Tashu replied at 15-12-2021 05:06 PM mkn nasik dgn teh beng
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tari replied at 15-12-2021 05:37 PM Jom moyan sat 10, 15 minit lg kita stop
Tashu replied at 15-12-2021 05:32 PM skang ada 3, cik seri ada juga tu
seribulan replied at 15-12-2021 07:09 PM Makan oden pedas & ayam popcorn spicy
seribulan replied at 15-12-2021 07:11 PM Baru nak vroom vroom...
seribulan replied at 15-12-2021 07:11 PM 87 dah
Tashu replied at 15-12-2021 06:21 PM dapat dh oden?
Tashu replied at 15-12-2021 06:21 PM leh sambung skang
seribulan replied at 15-12-2021 07:31 PM Dah ngap habis...gilerr pedas ayam popcorn...
seribulan replied at 15-12-2021 07:32 PM Vroom vroom...konar baring jap...
Tashu replied at 15-12-2021 06:49 PM yeker cakap... bukan pas kawe tanya ke mek bgtau
tari replied at 15-12-2021 07:41 PM Hehehe... ye kot Dh start moyan ek
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