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Author: yellow belmont

:: - 2003: KOREAN DRAMA @ NTV7 - ::

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Post time 19-12-2003 02:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 19-12-2003 01:23 AM:
On the way back, Siu He balik dengan Tai Fung & Tai Chi manakala Zhi Suo balik sendirian dalam keadaan mabuk. (Masa scene ni kalau dalam vcd, the background song is TEARS by Lee Byung Hun. Malangnya, versi tv, lagu lain yang keluar. What a disappointment....).

yep.. klau versi VCD mmang ade lg yg dnyanyikan oleh
LBH - Tears.. tuh laa mcam pnah dengar sbab sblum
nih ade pnah download lagu Tears tuh kat KaZaA..

Biasenye kan.. klau versi kat TV mmang klau ade part
lagu je.. musti lain dr VCD.. ingat x part mase Lun Zhu
masuk singing contest mase episod ke brape ye.. x ingat..
haa... mase versi VCD lain.. versi TV lain..:cf:

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Post time 19-12-2003 03:24 PM | Show all posts

The brutality of K-dramas

Originally posted by whitedove at 19-12-2003 09:08 AM:
ada scene macam tu jugak ke? kalau ntv7 nak tayangkan, boleh gak bandingkan sejauh mana ke'brutal'an dgn All In...

The gangster-fighting scenes dalam drama Korea are quite normal scenarios actually (macam All In, Glass Shoes & many others) tapi the one in HT, walaupun tak me, looks so extremely kasar.  Truthfully speaking, saya 'kurang ngam' dengan watak Zao Pi Tao since the first episode lagi.  Bukan pasal dia gangster but his character as an opportunist was overly-portrayed, IMO. Maybe because of that I feel quite disturbed walaupun it's only make-believe.....lakonan semata-mata. :cf:

[ Last edited by katt on 19-12-2003 at 03:30 PM ]

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Post time 19-12-2003 03:29 PM | Show all posts

Welcome to club LBH ^_^

OK, katt (n all LBH fans for this matter)... I'm officially hooked to Lee Byung Hun's acting. So comel la him in this drama!'s so good to hear that, wait till you see him in BD and All In especially ;). Kalau nak tengok & dengar his recent new year wish, there's  currently a downloadable clip in the Beautiful Days thread. Check it out! :2cool:

< LBH:  Korean UNICEF spokeperson - 2003

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Post time 19-12-2003 03:39 PM | Show all posts

TEARS of Tai Fung

Originally posted by whitedove at 19-12-2003 09:05 AM:
memang sedih scene ni...masa tu Tai Fung berdiri membelakangi Siu He sbb air mata dia dah keluar...actually, dia jugak 'menangis' dlm hati...

Betul, dia terpaksa palingkan mukanya dari Siu He. Dia tak mahu Siu He lagi susah hati, knowing that dia dah tahu perasaan Tai Fung sebenarnya.

alamak, lagu Tears tu dah keluar ke? tak dapat la dengar lagu tu...

Kepada yang nak dengar lagu Tears, boleh download the song using the link below. Filenya kecil saja tak sampai 1 MB. But please excuse the audio quality sebab ini bukan versi mp3, just an amateur recorded live-performance by LBH. The song is really nice tapi tak boleh dengar banyak kali, sayu.....:cry:.

TEARS - Lee Byung Hun

* Download link credits to PlanetBH0712 *


Bila kita baca translation untuk lagu ni, we'll see how much the song reflects Tai Fung's feelings for Siu He. Too bad, the song was replaced by another in the tv version.


No...I am all right
I really like you... just for you... I don't exist
You are the only one I loved... Yes that was enough
I shed tears just looking at you from behind...
I swallowed a word in sorrow...
I love you... I love you
Promise me... Don't make my tears in vain.
Please be happy for me.
Even when I am wandering at the end of this world
My heart will goes to you always...
Do you know... as I loved you more than me,
I had to be away from you.
I was with you...
Promise me... Don't make my tears in vain.
Please be happy for me.
Even when I am wondering at the end of the world
My heart will goes to you always...
My tears for you, my sorrowful body gestures for you, will be your love forever.
No... I am all right

* Translation credits to LBH.SG*

Kalau tengok mv Tears pula, it's basically LBH's message to his fans in 1999 before & after his military service.

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Post time 19-12-2003 03:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 19-12-2003 03:24 PM:
The gangster-fighting scenes dalam drama Korea are quite normal scenarios actually (macam All In, Glass Shoes & many others) tapi the one in HT, walaupun tak me, looks so extremely ka ...

sebenarnya kite pun agak kurang senang dgn watak Zao Pi Tao tu berbanding dgn Shen Ye yg comel & quite gentleman dlm ke'gangster'annya...actually, selain All In & Glass Shoes, Craving For Sunlight pun kuat jugak elemen gangsterism disbbkan watak Jang Hyuk yg terpaksa jadi gangster macam Chul-woong Glass Shoes...

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Post time 19-12-2003 03:46 PM | Show all posts

The truth about LBH & SSH ^_^

Originally posted by katt at 2003-12-3 12:32 AM:
Hmm, it's interesting watching LBH & SSH playing 'opposites' each other when in real-life they are the best of buddies.

Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 19-12-2003 11:06 AM:
It defintely is.   Dlm cite ni SSH siap belasah LBH lagi! (Masa Tai Fung nak pulangkan cincin tunang kat Siu He yg tertinggal dlm jaket dia). Punyalah gaduh Zhi Suo n Tai Fung dlm HT. Padahal, bila tgk balik klip interview Kim Hye So tu, diaorg mmg kamceng habis. Hehe.

Wouldn't it be nice kalau mereka berdua dapat berlakon bersama once again, in a film perhaps macam JDG & WB? This time, tak payahlah bergaduh-gaduh lagi ;).

* Interesting fact

Song Seung Hun was Byung Hun's faithful fan before filming this serial. He was so excited working with him. Off screen, they became good friends - so good that they address each other as brothers. They often go for soju sessions and play golf together. Some have said that if they see Seung Hun on the street, Byung Hun must be somewhere nearby as they are inseparable. That was why both were so happy to be in 'Happy Together' again as brothers.

But Seung Hun wonders why producers always want him to treat Byung Hun like his No.1 enemy in both serials. Why not as normal brothers in both dramas?

* Taken from Beautiful My Lady drama review

Image from LBH.SG

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Post time 19-12-2003 03:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 19-12-2003 03:39 PM:
Bila kita baca translation untuk lagu ni, we'll see how much the song reflects Tai Fung's feelings for Siu He. Too bad, the song was replaced by another in the tv version.

makk...betul2 sesuai dgn perasaan Tai Fung pada masa tu...

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Post time 19-12-2003 05:20 PM | Show all posts

Tai Feng


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Post time 19-12-2003 08:09 PM | Show all posts

Side topic: Christmas in August

Originally posted by katt at 2003-12-16 10:59 PM:
Bercakap pasal Channel 9 ni (yellow, sorry.....menyimpang dari thread kejap), kalau betullah mengikut schedule dalam newspaper, nampaknya this coming Saturday dalam slot International Screening akan disiarkan filem Korea tahun 1998, Christmas in August (lakonan Han Suk-kyu & Shim Eun-ha). Jarang-jarang sangat kita nak tengok filem Korea di tv. Dulu pun pernah sekali saja dengan Shiri (dubbed in Mandarin) di TV3. Mungkinkah kali ini dapat tengok the Korean version, it'll be the first on free tv.

Nampaknya selepas Love Letter dari Jepun, filem Korea pula menyusul di Ch9. Oleh kerana kedua-duanya merupakan award-winning films, mungkinkah kita akan dapat menonton JSA - Joint Security Area pula? Now, that will be great. Bukan sebab LBH berlakon dalam filem tu tapi sebab kehebatan filem itu sendiri, IMO, one of the best :2cool:.

Oops, sebenarnya bukan slot International Screening tapi Weekend Special, my mistake .

Anyway, here's the synopsis taken from Channel 9's Website.

Saturday: 20 December 2003, 10:00 PM

Perhaps the greatest Korean romance, this touching and sensitive movie is the winner for Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Korean Film Awards, 1998. The movie revolves around a photoshop proprietor Jung-won and Da-rim a comely meter maid and the complexities of falling in love. Jung-won has a terminal illness but keeps it a secret. Da-Rim finds herself attracted to Jung-won and slowly coaxed him out of his shell.

Starring Han Suk-kyu and Shim Eun-ha.

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 19-12-2003 08:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 2003-12-19 01:47 PM:
actually, saye pon ade pnah download video mase
SSH & SHK buat promotion
kat Taiwan tuh.. mase tuh rmbut SSH
mcam dlm crite Popcorn kan?..
nak buat correction skit.. ye ke SSH nyanyi lg
Gido a.k.a. Prayer.. bukan ke lagu
Reason?.. cube check balik.. saye rase lagu
Reason la.. tp pling best mase dierorg kena
blakon 1 scene peluk dr blakang.. oppa! ;)

Yeah, masa tu rambut dia cam dlm Popcorn. Sorry! Salah la pulak... SSH nyanyi lagu "Reason". Gomen nasai! Hehe. Scene peluk belakang tu mmg kelakar. Tapi Takki suka tgk SSH nyanyi lagu cam malu

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 19-12-2003 09:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 2003-12-19 03:46 PM:
Wouldn't it be nice kalau mereka berdua dapat berlakon bersama once again, in a film perhaps macam JDG & WB? This time, tak payahlah bergaduh-gaduh lagi ;).

Yup! LBH & SSH in a drama with a much closer bond n SSH & SHG together again in a more cheerful drama. Those are my two wishes. If only K-drama producers are reading this. Hehe.

Pasal Pil-seung (err, tak ingat lak nama dia dlm HT ni)... ingatkan Takki sorang aje yg tak berapa suka watak dia ni. Btul

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 20-12-2003 12:29 AM | Show all posts
Episod arini... satu je nak ckp. Tak suka kat makcik diaorg yg asyik nak Cai Lin jadik menantu dia tu. Bising tul mulut dia. Isk3... geram tul! Ade ke patut buat Tai Chi camtu. Hisy... Pastu suka

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Post time 20-12-2003 12:48 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 20-12-2003 12:29 AM:
Episod arini... satu je nak ckp. Tak suka kat makcik diaorg yg asyik nak Cai Lin jadik menantu dia tu. Bising tul mulut dia. Isk3... geram tul! Ade ke patut buat Tai Chi camtu. Hisy... Pastu suka

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Post time 20-12-2003 03:08 PM | Show all posts

Episode 14 recap & review for the captain.....

After Wen Zhu and Lun Zhu finally met each other, Wen Zhu decided to accept the wedding proposal from Zhao Pi Tao. Though he is a gangster, but he truly loves Wen Zhu and he was always by her side trying to protect her from harm, Wen Zhu told Zhi Suo and Chan Zhu about her wedding but was cruelly scolded by them from making such a ridiculous decision of marrying some gangster. They don't want her to follow their mother's footsteps but Wen Zhu insisted on her decision and asked for their blessings instead (which she did not get, of course).

Tai Fung also objected to the marriage as he was concerned about Wen Zhu and did not want her to marry such a person. He was afraid that she will not have a happy marriage. (Sebelum tu Tai Fung dah bertumbuk dan dibelasah teruk oleh Zao Pi Tao. Dia tak benarkan Wen Zhu berkahwin dengan Pi Tao tapi Wen Zhu tetap dengan keputusannya. Wen Zhu harap sangat Tai Fung akan mengiringinya semasa perkahwinannya nanti tapi Tai Fung beritahu yang dia takkan merestui perkahwinan tersebut. He even went to Zhi Suo minta adiknya tu tangkap Zao Pi Tao sebab dia tak mahu Wen Zhu kahwin dengan the guy tapi Zhi Suo tak berminat nak tolong. Tai Fung beritahu Zhi Suo yang Wen Zhu sebenarnya berhutang dengan Zao Pi Tao, itu sebabnya dia terpaksa kahwin dengan lelaki tu. Bila dengar ni, expression Zhi Suo berubah sebab dia pun berada dalam situasi yang sama but he didn't say anything and left Tai Fung).

At Wen Zhu's wedding, only Lun Zhu was present. Their brother and sister did not turn up. Just as the wedding was about to start, Tai Fung arrived in time to walk his sister down the aisle. Though he cannot bear to see Wen Zhu suffer but neither does he want her to marry in such plight with no family. He wanted to give her away in place of their father. Wen Zhu was in tears as Tai Fung walked her down and gave her hand to Zhao. After the wedding, Chan Zhu went to the wedding hall but everyone was gone. She felt a sense of loss that perhaps she was too late. And Zhi Suo sent someone to gather more information on his new brother-in-law. He is still concerned about his sister though he doesn't show it. (Walaupun Tai Fung tak setuju langsung dengan perkahwinan Wen Zhu tapi dia sedar yang Wen Zhu amat mengharapkan kehadirannya sebagai menggantikan ibu bapa mereka yang telah tiada. The wedding scene was quite funny sebab jemputan sebelah pengantin lelaki semuanya pakai kot hitam, semuanya gangster. Pu He yang sampai lewat masa sesi bergambar dengan pengantin terkejut besar bila tengok ramai sangat gangster di situ. Juga, part masa Tai Fung tak mahu serahkan Wen Zhu pada Zao Pi Tao, habis semua gangster yang ada bangun dan bersedia nak pukul Tai Fung. Tapi Tai Fung tak kisah, siap beri warning lagi pada Pi Tao).

Ever since this matter, Zhi Suo's aunt despises Siu He as a hindrance for Zhi Suo's advancement and was eager to help Zhi Suo and Cai Lin to stay together. At the same time, Cai Lin also make her move to win Zhi Suo over as she has been in love with him for a long time and she believe that she can help him become a rich and powerful person. Zhi Suo is tired from all the burden of poverty, she can be the shoulder for him to lean on, she can make him fly even higher for his career. After aggressive wooing by Cai Lin, Zhi Suo and Siu He began to have a lot of misunderstanding and drifted apart. (Mak sedara Zhi Suo buat plan dengan mengajak Cai Lin & Siu He sama-sama datang dinner di rumah mereka. Tentulah Siu He rasa "semacam" bila tengok Cai Lin di rumah Zhi Suo. The plan was to make Siu He break dengan Zhi Suo).

Zhi Suo is truly and deeply in love with Siu He but at the same time he is really tired. He needed someone that he can lean on, to help him be free of his family burden. Siu He too loved Zhi Suo, but she respected his decision. She believed that is just a phase that it will soon be over. Even when Zhi Suo told her he will stay if she only ask but she still want him to make his own decision and she will respect it no matter what he decided to do.  As she know that Zh Suo really is tired out, and that she need to be like a baseball player last till the end for him.

After the wedding, Tai Fung dan Lun Zhu sedih sebab perkahwinan Wen Zhu hanya dihadiri mereka berdua saja (termasuk Pu He yang datang lambat). Lun Zhu mula beri "hint" yang dia mungkin akan pergi "meninggalkan" Tai Fung dan bagaimana risaunya dia pasal abangnya tu. Tai Fung marah dengan Lun Zhu sebab cakap nak meninggalkannya, katanya Lun Zhu tak boleh ke mana-mana tanpa kebenarannya. Lagipun mereka dah berjanji nak hidup bersama setelah sekian lama terpisah. Suka tengok scene ni sebab Tai Fung betul-betul sayangkan Lun Zhu and he's very protective of her. The way dia "berjanji" dengan Lun Zhu was so cute. (Earlier on, Lun Zhu dah belikan Tai Fung sepasang kot untuk menghadiri perkahwinan Wen Zhu. Walaupun wang simpanannya tak banyak, dia belikan juga kot tu dan Lun Zhu terpaksa melupakan hasratnya nak buat rawatan dialysis).

(Translated HT episode recap by Shirley of BD Yahoo! Group; personal review by yours truly ^_^)

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2003 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 2003-12-18 04:48 PM:
Walaupun LBH sesuai berlakon watak Tai Fung sebab dia versatile tapi kekuatan lakonannya adalah watak serius & berat. IMO, very expressive

same here .. LBH cukup sesuai dlm membawakan watak yg serius & krg bercakap mcm wataknya dlm BD & All In :2cool:

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2003 04:37 PM | Show all posts

Okairi ^_^

Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2003-12-19 11:05 AM:
Takki dlm proses nak download OST Happy Together. ;)

nanti dah dgr semua .. bg tau which is your favourite ok? ;) .. for now .. aku paling suka dgr 1 lagu tu yg pompan nyanyi .. penah dgr dlm drama masa Lun Zhu nyanyi kat kelab ..

Skrg ni Takki suka dengar satu lagu drpd OST Autumn In My Heart. Dok ulang lagu tu jer... Recommended to those interested. Best!

Uhl Ma Na Nae Ga (Sincerely) - Yoon Chang Gun

aku dah d/load & dgr lagu ni .. not bad .. err .. bila dgr tu .. ada part yg mengingatkan aku pd lagu lain .. a sad song .. tp tak blh nak ingat lagu apa & aku dgr di mana :re:

[ Last edited by yellow belmont on 20-12-2003 at 04:42 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2003 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 19-12-2003 03:39 PM:
Kepada yang nak dengar lagu Tears, boleh download the song using the link below. Filenya kecil saja tak sampai 1 MB. But please excuse the audio quality sebab ini bukan versi mp3, just an amateur recorded live-performance by LBH. The song is really nice tapi tak boleh dengar banyak kali, sayu.....

dah d/load & dgr .. another sad song .. tp taklah sayu sgt :2cool:

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Post time 20-12-2003 05:09 PM | Show all posts



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Post time 20-12-2003 06:20 PM | Show all posts

Happy Together


Can't help it, saya dah tengok vcd Happy Together sampai habis tadi but don't worry I won't let out any spoilers here. And the discussion is still on ikut versi ntv7. All I can say that it's an excellent drama to watch. Although not really perfect, ada some slow moments & scenes yang berulang-ulang (which happens in almost all K-dramas) but the story's good as well as the acting. Especially the acting.....

Kalau suka dengan family-oriented dramas, Happy Together memang sesuai ditonton. Hubungan adik-beradik yang renggang tanpa ibubapa untuk menasihati mereka and how they get over their differences.

On second thoughts, memang patut dan sesuai Lee Byung Hun & Song Seung Hun berlakon 'against' each other in this drama. Kalau mereka berlakon as good friends or brothers, then they will just be themselves. Tapi sebagai Tai Fung & Zhi Suo, they really bring out the best in each other. Good acting performance, IMO.

Btw, macam posting shanew3stgalz sebelum ni, disc ke-13 memang ada problem. Halfway through sampai habis, dialog dalam versi Mandarin je. Most probably the mastercopy pun begitu. So, Takki....maybe your copy pun sama juga. :re:

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 20-12-2003 07:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 2003-12-19 02:53 PM:
yelah, kembar... Takki cuti hujung minggu baru boleh 'online' ke?

Nampak gaya, utk masa ni, camtu la... sbb internet connection kat fac ada problem. Tu yg weekend ni asyik mem'posting' aje. Bak kata katt, 'balas dendam'. Hehe.

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