontouni gomen-nasai.. membiarkan.. senpai sensorang hupdate.. umah ni..
kekeke.. mashi ni.. ske sgt jd silent reader kat cni.. sbp byk sgt social network skg ni kn..
hohoho.. LJ and blog, dah mcm umah xberpenghuni..
okie, back to ur post.. drama Osozaki no Himawari ni.. mashi tgok masa dia raw..
and.. nmpk la.. si Toma and Ryuusei bersama hehe.. *imagine.. I ada kat situ gk*
Toma will be appearing on All Night Nippon Gold on 23 Nov, 10pm (Japantime) for ONE NIGHT ONLY. If you have any questions for Toma, you can email tohim at [email protected]. (thanks to himawariyusuke for the info!)
We should send questions now because the program is not live.
You should write the question in japanese (maybe use google translate if you can’t write in japanese).
Toma will probably not be the one choosing the questions
The questions are for toma AND the cast in Osawari, in case you want to ask one of them something.
hehe ok no hal ler .. klu busy nak buat camne kan ? next time tepek ler apa2 gambar pun klu2 lalu kat sini tu yer sbbklu im sorang2 jer nanti org asyik kata kita ni syok sendiri jer .. mmg syok sendiri pung
awak kata klu nampak Toma tunggu kita mcm dlm BGI tu, kita boleh pengsan kan ? tapi klu kita jerit bila nampak Toma, muka dia mesti jadik camni lak .. hehe
im_comey posted on 15-11-2012 11:20 AM
masa ni mmg lawak tp masa ahjumma ni mati, adei .. sedih giler aku tgk dlm ep 1 ni
xpasti Toma panggil pe kat mak cik ni.. obaachan or obasan
time tu tgok xde subbed.. so yg xsume bnda la phm.. tp.. tp.. ske opening dia hehe..
Toma nyanyi.. wat muka comey2 tuh.. suka nyeeee~
aww.. okay, im-chan da tengok kan trailer Nou Otoko yg baru.. bit kowai kan?
or Im-chan suke ngan genre cmni?