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Note: Thread has been banned by manager
ahnjaehyun replied at 22-10-2017 12:28 PM
sabar yer hajjah, Hadap jer lah . Artis popular kan?
Hajah pakai pewarna kuku kah |
pewarna kuku Zahara, Inglot atau LA Girl (wudhu friendly)? atau pun tgh period?
berapa juta pulak la sale dia bila drama RV ni tayang. free marketing. pandai bisnes betul. kalau dia jual baju pon mesti laku sebab style2 baju dia pakai dalam drama lepas pon bersepah sepah org jual guna nama dia. untunglaaa |
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Note: Thread has been banned by manager
Oh wow kena banned txt. To all forumers be careful with @annehuda pls do not hencap princess mia. @annehuda will deduct your credit smpai beratus |
not just princess mia, tapi forumer lain jugak. not fair for them. hate the artist, not the fan. kalau orang provoke just move on. nk gaduh sila masuk kelas boxing ke muay thai ke. just not in the forum. anggapla ni satu pengajaran to never do it again.
Tgk bts RV, hajjah noor sgt behave
Tak mcm waktu itu, gedik kuasa mega tersondol sondol
Bagus... mcm ni lah perangai muslimah.. Lenkali berlakun dgn hero yg dah kawin saja ye hajjah noor |
Incanto replied at 22-10-2017 03:08 PM
Tgk bts RV, hajjah noor sgt behave
Tak mcm waktu itu, gedik kuasa mega tersondol sondol
@annehuda malas nak kata apa2 |
Uols kutuk hajjah i cc mod jer la ni. |
Edited by Incanto at 22-10-2017 03:15 PM
Bcos i kutuk kerana sayang
Takkan mod nak marah
I lovewarrior
annehuda replied at 22-10-2017 03:05 PM
not just princess mia, tapi forumer lain jugak. not fair for them. hate the artist, not the fan. ...
As for you do not simply use your power. Warn the people first or at least deduct just 10 credits from their account. You attitude is scary, no tolerancy and autocratic. |
cik_luna replied at 22-10-2017 02:28 PM
Hajah pakai pewarna kuku kah
A ah.. Trend hajah skrg kan..color2 kuku |
Edited by Ammar80 at 22-10-2017 04:45 PM
salam sis annehuda
1st time i tgk forumers ditegur oleh mod .. maksudnya kalau nk mengadu pasal mana2 forumers just pm sis ke? maaf sy budak baru belajar ..
so fattzura punya fans kiiranya dh x ngutuk lofa la ye .. kalau betul syukurlah .. lofa dh terlalu banyk kena sis .. apa yg diorang x panggil lofa .. mujurlah kalau dh berubah .. cuma yg sy perasan sis .. fans lofa x pegi masuk thread fattzura dan kacau diorang kt sana .. so sbb tu diorang dlm dunia diorang je ..tp fans fazura selalu masuk mecacaimarbakan thread yg ada nama neelofa sebab tu diorang ni kdg2 hangin dan terover.. sorry sis atas pendapat dr foumer yg suam2 kuku ni..
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